简介醉酒的温凉无意识的呼唤着霍东铭的名字犹如致命的诱惑。“温凉,可能只有把你变成我的女人,你才不会逃跑吧。。。”霍东铭捏紧了拳头,狠狠把温凉压在身下。四年前你不辞而别,四年后我不会再让你从我身边跑开,你永远都是我的女人。 ---请看霸道总裁和灰姑娘的爱情血泪史,豪门之间的倾轧和算计
内容简介:【【2019云起现实题材征文大赛】参赛作品】本书讲述的是灵族族长之女因向往俗世,在偷溜到俗世后,由于一些原因当上了明星助理后,展开的一系列发生的事……一个小情景:寻找妹妹的陆明轩,打开 香包一看里面有着陆无忧的头发和一张纸条。陆明轩:“……”很好,不愧是他妹妹!也是够了解自己的啊!!!某女表示:哼!别以为就你了解我!陆明轩打开纸本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《陆无忧的助理日常》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-47674 >>
内容简介:林佑穿越到斗罗大陆,觉醒了魂兽图鉴收集系统。只要不断收集魂兽,将它们纳入图鉴之中,就可以获得丰厚的奖励!【您收录了百年“凤尾鸡冠蛇”图鉴,获得奖励“先天满魂力”!】【您收录了千年“暗金 恐爪熊”图鉴,获得奖励“外附魂骨”!】【您收录了十万年“蓝银皇”图鉴,开启绑定“蓝银皇武魂”,获得“阿银”人类形态!】集合魂兽的力量,他一步步屹立于世界强者之巅。林佑:“唐三?武魂殿?两大帝国?……不,我只对魂兽感兴趣,谁也别想阻挡我成为魂兽饲养员!”唐三:“万恶的林佑!不许碰我妈!”玉小刚:“此人强得完全不讲道理,我的理论崩塌了!”比比东:“十万年魂兽都被林佑收走了!想要魂环,难道要我去求他才行吗?”拳打唐三,揭穿大师,征服武魂殿。斗罗大陆真正的守护神只有一个。p1w0-78936 >>
内容简介:穿越到玄幻世界,秦元绑定了一个游戏面板;只要摇骰子就可以获得各种天赋;于是秦元在娘胎里摇了十年骰子,刚出生就获得了十个顶级天赋:【天命之子】:幸运顶级;【谪仙下凡】:魅力顶级;【天妒英 才】:悟性顶级;【人族圣体】:体魄顶级;【仙帝血脉】:修炼资质顶级;【元素之力】:灵根资质顶级;【剑痴传承】:剑术精通顶级;【绝世奇遇】:顶点小说开局获得一本顶级功法;【鬼谷内门】:开局获得一本顶级法术秘笈;【一诺千金】:开局获得一位佳人至死不渝的追随!……天道与魔道对弈,人间生灵涂炭,民不聊生;无数修士奋起反抗,却如蚍蜉撼树,螳臂当车;万年后,秦元破关而出,一拳打碎了天道,一剑屠灭了魔道!各位书友要是觉得《开局顶级气运,苟到万年成圣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w68630-82328 >>
内容简介:喜欢《偷听心声,开局云霄提剑砍定光仙》可从下列图标分享《偷听心声,开局云霄提剑砍定光仙》每人日限一次分享偷听心声,开局云霄提剑砍定光仙多了无效分享越多偷听心声,开局云霄提剑砍定光仙更新 越快哦1w0-80711 >>
内容简介:(人美心野骄纵大小姐x斯文禁欲金融巨鳄老狐狸)南歌最近一直想换掉自己的兰博基尼,但凑来凑去就差几万块。在她的软磨硬泡下,哥哥给她找了份使命感十足的好差事——银河护胃队,简称送外卖。第一 天上岗,她一路身残志坚,把外卖送到了住在富人区的金融大佬沈晏清手里。——沈晏清,淮城商界神话,为人低调鲜少在媒体前露面。合作过的人都说他是批着温柔皮的清冷谪仙。看似温润有礼面面俱到,实际上本人绝情的很,一直以来没人能走进他的心。一次意外,沈晏清遇到一个颇有好感的小姑娘,本以为很难再见,直到某个雪天他点了个外卖,门打开,熟悉的身影站在门口:“沈先生晚上好,我是irelyn餐厅的外卖员,这是您的餐。祝您用餐愉快!”那晚,南歌捧着外卖,眼睛和鼻尖被风吹得红红的,像是只闯入猎人陷阱毫无防备的小兔子。沈晏清以为南歌是个勤工俭学的小可怜,从那之后,便一直点外卖叫她来送,照顾她的工作。