简介腐女也有春天!千南集团实习生尹路最近又迷上一对男男CP——同公司的总经理和副总经理!两个惊天大帅哥本来就是值得腐女YY的对象嘛!欸?什么鬼?为什么本来就应该在一起的家伙怎么都来和她告白啊? “住,住口!我才不要成为你们之间的第三者!(每周二更新)
内容简介: 一白发老者哭丧着脸:“医生,我中了衰老术只有一年好活了,我才20啊,还有救吗?” 吴斯摆摆手:“别慌,只是脱水、酪氨酸酶活性降低、激素水平下降而已,验个血然后去补液,再做个机体活 性化治疗就好了。下一个!” “Ruaaaaa!!呃……”张着血盆大口的幽冥狼刚冲进来,就被吴斯扼住脖子捏成了渣渣。 拍拍手,他有些不满:“保安怎么做事的,狗子都放进来了。” “吴医生,这病人快不行啦!中了女妖尖啸,现在室颤了!”护士高呼。 “除颤仪接上,备300毫克胺碘酮!再把咱的同频脑电干涉仪给他戴上,我这就来。”吴斯身影瞬间消失,甚至留了个在开医嘱的残像……1w0-3428 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者锥花的经典小说:《偏执着迷》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【正文完结,番外更新中】【下本写《独占温柔》or《病态荆棘》,求个专栏收藏。微博 锥花啊】从小到大,桑渴都是裴行端屁股后面的小跟班。打架冲在他前头,他的作业她包办,就连满天飞的情书也一并交由她保管。混的鼻青脸肿,卑微不堪,周围同伴都戏称她是要给裴少爷做一辈子女保镖了。彼时的桑渴面对周遭嘻嘻哈哈的调侃只是抿了抿唇,照旧在人群里,一眼就看到俊俏又惹眼的裴行端。她笑着跑向他,可换来的却是一声:“又脏又丑1w0-73799 >>
内容简介:这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕是牡丹娘创作的经典的小说作品这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕小兵提供这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕最新章节全文免费阅读,这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕下载,这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕 全文字更新,这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕无弹窗!请关注这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕吧,本站最新最快更新这个经纪人超强却过分沙雕的最新章节。1w0-75787 >>
内容简介:正文天降神龙我突然「醒」了过来,这是在什么地方?我又是谁?我并没有立刻睁开眼睛,因为大脑还处于一片混乱当中。不知过了多久,我才完全清醒过来。我知道我是谁了,我就是无所不能的宇宙主宰—— 混沌之主,只不过我现在的身份是流浪魔法师「维尔。兰迪」,为了阻止神魔第四次战争而化身来到这个世界。当然我是不会干无偿的义务劳动的,小创(「创世神」是我的结义小弟,我常叫他小创的。那小子答应我有无数的金钱、无数的美女,好诱人的条件,实在是令人难以抗拒啊。先来试试我无敌的能力是否受到影响,要不然自己先挂掉了岂不是没得玩了,小创还不笑掉下巴?我可是宇宙的主宰——混沌之主呃,怎么可能挂掉?不过谨慎行事一向是我做事的原则,小心一点是必要的。我使自己平静下来,用精神与元素交流感受元素的存在,慢慢开始吸收周围的元素,我感到能量旋涡的无限深远,被我吸收的元素就象小溪流进大海,一点感觉不到,我越吸越多,越吸越快。。。。》1w0-106358 >>
内容简介:“肖恩格里尔斯,站在魔法界顶端的男人。”丽塔斯基特:“不行,没有噱头,改成格里尔斯与邓布利多不得不说的那些事。”斯内普:“你们是我带过最差的一届,除了肖恩,很好肖恩又是第一,斯莱特林加 十分。”赫敏:“肖恩学长,可不可以请教你一个问题?”哈利:“为什么同样都是大难不死的男孩,差别怎么就这么大呢?”邓布利多:“肖恩是霍格沃茨有史以来最优秀的学生,没有之一。”阿瓦达啃大瓜下唯二的幸存者,拥有魔法之眼的肖恩能够看穿魔法本质,碰巧比哈利大了两岁,那就整起来,好好带带这帮捉急的学弟学妹。各位书友要是觉得《哈利波特之最强学长》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78821 >>
