


简介凡田夏之介是一名高中毕业就加入职棒,年薪1800万的选手,靠着左侧投这项独特的武器,他即使混得不上不下,仍有口饭吃。 而在他眼中,职棒选手都是可以用钱去衡量的!年薪就代表着职棒选手的地位,即使当季表现再良好的选手,只要年薪不如自己,仍会被凡田瞧不起。透过这平凡的职棒选手,职棒不为人知的另外一面即将被被揭露






















类别恋爱 后宫










内容简介:免费提供作者最强0突的经典小说:《重生:从一家网咖开始!》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说“叮,网咖会员人数达到100人,奖励【皇家御厨技能】。”“叮,网咖会 员人数达到500人,奖励【神级医术】。”“叮,网咖会员人数达到1000人,奖励【超级士兵血清】。”“叮,网咖会员充值金额达到1000元,奖励【神级唱功】。”“叮,网咖会员充值金额达到5000元,奖励【神级悟性】。”“叮,竞技战队获得全国冠军,奖励【棋圣】。”重生到03年的秦广,开网咖,建立竞技战队,开竞技酒店,呃,一不1w0-83545 >>


内容简介:穿越到玄幻版的战国东瀛,百鬼夜行,战乱不断。本以为我也能进入玄幻的领域,却没想到自己没有任何修炼天赋,武士、忍者、僧人、阴阳师一个也当不了。好不容易穿越一次,人生没追求和咸鱼还有什么区 别?哪怕是堕入妖道…1w0-72659 >>


内容简介:聋哑儿童学校校长,将这平淡的一生献给学校,献于学生,偶有逗鸟钓鱼下棋解闷,性子淡漠,谁承想闯入活力四射的萝莉少女,在他面前丑态百出,惹他心烦恼怒,让他展开欢笑。萝莉少女驾到,任凭你岿然 不动,也要百般计谋,让你束手就擒。当老干部校长遇到活力少女护士小姐姐,老干部的生活到此结束。许久后的某一天,聋哑学院传来:“温校长夜夜笙箫,从此学校的早会改成晚会。孩子们的贴心罗护士呀,要改口啦!”初次见面,我于你是素昧生平的好感;初次见面,你于我是四月天的人间欢喜。1w0-98466 >>


内容简介:我真的不想做神豪啊无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《我真的不想做神豪啊》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情小说,小兵免费提供我真的不想做神豪啊最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-28942 >>


内容简介:  你相信吗?一个人的人生,从你性格成型的那一刻就已经注定,虽然人生会有很多机遇和很多选择,但当你面对这些机遇和选择的时候,你的性格和认知早已注定了你会如何选择,作为一个注定的失败者, 您是否愿意从此刻起重塑您的人生?人生模拟器,改变未来,改变人生,你值得拥有。洛阳城外,吕布跨坐在赤兔马上随着队伍行驶在宽敞的驿道之上,脑海中那如同梦魇般的信息再度涌来,耳畔还有那欠揍的声音不断萦绕,不多,但却反复不断地说,如同夏日的蚊蝇一般在你耳畔不断闪过,还打不死,让吕布烦闷不堪。1w0-2554 >>


内容简介:受尽人白眼的萧然,因为一次莫名其妙的车祸,意外地发现自己的身体里,多出一块逆天的神秘玉佩。这块神秘玉佩,隐藏着数不清的特殊异能和逆天功法。至此,他的人生际遇,发生翻天覆地变化。魔界热火 美女,蜀山冰山美女,女神,警花,精纯校花,萝莉,一个接一个出现在他的身边。是爱慕,还是别有所图?家族之间的明争暗斗,政界的尔虞我诈,修真界的残酷决斗。且看一个卑微的人,如何开创自己的商业帝国,掌握至高无上的权势,纵横三界,把各路美女囊括怀抱中。杀戮、热血、夺宝,只为求生,只为成为人上人。知己武道群(一群)230493446(二群)2560292981w0-106592 >>


