内容简介:《女尊之重振妻纲》简介:“你们找少爷?现在少爷应该已经进紫微城了(振夫纲)。”尤田此时看着眼前卖鱼的两个渔夫却是皱眉:“柳姑娘是有什么大事要转告?”“确有大事,现在麻烦尤兄弟帮忙去赵府 请一个叫白狼的人(振夫纲)。”“白狼?”尤田知道白狼是谁,他是自家少爷的师兄,算是见过一面。“没错,就说是罗提邢和谷主的事(振夫纲)。”“罗提邢?谷主?!”尤田这一听分明就是大事。“行!一定办到。”尤田送走了两个渔夫,此间就要出门,却是被自家娘子唤住(振夫纲)。“夫君……”“娘子……今晚实属有要事”尤田还算是耙耳朵。以往他都早归,只希望晚上多陪待产的娘子(振夫纲)。“没事。就是今晚多小心些。”“嗯。”尤田知道自家夫人虽然平素里泼辣,但是在大事情上是相当讲理的(振夫纲)。。1w0-29572 >>
内容简介:遇到七爷前,秦暮晚是个被父亲丢到乡下,不被重视的弃女。遇到七爷后,她成为云城无数名媛千金羡慕嫉妒恨的对象。七爷宠妻无度,是个妻管严。好友邀他聚会,他说:暮晚不让我喝酒。客户请他吃饭,他 说:老婆在家等我。秦暮晚怒了:我从没这么说过!婚后每晚被迫营业,还要背锅,她太难了!1w16063-25309 >>
内容简介:继母继妹联手背叛,一场精心的设计,让宋锦书失去清白,众叛亲离。无数阴谋交织,她更是成了娱乐圈中人人喊打的过街老鼠!甚至祸及家人!她不甘,誓要绝处逢生,逆袭报复!她要继母精心谋划的家族继 承权!她要嫁给那白莲妹妹心心念念,权势滔天的男人!她要将所有害她辱她、欺她的人,踩在脚下!曾经的耻辱,悉数奉还!可谁知,那掌控着全国经济命脉,矜贵十足、禁欲冷情的男人,却竟是个宠妻狂魔“老公,她们都说我坏。”1w15820-25592 >>
内容简介: 黎家团宠的小千金黎俏,被退婚了。黎家人揭竿而起,全城讨伐,誓要对方好看。*后来,黎俏偶遇退婚男的大哥。有人说:他是南洋最神秘的男人,姓商,名郁,字少衍;也有人说:他傲睨万物,且偏执 成性,是南洋地下霸主,不可招惹。绵绵细雨中,黎俏望着杀伐野性的男人,浅浅一笑:“你好,我是黎俏。”做不成夫妻,那就做你长嫂。*几个月后,街头相遇,退婚男对黎俏冷嘲热讽:“你跟踪我?对我还没死心?”身后一道凌厉的口吻夹着冽风传来,“对你大嫂客气点!”自此,南洋这座城,风风雨雨中只剩最后一则传言——偏执成性的南洋霸主,有一个心尖小祖宗,她姓黎,名俏,字祖宗!1w0-1884 >>
内容简介:有幸穿越了,还是生在地主家,此生不缺吃穿却也不想混吃等死,所以傅小官随意的做了些事情,没料到产生的影响如此巨大。皇帝要让他官居一品,公主要招他为驸马,尚书府的千金非他不嫁,荒人要他的头 ,夷国要他的命,樊国要他的钱……可是,傅小官就想当个大地主啊!1w2785-4671 >>
内容简介:公告区:谢绝写作指导文案:众所周知,陆扬有个小青梅,清纯温柔端庄还很漂亮。陆扬:呵,温柔端庄?你们怕是瞎了眼,明明是刁蛮任性还臭美。然而就是这个又刁蛮又任性偶尔还很可爱的女孩,让陆扬死 心塌地的喜欢了很多年。某天醉酒后,秦婉婉从陆扬床上醒来。几个月后,秦婉婉挺着大肚子,挟孩子以令陆扬,问他:“陆扬,你喜不喜欢我?”陆扬眸子闪了闪:“乖,吃饭。”秦婉婉:“你说不说,不说我就带着孩子离家出走!”陆扬:……秦婉婉气呼呼地准备收拾东西回娘家,忽然那人从身后抱住她,亲吻她的发丝,在她耳边低声道:“我爱你。”世界上总有那么一个人,让你爱上就是一辈子。结婚前,陆医生的朋友圈偶尔更新一条,还都是“十大急救知识”之类的医疗科普。结婚后,陆扬朋友圈的画风突变,变相秀恩爱的,晒孩子的,每天一两条,让那些单身狗好想屏蔽他!【我的预收文】欢迎戳专栏求预收《学医》劝人学医,天打雷劈,被患者杀害而重生的女主,最终还是重新踏上漫漫学医路《他的小暗恋》十年暗恋最终如愿:优质少年偶像·八千万粉丝影帝X乖巧可爱星二代学霸·高冷睿智人民教师【我的完结文】《总裁前女友她回来了》骄傲任性白富美X沉稳内敛禁欲总裁【看文指南】无脑婚恋小甜文,无虐1V1男主外科医生,女主美术系大四学生。谢绝考究党和杠精,这只是一篇不带脑子的小甜文。1w0-71242 >>
