简介这下故事和封面有关了……漫画交流群:71016562;[email protected]速冻熊猫微博:http://weibo.com/u/[email protected]熊猫手札官网:http://weibo.com/u17panda
简介【每周一&每周五】更新 为当红小鲜肉订制书橱?!还可以自由出没他的私宅?!要是被迷妹们知道的话,大概会被羡慕嫉妒恨到死吧……可他怎么和屏幕上的温柔暖男形象差别那么大……傲慢无礼不说,还根本不看书!聘请她的目的,竟然只是为了让她读剧本!Excuse me???
内容简介:【反派偏传统升级爽文】穿越玄幻世界,人生18年碌碌无为看下自己的信息。【姓名】:宁拓【命格】:血光之灾、平平无奇【人生剧本】:《废柴逆袭传》小炮灰再看路边的乞丐小女孩。【姓名】:叶清歌 【命格】:女帝转世、天命之女、旺夫【人生剧本】:《天命女帝》主角【近期机缘】:三个月后洗尽铅华,紫气东来三万里,觉醒前世无上神资好在觉醒金手指系统后,我可以看穿他人的人生剧1w88975-92441 >>
内容简介:大梦之后,游戏中技能强化面板变成现实,剑术技能强化1,拳法技能强化1,大脑计算速度1一切从流星坠落后开始。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诸天技能面板》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博 里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78557 >>
内容简介:这里有萌萌哒的蔡琰小萝莉。这里有疯狂弟控宇智波布咳咳咳,不对,吕布。这里有相爱相杀的曹老板和刘大耳朵(郭嘉幽怨的眼神自己体会)。这里有伟大的党员同志张教主。这里是三国,不一样的三国。欢 迎来到我的三国。ps:架空带有玄幻色彩的三国。喜欢看传统历史文的朋友不要误入了。1w0-25056 >>
内容简介:R国的航母很狂么?兑换一顶百年后的单兵火箭炮,一炮让你变灰机!天使、恶魔很嚣张吗?兑换一把聚能冲击炮吧,他们不过是一些会飞的靶子!各位书友要是觉得《无限灾难》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72578 >>
内容简介:《大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了》小说简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】【苏爽撩宠、1V1、优雅腹黑忠犬大魔王搞事自恋马甲小魔王】惊!薇笙机场被商界新贵扛肩跑,疑是恋 情曝光,新款狗粮太甜。薇笙:那个小王八蛋啊……是我二哥。爆!薇笙手术失败,医界圣手为其殉情,两人生死相随的爱情感人。薇笙:拔智齿也算手术?改天问我大哥愿不愿意跟我一起死!暖!名校小奶狗校草暗恋薇笙,为维大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了是原作者李秾秾精心创作的都市小说大作,小兵同步更新大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了最新章节,书友所发表的大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了评论,并不代表小兵赞同大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了的观点。关键词:大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了最新章节、大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了无弹窗、大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了txt下载您要是觉得《大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了》小说还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持李秾秾吧!1w0-82605 >>
内容简介:九州大陆风云再起一缕天道契机显露化作天道金榜大陆上的一切都被金榜收录其中而风云掀起金榜现世化为九州法宝榜九州修为榜九州功法榜九州修为榜但一次次的榜单发放其榜首之位都被一人占据金榜发放之 时一心想要安稳过日子的落尘再也藏不住了我真的不想无敌因为无敌当真寂寞1w0-72892 >>
内容简介:一场大火烧掉了沈蔓歌对叶南弦所有的爱。五年后她华丽回归,势必为当年的自己讨回一个公道。却没想到带回来的小正太比她更有手段。某宝站在叶南弦面前,很无辜的说:“叔叔帮我一个忙可以吗?求你了 。”叶南弦觉得无法抵挡这孩子的恳求,蹲下身子打算帮忙,却没想到被喷了一脸。某天,叶南弦对着小正太说:“臭小子,这是我的房间!”“可是我想跟妈咪睡,我们都睡了五年了。”某男人泪奔……追个妻子回来而已,为什么儿子如此难搞?各位书友要是觉得《情定一生无悔过沈蔓歌》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w5555-26829 >>
内容简介:【卫韫版】卫韫十四岁那年,满门男丁战死沙场,家破人亡,那时只有奶奶和他那位新嫂陪着他撑着卫家奶奶说,新嫂子不容易,刚拜堂就没了丈夫,等日后他发达了,务必要为嫂子寻一门好的亲事。那时候他 说,好。卫韫二十岁那年,内阁大学士顾楚生上门给楚瑜提亲,卫韫提着刀上了顾家大门,他说,进了我卫家的门,这一生都得是我卫家的人。顾楚生嘲讽出声,你哥都死了,她是谁的人?卫韫捏紧了刀,一字一句答,我卫韫的人。【楚瑜版】楚瑜上辈子为了顾楚生,逃了御赐的婚,走了千里的路,最后却仍旧落了个病死他乡的下场。重生到十五岁,楚瑜正在逃婚的路上,她毅然回头,嫁进了卫家大门。她知道卫家会满门战死,只留下一个十四岁的卫韫,独撑高门。她也知道卫韫会撑起卫家,成为未来权倾朝野、说一不二的镇北王。所以她想,陪着卫韫走过这段最艰难的时光,然后成为卫家说一不二的大夫人。却不曾想,最后,她真的成为了卫家说一不二的“大夫人”。1w0-3979 >>
内容简介:初筝被莫名其妙判定死亡后,唯一的烦恼就是——花钱。自从绑定这个系统,她腰不酸,腿不疼,特么的连气都不喘了,每天生活在花钱的恐惧中。系统:我们定个小目标,先败它一个亿……小姐姐你住手!你 不要随便开启无敌模式!▼皿▼初筝:你先解释下这个抱着我大腿的玩意是什么?某玩意:宝宝你想怎么都可以。初筝:(摸刀)那、那我不客各位书友要是觉得《今天先败一个亿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w65-4820 >>
In return for a business loan of 50 million yen, the prestigious Kamiya family gave their daughter Haine away to the Otomiya family. Haine, now an Otomiya, is appointed to the student council of the exclusive Imperial Academy, a private school for the aristocracy. Even though Haine is of proper lineage to be on the council, she finds herself struggling to find her place among the many secrets of its elite members, especially those of the president who holds her heart--Shizumasa Tōgū, aka 'the Emperor.' Haine has been in love with Shizumasa Togu from the day she read the picture book he wrote as a child! She enrolls the Imperial Academy to be close to him and is accepted as a member of the student council! But with that dark secrets start to reveal them selves! Why does 'The Emperor' act differently? Is Haine really in love with Shizumasa? Why did her father sell her and why doesn't her mother write to her anymore? Find out in The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross (Shinshi Doumei Cross), where the real drama begins and everything is possible!