内容简介:《穿书后我靠当情报贩子成神了》小说简介:微博JJ江山沧澜景姵是个大神作家,创作了众多大火的作品,却太监上瘾,惹得读者怨气沸腾,车祸后意外穿进了自己的作品世界里,而且还是全部作品世界融合 的大杂烩世界。多个不同世界融合使得这个世界变成了一个普通人活着很艰难的高危世界,夜间神出鬼没无人知晓真面目的杀人狂魔、随时可能出现在任何地方的恐怖袭击、企图毁灭世界的阴谋……还有无数迷茫痛苦渴求着各种真相的人们。景姵:不捉急不捉急,你们想知道的答案我都有。马上开起情报铺子,只要你出得起钱,你就能从这里买到任何你想得到的答案,价格实惠,童叟无欺,绝对保真。——向警方发起挑战的凶手、悬在天边牢笼里的天使、地上带来灾难的怪物……这个世界有数不尽的谜题,让人绝望。章推雪拖着沉重的身躯,追寻着仿佛永无揭晓之日的真相,以为这辈子就这样了,却在某一天,突然发现自己的口袋里多了一张名片。【解谜情报屋】然后,他用了10万块,得到了他苦苦寻找半生的答案。章推雪:……——各位书友要是觉得《穿书后我靠当情报贩子成神了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!穿书后我靠当情报贩子成神了最新章节地址:1w0-99800 >>


内容简介:【片段一】她匆匆赶到法院,呼吸困难,强忍心绞。他冷笑不语,将她扔在被告席上。一场官司下来,他的句句指证,如万箭穿心。勾引盛世集团总裁的罪名,让她成为豪门,被驱逐出门……【片段二】他扼住 她的咽喉,俯身逼近:“你刚才说什么?”“死了。”她低敛眼眸,嗓音艰涩。他一愣,继而擭紧她水嫩娇躯,前所未有的暴虐:“苏琉璃,找不到孩子,我拿你偿命!”隔日,她所在的大宅失火,仆人们说,看见夫人抱着小少爷失心疯一般跳入火海。1w0-28816 >>


内容简介:关键词:【宇智波·斑】【异世争霸】【诸天万界】【和平】【声明】【本书斑爷性格】【霸道】、【冷酷】、【强大】、【善谋】、【喜欢玩耍】、【喜欢热血沸腾,拳拳到肉的战斗】、【喜欢一打多】、【 喜欢越级挑战】、【喜欢超越不可能得极限】、【无情而又有情】、【对认之人柔情】【没了】被抽干的宇智波斑,挣脱命运的枷锁,再活一世。“这一世,我斑要天上地下无敌!”依靠对力量的独到见解,斑走出了一条前无古人的武道之路。从此逆天而起,沐浴天劫而行。他以同阶无敌之势横扫凤遗秘境,以碾压敌手之态纵横万族战场食莲蜕变终得道1w45849-76808 >>


内容简介:龙脉大陆,万族林立,宗门无数,武者为尊。强者毁天灭地,弱者匍匐如蚁。少年陈枫,丹田如铁,无法修炼,受尽冷眼。偶得至尊龙血,神秘古鼎,从此逆天崛起,横空出世!娇俏妖狐,冷傲女皇,魔门妖女 ,神族公主,尽皆入我怀中。修无上传承,凝最强武魂,坐拥众美,傲视…1w1378-27596 >>


内容简介:女友被非礼,陈平为保护女友而坐牢,可三年后出狱,女友却嫁给了当年施暴者…………陈平悲愤不已,幸好在狱中习得凝心诀,陈平从此走上修仙之路,身边美女陪伴,前女友悔恨不已!1w31519-3 1529 >>

Ender No Game

Based on the novel of the same name by Orson Scott Card, in which the hopes of mankind rest on the shoulders of genius children trained to combat the impending alien threat, Shuho Sato's one-shot focuses on the story of young Ender Wiggin. From the time he was three years old, has been monitored by the military to determine whether he has what it takes to enter Battle School, a specialized school in outer space where the brightest children are trained in the intricacies of war and command. Considered to be humanity's savior, Ender struggles with the pressures of the expectations placed on him, and with his own internal struggle between his conflicting empathic and destructive capacities as a tool of war.

