内容简介:一块神秘的黑石头,一张上古鹿皮图谱,彻底改变了穷小子刘宇浩的一生。一双透视天地万物的法眼,美轮美奂的玉器陶瓷,古拙大方的青铜古董,惊心动魄的赌石接踵而来!甜美可爱的清纯萝莉,冷艳高贵的 极品御姐,火爆热辣的美女警花,众多超级美女投怀送抱!各位书友要是觉得《超级都市法眼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超级都市法眼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65834 >>
内容简介:侠义勤奋男友力爆棚大小姐x男扮女装顶级绿茶世子爷钟姚觉得,她穿越时一定是没充钱!因为她穿的人不但胖,而且丑。卑微懦弱人人欺,指腹为婚的对象还天天要退亲。半路捡了个貌美小娘子,当作BJD 娃娃般养着。小娘子软软糯糯,体贴又温柔,哭起来梨花带雨惹人怜,唯一缺点就是个子高了点,胸平了点。钟姚化身小娘子的护花使者,小娘子无依无靠,我打工养你!小娘子被人欺负,站我后面我收拾他!小娘子想帮忙做事,这活太累你坐着我来!本想养小娘子到老,一起手拉手跳广场舞。谁知一场意外分离。数年后归来,钟姚到处找她的小娘子。我小娘子呢?谁见我家小娘子了?这位英俊的公子,你见过我家小娘子吗?等等,公子,我怎么觉得你长得有点像我家小娘子?慕修宸一朝落难,不得不暂时男扮女装待在这个丑女身边隐藏身份。他内力尽失,柔弱可欺,不得不装的楚楚动人博取同情。哄的丑女把她当瓷娃娃似的供着。慕修宸:成大事者不择手段,本世子不觉有愧!手下:世子,你已经跪了一天了,要不起来歇歇吧?我以为我养了个娇弱女主,没想到竟然是个绿茶男主!我减肥变美,他换装变帅。小剧场:【掉马前】面对小强:慕修宸内心毫无波动,表面梨花带雨:嘤嘤嘤,好可怕,小姐保护我~【掉马后】面对钟姚手中的擀面杖:慕修宸腿软心颤吓的飙泪,表面稳的一批:没事,本,本世子不怕的阅读指南:1女主前期胖丑,后面会变美。2男主男扮女装时用缩骨功,身高只比女主高一点,而实际身高比女主高一个头。31v1,he。立意心灵美才是真的美1w0-34474 >>
内容简介:【火影忍者主题征文】“这只眼睛,就拜托给你了。我曾经错过一次,现在的我只想为过去的一切赎罪,拜托了,请你一定要将这片忍者世界带往和平。”被托付的意志,让他成为了忍界中仅存的写轮眼拥有者 。再现的神树,新的面具男,复活的晓组织。我是”最后的写轮眼”。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《火影之最后的写轮眼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-38154 >>
内容简介:秦小果在末世当厨娘当的好好的,结果谁能想到一朝穿越到吃不饱饭的饥荒年代。睁眼看着衣不蔽体的自己,黑糊糊的手还有看不清楚的脸,没等弄清就被一股大力扑倒,紧接着呜哇一声,娘!好吧,秦小果承 认,从3042年末世穿到了邵和42年,整跨三千年的时空,看着一贫如洗勉强称为的家,还有抱着腿痛哭流涕喊着饿饿的便宜瘦小黑儿子,干!好在还有一点安慰的就是自己在末世的身家全跟着自己一起来了,还变成了空间戒指。儿子,为娘不会饿着你的!干巴得!几年过后,看着白胖白胖的儿子,小果很是欣慰,可是找上门的这个男人是肿么回事!?男子可怜巴巴的看着自家不让进门的娘子:娘子~小果????1w0-80100 >>
内容简介:她,是身怀异宝,医术无双的神农后裔,他,是俊美无铸,却离奇失明,腹黑的战神王爷。异世穿越,她成了一个六岁大的小废物。逆天召唤、禁忌魔法,她一朝崛起,锋芒乍现,睥睨诸强。当轻狂撞上腹黑, 天才杠上妖孽,那一刻,世界,为之战栗!大芙子新新书《神医弃女:鬼帝的驭兽狂妃》火热连载中,比神医狂妃和天才魔妃更好看,快来支持吧!大芙子的官方粉丝群:304625216,2号群302202775,新浪微博:大元气妞MS芙子1w0-80910 >>
内容简介:宋禹丞是律师界最出名的拆家小达人,专门负责离婚案件。一次意外,绑定绿帽系统,穿越各个世界,专门打脸渣男渣女。总裁替身渣攻我有一抹白月光。受这不重要,今天开始请尊称我为小爸爸娱乐圈前任各 位书友要是觉得《你无法预料的分手,我都能给你送上》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-46335 >>
内容简介:23世纪的35岁大龄青年命运坎坷,9次高考失败,6次创业失败,心灰意冷之下选择了跳楼,这一跳却跳出了大事!主角和你想的一样,他老套的穿越了。他穿越到了异世界东方大陆陈国第九王爷的最小儿 子陈珏的体内。本来是个皇裔命,奈何现实却过的不如一般富农,陈珏不服命运,决心在异界进行第7次创业,结果……穷的沦落到给爆发户当赘婿的窘地,如果不是他一身皇家血脉,估计早饿死在异界街头了。这真是混的最惨的穿越者了有木有?1w0-3691 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大明:开局错把朱元璋当亲爹】朱武穿越大明老爹三年前离家经商书信往来今日归家却不知老爹在归途染病离世!这一日朱元璋离宫体察民情推开了朱武家的大门。爹你回来了啊。 朱元璋被朱武一句话直接干懵逼随后被火锅味道征服的朱元璋震惊了因为他这个便宜儿子语出惊人:皇帝要对宰相动手!爹少出去走动!爹你说我二娘生病了?阿莫西林安排上!爹我看皇帝快死了1w53732-74291 >>
内容简介:天下人,天下事,都不过是我大唐人餐桌上的一道道菜肴。虽然原始的食材便具有食物原始的风情,云初还是认为,最美味的食物还是需要经过分割,烹调,处置,最后端上桌的食物才是最符合大唐人肠胃的食 物。清蒸,红烧,爆炒,炖煮……天下有多少事,庖厨便有多少种烹调手段。不论是高句丽,突厥,吐蕃,吐谷浑,薛延陀,铁勒……还是长鲸,猛虎,巨鲨,饿狼,在大唐这个熔炉铁锅里都能烹调出绝世美味……再加上李治,武瞾,长孙无忌,褚遂良,李绩,程咬金等等绝世调料,不论是色香味总会有一样让你难以忘怀。云初希望这样的豪华宴会上,绝对应该有自己的一个座位!现如今,美味已经烹调完毕——云初铺好餐巾,拿起割鹿刀,双眼微闭,准备享受一顿前所未有的大餐,以满足自己饥渴的肠胃。1w0-98708 >>
1-2) Student's Request Teacher's Duty Yahiro sensei is adored by all of his students, especially the girls, but it's male student Koga that Yahiro can't stop thinking about. But as much as they love each other, Yahiro knows that the affections of a teenager can be precarious. 3) Sakase! Takae no Hana Nozomu's father has recently remarried, and his new step brother is super popular Sudou sempai. Sempai is very affectionate with his new little brother, and Nozomu's trying not to let the attention go to his head. 4) Honey Happy Baby Yui Tomoya was looking forward to a special date with his older boyfriend Tsukasa, but is thrown off track when he's forced to babysit his niece Ayumi. And why doesn't Tsukasa seem to mind the interruption... 