内容简介:龙生龙,凤生凤,疯王的女儿是孽种?作为人人喊打的疯王暴君之女,她不服!左手鬼谷奇术,右手奸谋诡智,玩转魔术,揭露观山、断水、分金、勘木、摘月、化人等秘术,解开百年惊世秘局。只是,半路杀 出个多智近妖、冷血无情第一、桃花风流榜榜首的枭王,寒冬赠她招摇山半山梨花。他挑眉:“你奸我枭,都不是什么好人,我不介意。”“你虐我的心,我虐你的身,公平。”各位书友要是觉得《王爷又黑化了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74354 >>
内容简介: 林昭带着上辈子的记忆,在东湖镇再世为人,然而他面对的处境却并不是十分乐观。一个苛刻的大母,把母子二人压的喘不过气来。少年人甚至只能在东湖镇放牛为生。终于有一天,林昭舍了他放了三年的 大青牛,走进了并不是很远的越州府城。从此……这大周的世道似乎有些不一样了。已有两本两百万字以上的完本书,《无双庶子》《将白》,人品保证,书荒的朋友可以去看一看!书友群:6403558061w0-1810 >>
内容简介:任元穿越西游世界,解锁最强道场系统,根据系统要求疯狂收徒。在道场内无敌的任元无奈之下收了第一个徒弟,一只小猴子。孙悟空如来小儿,俺老孙就是死,也不会帮你西游。又收了一小长虫。小白龙敖烈 如来小儿,竟然让我给你佛教秃驴当坐骑,欺人太甚,我就是死,也不会屈服!之后又收了一个人间的小姑娘。女儿国国王哼,如来,我绝对不会给你们佛门的和尚签订通关文牒,还有这叫唐僧的和尚,丑死了,三界我师尊才是最帅的男人。如来???任元小儿,我与你不共戴天!灵山大雷音寺,如来佛祖的怒吼声响彻三界。各位书友要是觉得《西游:我的徒弟太逆天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得咸鱼爱吃鱼最新小说作品《西游:我的徒弟太逆天》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-26439 >>
内容简介:炮灰Omega辞职不干了炮灰Omega辞职不干了小说阅读穿越重生小说炮灰Omega辞职不干了由作家酸橙创作接档文《说好的演戏呢【ABO】》求收藏~戳我专栏可见!曾经胆小怕事的夏思乔竟然 一个人干翻了五个Alpha?!夏思乔穿书成为校园甜文中炮灰Omega的瞬间,原身正准备当众告白书中男主贺裴。他看着神色冷漠的贺裴,淡定地清了清嗓子“我认为贺裴同学获奖的物理题有更好的解法…”三中的学生一开始只当他在讲笑话,也不瞧瞧在谁面前装学霸呢?直到后来…学渣夏思乔竟然考了年级第二?!众人目瞪口呆jpg夏思乔分化了,众人接着嘲讽“肯定是个不怎么样的Omega~”他们没看到,一向高傲矜贵的的校草贺裴,正把夏思乔按在角落“你怎么这么好闻?”小剧场“看到没有,隔壁学校校草正在大门口等夏思乔!”“看到了!话说夏思乔人呢?”夏思乔在哪?夏思乔正被堵在楼梯间,神色不善地盯着环住他的手臂“放开。”昔日的高岭之花校草贺裴耍赖一样将他圈在怀里“再往外走一步我就要亲你了。”开始矜贵冷漠后来又撩又骚(攻)X表面桀骜恣肆实则外硬内软(受)接档文文案简宁重生后被造星系统绑定,出名以后才可以自由。出道第一天参加颁奖礼,经纪人再三叮嘱他不要招惹顾衍琛。简宁在楼梯间信誓旦旦地保证”我知道,顾衍琛不是好人,我肯定绕着他走。“却没看到拐角处身型忻长的Alpha饶有兴致的目光。简宁第二天就被顾衍琛找上门来。顾衍琛指向桌子上的恋爱合约,语调懒散“跟我演情侣,这些钱都归你。”简宁被系统威胁着ooc,澄亮的双眼眨了眨“我不要钱,只要…”“哦?那你想要什么?”顾衍琛黑沉的眸子划过一丝兴味简宁痛快鞠躬“我要资源,越多越好,谢谢老板!干一行爱一行,您放心,我肯定给您演到位了!”顾衍琛“……”简宁觉悟极高,在片场也不忘营业。顾衍琛今天吃了蛋糕,可是没你甜,想你。然后侧头看向坐在旁边的顾衍琛“啊?你说什么?请我吃饭?”合约第一条绝对不能忘本,不许粘人。简宁边往门外走边向金主表达关心“不用不用,你快回去吧,再晚点就只能留宿在这边了。”顾衍琛一边看着特别关注新发的微博,一边看着小坏蛋毫不留恋的背影“……”简宁发情热到了,面色潮红。他看着眸色幽深的顾衍琛,声音绵软,带着轻吟。“抑制剂给我,你放心我自己可以的!”顾衍琛手指一松,抑制剂砸碎在地面。“乖,咱们不演了好不好?”顾衍琛亲吻着简宁后颈,低哑地说。玩世不恭毒舌美人攻X软萌可爱憨憨脑补受全程无虐小甜饼,可放心食用~1v1双洁小兵提供炮灰Omega辞职不干了最新章节炮灰Omega辞职不干了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-83737 >>
内容简介:穿越到1925年,成为从西点军校、D国军事学院毕业的张大帅第二子张宗卿。偶获超级军工设计系统,各式超时代武器纷纷涌现。彼时,时局维艰,华国尚未一统。羸弱的华国面对虎视眈眈的倭奴国,张牙 舞爪的大熊国。世界格局风云涌变,华国在二公子的带领下自此复兴,傲立于世。张汉青:“谁敢欺负我,你们知道我二弟是谁?我二弟是大帅,我就是扛着二弟的旗子1w18826-26192 >>
内容简介:翻开史书,宋朝绝对是一个让人意难平的朝代。经济、文化发达,但是军事力量孱弱,受尽欺辱;然而曹操穿越成武大郎之后,一切都不一样了……潘金莲变得忠贞了;岳飞不含冤而死了;宋朝也不积贫积弱了 ;诸位好汉,且随我曹操一起平金灭辽,一统天下!1w0-105615 >>
内容简介:当唐僧师徒四人在灵山受封的时候,灵山脚下,一个看起来像是乞丐的男子眼中流露出不屑之色,他恨恨的低声说道:“如来,俺老孙,会回来的。”n不一样的西游,齐天大圣的复仇之旅。1w0-1287 38 >>
内容简介:重生的李谷雨再度回到那个十七岁小山村,一切的一切都还来得及,所有的事情都还没有发生,她没有嫁给傻子,没有被打流产,再度回归后,画风好像有点变了啊“唉,唉,唉说你呢!你怎么回事啊?你凭什 么管我的事情啊!”某男媳妇要做的事情我一定去做,一定让媳妇好好养胎!“噗!你说什么!谁是你媳妇!谁有胎要养啊!!!”(h)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《八零年代小军嫂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78450 >>
内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:我!魔剑,仙宗签到三百年】穿越到仙侠世界中,成为剑冢内一把剑的剑灵,可让苏白没有想到的是,激活的居然是魔剑签到系统。在正道剑冢内,成为了一把魔剑,是怎样的一种感受 ?签到100次,获得神格【永恒不灭】。签到1000次,获得技能【寒极无双】。……签到10万次,获得天赋【诅咒之灵】。并且,这一签到就是三百年。某天,当太玄剑宗遭受灭宗之时,新晋宗门圣女慕凌霜含泪请出魔剑,当魔剑出世,天下皆为止震颤!小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72831 >>
1) No.99: Ningen Omocha The Marquis Banford and his wife die in tragic circumstances leaving Graham, their butler, with the heavy burden of raising their sole heir, Leonard. Leonard is young and Graham chooses to raise him in a selfish and unrestrained manner. Anything he wishes, his butler will grant. One day Graham returns to the castle with another rare toy for his master. The 99th toy to be presented to Leonard. A human toy. 2) Ougon Shima (The Golden Island) On an island where young boys are building a wing for a giant crow, two boys deal with their feelings for each other. 3) Ou to Majin to Mahoutsukai (The Prince, the Devil and the Wizard) Long ago, in a country called Arabia, a beautiful young man stole a mirror from a magician. There is a catch, however; this mirror possesses the power of the devil and whoever holds it will face a life of misery. What will happen when a young magician tries to steal the mirror back?
