简介来跟小学生学习撩妹技能吧!面瘫却情话点满分的小正太&爱吃醋却又容易害羞的小萝莉的甜甜蜜蜜的日常。这才是青梅竹马,这才是两小无猜!《no words》弟弟篇,哥哥弟弟一起来,保证苏的你不要不要的!【每周三更新,责编:阿丁】
内容简介:“别动”楮实突然摁住宋望舒的肩膀。“怎…怎么了?”宋望舒愣了一下问道。“你今天没洗干净脸吗?为什么你的眼屎会发光?”“……”“楮实我去你大爷!”狂拽炫酷沙雕女VS外表禁欲冷淡男神实则毒 舌幼稚儿(1v1)追更:ωoо1⒏υip1w84227-120488 >>
内容简介:长英候的一对子女,兄妹感情浓厚,容淳身边的友人常调侃容旦是他的小影子。没人会料想,容旦对容淳暗藏了情愫。唯一知道这个秘密的竹马,从容旦儿时最喜欢欺负她,却帮她守住了这个秘密,还上门提了 亲。却不想,大婚前夜,一切都变了。还是那个文案废…逻辑为剧情服务剧情+肉,伪骨科,含囚禁play,he。男主人数暂定三人,不会减可能会加1w0-82004 >>
内容简介:此为《大小姐人设崩了!》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《大小姐人设崩了!》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供大小姐人设崩了!最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1 w0-70004 >>
内容简介:2185年,从高维通道传送过来的低级虫子占据了整个太阳系,人类被迫背井离乡,舍弃太阳系寻找新的家园,一路走来,流浪的地球舰队发现事情远远不是虫族入侵那么简单,整个银河系的文明都陷入了一 场巨大的阴谋中。这是一个囊括银河系背景宏大的科幻故事,没有机甲进化,没有基因超神,更没有修炼渡劫。1w0-60310 >>
内容简介: 选秀那年,她才十三岁,出身寒微,瘦瘦弱弱,跪在一群秀女中毫不起眼,所有人都嘲笑她穷酸鬼,不自量力,可谁能想到,她居然稀里糊涂入被太后选进来凑数。入宫之后,她成了最末流的九品采女,吃 最差的饭菜,穿最简单的衣裳,住最偏远的宫殿。所有人都说她一辈子都见不到皇上,可偏偏,她头一天就被翻了牌。第一回侍寝,她紧张又害怕,把嬷嬷教的全都忘完了,还因为偷吃点心被皇上抓了个正着。这次连她自己都觉得死定了,可偏偏皇上没生气,还让人给她做了许多好吃的送回去。后宫众人:“……”自此,叶思娴过上了谨小慎微、战战兢兢的深宫奋斗生活。明枪也得躲,暗箭也得防,君宠也得争,娃儿也得生……有时候叶思娴也会想,作为一个七品芝麻官的女儿,又这么笨,进宫给皇上当妃子,究竟是幸运,还是不幸?1w0-3443 >>
内容简介:【1】常居榜单之首,专辑销量逾千万的顶流歌手贺云沂落拓不羁,清疏寡敛,对任何事都不屑一顾,被万千迷妹誉为华语歌坛的无上神话。粉圈内一句「只消他一眼,爱神坠落凡间」火遍大街小巷,连圈内最 顶尖的娱评人都打趣道,“谁能够将这样的人拉下神坛,谁就拥有了全世界。”后来一段小道视频被放出——贺云沂打横扛起一位女生上了车。两人之后进入酒店时,媒体只来得及抓拍到一张背面照。画面里,女生的腰肢细如蒲柳,纤白莹润,只盈盈一握。模糊的像素中,隐约可见贺云沂扶在女孩腰侧的手。热搜引爆,粉丝登时炸成了一锅。【2】绯闻过后,贺云沂成功三连华鼎奖最佳男歌手。全网欢声中,他应邀参加时下热度最高的访谈录。宣发会上,制片方为了吸引流量,当场电话连线贺云沂。简单的问候进行到半程,他只慵懒应了几句,另一道甜润的嗓音倏然传入:“贺云沂,你不要太过分......!”现场观众:什么过分......?等等,这声音,好他妈耳熟啊!「耳熟吧」「是的没错虽然我也不想但确实又是我「对不起,我好像成为了,那个拥有全世界的人。」【夏至日长,爱你轻狂】【去那云巅之上,俯瞰万千】不羁顶流X向阳小腰精【食葱指南】:1.无原型,请不要ky2.坚定的双c双初党=3=3.杰克苏杰克苏超级杰克苏4.无需杠,设定如此可直接不看1w0-4568 >>
内容简介:【第一更1200,第二更2000。微博关注作者耿灿灿,更新消息第一时间获取】齐照初次见到温欢时,她站在齐家别墅前,清纯无辜,柔柔弱弱,一身天蓝色裙摆,腼腆地喊他:“齐……齐哥哥……”女 孩子好看是好看,只可惜,是个小结巴。他嚣张跋扈惯了,最喜欢欺负人。可到了她面前,却一句凶话都不敢说。就怕她哭。她一哭,眼泪往下掉,砸得他心都碎了。一次竞赛结束后,温欢为校争光,提前回家。猴子酒吧,音乐声震耳欲聋手机屏幕亮起,来电显示——“小结巴”。通话时,齐照一脸冷静,通话结束后,他却急得手忙脚乱。“齐哥,出什么事了,你先别急。”流光溢彩的灯光打下来,齐照火烧火燎地地找东西,最后从书包里掏出本《五年高考三年模拟》。众人面面相觑。淮大附中人人都怕的二世祖齐照此时懊恼慌张脸:“她布置的作业老子还差一百道题,能他妈不急吗!”“…”齐照儿时畅想未来,立誓做一个顶天立地的男子汉,然而他做梦都没想到,有一天自己竟然会低声下气地伏在一个女孩子的膝边,死乞白赖地求:“做什么男子汉,做不了你的男人,我连人都不想做1w0-26617 >>
内容简介:匠人萧章获得匠神系统玩转华夏传统工艺。汝瓷、唐三彩、青花瓷、釉里红、珐琅彩、景泰蓝、牙雕、金丝镶嵌、京绣……每一种传统工艺在萧章手中绽放新的光彩。为华夏传承匠心永恒之光!向世界宣扬华夏 工艺之美!精华在笔端,咫尺匠心难。日月中堂见,江湖满座看。宝儿姐书友群1061680777。各位书友要是觉得《工匠之王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84737 >>
内容简介:入赘三年,所有人都以为可以骑在我头上。 而我,只等她牵起我的手,便可以给她整个世界。 新书期一天两更,上架后三更。 喜欢的多多支持,点个收藏,谢谢各位大佬。 1w1250- 1270 >>
内容简介:你们知道和死人拜堂什么感觉吗?我知道,因为我不止一次和死人拜堂……看书,请认准黑岩网。作者微信:739925465作者微博:完本老书《借阴寿》:作者微信:739925465新浪微博:作 者五斗米作者:五斗米所写的《拜阴堂》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-107321 >>
内容简介:武之巅峰,是孤独,是寂寞,是漫漫求索,是高处不胜寒逆境中成长,绝地里求生,不屈不饶,才能堪破武之极道。凌霄阁试炼弟子兼扫地小厮杨开偶获一本无字黑书,从此踏上漫漫武道。请关注我的公众号“ 莫默”。1w593-4615 >>
From Wikipedia: Yui Kusanagi, is the daughter of a Shinto shrine. She discovers a mysterious sword, which transports her to a different world where she meets the Greek god Zeus. He invites her to attend a school in a separate world that he created. Zeus intends to teach the meaning of love to the various young divine beings who also attend the school, in an attempt to reverse the weakening bond between humans and the gods.
