


简介充气娃娃除了恋爱用途♂♀ 居然能够与丧尸战斗? 21世纪中叶,因为生化武器的滥用,人类濒临灭亡。 幸存的人类在大陆建立起了最后八个特区,并筑起高墙抵挡丧尸。 然而,科技进步不禁给人类带来毁灭,还给人类在毁灭前创造了希望—— 机巧战娘,一款拥有人类少女的基因和大脑,却全身装甲的半机械半生物战士出现了。 而我们的男主角柯亦,除了拥有一个能干又能干的机巧战娘(充气娃娃)外,还背负着众多的秘密..... 敬请期待——零创世新作——机巧战娘!每周六更新!求支持~




























类别都市 恋爱 生活




内容简介:她是从狼群中走出的冯家后继人,名震天下的女将军,为了他一句“我若称帝,王后是你”而惨遭背叛,手脚被碎,一千兄弟被血洗,破庙之中她宁死不让他如愿。她是身体肥胖,刁蛮任性的京城第一蠢货贵女 ,为了一个草包皇子而跌落山崖,最终香消玉殒。当修罗浴火,重生在花痴草包身上,当卸下铠甲,挽下青丝,她乱朝堂,报血仇,一双红酥手可将山河搅碎。1w70612-70861 >>


内容简介:简介:宋行止虽然只活了二十八岁,但是活的很痛快。她从小被当成男孩养,跟男人一样读书、练武。十八岁逃出家族,混三教九流,贩私盐,养私兵,招兵马买,把死对头全部搞死,成为一方之王。唯一的遗 憾就是没在死前把老师杨絮棠给睡了。重生后,看着温雅俊美如谪仙般的老师,她暗戳戳的想,这世要不要胆子大点,把前世的遗憾给弥补了呢?宋行止是想撩撩就跑的,谁想跑没跑成,被他拎了回来:“乖,为师抱抱你!”“……”成为东南四州的霸王后,宋行止呼风唤雨,不可一世。“老师,姚景一率十万军队来杀我……”宋行止咬牙切齿像只大狼狗。杨絮棠摸头顺毛:“别怕,他是率军来归顺的……”次日姚景一真的就归顺了。“爷,属下听说杨先生好男风,恋慕王爷多年……”“杨先生一生不婚不娶,跟随爷多年,看来对爷情深似海……”宋行止心跳如雷,老师好男风?她想染指老师多年,若老师知道她是女子,这可如何是好哪?备注:双重生,时间点不一样。男主前世后来做了皇帝。无广告无弹窗推荐地址:1w61436-106393 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:人在木叶:旗木家的长生老祖宗】木叶五年,百岁的旗木空从棺材中爬出,从此忍界多了一位外号“五五开”的强者!他很强,对战强者无数,此生从未一败!但也不强,因为…… 他从未一胜!猿飞日斩:“旗木老头你有多强?”旗木空:“我和宇智波斑五五开!”三忍:“旗木老师你有多强?”旗木空:“我和半藏五五开”波风水门:“旗木爷爷你有多强?”,旗木空:“我和柱间五五开”鸣人:“老爷爷,那个白发女人太强,跑远点啊!”旗木空:“不是早和你们说了?我和辉夜姬五五开!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢人在木叶:旗木家的长生老祖宗,别忘记分享给朋友人在木叶:旗木家的长生老祖宗TXT下载1w0-74590 >>


内容简介:非轮回乐园同人文。故事的背景发展是,苏晓(皮皮晓)成为至强者,12点以后,普通人王常乐因复仇和死亡进入轮回乐园。作品的基础架构设定依旧是轮回乐园的设定。加入了少部分的二次创作。原生世界 不会沿用轮回乐园,我会重新构架一个原创的原生世界。主基调是轮回乐园的打怪升级,因为需要发育。副基调不是对人的战争,是对世界的战争。写这篇小说的原因是一只蚊子大大,给出了非常稳定的设定。没有写苏晓同人文的原因是,个人认为,在近战方面或者对战战斗方面,苏晓已经是无敌的存在。我是个新人作家,个人笔力有限,所以就不写苏晓了。以上1w0-99526 >>




内容简介:大晋立国三百年,国运昌隆,朝堂中有大儒一言定鼎,江湖中有武道强人拳裂山河,更有玄门方士御剑乘风。左道奇穿越到此方世界,成为一个即将被打入冷宫的小小太监。朝堂诡谲,江河凶恶,他只想老老实 实的苟下去。却意外开启人生剧本,可以看穿别人的未来剧本,还能在完成任务后获得奖励。首先映入眼帘的,便是一个即将成为女帝的小萝莉……从此之后,左道奇便打算苟在冷宫,好好的攻略游戏剧本,顺带调教一下未来女帝。闲暇时候,再去找太后、贵妃、公主什么的谈谈心。他起初的目的只是自保,能够早日出宫当个富家翁。……直到后来有一天,一个小太监来到左道奇身边,”九千岁,太后娘娘说今晚该去侍奉她了。“1w0-99179 >>




内容简介:也许你会看到一段匪夷所思的故事也许你会看到一些稀奇古怪的事物也许你会看到独特的修炼历程也许你会看到不同的世界也许你会看到飘神的延续也许你会看到太古之始也许你会看到你想看到的放松心情,这 是轻松写意的旅途这就是犬神传!分享书籍《犬神传》作者:百世经纶1w0-32411 >>