As a continuation of Rozen Maiden, the story starts with an older Jun, who is now a university student. While working at a bookstore as his part time job, he finds an unaddressed copy of the first issue of a weekly magazine 'How to Make a Girl' containing a spring. He brings it home, and soon starts receiving further issues of the magazine by post, each issue having one part of a doll's body as a gift. One day, after putting much effort into assembling the fifth Rozen Maiden doll Shinku, he receives a notification that the publication has been cancelled, leaving him with an incomplete doll. Suddenly, he receives a mysterious text message from his old number, claiming to be the Jun Sakurada asking for help against the seventh Rozen Maiden doll Kirakisho... Note: The official title of this Shueisha edition in Japanese is ローゼンメイデン in katakana, in order to set it apart from the title of the 'original' Gentosha edition, which was 'Rozen Maiden' in Latin letters while katakana only served as a pronunciation aid (furigana).
On the once-peaceful planet of Industria, constant battles have been fought over control of the planet. Astro is a dim witted but kind boy who tirelessly works to feed his 'family,' a group of orphaned children. One day, after being fired from his most recent job, the prince of Industria, Bulge, appears in front of him. And even more shocking, Prince Bulge looks and sounds exactly like Astro! One thing leads to another, and Astro now has to take Bulge's place as the heir to the throne of Industria! Suddenly, he's faced with the task of bringing peace and harmony back to this war-torn planet! (Source Red Hawk NEO)
A series of short stories. -Dojiko & Hero: Mana is a manager of the boys' basketball club of Saijo High School. She repeats blunders, but always tries as hard as she can! She is a first-year student, and in one-sided love with Haruka, an ace player. Haruka is so cool that he is likely to be isolated in the club. Mana wants to help him, but...!? -Fool For You Nanase's childhood friend, Youta, is four years older. He left 3 years ago for university and has recently returned for only a week. Although he is a fool, Nanase loves him. -We're Not Involved Chika, an upcoming model, saves Sagiri while she's being harassed by a guy in the street, and Sagiri is so mad that he bribed the guy to leave that she insists on paying her schoolmate back... -The Hallway Rumors 'Wherever you are.. I will always find you,' thinks Kooko about Akihiro, one of her guy friends, whom she likes. Akihiro already has a girlfriend though, and this girlfriend also happens to ask Kooko to help her make a cake for Valentine's Day...
Nothing Sacred summary: Nothing Sacred summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nothing Sacred. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Spiritualists and the Detectives summary: The Spiritualists and the Detectives summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Spiritualists and the Detectives. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Slayers summary:
“Slayers follows the adventures of teenage sorceress Lina Inverse and her companions as they journey through their world. Using powerful magic and swordsmanship they battle overreaching wizards, demons seeking to destroy the world, dark lords, and the occasional hapless gang of bandits.”
The Brownings summary: The Brownings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brownings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.