




















简介 一觉醒来,游戏中的“男票”人物居然睡在我身边OMG!可是为啥不按套路出牌?Game里选的可是温柔可人型暖男,这个醋精上身撩妹狂魔的霸总是谁,为何崩了我的理想男票人设?!嘤嘤嘤……游戏里的亲亲设定要玩不起啦! 作品QQ群:328460691


简介曾经的天下第一 武林至尊高手“江龙”隐居于世。偏偏有胆子大的拿我当病猫?










内容简介:难道一个小小的属性点,就能打破自己认为的力量巅峰?……吕布手中闪着金光的方天画戟遥指天际,凌厉的恐怖气息从身遭迸发开来。“并州铁骑,出来吧!”……曾经辉煌的并州铁骑,如同黑色的潮水,带 着一股肃杀之气冲入敌军阵营之中。……天下,无人能挡住并州铁骑的冲锋。1w0-29914 >>


内容简介:我在墙上挖个洞最新章节由网友提供,《我在墙上挖个洞》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供我在墙上挖个洞最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w64458-8 0443 >>


内容简介:一个修仙小门派普通修士,意外得到一段来着未来的记忆,看宁平如何凭借一点点优势,立足修仙界,并一步步走向巅峰。总之,这是一部凡人流小说。(修仙境界:练气,筑基,结丹,元婴,化神,炼虚,合 体,大乘,飞升。)1w0-81666 >>


内容简介:身为佣兵之王的强者,却意外有个身家亿万美女ceo的未婚妻,完全两个世界的人!临时租房,对门竟是同公司的美女同事;早晨跑步还能撞上美女大明星;更有神秘莫测的影公主……各位书友要是觉得《佣 兵之王都市行》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75803 >>


内容简介:李巴山穿越到了东汉末年,作为一个梦想领兵战群雄的穿越者,他依靠自己的智慧,自幼布置,眼看就要成功领兵为将,走出他梦想的第一步时,意外来临,使得他不得不放弃眼前的成功,背负逃兵之名,入深 山寻蛮族,一报家仇族恨,哪只他却因此陷入了一场阴谋之中,历史的车轮因为他这个变故,驶离了原来的轨迹……注意:小兵的书友提供的《三国之气盖千军》是不墨规写作的一部好书,如果大家都喜欢三国之气盖千军最新章节内容,勿必支持下作者不墨规购买正版图书收藏。感谢书友们的陪伴。1w0-36427 >>


内容简介:家道中落即将面临巨债,俞景林不得不忍痛变卖宝贝宠蛇。买家冷酷帅气还是个识蛇大神,俞景林心里那个乐,赶紧勾搭勾搭,却发现大神其实是条修炼成精的大蛇。俞景林心头一万头草泥马奔过,他是喜欢蛇 ,可他没有被蛇上的喜好,溜了溜了溜了。可大蛇不乐意了,还认定自己就是他的雌性。俞景林欲哭无泪:求放过,我对蛇没有性趣。墨殇严肃着脸:胡说,你明明很喜欢。微博:柿原纯群号:259192578扫雷区导演灵蛇攻vs三流明星受主受1v1,生子,he,甜度背景架空,请勿考究晋江独家发表,谢绝扒榜转载完结就开这本→《救过的那条蛇要以身相许怎么办》文案楼主是兽医,曾经救过一条受伤的大蛇,现在大蛇要报恩怎么办?关键这条蛇是公的,公的,公的!温润兽医受vs返祖灵蛇攻基友的文文→《丑小鸡》by娜小在《养了一只怂包丧尸皇》by鱼鱼鱼仔酱《我的老公是只鬼》by一叶菩提《卸妆后,老婆变成了男人》by笑蓝《重生一日为夫》by楼东白作者的预收文→《不婚》《小哑巴的婚后生活》《我怀了竹马的孩子》1w0-76400 >>