Based on a popular light novel. from Baka-Updates Manga: The protagonist is a guy who is among the stupidest of the stupidest in the school. In this school, your grades can, under the supervision of teachers, take a virtual form to do combat! However, if you leave an examination half way, you get zero marks. A bright and cute girl, Mizuki Himeji, was having a high fever during the examination. Despite her potential to be the second highest scorer in the level, she obtained zero marks for having left due to her illness and is thus allocated to the worst class, class F. Grades mean almost everything. For Class A, they have a smart-looking teacher, a plasma TV as big as the entire wall as their blackboard, personal laptops, personal air-cons, refrigerators, adjustable seats and all kinds of different appliances. Within the refrigerator, there are all kinds of drinks and snacks. Their ceiling is made of glass, the wall lets them put up high-class drawings and plants. As for Class F, the worst class... They have Japanese desks and seat paddings. Their blackboard is dirty and there is no chalk even! Someone complains that the legs of his desk are broken, so the teacher asks, 'Didn't we distribute some glue to stick wood together? Glue it back yourself later.' Another one complains that wind is blowing in from the broken window. The teacher says, 'I got it. I will apply for plastic bags and invisible glue to fix it later.' There are spider webs everywhere, not a patch of the wall is clean. A unique moldy smell spreads across the entire room; it must be from the old tatamis used to tile the floor. This is the status of class F. The protagonist feels displeased at such an arrangement, and seeks help from his friends to try to make a change through summoning war!! And they devise all kinds of plans to try to beat the famous class A, intending to get class A's classroom and equipment if they win!!
Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were at work shaping the future and preparing its players for the final game. As children, Heero, Relena, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei have endured more pain and difficulties than most people experience in a lifetime and would have broken the will of any normal person. Learn their stories and motivations for becoming prominent characters in shaping the future of the world. Each chapter is named after a character and features that character's past/origins. According to Sumisawa (author), the events of Episode Zero were supposed to appear in the TV series, just after episode 27. But due to complications in the production schedule, things didn't go as planned and it was eventually omitted. Episode Zero was created per Ikeda Masashi's (director) request. Reading direction: Right to left
The Career of Katherine Bush summary: The Career of Katherine Bush summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Career of Katherine Bush. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Wandl the Invader summary: Wandl the Invader summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wandl the Invader. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Protect Me, Love summary: Protect Me, Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Protect Me, Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Churchwardens' Manual summary: Churchwardens' Manual summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Churchwardens' Manual. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.