内容简介:“天大地大人亦大,是以人之精魂三分,应天地人三才之象。”“命魂驻身持命、天魂应天之清灵、地魂应地之浊质。”“天地二魂常驻外,唯有命魂定其身!”“天地二魂混同天地、难觅踪迹;唯有命魂常驻 此身,可为求道根、渡海舟、彼岸桥。”1w0-81175 >>
内容简介:暴发户的原配重生了暴发户的原配重生了小说阅读都市言情类型小说暴发户的原配重生了由作家浣若君创作陈美兰重生了,重生在她被暴发户前夫抛弃,与女儿相依为命的1988年前夫留给她一个城郊的大四 合院,和存折上的四个0上辈子的陈美兰心高气傲,把这俩样东西都错失了,后来追悔莫及阎肇才从自卫战场上下来,浴火戎功,一身勋章,恰赶上大裁军,于是主动响应,转业归乡,却才进门就收到妻子的离婚协议阎肇才到公安局报道完,带着孩子,急于给自己找个落脚点陈美兰是农村户口,前夫给的四合院落不到她的名下,也是热锅上的蚂蚁这时小兵提供暴发户的原配重生了最新章节暴发户的原配重生了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w23649-66003 >>
内容简介:生死根本,欲为第一。沈书辰畅游在这漫漫红尘,漫步在这欲望都市之中,但见情峰巍峨欲海滔天,官场商场情场三路齐发,最后坐拥天下美娇娘,享尽齐人之福。打造一个超级庞大的都市后宫!人妻美妇—— 张晓兰、李虹、李月琴、贾如月、司徒语蓉、苏沁霜……职场白领少妇——苏沁雪、皇甫烟云、林晚秋、居杏芳……娇嫩美少女——秦灵湘、萧颖、刘晨、许雨薇、韩书蕾……豪门千金——林靖瑶、平裴卿、崔晓晓、唐静、姜傲菡、凌雨嘉……守寡女教师——谭欣“高龄”单身贵族女助教——楚心昙日本豪门少妇——浅井直子、真司丽子…1w0-78388 >>
内容简介:简介:恐怖复苏,鬼物崛起!当别人还在成为鬼修,和鬼共存,被阴气侵蚀时。江宁却已经获得守夜人系统,开始修行阳气,修行雷法,获得各种神奇的物品:【叮!恭喜宿主获得以下物品:】【1守夜铜锣: 铜锣声可打散阴气,震慑鬼物。】【2封鬼符:可用于封印鬼物。】【3阴阳眼:破灭虚幻,可视鬼物。】【4阳元丹:服用可获得三十年阳气修为。】【5《罗汉金身》:至阳功法,金身护体,邪灵退避!】【6打鬼棒道教法器之一】…………代天巡狩,焚尽万鬼——我是夜行御史,守夜人!小兵各位书友要是觉得《恐怖复苏:我是守夜人!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82066 >>
内容简介:当最初的火焰在忍界燃起,彼时的忍者们根本想象不到,日后的忍界究竟会发生怎样翻天覆地的变化!煌煌雷霆,阳光之枪,将须佐能乎死死钉入地面……大剑、盾反、战技,漫天苦无莫能近身……暗之刃模糊 了光影,恶魔温床孕育出的熔岩使大地化作焦土…………那一日,九勾玉轮回眼的眸光里映照出了无限月读,神树再一次降临忍界,而在神树之巅,一道身影正屹然而立。“从此刻开始,让世界感受火焰的力量吧……”1w0-89112 >>
AF begins his second year of high school, depressed over the mundane nature of his life and his inability to find himself. The strange thing is, whenever he is depressed, AF always starts seeing three strange little things flying around him. No one else sees these oddities, and aside from their occasional presence, his life remains incredibly ordinary…That is until he meets Sane, a girl who suddenly asks him to teach her how to play guitar, and a strange middle aged man that speaks to AF about the difference between reality and dreams. From that day on, AF starts experiencing strangely real dreams, but they are still just dreams…right?
