
































内容简介:天下人,天下事,都不过是我大唐人餐桌上的一道道菜肴。虽然原始的食材便具有食物原始的风情,云初还是认为,最美味的食物还是需要经过分割,烹调,处置,最后端上桌的食物才是最符合大唐人肠胃的食 物。清蒸,红烧,爆炒,炖煮……天下有多少事,庖厨便有多少种烹调手段。不论是高句丽,突厥,吐蕃,吐谷浑,薛延陀,铁勒……还是长鲸,猛虎,巨鲨,饿狼,在大唐这个熔炉铁锅里都能烹调出绝世美味……再加上李治,武瞾,长孙无忌,褚遂良,李绩,程咬金等等绝世调料,不论是色香味总会有一样让你难以忘怀。云初希望这样的豪华宴会上,绝对应该有自己的一个座位!现如今,美味已经烹调完毕——云初铺好餐巾,拿起割鹿刀,双眼微闭,准备享受一顿前所未有的大餐,以满足自己饥渴的肠胃。1w0-98708 >>


内容简介:本书又名《穿成红颜祸水女炮灰的那些年》,轻松搞笑文,博君一乐。一觉睡醒,苏然穿成了自己笔下的红颜祸水。家徒四壁、无衣无食,空有一身美貌的……炮灰。作为全书的创世主,苏然相当淡定:“这书 都是我写的,搞点钱来还不容易?!”她把目光盯向本书中最有钱有身份有势力的……反派。自信满满:“你一男配,还能跟我斗?”肃王府世子发现自己最近被人盯上了。他家的盐路被人断了,他送出去的真金白银变成石头了,就连他弟弟拿去讨那贫家女欢心的玉佩都被人给捡了。世子爷把那瓷做的杯子捏了个粉碎。“千万别让我逮着你!”一个仗着自己有财有势,一个仗着自己知晓剧情,斗来斗去,最后斗成一窝的故事。男主心黑手狠城府深,女主没心没肺只爱钱。看文提示:1,1V1,HE,日更,偶尔加更,保证不坑!2,女主狡猾市侩无节操,请不要用三观要求她。3,剧情线为主,感情线为辅,主基调轻松,有苏有甜,保证不虐。4,因为穿越带来的蝴蝶效应,所以和原书剧情关联不大。5,写文是兴趣,看文是缘分,请不要让我们互相伤害。更多选择请进钉钉专栏接档文求收:《群狼环伺》——她是唯一的美羊羊。穿进男人群像小说中,成为里面的道具型女炮灰。如何在没有金手指的情况下,征服诸多男主,压倒终极BOSS?这是一个难题……1w0-95585 >>


内容简介:原书名《最强装逼打脸系统》!最强反套路,我TM反手就是一个套路,横扫修仙界无敌手,就问一声还有谁?装逼如风,常伴吾身!长路漫漫,装逼相伴!生死看淡,不服就干!“年轻人,当年我开始套路的 时候,你们还在穿开裆裤!”徐缺踏上了一条套路之路,每天不是在套路,就是正在去套路的路上!各位书友要是觉得《最强反套路系统开局烧毁》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w2505-25001 >>




内容简介:赵雪凝今年31岁,在一家合资公司做个白领,这个年纪正是成熟有韵味的时候。8203我对妻子很了解,所以我也笑着让妻子紧张排斥的心里平静下来。当我把话语说完之后,可以看得出妻子没有刚才反应 那么强烈了,只不过还是纠结着。1w100917-104472 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起现实题材征文大赛】参赛作品】【全剧情创新女主冷漠帅炸】令整个世界都俯首称臣的异能王者,因为一个神秘任务降临于一座二线城市。她来临的当天,屹立于九天之上,解救了全城的危机 ,成了千万人心中的超能女神。她来临的第二天,伪装成一个长相丑陋、满脸雀斑、右腿残废的贫民女学生。她来临的第三天,所有同学都因为她没权没势而欺辱她,在她的饭盒里面放泻药、污蔑她抄袭、走道上泼她洗脚水……他们以为,她躲过这些陷害都是运气。可直到第四天!危机再次来临,她褪去了一身校服凌驾于本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我早就不当救世英雄了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-60447 >>




内容简介:有个从来抓不到鬼的小道士还俗了,大婚这一天,师兄弟没有一个到场的,全程的鬼却都聚在了婚礼的上空,想替这个总是心肠很软、碎碎念很唠叨、最后却娶了个小狐狸的小家伙挡一道雷劫,毕竟啊,人妖殊 途,可是那天啊,晴空万里,什么都没有发生。1w12919-97382 >>


