内容简介:提醒:【女主很渣。慎入。】文案1:你每一次的逆行,我都在原地等你。文案2:去吧,愿光脚追逐爱情;桥都坚固,隧道都光明。——改自塔朗吉人设:消防中队队长VS医院烧伤科医生内容标签:都市情 缘业界精英搜索关键字:主角:宋焰,许沁(孟沁)┃配角:┃其它:1w0-25604 >>
内容简介:苏冥穿到一本百合小说里,成为工具人女配,专门给女主和女二制造狗血误会,最后结局是出车祸惨死!作为穿书者,苏冥当然要逆书改命!她原以为只要抱紧女主大腿,就能走上人生巅峰,甚至和女主拥有甜 甜的恋爱。谁曾想她的官配竟然是女主妈妈?苏冥:喵喵喵???女主妈妈顾盏辞又御又飒,控制欲超强,是个冰山总裁。女主一心逃离她的魔掌,苏冥却甘心被她束缚,臣服在她身下,当然这是后话。苏冥:总结一下,就是我抱女主大腿失败后,和女主她妈妈he了。顾盏辞:为什么偏偏选择我?苏冥:大概是因为你大腿比女主粗?顾盏辞:……女主:……女主非亲生cp:不正经x正经,年龄差11,1V1【预收文《一觉醒来对象变成老阿姨》文案:林沐一觉醒来,不是2002,而是2020。刚刚还和她闹分手的哭包女朋友,已经变成了高冷老阿姨……林沐拉着阮秋池的手:“我们不分手好不好?”阮秋池看着消失已久、却突然出现的爱人,想着两人现在的年龄差,眼眶通红,语气冰冷地回绝道:“我现在已经是阿姨了,不适合你!”林沐愣住:“阿姨正好,反正我也不想奋斗了。”阮秋池:“……”目前年龄差16,老阿姨非贬义死不要脸温柔攻x傲娇高冷(哭包)受ps其实是互攻】1w0-28875 >>
内容简介:已婚少妇去同学家借住,却不小心和同学的老公ca起腾腾yu火。她只不过是去喝个酒,顺便借着酒劲想跟陌生男人接个吻睡一觉而已,关他什么事。他只是她同学的老公而已,guan的未免太多了。她有 些恼羞成怒,她通红的眼睛瞪着他,忽而屈辱地哭出来,“是啊!我没醉!我就是想找男人zuoai!怎么了!你guan得着吗?!”男人轻轻笑了一声。他忽然走近一步,他个tou太高了,压低了背,才凑到她脸前。“跟我zuo。”他说。本文出轨偷情,1v1,高h1w0-98483 >>
内容简介:岑昕昕意外穿入一本男频修仙文,她既不是女主也不是女配,她是系统,负责陪伴龙傲天男主一起靠苟修仙。岑昕昕:这工作我喜欢!按照原书剧情,男主原本是人界太子,在家破人亡后性情大变,走上修真道 路后做事不择手段。之后逆袭复仇,广收后宫,修仙飞升实际上剧情是这样的:作为龙傲天中的战斗机,男主拒绝被系统摆布人生,不当赘婿不撩妹,不捡便宜不打脸。系统指东他往西,系统指南他闯北岑昕昕:……这还让不让人做任务。在男主人设全崩之后,为了攒够积分回家,她豁出去了!不想修行?向管理员申请灵石奖励!不想参加试炼?她将任务编成歌词,每晚在他耳边唱不想谈恋爱?这……岑昕昕以身作则,亲自教他感受恋爱的美好。只是,没多久,岑昕昕发现男主看她的眼神有点不对劲儿。甚至有一天,她不得不发出警告。【系统】不得调戏系统。【男主】我只想好好做任务。【系统】?????????????1男主无后宫,自始至终只有女主一人;2本文将于加入VIP,届时更新三章,感谢支持!本小说网提供稷下猫瞳著作的扑街系统和男主HE最新章节,扑街系统和男主HE全文免费阅读,扑街系统和男主HE无弹窗清爽阅读体验!各位书友要是觉得《扑街系统和男主HE》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78152 >>
内容简介:(系统)当幸运值为max时简介:公告:周四号入v哦,希望小天使继续支持,爱你们防盗比例70,时间36h,若是比例够了缓存清了页面刷新了还没出来,那代表抽了,我也没办法【摊手】幸运,气运 ,虽是一字之差,但系统兆筠一直认为气运的力量是强大到幸运所不能比拟的,君不见主角的机运都是来自于世界意识赋予的大气运么。可是,宿主杨小小告诉了兆筠什么叫做“气运不如幸运”。第一天小小“啦啦啦,今天捡到一株四级药草,运气真好罒▽罒”兆筠“……”狗屎运罢了。第二天小小“咦?系统商城抽奖?哇塞,我抽到了一等奖哎!好幸运!!≧≦”兆筠“……”转盘今天抽风了。……第n天小小“筠筠,有个人倒在门口哎,咦?这个是不是你说的什么男主啊?”兆筠“……”主银求抱大腿!我再也不嫌弃你了!!°ω°#一个系统三观重塑的时间长短##论幸运pk气运的结果##节操那是什么,能吃吗?##我家宿主是个幸运值max##所有人遇见宿主画风都不对了#——————作者简介那是什么?能吃吗?