内容简介:霍天磊,中医世家传人,本想做一个县医院里一个普普通通的医生,却不知想平庸竟然这么难,而一切的美好、精彩也由此开始……妙手回春、一针定生死,这种事有那么难吗? 这位美女,我只是个医生,请你……喂,你在干嘛?我卖医术不卖身啊……1w0-981 >>


内容简介:【西幻】骑女少龙(人外1v1)是由凤栖堂前所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供【西幻】骑女少龙(人外1v1)最新章节阅读【西幻】骑女少龙(人外1v1)全文阅读【西幻】骑女少龙(人外1v1)免 费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现【西幻】骑女少龙(人外1v1)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-66133 >>


内容简介:  一不小心穿成重生文里的渣男亲妹?注定满门抄斩,全家死绝?还非酋附体,出门雷劈?乔乐笑了,别慌,小问题! 那年各路百姓发家致富:“郡主天仙下凡,女神转世,吾等都欲与她有 缘!”也是那年,武林高手层出不穷:“郡主稀世奇才,手眼通天,我等愿追随左右!”还是那年,商贾巨富竞相登门:“仙子殿下,这缘分轮到我们了吗?” 对此,冰山反派妹控世子爷双眼含煞:“你们,想死?” 众人:溜了溜了 可世子爷没想到,他日防夜防,总有小王八蛋难防 …… 君王府小王爷,天昭出了名的小王八蛋。 喝最烈的酒,打最狠的仗,纵最野的马,可谓无法无天。 但某天起,他魔怔了。 君晏:“乐儿钟情于我。” 乔乐:“我没有……” 君晏:“乐儿所做的一切都是为了接近我。” 乔乐:“我真没有……” 作为一个能看到别人机缘,只想疯狂割韭菜保命的非酋女配。 乔乐发现她一不小心用力过猛,给男主割歪了……1w0-1894 >>




内容简介:灵法于心,提笔道出万念汹涌。仙法于身,夺苍穹为我琉璃胄。道法于理,以玄冥量青天北斗。命运两个错,峰回路转再来回!九霄神将,护大帝坐拥天下,保帝后一世平安,会三皇帝心,成众生帝莲,安我莲 帝天下名!1w0-3219 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:刚入截教,我听到诛仙剑在抱怨】刚拜入截教,成为通天第五位亲传弟子。没想到却在这时候听到了通天身上的法宝传来声音。诛仙剑:“通通已经研究我们这么久,竟然还不懂得 使用剑灵布阵,太弱了!”陷仙剑:“谁说不是呢?我们跟着他,太浪费了,通通你是个好人,你配不上我们!”混沌钟:“确认过眼神,这少年是属于我的人!”诸天庆云:“少年,你很有天分,以后保卫洪荒和平,警恶惩奸,守护洪荒的重任就交给你了!”红绣球:少年,你和女娲的姻缘红线,需要我帮你牵吗?不久之后,轩辕天终于发现,自己能听到法宝的声音,当然,不只是法宝的声音……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71239 >>

Hoshigari Na Kimi To Futsutsuka Na Boku

Consists of a collection of oneshots: 1) Covetous You and Insensible Me (Hoshigariana Kimi to Futsutsukana Boku) Never one to get close to strangers, Kai finds himself helpess in the enchanting gaze of a foreigner... 2) Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn (Gyou An ni Mayou) Tatsumi Hiroaki is a swordsman for hire during the Edo Period. Recently, a rise in bandit activity has given him a steady flow of work in protecting small shops in town. The bandits recognize his skill and offer to hire him, where he finds a familiar face from the past. 3) Confession (Kokuhaku) Unable to forget the random act of kindness by the wealthy, but lonely business man, Matsumi offers to sell his body. Is it really just for money, or is there a greater need at stake? 4) The night he escaped death (Shi ni Zokonai no Yoru) Prequel of Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn. 5) Sleepless Night The Night He Escaped Death bonus. 6) Service Confession bonus. 7) Bonds of Blood Covetous You and Insensible Me bonus.

