






简介长久以来千灯城有着拥有极大的权利的两大家族:乔家与宇家。十五年前由于被陷害,乔 家覆灭并遭到杀手袭击,仅剩长子四岁的乔泽威与仆人的孩子七岁的艾家希在火海中逃生。 两个孩子饱经颠沛流离之苦,在宇家的前任保镖的秘密帮助下,他们两人相依为命坚强地成 长着并以姐弟相称。后来,艾家希远走他乡,两人含泪分别。十五年后“终有一天要娶到艾家希”为目标的乔泽威重新迈入千灯城后,期待与艾家希重聚 的他还不清楚自己的身份,也不清楚自己将要遭遇到的各种危险的处境……在这段时间里,他收获了米莎琳的爱情,还终于揭开了十五年前乔家覆灭的真相……










类别恋爱 霸总 少女 豪门






类别恋爱 霸总 少女










内容简介:重生:我是DNF教父最新章节由网友笔趣阁免费阅读提供,《重生:我是DNF教父》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,小兵免费提供重生:我是DNF教父最新清爽干净的文字章节在线 阅读。1w0-98091 >>


内容简介:李天命做梦都要笑醒了。他家的宠物,竟然都是传说中的太古混沌巨兽。他的家鸡,是以太阳为食的‘永恒炼狱凤凰’。他的黑猫,是以雷霆炼化万界的‘太初混沌雷魔’。连他家的小强,都是拥有万亿不死分 身的‘万界永生兽’……从此,他驾驭十头太古混沌巨兽,化身万古第一混沌神灵,周游诸天万界,踏平无尽神域。万物生灵,诸天神魔,连爬带滚,哀呼颤抖!1w1145-26965 >>


内容简介:【通知:本文将于5月3日入v,当天更新肥章,连载期间保三争六,感谢各位小仙女一直以来的支持,卖萌打滚求继续包养!百里笑容】班里来了新同学,是个学习好,性格好,声音甜美还爱笑的女生,跟她 相处如沐春风。校草陆辰昱不以为然,不过是一只喜欢假笑的小狐狸罢了,装模作样,狐假虎威,好不可爱。n年后,小狐狸摇身一变成为万千少女的偶像,粉丝无数,每天都有一大堆人排队向她表白。正值事业上升期,狗仔突然爆出她和某集团总裁进出酒店,举止亲密,一时舆论沸腾,黑料满天飞。媒体纷纷预测:凉了。夜里,陆辰昱将女孩抵在卧室墙上,咬着她的耳朵,威胁:“公开。”她细声细语求饶不成,无奈发微博澄清:“是老公。”配图是两张红彤彤的结婚证。从校服到婚纱。爱如执火迎风,这一路寒风是你,这一生灯火亦是你。假面小狐狸vs她的王子,前期校园后期娱乐圈,含破镜重圆情节,不虐,全程甜宠苏。本文人物纯属虚构,sc,1v1,he。封面设计:芥末仁儿ps:59日开始本文开70的防盗,如果订阅比率不足70,那小仙女要48小时后才能看到新章,如果高于70,就没有任何影响,高于70看不到新章的,可以清一下缓存试试。感谢小仙女们的支持!鞠躬预收:《被宠爱的金主的一生》(暂定)滚出时家大门的那天,时初收到了丰厚的精神补偿费,她打开众筹网站,把钱扔给陌生人。从此一无所有,工作还不顺利。大家纷纷笑她,昔日千金落魄成了灰姑娘,颜面扫地。不久,时初投资的小众文艺电影在某国际电影节拿了大奖,新晋影帝找上门来。时初大喜,心想这穷困潦倒的日子终于到头了!岂料影帝端了个破碗,可怜巴巴地看着她。“再给点?”于是,吃了上顿没下顿的时初成了影帝的金主。花钱一时爽一直花钱一直爽男主版文案:不红就要回去继承家业。他什么都骗。如果您喜欢狐狸贩糖,别忘记分享给朋友作者:百里笑容所写的《狐狸贩糖》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-86989 >>