内容简介:现代女白领,高龄剩女王苗苗,过劳死后,穿越到了正在看的一本文里,成了文中女主的同父异母妹妹。唉……上辈子那么辛苦,这辈子怎么也要补回来,不然,怎么对得起这次撞大运的重生。虽然开局人设不 理想,但小姐姐能屈能伸,苟得起……不过,人生处处有惊喜,原只想过一个人吃喝玩乐的悠闲小日子,却不想被个大尾巴狼盯上了,唉……她的悠闲小日子啊,一去不复返……如果您喜欢年代文女配只想当咸鱼,别忘记分享给朋友作者:不变的时光所写的《年代文女配只想当咸鱼》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-27907 >>


内容简介:龙牙村的张福德,无父无母,从小跟着表哥长大,受到表嫂长达十年的虐待,夜里放羊,偶遇被绑架的成里美女,山洞救美女,逃跑路上的美好人生,为了走出大山,张福德在几个山村美女之间来回穿梭,不断 的变强,终于找到了姜媛,成就了美好人生。各位书友要是觉得《乡野小神农》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27632 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,林毅发现自己居然穿越到了妖魔复苏三百年后的平行世界。妖魔遍地走,诡异多如狗面对着未知的威胁,林毅觉醒签到系统,开局便签到掌心雷!叮,绑定老天师模板,开启猎杀时刻!…签到一时爽 ,一直签到一直爽(欢迎入坑)1w0-81498 >>

Kiken Na Asobi

1) Sweet Spring Tomoyuki was having a secret relationship with his boss until one day the boss decides to break up. Pretending to be happy about this matter, Tomoyuki meets the window washer Katsuhiko and accidentally breaks his arm. Then he decides to help Katsuhiko until he gets better. 2) Cherry Boy Akira has a boyfriend, Yoshiki, but he doesn’t feel ready to take it further than kissing while Yoshiki has expressed the fact that he would like to take it to the next step. What will Akira decide? 3) The Downfall Masami always feels aroused in kinky situations. One day, in a very crammed subway, a man presses himself against him while being erect and or course, this arouses Masami… 4) Change of Seasons The Professor Asaoka becomes the obsession of an Hokkaido student, Koyanagi, who's visiting the campus... The young man doesn't hesitate to take the 'lead' despite Asaoka's protests.

Sukishiki Yuuyoujyutsu

Story 1: Sensei always looks out the window and sees a student running. There, he started falling in love with him. But the sensei has a fiance and drama starts when the student also falls in love. Story 3: Hiraiwa and Harui are best friends, and neighbors. Hiraiwa loves Harui very much, but Harui always says that its 'None of his business' or, 'I dont care'. Suddenly, Hiraiwa has to take a tough decision between leaving Harui to work in Osaka, or stay in college with Harui. - Anonymous


From Momocha Scans: Stephen and Shukurei are vampires who met and decided to travel together. One a half-demon, the other a subspecies. One lives for the sake of atonement, the other for the sake of revenge. In the midst of the journey, Steph drinks Shuku's blood and experiences once more the warmth of companionship. But when they arrive at Steph's hometown, the past begins to catch up, torturing Steph with sorrow and contrition. Shuku's father, whom they meet during the journey, reveals a startling fact, and Shuku intends to fulfil Steph's unexpected wish. What will they find at the end of their journey...?

Bokura Wa Setsunaku Koi Wo Suru

Florist Tokito has a crush on a teacher at a nearby girl's school.

Martial God Asura

Martial God Asura summary: Martial G.o.d Asura is an online novel published on Novel Online Full. The story is a mixture of ten different genres such as action, adventure, fantasy, romance, and martial arts among others. There are many interesting events in this book, and it can be suitable for readers of different tastes, thanks to this useful genre combination. Martial G.o.d Asura is a popular novel considering some counterparts. It has received thousands of mostly positive votes, comments, and reviews. That’s why the rating is also very high if not completely excellent. This story is suitable for readers who prefer long novels because it contains over 3400 chapters. That means you have a lot of content to read, and the new updates are about to come as well. So the readers have an opportunity to read this book in the long time frame.
Chu Feng is the main character in this story, and he belongs to the Chu Family. They are located in the Azure Province, which is a part of the Continent of Nine Provinces. Chu was, however, adopted as a little kid, and that’s why he was not really accepted as a full-fledged member of the family. This opens a s.p.a.ce for other family members to hara.s.s and a.s.sault him regularly. Only several members treat him decently, while others do not do that. He is, for example, kindly treated by his adoptive brother named Chu Guyu and his adoptive cousin Chu Yue.
Chu Feng started studying in the Azure Dragon School at age 10. And that’s the moment when many of his adventures begin. He starts to travel in different parts of the world, meet different cultures, and discover various secrets.
However, this path is not going to be easy for him. It just seems like a great opportunity at the start, however, many problems are about to arise so he will face different problems and dangers. Some of these might even lead to his own personal tragedy as well as to endless struggling and fighting.

On the other hand, Chu is a strong man, and that’s obvious from the start. You just have to look at him and his body figure explains everything. He is almost two meters tall and has a long black hair. He is often equipped with sword and other pieces of armor His enemies do not have an easy task when they try to compete against him, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy an exciting adventure while reading this Martial G.o.d Asura.
Also, Chu has an opportunity to advance in ranks during his traveling and fighting. He already achieved a serious success, so there is no reason to stop now. And this is an ongoing story with new updates ready to come soon.
The entire book should be available to members of The Light Novel, so you should go there if you want to read the story. Of course, you will need to access your account in order to get the content. If you do not have one, you can easily register on the website just by writing a a few basic personal details about yourself. The membership is free, and that’s a real opportunity for many people.

An Idyl Of The East Side

An Idyl Of The East Side summary: An Idyl Of The East Side summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Idyl Of The East Side. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Grim Smile of the Five Towns

The Grim Smile of the Five Towns summary: The Grim Smile of the Five Towns summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Grim Smile of the Five Towns. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli)

Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli) summary: Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli) summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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