From Blissful Sin: My company senior is gay?! I didn?t even want to know that secret. But why was such a delicate and cute person thrown away by another man?! A sweet, heart-throbbing love with a younger seme? ?When Autumn Comes, You Are?? Ishii-san, the distant beauty I met in a park at lunch break, was concentrating on a book called ?How to Make Cakes?!? A report of love born in a park, in a town of offices? ?Toorinuke Dekimasen? A compilation of commissioned work and Bourbon Nobility?
Collection of oneshots: 1) Shiro Neko - A young boy steals the wallet of a vet who fell asleep on the last train. Days later that same boy brings in an injured stray cat for treatment. Neither the cat nor the boy will stay but they keep coming back. 2) Sweet Days - Years ago Kou moved away leaving behind cute little Yoh who idolized him. Now he's back and Yoh's changed... but not completely. 3) And Sheep - Lin's best friend Kura-chan is a genius, and lacking any ethical boundaries. When Kura-chan decides to explore what happens when you combine human and sheep DNA there's only person he can test it on: Lin! 4) Himitsu no Hanashi - Yuri's brother is gay. He can't accept that so how can he accept that Kawamori might be in love with him? Worse, Yuri might be in love right back. 5) Endless End - Akutsu fears he's all alone on New Year's Eve until he runs into Mizumoto from school. The next time they meet it's 2 am and everything is deserted. It's always night when they talk. Will their growing love ever see the light? 6) Summer Vocation
This is the debut FC book by Makita Nao. Contains 5 short stories. - I Want to Know Everything♥ I won’t act spoiled with my boyfriend, and I definitely won’t trouble him, either. I’m trying to act like a cool and mature ideal girlfriend, but the truth is, I’m a wholehearted and annoying girl! I can’t tell anyone that I’m stalking my beloved boyfriend!! - Upside Down Honey: Kameyama Chisato is a girl without boyfriend, because of her sadistic personality. While trying to fix it by practicing with a skeleton, a classmate sees her, Kurosawa Akihiro. What will happen to her secret?! And.. will Chisato ever find love?? - Fall, Fall, Rise Michiru is a girl with poor luck when it comes to love. She’s been dumped several times by her boyfriend’s for other girls. During her latest breakup, in her attempt to get over her love she makes as if to commit suicide, however a boy from her school stops her, claiming he’ll introduce her to the best guy on earth. Just who is the best guy on earth and where can be found? Or is he right in front of Michiru’s eyes? [from Starry Heaven] - Tomorrow There Will Be Fireworks Above Tomoe has a dream: to go to the fireworks display during the summer together with the guy she likes. However, she hasn’t found that spark of love at all, at least, not until her childhood friend, Miki, moves back to her school and she meets Kagami through him! She makes the perfect plan to confess to him, but that doesn’t go as well as she had hoped, when Kagami confesses to her that he really likes Tomoe’s best friend, Rikka! Is the friendship ruined between these best friends now? And will Tomoe be able to fulfill her dream of watching the fireworks with someone she loves? [from Starry Heaven] - Super ☆Star There’s a certain group of guys in Kiyoko’s class that stands out, and to her Hoshino stands out the most! In fact, he looks like he’s sparkling. However, he isn’t exactly what he seems to be, when Kiyoko discovers his part time job working at his family’s convenience store! But even in his work clothes, Hoshino is still sparkling to her. But it’s not until Hoshino is confessed to by another girl that Kiyoko truly realizes that even if she’s different from Hoshino’s ideal girl, she still has a chance…but is it too late for her? [from Starry Heaven]
Keys To The Kingdom_ Sir Thursday summary: Keys To The Kingdom_ Sir Thursday summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Keys To The Kingdom_ Sir Thursday. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Malayan Literature summary: Malayan Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Malayan Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Watashi No Shiawase Na Kekkon summary: Watashi No Shiawase Na Kekkon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Watashi No Shiawase Na Kekkon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Thoughts On Missions summary: Thoughts On Missions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Thoughts On Missions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.