————【隔壁同步更新文】快穿之做攻略真难(咸蛋,主受,甜文,可搜索可专栏进入)【预收文】综刀剑今天也在被爱着呢(主攻,同人,作者专栏进入)【预收文】快穿极端恩宠(重生的男主每天都在担心自己被抛弃嘻嘻嘻)【完结文】快穿之催眠那只妖(咸蛋,主受,完结,可搜索可专栏进入)《(系统)当幸运值为max时》是空城黎明精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新(系统)当幸运值为max时最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的(系统)当幸运值为max时评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持(系统)当幸运值为max时读者的观点。关键词:(系统)当幸运值为max时最新章节空城黎明(系统)当幸运值为max时无弹窗(系统)当幸运值为max时全文阅读1w0-71273 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:原来我是绝世高人】李修远穿越到一个修仙世界,奈何没有灵根,注定只能当个凡人。没办法,李修远只能修仙,没事写写字,作作画,下下棋,弹弹琴想着这辈子当个世俗雅士也 挺好的,开心最重要嘛。可他不知道。那个时不时过来和他下棋的忘年交其实是修仙界某顶尖仙门的掌门。那个最喜欢听他弹琴的漂亮妹子其实修仙界第一仙子。那个每天抱着他的书法如痴如醉的其实是修仙界第一剑道天才。那几个为了他一幅画争得面红耳赤吹胡子瞪眼的其实都是马上要渡劫的老怪物。“李前辈的棋艺中蕴含天地至理,让我受益匪浅。”“我从李前辈的书法中领悟到无上剑道!”“听李前辈的一曲琴声,我的道心终飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢原来我是绝世高人,别忘记分享给朋友作者:拓跋苟蛋所写的《原来我是绝世高人》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-25875 >>
内容简介:养吸血鬼当宠物,收吕布灵魂当小弟,学会孙悟空七十二变,在去倭国装个初代火影,只有你想不到,没有我扯不到。Q群571278049本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市爆笑修仙》还不错的话请不要 忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83719 >>
内容简介:“帝师大人,听说您娘子倾心于您,只因贪恋您的权势和美色?”赫连冥烨:“不,她贪恋我身中奇毒无人能解。”“小宝少爷,听说帝师娘子收养了您,是因为您是前朝遗孤?”小宝:“走开,我是我娘亲生 的!”闲言碎语传入叶灵汐的耳中,第二天,那些乱传谣言的人全部毒发晕倒。这一定是叶灵汐的报复!众人纷纷把黑状告到帝师大人面前:“帝师大人,你娘子太毒了!”赫连冥烨连眼皮儿都没抬,“我宠的,你有意见?”1w0-27369 >>
内容简介:李牧穿越了,变成了一个奥特曼,获得了垂钓系统,并开启了万界公会功能,然后专门钓怪兽贩卖给万界会员。唐太宗:“哥莫拉,上。”一天之后,突厥被灭了。路飞:“美尔巴,上。”王下七武海联合军跪 了,艾斯被救了出来。门矢士:“海帕杰顿,上。”逢魔时王慌了。秦始皇:“贝蒙斯坦,上。”六国在短短一年时间统一了。托:“杰顿,上。”灭霸跪了。卡卡西:“雷德王,上。”火影世界乱了。……一头头大怪兽在动漫,影视,特摄,神话,小说等世界开始肆虐着。1w0-33432 >>
Everybody has a protection spirit. Their behavior has a direct influence on the person they protect. For instance, if protection spirit A falls in love with protection spirit B, then host of A will fall for host of B (synchronized effect). Karin has Hiriji as a protection spirit and that's why he doesn't have friends. It all changes when Karin has a little incident and gets help from his sensei (teacher), Takatsugu, who's protection spirit is Nagi. Sensei is the school nurse and can see, hear, and touch protection spirits and (the same as Nagi) was a playboy 'till he meet Karin (Hiriji).