内容简介:兄弟如手足,女人如衣服。浪上天的纨绔霍少没有想到,有一天在灯火通明的ICU外等待的时候,会为一个女人拧碎了心肝。遇上乔微之前,他曾经对这个世界无所畏惧。手足尤可断,衣服不可换。(绝症提 琴手x桀骜难驯二世祖)1封面授权已买。2微微爸爸写给她的信,最后一句,改自刘瑜写给女儿的信。————————————接档可预收:《大众情人》(万人迷副驾唐佳宁x禁欲系机长霍钦)女人最漂亮的是眼睛,最性感是嘴唇,最撩人的是腰肢与腿。上天在赋予唐佳宁美貌,给她主宰男人喜怒哀乐权利的同时,还送来了克星。和霍钦分手三年后,她头一次后悔——当初的好聚好散说得实在太潇洒了!十八岁时候,唐佳宁野心勃勃以睡到国航最年轻的机长为目标。后来,机长睡到,她的目标又改成了做国航最年轻的机长。————————————戳一下收藏专栏,想做你们的好朋友有空来微博看我呀:小红杏C1w0-28091 >>
内容简介:前世,她是魅世妖姬,身世离奇,命运坎坷。重生后,她风华绝代,才华横溢,无人能及。他曾冷言道:若不想沦为倾城妖姬,你可以自尽。她亦冷傲道:本姑娘也可以自强,更可以女扮男装。从此,她,一言 九鼎,披荆斩棘,纵横九州,睥睨天下。奈何命里,任务繁重,男儿腹黑,师叔冷情。且看那传奇女子如何与之相争,如何风华魅世?从今后,岁月无蹉跎,且行且珍惜。PS此文女强,女扮男装。苏墨此生最不甘的是,为何自己的师傅是门派中最严厉的女掌门?偏不是那七位玉树临风…美得人神共愤的师叔?直到一日,恰遇到师叔在下界历劫,她因犯错,一同被罚入下界。于是,她开始了与师叔不得不说的故事。总是应了那句古话:近水楼台先得月。————少年冷傲地道:“你居然是魅世妖姬,天下有权势的男子无不渴望得到,与你立下契约实在是我一生最倒霉的事情。”她目光诚挚:“你面冷心热,有颗七窍玲珑心,能与你立下契约,是我最幸运的事情。”少年脸色一红,撇过头道:“天下之大,莫非王土,你,又能逃向哪里?”她肃然正色道:“若我实力极强,这天下群雄都仰视于我,何处不可容身?”少年忍不住道:“我以为我是极傲的,不曾想你却比我更傲。”她微微一晒道:“这叫近朱者赤近墨者黑。”————蓝衣男子随意瞥她一眼,淡淡道:“原以为你身世可怜,不想你却是凤凰命格,既然如此,是本公子看走了眼,以后概不奉陪。”她冷笑道:“你若离开,我会告诉天下人,染公子始乱终弃,抛弃你的宝宝。”说着,她玉眸轻抬,拍了拍肚子。“什么?你有了?”男人顿时面色变幻,欣喜若狂,不禁大笑三声道,“很好,很好,还是年轻的能生,那些老头子们远不及我。”言讫,一众风姿飘举的男儿走上前来道:“虞染,说清楚,谁是老头子?”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《天下第一妖孽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79145 >>
It covers the adventures of two teenagers, Karin and Reiji, as they try to run Karin's family restaurant when the only adult around, her mother gets sick and is unable to do the job. Both kids know how to cook but the boy, Reiji, is better and he doesn't let Karin forget it.