内容简介:家有Omega初长成简介:晚八点日更,有事会文案请假w软绵绵小心机奶凶受VS护短荷尔蒙满满老干部攻(高三生VS大龄霸总)年龄差九岁,先婚后爱,写作“家族联姻”,读作“好好恋爱”甜宠文, 两人互相攻略,互相直球没有双向暗恋,长期夫夫携手撒糖,设定现代架空,1v1,he童宴(脸红):我当然知道这是商业联姻,很冷漠很无情我知道。那我不知道怎么嘴上叫着叫着哥哥,心里就偷偷喊起老公来了嘛…………怪他!卓向铭(摸头):嗯,怪我。甜度《家有Omega初长成》是秋千在时精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新家有Omega初长成最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的家有Omega初长成评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持家有Omega初长成读者的观点。关键词:家有Omega初长成最新章节秋千在时家有Omega初长成无弹窗家有Omega初长成全文阅读1w0-27614 >>


内容简介:叶辰,本为一代天骄,却在十岁生日之时被家族归为罪人,后废除身份,还被亲生父亲弃之荒野,任其自生自灭!八年之后,一代天骄再度回归,强势崛起,一人踩尽天下人,一手荡平天下事!无敌称尊,笑傲 都市,尽在本书!各位书友要是觉得《妖孽修真弃少叶辰顾梦瑶》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1355-4622 >>




内容简介:  电影发布会。  记者A:王导,听说你有帮派背景,请问有这回事吗?  王敌:对不起,我们这是部仙侠剧,不是黑帮电影。  记者B:但纵观你的崛起之路,公司领导突然重病,盗版犯莫名发疯, 数百黑粉半夜惨叫,枪版网站屡遭黑手,某知名艺人夜夜噩梦……这一切的背后,究竟是……  王敌:停停!这里是电影发布会,请问一些和电影有关的话题。  记者C:哇!好阔怕!额要回家!额还不想死啊!  ………………  记者D:您这次的女主又选了个公认没演技的花瓶,请问您还能像以前一样,把她也调教好吗?  记者E:有影迷去到您的拍摄基地,发现一条寸宽、千米长、深不见底、如刀削般的裂缝,请问是怎么办到的?  记者F:你这部电影号称是有史以来特效最好的仙侠电影,光特效费就花了一亿,但据我所知,你这部电影的后期只花了一个月,那么请问,你是否是在吃回扣、拍烂片?  唰唰唰!  众人惊恐目光一下都集中在了她那张冷若冰霜的俏脸上。  王敌却一脸温柔:我会用电影质量说话!1w0-3434 >>


内容简介:云落桑这辈子最不幸的事情,是遇上叶落辰。云落桑这辈子最幸运的事情,是遇上叶落辰。且看风起云涌,红尘作劫,步步为妻。叶落辰:“桑儿,今生,我护你。”各位书友要是觉得《霸君宠妻:腹黑圣女驯 夫记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72323 >>




内容简介:  在破败中崛起,在寂灭中复苏。  沧海成尘,雷电枯竭,那一缕幽雾又一次临近大地,世间的枷锁被打开了,一个全新的世界就此揭开神秘的一角……1w0-563


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:生活系完美神豪】(本神豪文以日常休闲、轻松幽默为主)天降神豪系统,原本以为开局就是世界首富,谁知道系统却告知高翔:“神豪不是暴发户,主要看气质!”“叮咚,恭喜 宿主获得低调内涵有修养高贵气质!”“叮咚,恭喜宿主获得完美生活仪态!”“叮咚,恭喜宿主获得渊博学识!”……一个完美的气质神豪诞生了。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-67273 >>


内容简介:林锋看电影时,意外穿越到怪兽宇宙中,夺舍了哥斯拉的天敌基多拉。他发现自己牛逼炸了。到目前为止,已经生存了亿年,堪称生物界的活化石!6500万年前,因为基多拉的捕食,更是导致了恐龙的灭绝 。林锋看了看自己只剩一截的脑袋,一点儿也不慌。因为,他保留了基多拉的种族天赋。吞噬地球大蟒蛇,尼斯湖水怪,骷髅岛金刚,哥斯拉,魔斯拉,甚至漫威超级英雄,紫薯精…各位书友要是觉得《我居然变成了怪兽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77559 >>


In a universe where men and women are mortal enemies, Hibiki is captured by a band of female pirates. The group find themselves stranded with a super ship they dub the Nirvana and set out for the female home planet. Along the way, they discover the existence of the 'The Harvest' and the possible destruction of both men and women. The manga differs greatly from the anime, with fewer characters and focusing more on the relationship between Dita and Hibiki. The second volume is a completely original story arc introducing a 'black vandread' and its mysterious pilot.