A collection of stories: 1. Rakuda Tsukai to Ouji no Yoru 2. Rakuda Tsukai ga Kieta Asa 3. Oboreru Sakana (Drowning Fish) Living in a house of constant fights, An has learned to drown his feelings in the water. He has never felt love, and doesn't desire it - people call him cold. Usami, the illegitimate son of a wealthy business man, is a player who dumps his girlfriends when they fall in love with him. He doesn't deserve to be loved... how can they love him, when he doesn't love himself? Will the fish be caught by the lonely net, or will each sink to the bottom weighed down by unrequited feelings? 4. Ibitsu na Kakera (Broken Pieces) A story about a flame of unexpressed feelings, controlling and eating away into the blood relation. A brothers' forbidden love. 5. Kusatta Rasen (Rotten Spiral) What is the true relationship between high schooler Ataru Koganei and the famous actor Shuu Kanai? 6. Ayaui Kyouen
The manga is about the Sengoku Jidai (Warring States Period) of Feudal Japan. The rulers of the land - Daimyo - and their servants - Samurai - fight to get the rule of all Japan. Especially, the most powerful ones are the Devil King Oda Nobunaga of Owari, the Tiger of Kai Takeda Shingen, the Dragon of Echigo Uesugi Kenshin, the Hojos of Odawara Castle
The story is about Kusakabe Sakura, a second-year junior high student who, in the future, discovers the power of immortality. An angel named Dokuro is sent to kill him before he does so. However, Dokuro thinks Sakura can be spared from this sad fate, thus, she keeps him. Another angel named Sabato is later sent to finish Dokuro's dirty job. Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi! From Baka-Updates: From AnimeWaves: Pi piru piru piru pi piru pi~ Along with this mysterious melody, an 'angel' comes to Kusakabe Sakura-kun's house and beats him to death. Her name is... Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan!? From now on, the everyday fantasies of Sakura-kun's life will be replaced by events more strange and interesting than he could ever imagine... -------- In the future, a man named Sakura is destined to create the technology for eternal life, which (due to Sakura's lolicon tendencies) freezes all women's aging once they turn twelve. God refuses to allow this, so he sends his angels to the past to kill Sakura before he can do this. But one angel, Dokuro-chan, decides to try to change the future without killing him. Problem is, Dokuro is very temperamental, and is constantly killing Sakura (and lots of other people too) in incredibly bloody ways with her giant spiked club. Good thing she can bring people back to life - if only to grusomely kill them again the next time she loses her temper.
Strangers and Wayfarers summary: Strangers and Wayfarers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Strangers and Wayfarers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Impressions of America summary: My Impressions of America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Impressions of America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Love Under Two Kendalls summary: Love Under Two Kendalls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love Under Two Kendalls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tensei Reijou wa Yancha Suru summary:
I saved a cat and got crushed flat.
And then I became a n.o.ble girl in some fantasy world.
I have recovered memories of my previous existence after the accident where I fell from a tree.
But, I am I. My pace.