


















简介真灵大陆,宗门千万,强者如林。一个大家族子弟因为奇异的变故从庸才变为天才,不但能过目不忘,感知敏锐,领悟力更是直上云霄,成为妖一样的存在。 热血激烈的对决,顶级天才的碰撞,武学不再局限于凡间,同样能翻江倒海,上天入地。一切皆在剑道独尊!














内容简介:小说制服下的诱惑是作者小兵写的一部小说精彩小说小说网第一时间为读者提供制服下的诱惑最新章节列表制服下的诱惑txt全集下载制服下的诱惑无弹窗广告全文阅读最新用户阅读观看体验尽在精彩小说小 说网。1w0-27991 >>


内容简介:每隔百年的凛冬逢魔时,地狱之门都会重新开启,被打入无间地狱的恶灵闯过十九层炼狱,就可以重回人间。地狱内的恶灵绝非善类,连阙混在其间,众恶灵却发现——他总是能莫名躺赢。厉鬼的刀每次只斩在 他身侧……就连末世中恶名在外、手腕铁血的最高裁决院之刃也为他破例。在他们看不到的暗角,众人求而不得的地狱使者召唤卡牌在他手中熠熠生辉——“绑定成功,尊贵的付费用户,欢迎来到,地狱的第十九层。我是地狱使者,您最忠实的——信徒。”连阙歪头笑道:“谢谢,但我不记得什么时候充过值?”地狱使者微笑不语。可他记得那座荒山孤冢,那人随手丢下的花,和那一句——“听说在人间,死后无亲人祭拜者只能入地狱门,不能再入轮回。但如果可以,做个人吧。”景斯言始终追随他的神,舍弃轮回甘入地狱成为他最趁手的一把刀。直至十九狱业火倾覆,人人贪欲满身。他望向他的神明,目光温柔而克制:“什么都可以?”连阙倾身低语:“什么都可以。”他的双瞳已被业火染成一片赤红,在他的神明前单膝跪地,生涩而虔诚地吻上他的手背。连阙:?他妄图比肩神明,只为他片刻垂青。1w0-105855 >>


内容简介:皇后秦砚,母仪天下,贤良淑德,从不起眼的王妃到太子妃再到皇后,无人不称赞其完美。直到有一天,这皇后,秦砚不想干了。皇帝沈旷,兢兢业业,仁治天下,只是性子冷清,后宫也冷清,只有皇后一人。 直到有一天,他的皇后甩给他一张和离书。秦砚:开选秀吧。沈旷:?秦砚:臣妾找个接班人。沈旷:你对朕有什么不满直说。秦砚:你娘刻薄天天想废后,你兄弟姐妹蛮横无理,还有一堆虎视眈眈大臣我用错一根簪子都要弹劾三五封1w0-90595 >>


内容简介:  骆天明本是个农民工,穿越后的身份也和农民工类似,成了挑担子的沙悟净。好在天无绝人之路,他还有个穿越者的标配——系统。只是这个系统也是平民版的,简陋的让人无法 直视。骆天明就依靠这个系统,穿越各个位面,见识各种各样的人和事,不断的炼心炼体,一步步走上巅峰!1w0-3094 >>


内容简介:酒店房门被柯清曼敲开之前,程翊不曾单独跟她说过话,却让她进了门。混乱之中,柯清曼的头撞到床头柜,下意识地呜咽着,眼泪快从眼眶跌落。程翊把她往下拖,摸摸头,看她还是一脸委屈,故而低下头, 吻了吻刚刚撞到的地方,吻了吻泪水,“小傻子。”只有柯清曼自己知道工人家庭出身的她是怎么运用自己的心机一步步走进南城首富之子程翊的身边,为他生下孩子,而后成为他的妻子。长相帅气俊逸、父亲是南城首富、总是以第一名的身份在年级会议上发言、年纪轻轻登上最有成就榜的程翊……vs仅有受人赞扬的颜值,还有不为人知的小心机的柯清曼……坚持日更+有存稿不会坑会写完+晚上七点更新+有事会提前请假请假条:抱歉请下事假,停更两天(20号恢复更新)所欠的份额会补回来!1w0-82294 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:灵气复苏:从100岁开始返老还童】苏长天来到灵气复苏,凶兽咆哮的世界,却只能成为一个普通的武者,默默无闻。直到100岁大寿,在病床上快要逝世的苏长天发现,自己 开始返老还童,每过去一天,都会年轻一天,且修炼天赋增长1倍!越活越年轻,越活越妖孽!《狂雷拳》一分钟修炼到圆满!《源能秘术》一小时推演升级成《神源秘术》!《神性细胞蜕变》一天完成全身五十六万亿颗细胞蜕变,成就不朽!(ps:一日保底五更,跪求鲜花评价票)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-69786 >>