Tour Shangri-La

1) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 1 Hirastuka and Matsuzono have been friends since college, but Matsuzono harbors secret feelings for Hirastuka, but as the heir to the company they both work at, Matsuzono's step mother opposes any relationship (be it friendship or more) between the two. She calls for Hirastuka and offers him a choice - never see Matsuzono again or become the tour guide to a Shangri-La trip and all that it may entail... 2) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 2 Kanou has traveled the world and seen many things, but the one thing that has haunted him for years is the sight of his father making love to a young man. The image burned into his memory is that of the young man, whose body pulsated with pleasure, and Kanou dreamed of being the one giving the pleasure. As a present for beginning a career, Kanou is on Tour Shangri-La, where any dream can be fulfilled. Can the tour guide Asada help this dream become a reality? And why has Asada, who hasn't been a tour guide for years, decided to accept Kanou's tour? 3) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 3 Daichi and Housei are step brothers. What started as a biker gang showdown between Housei and Daichis respective gangs ends in Housei raping Daichi as part of a ritual punishment for the loser. However Housei isn't happy to leave it at just once and continues their relationship until Daichi escapes. Now Daichi is a Shangri-La tour guide, and it just so happens Housei is his next client! 4) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 4 Kashii would often visit a small cafe where Hiroki, a young cook worked and before long Hiroki began to yearn for Kashii's approval of his cooking. However Hiroki decides to take on the job of a Shagri-La tour guide in order to experience and learn foreign cuisine after hearing that Kashii has a 3 star personal chef at his disposal. Kashii finds out about Hiroki's sudden change in job and follows after him, taking the place of the first client - and his first request is that Hiroki become his personal chef for 3 days. 5) Safari Act. 1 Kazuki is a half-human werewolf, Akira is a legendary pure white wolf. They fall in love, but Kazuki as a half breed is considered an outcast in the tribe. One day the tribe tells him to leave so that Akira can get a real mate. Kazuki, recognizing the truth of their words leaves and takes on the life of a normal human, even becoming a teacher at a school. Yet, five years later Akira reappears in Kazuki's life. 6) Safari Act. 2 Story about a veterinarian and his love for a particular breed of cat. Satoya owns and runs the Satoya Veterinary Clinic alongside his adorable assistant Minami. After a customers' criticism over Satoya's favorite breed, Minami becomes quite upset. What's hiding behind his reaction?

Bijo To Chinjuu

PWP. It's about these two veterinarians who love animals... really love animals. Basic jealousy/kiss-and-make-up/happy fluffiness kind of story ^^; BARELY any angst. It's kinda funny to see one of the characters become jealous because his partner is affectionate toward the animals. This story's like a quick detour from Deep Flower huh? There's three chapters to this story and half the time is talking about when they were in school and how they met, the other half is their present-day-time working in the clinic. =P Enjoy! [Taken from YMT]

Space Ship Ee

'I am inside a spaceship...outside is deep space. The name of my spaceship-- Spaceship EE.'It is 2038 CE. Noshi Hyoda is a 23-year-old office worker facing existential despair. Will she escape her world of apathetic oppression? Where can she go? What shall she do? Perhaps the answers lie in the stars beyond...perhaps not...

One Special Moment

One Special Moment summary: One Special Moment summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One Special Moment. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Library Magazine of Select Foreign Literature

The Library Magazine of Select Foreign Literature summary: The Library Magazine of Select Foreign Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Library Magazine of Select Foreign Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Curly and Floppy Twistytail (The Funny Piggie Boys)

Curly and Floppy Twistytail (The Funny Piggie Boys) summary: Curly and Floppy Twistytail (The Funny Piggie Boys) summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Curly and Floppy Twistytail (The Funny Piggie Boys). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator!

Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator! summary: Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Online Game: I Possess A Monster Merging Simulator!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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