内容简介:他是整个帝国最阴郁暴戾的男人,不近女色,却因一场意外与她联姻。白天暴躁冷冰冰,夜晚却把她抱在怀里,逼进角落,霸道不失温柔的求爱,一遍遍吻着她的唇,想要把她揉进骨髓里。“瓷瓷,说你爱我。 ”“这辈子只做我的女人可好?”曾经目空一切的男人,从此后眼里心里满世界里只有她一人。1w66361-77307 >>


内容简介:简夭为了找回轮回珠而下界,哪想到会碰到那样一个人。眼前的男子缓缓勾唇,声音笃定:“你喜欢我?”简夭神色复杂:“没。”她只是喜欢他身上那件白色衣服。对面那人眸色愈深:“不,你喜欢我!”简 夭:?简夭完全没想到,下界之后为了攒钱买珠子,她被迫穿越无数位面,又被迫一次次走上人生巅峰。但是好好的一篇快穿逆袭文,为什么老是跑偏成言情文呢?男子勾起唇瓣,眸色幽深,慢慢靠近:“你说呢?”PS:宠文1V1,男女主都很强,互宠。1w0-70569 >>


内容简介:【对他来说,她就是一场突如而来的瘟疫——侵入肺腑,无法治愈。若爱无疾,该当如何?她曾经是他的命,后来是他的恨,最终成了他心尖上拔不去的刻骨衷情。】受过一次伤害的顾先生立志要斩掉温小姐的 翅膀,让她插翅都难再飞,可到头来,他还是被温小姐给降服了。顾先生:“……”他看着躺在怀抱里的女子,暗自磨牙,他只是又被她迷惑了而已!又名《你是我戒不掉的一场瘟疫》【我们都在为爱而冲破束缚,然后飞向彼此,纵然过程痛苦而漫长,可爱你的心坚定不移。】——又名《如果爱》亲爱的江先生走了,傲娇的顾渣渣来了,这是一篇关于重逢与爱的故事,希望宝贝们喜欢。~新书,求收藏,求各种抚爱~1w0-3858 >>


内容简介:穿越回明末,被追着杀,怎么办?不给别人当兵,自己拉人当大王!打土豪,分田地,搞游击,办抗清书院,走全民战争路线。中原是必须收复的,小日本要连杀带卖的,石见银山,那是我们的!以杀止杀,血 债血偿!打折建奴的狗腿,屠灭杀戮汉人的满虫!山河奄有中华地日月重开大明天!西太平洋是我们的内湖,东印度群岛是我们的殖民地,只要有汉人的地方,就有凤凰旗在烈烈飘扬!中华帝国是一头文明的狮子,请各位船长小心的和他们打交道,不要让他们抓到任何动战争的借口,这样才能保护我们脆弱的东方商路。——东印度公司总督占·彼得逊·昆作者:刃上S所写的《篡明》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-32713 >>

Romantic Beauty

Collection of 5 stories 1. Romantic Beauty - Yuka, who during the Junior High graduation got rejected by Takigawa-kun from that day on goes on a diet, loses 20 kilos, and transforms into a beautiful butterfly. This is because she wants to meet up with Takigawa-kun again, confess her love a second time, and have her first time with him! The completely transformed Yuka goes back to her old home town for a school reunion but the person who calls out to her is...?! [from Tenshi-Tachi] 2. The Queen And Her Slave - Ai is a university student and also a virgin, but when she's drunk she forgets everything. One morning, she awakens only to find herself naked and next to a handsome high school student. He fell in love with her and offers to become her slave. 3. Pure Love, Forbiden Love - Ryo nii-san is Kazuko's cousin and her first love. After ten long years, she transferred into Ryo's school where he is the student council's president. She's looking forward to seeing her kind, gentle cousin, only to find that he's not as pure as she thought he would be. 4. The Days Where I Yearn For Love - Mochida is a shy high school girl who can't seem to speak up about her opinions, especially in front of Aoyama. But now he sits next to her - the worst thing ever, because now she's more nervous than ever. Aoyama befriends her, noticing her shyness and manages to make her open up to him. Although Aoyama is now friends with her, Mochida doesn't expect anything out of their friendship, but does Aoyama want something from Mochida? 5. The Warmth Of Your Fingertips - Hanashima Yuna is often molested on the train to school, but she is afraid to speak up. One morning, Yuasa Kouichi saves her and protects her throughout the entire ride. She's confused at his kindness, especially when he hovers over her protectively on the train ride home. Why is he protecting her?