内容简介:周自横穿进《炙情难消:残疾总裁爱上我》一本穿着品如的衣服,却走了小清新路子的总裁文。从主角变成了残疾总裁的炮灰情敌姜宥,被迫绑定了豪门狗血系统。系统说:豪门和狗血更配哦系统还说:你要是 拒绝任务,系统会有一千种方法让你从这个世界消失!姜宥OS:你们这个系统是叶良辰开发的???为了苟命,他只好拉住严老二:“乖,帽子戴好,别掉了哦”严老二:“……”严老大:“家仇公司皆可抛,唯有弟媳最重要!”严老三:“今天也要做个专业的接盘侠,坐等二哥甩手。”主角受:“白月光只想住在你心上”主角的仇敌:“我,世纪小仙男,就算人类绝种,也不会看上姜宥!”严仲修坐了半年轮椅,原以为这辈子都起不来。没想到一靠近姜宥,腿竟然能恢复知觉?十米,九米,八米,七米……滴,0米!严仲修:手给我拉一下,我要去洗澡。姜宥:“……”严仲修:“手给我拉一下,我要去健身。”姜宥:“???”你好骚啊!本书又名《穿书后,我成了残疾总裁的拐杖》1V1甜健气流氓受X假高冷真闷骚粘人攻立意富强,民主,文明,和谐。1w0-29787 >>


内容简介:先帝耗损国运大宿各地妖祸横生,奈何新继女帝只敬天地不信鬼神,身为父母官的祝义当然选择为了百姓而奉身自己。妖祸,不仅有妖,还有鬼魔精怪。祝义:本官食朝廷俸禄为百姓解忧,不求万民感念,那些 个妖娆鬼怪妖魔就让本官消受了罢!文中np,会出现多个故事,作者会开始瞎编、改编,对怪志灵异比较懂的别看,我怕我糊弄不过你。女主是坤泽会和人、鬼1w0-119397 >>


内容简介:屋内有阴灵,窗外有恶鬼,城中有行尸,而江宁刚刚穿越。本以为只能等死,却不曾想激活武道修改器。系统,给我加点。十年不行就百年,百年不行就千年,千年不行就万年。看我以武道横推世间。1w0- 87239 >>




内容简介:九千岁独孤鹜因疾被迫娶退婚女凤白泠,满朝轰动。皇子们纷纷前来“恭贺”:凤白泠虽貌丑无能又家道中落,可她不惧你克妻不举之名,还顺带让你当了便宜爹,可喜可贺。独孤鹜想想无才无貌无德的某女, 冷冷一句:一年之后,必休妻。一年后,独孤鹜包下天下最大的酒楼,呼朋唤友,准备和离。哪知酒楼老板直接免费三天,说是要欢庆离婚,正和各路豪强称兄道弟的第一美女打了个酒嗝:“你们以为我图他的身子,我是馋他的帝王气运。”九千岁被休后,第一月,满城疫病横行,医佛现世,竟是凤白泠。第二月,全国饥荒遍地,首富赈灾,又是凤白泠。第三月,九朝联军围城,万兽御敌,还是凤白泠。第某个月,九千岁追妻踏遍九州八荒:祖宗,求入赘。两小萌神齐声:父王,你得排号!1w3313-96208 >>