Kenjutsu Komachi

Komachi Mizuno's family runs a shrine and a sword fighting dojo, but she doesn't like fighting and often skips out on practice. On Komachi's 16th birthday, she is mysteriously transported to another world similar to classical Japan. There she learns of a certain God who holds the key for her return. She will learn what she holds dear, but will she be able to complete her mission tin order to return?

Joushi No Okiniiri

[From Fantasyshrine] Collection of oneshots: Sakurai is a new hire who is having a secret relationship with his boss, Chief Akimoto. Even though the chief is gentle, suave, and unexpectedly, a pro when it comes to the H-department, he’s still an “old man” in Sakurai’s eyes! However, Akimoto sees right through the rather naive Sakurai and spoils him to the point that keeps him demanding for more… until they both come to regret it! This is the debut of Yoshihara Yuuka’s salary-man romance! Quick Reference of story titles and pages they begin at: 1.Boss’ Favorite (pg 10); 2.Secrets Under the Suit (pg. 36); 3.Until There’s Love (pg. 60); 4.Cat Lover (pg. 84); 5.Butterfly and Flower Lovers (pg. 120); 6.Secretary’s Choice (pg. 144); 7.The Favorite Subordinate (pg. 170)

Nabari No Ou

From Wikipedia: Set in the modern age, the story is about Miharu Rokujou, who just wanted to live a normal life and inherit an Okonomiyaki restaurant. At the moment, his biggest problem was the constant pestering from Kouichi Aizawa and Durandal Thobari Kumohira, who started a Nindō (忍道?, lit. 'Way of the Ninja') Club. Miharu wanted nothing to do with 'ninjas' and turns them down every time. But soon, he is attacked by an actual group of ninjas and is protected by Kouichi and Kumohira. There, Miharu learns of the hidden ninja world Nabari, the roles of his classmate and teacher in that world, and of the secret art Shinra Banshou (森羅万象 Shinrabanshō?, lit. 'all things in nature') within him. The secret art, containing all the world's knowledge, is sorely coveted in Nabari. And because of that, Miharu cannot return to his normal life. He must become the 'Ruler of Nabari' to survive. From Baka-Updates: Rokujou Miharu was a seemly reluctant junior high student living in his own world. However, within him, lurked the ultimate power of Nabari, “Omnipotent”. To possess such supreme weapon, the Wolf Pack of Iga swore to bring Miharu back to Iga village. On the other hand, Miharu’s English teacher, Kumohira sensei, and classmate, Kouichi, were the Banten ninjas whose mission was to protect Miharu. A war waged over the ownership of “Omnipotent” thus started. To survive, Miharu must enter the hidden world Nabari, to become the king.

The Thrilling Sword

The Thrilling Sword summary: Ye Xuan is a very good doctor. Even though he is only 14-15 years, he has been learning medicine with his grandpa since he was 3 years old. His grandpa is a legendary doctor, of the Medicinal Dao Master level just one step shy of the ultimate level.
But his grandpa suddenly died after trying to cure a mysterious person with the “Hundred Evils Body” and Ye Xuan is now trying to survive together with his uncle. His grandpa left the first half of his doctor’s manual to Ye Xuan. The other half is in the hands of a former friend of his grandpa who now refuses to return it.
Ye Xuan has to become strong to retrieve the 2nd half of the manual. The first half of the manual contains a special acupuncture method which allows Ye Xuan to cultivate much faster than normal people.
When his uncle suddenly disappeared, leaving only a note with the word “flee!” on it, Ye Xuan is left on his own to survive in this world.
When Ye Xuan finally made it into a sect, he was forced to join a waning division of the sect where he is the sole student of a beautiful woman. His master…

The End Of This Fairytale Is One Hell Of A Drama

The End Of This Fairytale Is One Hell Of A Drama summary: The End Of This Fairytale Is One Hell Of A Drama summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The End Of This Fairytale Is One Hell Of A Drama. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Undertones summary: Undertones summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Undertones. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Three Years in Tristan da Cunha

Three Years in Tristan da Cunha summary: Three Years in Tristan da Cunha summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Three Years in Tristan da Cunha. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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