内容简介:本书原名《傻夫,你露馅了》正式更名为《何以念情深》:当我知道我要嫁给乔羿深的时候,其实我是拒绝的,我跟亲爹讲,我拒绝,因为虽然乔羿深眉目如画,身材颀长,比潘安还要帅上几级,身家更是我这 种小门小户踩着姚明肩膀都够不到的富裕,整个南城无人不知无人不晓他的大名。我顶着私生女的身份这么多年,亲妈昏迷亲爹不疼,恶毒的后妈还锲而不舍地各种使绊子陷害,本来以为可以脱离苦海远走他乡,却没想到恶毒后妈一纸婚书把我卖给了乔家少爷,乔家家大业大是没错,但这位少爷可是个二傻子啊,说起来纪家就我一个独苗,爸,二傻子懂个啥?嫁过去纪家可要绝后的呀!可没想到,自从嫁了乔羿深,我才发觉自己的人生就像加了特技,DuangDuangDuang走上了人生巅峰,不仅吃得好住得好,恶毒后妈见到我也得恭恭敬敬叫一声“乔太太”,连犯错都有人替我背黑锅,无数次把乔氏的生意弄得乱七八糟以后,大眼睛眨巴眨巴,“老公,你跟爷爷说,还是你干的好不好?”乔羿深笑眯眯从不拒绝,“好!”不过美中不足的是,这位二傻子少爷竟然是个披着羊皮的大灰狼,各种占我便宜不说,还……若初文学网支持第三方一键登录,包括腾讯QQ、新浪微博、微信、百度贴吧,实现极简登陆体验。登陆后可发言、投票、打赏等。《何以念情深》为若初文学网签约作者“荆离”原创作品,首发于若初文学网。若初文学网为大家提供无弹窗、无广告、最新最快的阅读体验,欢迎各位支持正版。《何以念情深》为网站作者“荆离”所著虚构作品,不涉及任何真实人物、事件等,请勿将杜撰作品与现实挂钩。1w0-72835 >>
内容简介:拆二代陈涵创业直播平台失败,走投无路自杀,重回2016年,获得高维微观干涉能力,吸收粉丝信仰之力改变现实,可以控制改造微生物、细胞、细菌、分子、原子、电子、量子、夸克、弦等肉眼不可见的 物质。细胞复制、克隆技术、适应沙漠的植物、生物计算机、自动进化海水的植物,一个黑科技帝国就此诞生。前世创业三年败光5000万,不如买房投资,重活一世陈涵将站在科技之巅。电鳗的放电细胞移植在人体徒手给手机充电,原子核的质子数更改点石成金。当能够控制原子核内的质子数时,宇宙万物皆可创造,我们将之称为创世神!1w0-79736 >>
内容简介:相师分九品,一品一重天风水有境界,明理,养气,修身,问道。二十一世纪的一位普通青年偶获诸葛亮生前的玄学传承,没有大志向的秦宇,只想守着老婆孩子热炕头,却机缘巧合一步步走上相师之巅,成就 超品之尊,相地,相人,相红颜六爻算尽天下事,八字测遍世间人!关注九灯微信:jiudengheshan或者公众号搜寻:九灯和善各位书友要是觉得《超品相师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4964 >>
内容简介: 云峥打开了一扇门,就再也没有回头路,生活,就是这个样子,开了弓就没有回头箭,想回头已是百年身。 这是一本讲述为师之道的小说,说的是生存智慧,讲的是人间温情,道的是兄弟情义,表的是 温恭谦良,这里有最美的爱情,有最深刻的兄弟情义…… 或许,我很想把《清明上河图》徐徐的展开,给你一个不一样的大宋,不一样的人间百态……1w0-457 >>
内容简介:EVE萌新玩家石蛮,穿越来到浩瀚的星际时代中,获得了EVE中的科技。智能生命、战舰、空间站等等,通通都能拿到现实中。文明争霸?形体战争?外面太危险,稳(pa)重(si)的石蛮只想苟在荒 芜的阿尔法星域中玩游戏、搞建设。直到一支溃逃而来的星际海盗的到临……PS:本书又名《EVE萌新生存指南》、《EVE高安死亡攻略》……1w0-76712 >>
内容简介:林天穿越特种兵世界,获得了【超神分解】系统,只要分解物品,就能提取能力。xAxDxAxA分解蚂蚁,获得超级力量!xAxDxAxA分解壁虎,获得断肢重生!xAxDxAxA分解猎豹,获得极 致速度!xAxDxAxA分解雄鹰,分解枪械,分解坦克……xAxDxAxA什么都能够分解,只有你想不到,没有林天做不到。xAxDxAxA咦?xAxDxAxA看着眼前的核弹,林天忽然冒出了一个大胆的想法。xAxDxAxA飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-34083 >>
内容简介:被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)是由就想吃肉肉所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)最新章节阅读被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)全文阅读被合租 糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-27206 >>
内容简介:从今以后,读书阁app吃最好的、用最好的、娶最漂亮,过最惬意的日子——有一种幸福生活,叫做封燊。各位书友要是觉得《签到使我幸福》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w 0-76274 >>
The story is set in the 90's. Our main character attended a high school in a rural area, and drew his female classmates in his erotic manga. After graduating, he is accepted to a college in Tokyo. There, he finds everything he was looking for - a manga circle.
