简介恶魔少女#夏炎炎#痛杀仇敌,被恶魔法庭剥夺恶魔之力罚下人间。为了翻案重回恶魔界,她决定作为人类好好表现。谁知第一天就激情暴走!所幸被佛系小哥哥#孙仲夏#的气场所净化,当场引起极度舒适!从此杀戮不再是她的乐趣,攻略坐怀不乱的孙仲夏,探索他体内的净化之力才是要紧事! 【随后每周六、周日更新,+关注即可获取更新提醒!】【 求关注求评论人家嘛~拜托拜托~】 微博:@暗黑兔文化
内容简介:常年吐槽狗血小说的衡芷穿越了,成了自己吐槽过的玛丽苏小说女主,还被绑定了事业系统,拯救四个世界恋爱脑女主,衡芷表示爱情算什么,她只想要事业。只是没想到打脸来的如此快,她是怎么得罪了这位 反派大佬,怎么的就缠上了她?还修炼破天际,跟着她穿越了!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿女主她只想要事业》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84972 >>
内容简介:新文《学渣和学霸的爱情买卖》已开!xA完结文《秦先生宠妻日常》xAxA夏青霜是个十八线,还要再掉两线的女明星。xA有一天节目组拿给她一份通告“的男子汉”的综艺节目xA她拨通李柏杨的电话 :“我参加了一档综艺节目。”xA李柏杨静了两秒:“嗯?”xA夏青霜有点不好意思,又有点兴奋:“是在你们军营拍的。”xA李柏杨淡淡道:“好啊,你最喜欢军绿色。”xA想起他们的关系,夏青霜深吸一口气:“我怕在镜头面前露陷。”xA李柏杨不在乎地说:“那就秀给他们看。”xA节目播出时,全国观众们含泪捂嘴:“别塞了,狗粮够了!”xA冷冰冰的狗粮,三百六十度地拍打在脸上。xA这就是一个甜文,婚恋文,无任何虐点,勇敢地点进来吧!xA先婚后爱,慢慢磨合的过程。xA有防盗,订阅率60%以上,否则24小时后能看到。1w0-28443 >>
内容简介:结婚前惨遭丈母娘加价的苏铁,偶然得到七个师姐。这七个师姐不但身材火爆,容貌祸国殃民,而且每一人都是神仙般的大人物。偏偏她们又都是弟控狂魔!总裁师姐,女王师姐,战神师姐,大明星师姐,还有 身份神秘的师姐…………面对七个师姐的宠爱,苏铁选择了……1w19200-25140 >>
内容简介:宁知穿成了逃婚女配。书里,女主和男主活成了甜宠文。而同样嫁入豪门的炮灰女配,不仅被发现逃婚,以致于在豪门的日子艰难。加上她各种嫌弃有自闭症的丈夫,甚至为了追求真爱,最后将自己活成了悲剧 。1w0-2620 >>
内容简介: (专宠双洁+暴力型小哭包女主) 奉城宋家有对姐妹花,前者福运加身,容色双绝。后者空有美貌,是个整天喜欢哭哭啼啼的丧门星。 宋窈窈醒来发现她穿进了那本跟她同名同姓的小说里,不幸的 是,她是女配。 女主人美心善,父母宠爱,听说她还要自己的未婚夫? 宋窈窈表示:拿去拿去通通拿去! 你说你福运加身,才貌双全?宋窈窈微笑,那你怕是没有听说过什么叫做锦鲤本鲤,技能满点吧? 后来,当女主得意自己追求者众多时,宋窈窈已经是各国大佬的座上宾。当女主成为娱乐圈当红小花通告无数时,宋窈窈不知不觉混成了知名导演…… 宋窈窈对此无奈:我真的只是随便玩玩! 哪曾想原著男主也跑来凑热闹,深情告白:“窈窈,蓦然回首,原来我最爱的还是你!” 宋窈窈:“老公你听我解释!我对他真的没有想法!”1w0-959 >>
内容简介:内容介绍:蔺逍遥穿越到了玄幻世界,获得了签到打卡系统。他在这个世界签到打卡十万年,在这期间,他创立过皇朝,问鼎过仙门,收过徒弟,养过女儿,成为过这个世界的传说。十万年后,当他的徒弟们站 在世界顶峰,女儿1w2749-108952 >>
内容简介:那夜,他对她的感情越发浓厚,只想宠她上天。前男友嫌她出身低微,所以就分手另寻富家千金。而她却被省城最有权最有钱的男人看上了!从此,他宠她、爱她、呵护她。只要是她想要的,就没有他办不到的 。她总是强调他自己出身低微!他却表示自己为她而生,她认为自己没有什么吸引力,他否定她的观点,要让她从内心也真正的自信起来……1w18529-27339 >>
内容简介:退役电竞一哥江小川,穿进虫族世界,成了需要依附雌虫才能活下去的雄虫。江小川果断拒做软饭男,誓要闯出自己的一片天!收到招聘网站上的第101封拒信后,江小川蹲在桥洞底下,吹着冷风,啃着雄虫 救济粮,眼泪哗哗地往下流。这个世界性别歧视太严重了,根本不给雄虫任何就业机会。心灰意冷的江小川游荡进一家“网吧”,看到久违的游戏界面,双眼放光。他要重新捡起金饭碗——重返电竞圈!莫辰是帝国顶级电竞俱乐部AG各位书友要是觉得《伪装雌虫,A爆全场电竞》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98337 >>