直到有一天他的车坏了临时要出门——来送外卖并听到他有急事的南歌:“我有车啊,我送你过去!”沈晏清还在犹豫该怎么拒绝她那四面漏风的小电驴时,结果转头就看到她掏出车钥匙轻轻一按。不远处,一辆价值三百万的兰博基尼车灯一闪:“愣着干嘛,上车呀!”“……”(一句话简介:我开着兰博基尼送外卖体验生活,霸总自我攻略后爱我爱到无法自拔 ̄▽ ̄)阅读指南:1男主受邀只在女主学校开过一次讲座,不是师生关系。2女主没有刻意隐瞒身份,没有装穷,是男主误会。3男主不是见色起意,两人先前见过三次。各位书友要是觉得《我开兰博基尼送外卖》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-112122 >>
内容简介:手机阅读《灵气复苏,还好我能穿诸天》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读穿越到异世的陈宇,在发现这同样是一个高楼大厦,车水马龙的世界后感觉问题不大。不过………看着手机上方的弹窗,“大明科学院又…… ”我大明这是向天向天再借五百年啊,陈宇感觉也还好。但是……看着在夜晚闪耀的白色大日。陈宇感觉有点不太对劲。不过看着自己能够穿越诸天的系统,陈宇感觉问题还在可控范围内。应该……然后…………某个仙侠世界。“陈宇,我们道宗发现了一个正在由小千升为大千的世界,你带领我们道宗的弟子作为先锋前往查看一下。”已经成为道天宗嫡传弟子的陈宇,“……”……诸神世界。“殿下,神殿的观测者发现了……”作为这个世界神灵之一的陈宇,“……”……巫师世界。“冕下,我们发现了一个正在升纬的世界……”已在这个世界成就七级的陈宇,“……”……1w0-42311 >>
内容简介:《重生之军妻凌人》为作者紫若非创作,作品重生之军妻凌人章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供紫若非精心编写原创重生之军妻凌人及无弹窗重生之军妻凌人全文免费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于重生之军妻凌 人:她是佣兵界大名在外的女王,一不留神,招了小人的背叛,重生在了废材大小姐的身上,从此在军营混的风生水起,灭渣男,虐渣女,勾男人,简直成了人生赢家。洛静姝,京都洛家大小姐,十八岁生日前,她是京都女混混,十八岁生日后,她却成了身穿绿军装的新兵,外人都说洛静姝摔坏了脑子!厉靖云,京都厉家大少,喜怒无常,手段毒辣,狡猾腹黑,这是外人眼里的厉大少,流氓,禽兽,无赖,这是洛静姝给他的定义。女主篇:“厉队,洛静姝把新兵班长打了!”厉靖云扶额……“厉队,洛静姝端了我方一个侦察营!”厉靖云捶胸……“厉队,洛静姝把选拔教官给秒杀了!”厉靖云开始后悔当初把这女人弄进军营了。男主篇:“洛洛,我受伤了”厉靖云抬着自己只是一点擦伤的胳膊来到洛静姝面前求安慰。洛静姝连正眼都不给一个,拿着装备直接走开,临走时来了句。“厉靖云,走路不用手!”厉靖云泪崩……这是一部男强女强军旅文,热血正能量,且看男主如何无赖纠缠俘获冷血无爱的女主放心。简介无能,欢迎入坑,一对一双洁。此文别名《厉少追妻记》《特种女王撩夫记》《佣兵女王重生》1w0-96281 >>
Ogata is in Love with Takasugi and decides to confess his love but Ogata turns him down although he has also fell for him. Why would you ask me ? They are both Seme ! Seikimatsu Darling 2006 (Sequel)
In Nohara Mini's 'Chocolate-Covered Almonds,' a woman thinks about someone from her past.