In the inter land of Kitagawa, a young man mets a young woman who will become a princess. Can she change the way he sees himself and help him forgive himself for his past?
In the story, a girl called Mai appears before a boy who happens to hate Christmas. As it turns out he was born on December 24 and thus was named Santa, causing him to hate the holiday. Moreover, as a child, he never had any festive occasions, such as birthday parties. With the power of Christmas, Mai is given the mission to improve his luck and change his views for the better.
The Iron Pen Force plans on taking over the world, and no manga assistant will stand in their way! But in an attempt to eliminate Tamae, an aspiring manga assistant, they are thwarted by Keika, a master of Manga Assistant Jutsu! Keika saves Tamae, and after a bit of misunderstanding, they become very intimate friends. But what plans do the Iron Pen Force have in store for Keika?
The Supreme Sovereign System summary: Alfonso was a historian of earth who suddenly appear in the body of Alfonso Lockheart, a fallen prince that is the Lord of a formal city known as the wasteland valley, with infertile land and losing the protection of their G.o.d, the wasteland valley is land that is destined to be destroyer by the extreme weather and the attacks of beast.Alfonso was in a despair situation; however, he wasn 't...
Creative Thinking Is Everything I Have summary: Meet Orihara Satoru, a 33 y.o. Game Designer who was about to confess his feelings to an overly cute co-worker. Yes, he 'was ', because his life unexpectedly came to an end.He woke up in a new world. In the world, where 99.9% of the population are reincarnated people like he is, and technology co-exists with magic.In the world, where every few days Beasts are summoned by a Wave to bring...
Sekai no Kiki Hamekurumeku! summary:
The protagonist was sleeping, and he did get to a white world with a phone booth in his dream. It rang, he answered. A girl on the other end claims to be G.o.d. Who the h.e.l.l would believe such a dumb thing? “G.o.d” claims to grant him a power to save the world. HA! Who the h.e.l.l would believe that? Fine, so he decided to make this dream end in a joke “Then give me the ability to upskirt girls!” HAHAHA The next day, he woke up, naturally he didn’t really give it much thought. But he still wanted to try it out, let me try upskirting that girl… And it happened!! After another try, he confirms that he has the power to upskirt girls(indirectly) with a swing of his hand upwards and crying “upskirt.” However, when a world crisis really starts coming to his town, a girl comes to gather the warriors that will save the world. And the kind and innocent girl(with ability to find comrades and sense the incoming crisis) asks… “What is your ability?” Note: This is a CUTE girl. Eventually, they gather all the comrades:
An otaku with teleportation abilitiy.
A kid with shielding abilitiy.
A girl that can sense comrades and incoming crisis.
A dog that can clone itself and talk.
And so, the protagonist sets off with the group to save the world with his mighty gift, THE POWER TO UPSKIRT GIRLS!!
Isekai Izakaya Nobu summary: Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called “n.o.bu” is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. At the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called “toriaezu Nama”!