Love & Sex

1. Midara na Senritsu Hiwai na Yubisaki (Lewd Melody Obscene Fingers) by SHINJO MayuYurika has grown so used to doing what others tell her to do that she never realized she was like a caged bird. She accepted it as a matter of course when arrangements were made for her to get engaged to Satoshi, her controlling piano teacher. That is until piano genius and fringe element Hibiki teaches Yurika how to put emotion in her music--how to fly from her cage--among other less innocent things...(Also included in Motto Oshiete)2. Hyoutenka no Maria by MINAMI KananA story about a girl named Miona who saved the drunken university student Rikuya from freezing to death. To thank her, he takes her to an amusement park... they get along very well and Miona kinda fell in love with him. Next day she sees on tv that a female student from the same university as Rikuya was stabbed... and she begins to think that it was him...3. Abunai Houkenshitsu (Dangerous Health Room) by AYUKAWA MioFujimori-sensei has a secret that involves the health room. Could he be meeting someone there...!?4. S no Junjou M no Yuuwaku by KOUSAKA YuukaYuu is in love with Makoto, only to find out that her mother is engaged to Makoto's father. Now she must live with Makoto, and his equally handsome twin brother.5. Kare no Taion Kanojo no Toiki (His Body Temperature Her Long Sigh) by ASAMI MiyabiYukina is on the same committee as Narimiya. She notices the cologne that he is wearing and stares at him sadly. Could the fragrance be the cause...!?**Also included in [m]Kedamono Shounen Shoujo[/m]6. Kakusei Full Moon (Full Moon Awakening) by YUUHI RyuuYuzuki and Takara are childhood friends and so close that people consider Takara to be Yuzuki's girlfriend. But it's all in good fun--because Yuzuki is eighteen and Takara is only thirteen. Now that Takara's body is maturing, though, the joke isn't as easy to brush off as it once was...especially with a full moon pulling Yuzuki's desires to the surface.7. Tomodachi Ijou x H Miman (More than Friends, Not Up to Sex) by USAMI TaeMaking a confession is the most difficult part in a love relationship. Follow Miku in her way of saying 'I LOVE YOU TEPPEI'.

Urooboe Uroboros!

What's a guy to do when a militant girl demands he date her little sister? Crazy right? Well, it's exactly what happens to transfer student Kakizaki Kokera. The Harimoto Sisters have a strange love-hate relationship he just can't help but get dragged into. And what's more, there's a strange town legend about a middle schooler who cleaned up the town with overwhelming violence five years ago called Urooboe Uroboros (Half-Remembered Uroboros).

Lock On!

Utsuru Sanada is a professional photographer at the age of 17, he can guess the exact 3 sizes of any girl, he can memorize anything he sees, and he can counterattack karate moves (Most guys would want these abilities). Why? Because he has superb photographic memory called “Shutter Eye” (Shutter as in the shutter of a camera). He meets Niko Kurihara, the female protagonist, who dislikes men, is a master of martial arts, and is of course beautiful. As the story progresses, Niko at first thought he is an impure guy, but soon realizes he is unpredictable and not what he seems in her eyes. . .

The Others Within - Awakening

The Others Within - Awakening summary: A little girl named Emilia, seemingly leads a normal and peaceful life, at least that what it seemed on the outside. Terrible memories haunt her due to problems with the people around her. She forgets them for a few years until she listened to a story. It all comes back to her, causing her life to turn for the worse. She begins to be possessed by a being known as 'The Others', a manifestation of...

Reincarnation Of A Living God

Reincarnation Of A Living God summary: In Alfan the world where the (un)fortunate protagonist of this story finds himself, are there at any point in time 5 living G.o.ds, if one should die a new one is added to the mix, thought the history of Alfan there have been many living G.o.ds in the world appearing as hero 's, king 's and queen 's, master chef 's, tyrants, or as completely unknown people.join Mars as he sets out on a journey to explore...

Rhyn Eternal: Deidre's Death

Rhyn Eternal: Deidre's Death summary: Rhyn Eternal: Deidre's Death summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rhyn Eternal: Deidre's Death. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Scarlet Rain

Scarlet Rain summary: Scarlet Rain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Scarlet Rain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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