From Animexis: Ishidou Natsuo is a gifted girl who can achieve anything she wants in sports. Because of this she is permanently bored, as there aren’t any real challenges to her abilites to make her feel alive. One day she receives an invitation of a merry girl to join her martial arts club. Irritated by her happy expression, Natsuo decides to accept the invitation just as a pretext to beat her up, but she receives a shocking surprise.

Hana Wa Saku Ka

Overworked, still single, 38-year-old salaryman Sakurai Kazuaki collides with a young man at the train station - causing the magazine he was carrying to be spoiled. This young man, Minagawa Youichi, is a student at an art college and lives in a big, old-fashioned mansion with two of his cousins. Since he happens to own the same magazine, he takes Sakurai to his house, saying 'If I trade my copy with yours, you'll have nothing to complain about, right?' Despite feeling annoyed and frustrated by the unsociable Youichi's arrogant behaviour, Sakurai soon finds himself a frequent visitor of the secluded household, inexplicably drawn to its enigmatic owner...

Hatsukoi Elegy

Entrusted with an utmost mission to identify and to protect the next chief of their tribe, Ninja Sakura transferred to a high school and fell in love with the class rep Takagi. Can Sakura succeed both in his mission and in love? Ninja Sakura is a new student in high school his mission is to look for the Red Lord and identify and to protect the next chief of the tribe(Takagi). Takagi fell in love with Sakura.Is there a meaning behind why he feel in love with Sakura. Also, will Sakura be able to succeed the mission and fall in love?

The Emma Gees

The Emma Gees summary: The Emma Gees summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Emma Gees. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Telenizer

The Telenizer summary: The Telenizer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Telenizer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi summary: Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is a very interesting and exciting novel written by Afuro As.h.i.tsubo. It is presently published as an online book on a website called NovelOnlineFull. Potential readers can find the story there as well as other important related details. For example, you can check the satisfaction of previous readers by observing the novel's rating on the platform. It is based on the votes of others and can be good or bad depending on the story's quality.
Fortunately, you should not encounter any issues regarding this matter because the book is very well rated thanks to the interesting content. Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is, in fact, a combination of several different genres such as Action, Adventure, and Romance among others. The mixture gives an exciting novel, so you can enjoy reading this content.
The story presents a life if a young gladiator and fighter who forget almost everything about his past life. He remembers only two things. The gladiator is aware of his great strength, and he remembers his name. It is, in fact, quite enough to start a new exciting mission in this battle. He normally fights in an arena against other similar gladiators, however, he is quite aware that he can do much more, and that this slave life does not provide a sufficient amount of satisfaction. That's why he starts planning an escape from slavery and begins with the implementation of the plan.
He kills the arena's boss, so there is nothing to stop him to come out from the gladiator's world. So he just simply escapes the prison and becomes a totally free individual. In the run, he meets the group of mercenaries and decides to join the company. The gladiator is very good at fighting and is capable and trained to kill. That's why he gets a great reputation within the group almost instantly. 
At one of their missions, they meet a female vampire named Lucy who possesses great strength. She is capable to kill a group of humans in seconds, and they have no chance to defend themselves appropriately. The gladiator fast becomes a friend with Lucy, and the strength is their mutual personal characteristics that both of them posses. Lucy even invited the gladiator to come to her house, and he accepted the offer. 
Later, they start making different plans about the improvement of their lives. The gladiator begins a mission to acquire a big land and become a king. If he succeeds, Lucy will accept his offer to become his lady, and that's how a new exciting adventure starts again within the content of Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story.
The books are, however, still in the ongoing phase which means new chapters are about to come, but the end is not near yet. You can, of course, start following Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story by reading the novel, so the new chapters will arrive when you finish the old ones. There are over three hundred of those so far, so the book is not short, and you still have plenty of the content to read while waiting for the continuation.

Alma - A Novel

Alma - A Novel summary: Alma - A Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alma - A Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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