内容简介:【预收《我靠第四天灾来系统攻略秦始皇(基建)》、《真千金起兵称帝了》求收藏】本文文案:被认回侯府的第十天,嬴月被亲生父母算计,成了原本看上假千金的权贵王爷的替嫁新娘。绝望之际,嬴月的脑 海中忽然出现了自称“主公养成系统”的声音,询问她是否要进行抽卡,抽取她的“臣下”。怀着一颗没有任何希望的必死之心,嬴月选择了抽卡。然后——……她抽出的“臣下”直接替她屠了王府满门,带着她一路1w0-29289 >>

Tsumetai Otoko

Prequel - Dekiru Otoko [from Fantasy Shrine:] Like the Snow Queen from the same titled novel, Steve Nohgue is famously known within the elite business world for his looks and shrewd mind. Steve has always been used to having everything he wants, including his assistant, Moridono, who has pledged his loyalty to protect and to serve him. Until one day Moridono announced that he no longer wants to be by his side… Why did Moridono abruptly leave his side? Will Steve ever be successful in love as he is in business?! Adapted from the popular novel, this book also includes a short story of Sagishima x Hokuto from Dekiru Otoko.

Tenshi No Fukuin

In olden Britian, Orland, who is in search for the key to becoming King, meets a beautiful priest by the name of Ethelred, who is on the verge of being killed as a sacrifice. Now begins the dangerous adventure of these two, who have met in a chaotic world surrounded by swords and spiritual beliefs...

Powerful Persuasion

A job offer from the U.K.'s largest advertising agency comes totally out of the blue for Celina, so she decides to take the job interview out of interest. There, she meets an outstandingly gorgeous man, Luciano, who is president of the company. Celina is alarmed by his irresistible charm and wants to refuse the job, regardless of the unusually high salary. But she has no other choice but to accept Luciano's offer in order to finance her sister's tuition. It is too late when Celina realizes that she has made the wrong choice. She has already been trapped deep in his risky scheme.

Natsu Neiro

A shopkeeper meets a pair of siblings in the rain.

Equilateral: A Novel

Equilateral: A Novel summary: Equilateral: A Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Equilateral: A Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Flesh Of The Orchid

The Flesh Of The Orchid summary: The Flesh Of The Orchid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Flesh Of The Orchid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hard Fall

Hard Fall summary: Hard Fall summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hard Fall. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss summary: Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss is an interesting story that goes deep in the future. The main plot is happening in the 24th century, and a female genius doctor has the main role in the plot of this story. She is truly good at her job, and she has different opportunities, thanks to the technology development of that time in the future. No illness can defeat any of her patients, and she is more like a wizard considering the doctors today who suffer from lack of solutions, medicament, and equipment necessary for the successful medical treatment. However, this doctor is spared of such problems.
She can cure any type of illness, and she can even return anyone from the dead. That’s why she has many patients, but strange things happen to her in the meantime. She even finds herself in the middle of a big explosion that pushes out her into an unfamiliar world. The truly strange things are happening to her at that place, so she seems a little confused by everything.
People and patients know her well, however, they call her by different names than in the real world. But she is equally successful there when it comes to treatments and curing, and that aspect of her life is totally the same. So she is again making different miracles and helping people to come back to a normal and healthy life after deadly episodes they have encountered.
Her popularity is constantly growing because more and more people are coming to her treatments. She becomes a powerful and influential person in the new world and no one dares to oppose her in any way. That’s why she is very secure in herself and her reputations allow her to be. However, she saves a pest by undertaking one of the treatments with her patients, and now she has a problem. That man starts to confront her, and his actions are quite cruel at moments. He has the intention to take over her reputation. Envy and malice are the main motivation for his struggle with her, however, she is not an easy task as he believes at first. So he will have many more problems on his way against her, and the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading about this fight between main characters.
The situation typically leads to different twist and turns filled with interesting moments. Magic and romance are also part of the happenings despite the fact the general genre is action-fantasy. That makes Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss suitable for readers with different tastes because it is something in between several different genres. It means there is something for almost anyone.
This interesting novel has over 2450 chapters, and it receives frequent updates. So the readers should expect even a higher number of chapters. There is plenty of exciting content within the book, so you will have an opportunity to read it in the long run. The public is very satisfied with this book considering positive reviews and high rating the book has maintained, so that’s a good recommendation.

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