Collection of crazy tales of love. 1) Electrical Shock Love Machine One of the most beautiful and popular girls in school, has zero interest in boys or romance. That is, until she meets Bansaku. He seems like a very average boy, unless one looks very closely... and Madoka does. She becomes so hypnotized by the little things about him that she loses her good senses, and when she regains them, she finds herself touching poor Bansaku, who has no idea what she's playing it! Madoka has spent her life dodging the unwelcome advances of desperate male love machines... Does Bansaku feel the same sort of disgust for Madoka's long-repressed, electrically-charged lust? 2) My Baby: Morimura Aki's handsome looks attract women by the thousands, but his violent manner keeps them all at arm's length. As an innocent bystander, Moe couldn't have cared less... until one of his outbursts led to her injury! Now revenge is a matter of pride. But when she exacts it, there's an unexpected result...? (No, really, you'll never guess if you don't read it!) 3) Like in Cinderella: When Chiyo lost her job and had to take on work picking weeds for the rich, she never expected to become like Cinderella. But when Yoshimune, the handsome young master of the Tokugawa Financial Empire, runs away from his 'castle' with her, that's what Chiyo is certain will happen. But there's no guarantee that these two will live happily ever after, because this fairy tale isn't Cinderella's -- it's Chiyo's! 4) Don't Get Me into It: None of Ichirou's home tutors ever come back after the first tutoring session, but Takigawa Megu can't imagine why -- he's so cute! And... tied down in his chair!? It turns out that Ichirou is a complete and utter brat! Megu makes it her mission to prove herself superior to him, and Ichirou is actually impressed? Now, every time he gives her an inch, he gets her a little more into it. Before long, Megu feels like tutoring Ichirou... in the ways of LOVE!
Well, meet Nekoyanagi Kennosuke, a mysterious man who claims to make his living as a miraiya–one who “deals with the future”. Just when Yamamura Fuuta is looking forward to his last summer vacation as a grade-schooler, the self-proclaimed miraiya barges into his life and turns what should have been an idyllic vacation into a series of events shrouded in mystery and filled with spine-tingling encounters. Strange things begin to surface all around the skeptical and unwilling Fuuta. This is a manga adaptation of Hayamine Kaoru’s novel of the same name. Squeal, gasp, cringe, tremble, but don’t forget to peek between your fingers from time to time as mangaka Takemoto Itoe adroitly transports you to the quiet, fictitious, rural town of Kamikushichou, where the woods are brimming with life in the vibrant Japanese summer.
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game 'Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut', which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
Madam's Identities Shocks The Entire City Again summary:
Qiao Nian lived in the Qiao family 's house for 18 years before her biological parents found her. Suddenly, all the wealthy families in the city knew that the Qiao family had a fake daughter!
A true daughter of an affluent family would be talented, gentle, and kind.
A fake daughter would not be able to pick up any skills and accomplish nothing.
Master Of The Sky summary: Do not talk to me more than talent, me five pulse initiates body with lotus demon heritage, palm earthshaking India, condensate G.o.ddess stone, practice is not even a thing.
The Return summary: The Return summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Return. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Mystery Of The Fiery Eye summary: The Mystery Of The Fiery Eye summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mystery Of The Fiery Eye. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.