5) Voice Box High school escort Atsushi gets surprise when his beautiful-voiced client is a journalist looking for a good story. But after a night of gentle passion, the journalist disappears leaving Atsushi wanting more. Will he ever meet his mystery man again? 6) Scandal Kiss Stuntman Hideto has been dating famous actor Katsuya, a former ladies man for a while now, but his feelings of jealousy at seeing Katsuya with other women are becoming too much to control. Is it really just for work? 7) The View Through the Lens American photographer and ex-felon Rob Dain picks up young orphan immigrant Tohru one snowy night. Making Tohru his model, he obsessively photographs the teenager, but his one true desire is to see Tohru's aroused face. How far is Dain willing to go to see his dark desires fulfilled?
When a tough, lazy, money loving, yet beautiful high school student named Shin Bia jumps down from a building , she thought she would die but instead she falls into the era where the ancient Goryeo Dynasty ruled?! She had to transform into a proper and elegant lady and while she's there she faces many obstacles.
Average young girl Kazuki Suou lived a peaceful life with older brother Masaki. That is, until she met Shirou Kusanagi, a boy with secret knowledge of her past, and the dark contract Kazuki was a part of in a former life.
A collection of one-shots. 1) Two boys are at odds with each other-- The trigger towards hot, gay sex? Eaten pudding and a girl with pigtails. 2) Jun confesses to the one he likes, only to be told he doesn't want to be with someone 'inexperienced'. Therefore, foreplay, a promiscuous boy, determination and jealousy lead to hot gay sex. 3) A group of classmates play chocolate roulette - a game of roulette which includes Guarana chocolate, which has the effect of an aphrodisiac. When Ogasawara draws it, his classmate cooperates to release his desire. [Prequel to Mix Mix Chocolate chapter 1.] 4) A very popular student uses his classmate to evade his girlfriends. But once girl gets angry and hits the classmate, then the hero takes him to the school infirmary, where bottled-up feelings leads to a confession.. and then some. 5) At a school festival, the right of Shimohira is put for auction. He is bought by the boy in which he had rejected a few years prior. After the revelation that the feelings once confessed still lingered, Shimohira reveals something rather surprising... 6) A tedious rich son orders his servant to preform an -ahem- lude task, which leads to something more. [YUMMY SHOTA] 7) A student decides to blindfold the one he likes, seducing him, all the while refusing to reveal his identity. Rather hot, gay sex ensues.
Trust: A Novel summary: Trust: A Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Trust: A Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Interference and Other Football Stories summary: Interference and Other Football Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Interference and Other Football Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Turns of Fortune, and Other Tales summary: Turns of Fortune, and Other Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Turns of Fortune, and Other Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets summary: The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.