Set in Japan during the '20s, Mitsuyaku is the story of two childhood friends from very different walks of life who grow up to become lovers. Yuuichi is an ambitious type from humble beginnings, working his way towards success. His beloved Iori is the scion of an important family -- a beautiful, dark-haired creature with a gentle nature. Unfortunately, one of the aspects of belonging to an important lineage is marriage. Will the hero have the guts to stay with the love of his life, or will he succumb to his family's pressure to shore up the dwindling finances by marrying rich?
Story 1: Welcome to Megane café, a place for food, fun, and extremely hot butlers? While walking in with her friends, Kusumoto Sumire meets one of those butlers. But there’s something rude about him, weren’t butlers suppose to be nice-tempered and attentive? Suddenly the rude butler; named Katsuragi, kidnaps her, giving Sumire her first kiss! Outraged, at first she vows to never go to the café again. Nevertheless, something about him is so addicting, she just can’t help herself. --Summary by Take-me-away-to-paradise Story 2: Aoki Misao is the daughter of the owner of a glasses cafe, Glasser, where beautiful men in glasses will gladly serve you tea. These beautiful men are all under the oppressive rule of Kaga the manager, who only ever smiles to the lady customers as their perfect prince. He puts on these two different masks in dedication to his work. How will Misao ever expect to get close to him as the boss' daughter!? Story 3: Still in the realm of story 2; Erika, a high school girl is in love with the school prince. As smart and as handsome as he is he is also very cold and refuses every girl that approaches him. Just when she thought all hope was lost she finds out his secret of working as the Glasses cafe, which is against school rules. Can she use this secret to get noticed and possibly win his heart? Or will he turn the tables?
A Matsuzuki Kou anthology, containing four one-shots: 1) Omnipotent Medicine (Ramune Bannouyaku) 2) Ahiru Revolution (Ahiru Kakumei) 3) Under the Scarlet Sky (Ake no Sora no Shita de) 4) The Orange Angel (Orenji Tenshi)
Star Trek summary: Star Trek summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Star Trek. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Lord of End of World summary:
This is a story about Gong Lixin who was the young master of an ancient underground palace in the ancient times. He was raised by his master and forced to partake s.e.xual relationships with numerous people to cultivate his Yin Body. His master who has a Yang Body was going to absorb him after he has reach a level to become stronger. MC refused and killed his master also dying at the same time. Then he transmigrated to the modern time and thinking he will enjoy peaceful life, the end of the world arrived.
Being someone with no special powers except for his martial arts, see how he use his martial arts to dominate the times and find his lovers.
Eternal Log summary:
Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Haru!
As long as I can remember tou-san and kaa-san weren’t around so jii-chan and baa-chan raised me!
And I noticed that I seem to be different from everyone else!
As it is because my future is insecure, for the sake of having a stable income I will try my best to become a great adventurer!
By the way, I’d like to give marriage a shot so let’s say I have marriage aspirations!
Though whether someone will take the me who is different from everyone else…
Ah! Being negative is no good!
Well, even though I’m starting with a minus I’ll try my best!
The current target is the lowest line of the requirements for marriage: stable income!
From here on how will my life turn out? Please watch over me!
….eeeehm “Below is a rough summary of the story” seems like!
Then, my best regards!
Eternal Log
The ancient race’s treasure.
Long ago.
Superior physical strength.
Overwhelming magic power.
Those who carried knowledge of the principles of the world were called the Ancient Race governed the world.
The Ancient Race were said to be the descendants of the G.o.d of Creation.
The Ancient Race used their knowledge to invent machines, by means of magic and machines they achieved a never before seen degree of growth such that the people lived without discomfort.
However, the civilization of magic and machine that developed the world suddenly faces its demise.
Sent from the distant past to the future, Haru, whose parents were gone, was raised by his grandparents.
However, Haru noticed that he was slightly different from everyone else.
And so, a certain event envelopes the boundary of the world, and the gears of fate start turning.
The Brain summary: The Brain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.