Read Battle Royale Manga Battle Royale Manga has been accommodated into a manga that was serialized, composed by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi, was released in Japan by Akita Publishing. Tokyopop consists of 15 volumes and distributes in English the manga. There's a manga sequel called Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale. At October 2007, a fresh special version of the manga will probably be published. The manga follows the storyline of the novel fairly carefully, but additionally enlarges on the back story of all the pupils. Additionally it is much more sexually graphic as opposed to movie and novel versions, and can also be noted for the extreme violence. In addition, the English version of manga alters the time the story is occur by nearly 10 years, utilizing the phrase 'in the close future', but on Shogo Kawada's account, it references the software 2005 period; he claims his last application was a year-ago, resulting in the supposition the manga establishes the story in 2006. In quantity among the English language variation, the information channel reporter as well as Shinji Mimura mentions the 2007 report of seven hours, three times and twenty two minutes. To the 2009 period, which will be the 2009 one Kamon refers in quantity 14. Not one of the dates are mentioned in the first Japanese version. Seemingly they were formulated by Keith Giffen through the variation (see below) along with a number of other particulars nonexistent in the authentic. The manga revolves around seven main figures, for instance, righteous Shuya Nanahara, the tender and affectionate Noriko Nakagawa, the case-hardened expert Shogo Kawada, the pro Shinji Mimura, the kindhearted kungfu expert Hiroki Sugimura, the distressed Mitsuko Souma, as well as the cool, merciless Kazuo Kiriyama. As of January 2006, all 1-5 volumes are released in Japan. In Great Britain and the United States all 1-5 of the volumes are released as of April 2006. Primary Character in Battle Royal manga Shuya Nanahara is among the three primary protagonists plus a fictional Japanese pupil. Shuya, who's nicknamed 'Shu', lives in the fictional city Shiroiwa in Kagawa Prefecture. Noriko Nakagawa is the primary female protagonist of the show. She's among the class of third year pupils in Shuya's college. Noriko has a crush on Shuya, whom she admired for his songs and songwriting. Battle Royale Manga's Characters Shogo Kawada is the victor of an earlier Program as well as a transfer pupil. In the start he joins up with all the both of these and satisfies Shuya and Noriko. Kazuo Kiriyama is the main opponent, who attempts to win the Program (utilizing a coin toss to determine whether or not he performs), killing the most quantity of pupils in the class making him the biggest risk. It's afterwards mentioned he'd experienced an automobile crash in a youthful age (where he watched his mother's passing), causing brain injury and resulting in too little emotions and sorrow. Mitsuko Souma is the secondary antagonist, regarded among the very beautiful women in the system, she's also the female together with the most kills, along with the most deranged, in using her womanly wiles and power to feign feelings to falsify afterward kill her school mates triumphing. It's later shown that these emotional issues come from the following sexual abuse she received from her step-father in addition to physical abuse from her very own mom, as well as her dad after her parents divorced, leaving.
Quaint Epitaphs summary: Quaint Epitaphs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Quaint Epitaphs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
On A Donkey's Hurricane Deck summary: On A Donkey's Hurricane Deck summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On A Donkey's Hurricane Deck. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Honourable Mr. Tawnish summary: The Honourable Mr. Tawnish summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Honourable Mr. Tawnish. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ruth Arnold summary: Ruth Arnold summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ruth Arnold. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.