内容简介:蓝星青年宁石无意间下载了一个叫《诸世纪》的手游。“嘀!分身创建完毕!”宁石获得了一个游戏分身,分身变强,本体也会变强!“分身在练功房里锻炼了12个小时,体质1、精神力1。”“分身杀死地 行龙,获得地龙血脉!”“分身服用魅力果实,颜值10!”分身在一个个游戏世界里纵横捭阖,创建势力、留下传承。“分身交际成功,征服了玫瑰公爵爱丽丝,爱丽丝即将到达,请本体注意。”宁石:……各位书友要是觉得《我有一个游戏分身》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76380 >>
内容简介: 你穿越到了斗罗的位面你成为了只有一年修为的魂兽小树苗你不禁感叹天道对你如此不公你叹息了一口气,获得经验+1000你又深吸了一口气,获得经验+5000你不敢相信的大口吸了一口气,获得 经验+10000....................面对暴涨的修为,你惊讶的大口喘气着。经验+100000.........经验+100000.............经验+100000..........................于是乎,你无敌了。1w0-3721 >>
内容简介:上一世的陆七容貌出尘、身手了得,是平王陆景昭从小养在身边的死士,是杀手,是武器,更是他藏在暗处见不得光的女人。从炼狱中活下来的陆七,一生唯主子的命令是从。所以,当被主子心尖上的女人诬害 惩罚,她一声不吭;以身做药替主子解迷情香后被恼羞成怒的陆景昭扔进男人堆里玩弄,谓之“赎罪”,她也不曾抵抗。可是为什么,一定要逼着她代心上人和亲,甚至还赐她毒酒,害死了肚子里的孩子?那是她和他的孩子……陆七彻底1w0-97654 >>
Junbeom runs into Jina, an exorcist who captures mystical monsters called 'Shingis.' She gives Jumbeom a bell to protect him, which unexpectedly turns Junbeom into a shingi! Desperate to return to his regular human self, the two look for the man that sold Jina the bell, but he has disappeared. They follow a lead and locate the billionaire who owned the bell before a burglar stole it from him. However, Junbeom and Jina must first catch the burglar before he's willing to help. Will they ever succeed in returning Junbeom to his former self?
Toshi is your regular senior high student, except in the evenings when he's a bartender at a joint frequented by American servicemen, where he deals drugs, pimps, and even cross-dresses a little on the side. And his best friend Miyuki just happens to be the son of a loan shark with gay tendencies. If this sounds like the hardboiled world of Yoshida's later and most well-known work Banana Fish, it's balanced by Toshi's madcap adventures at his all-male school (where his mates jerk off to everything in sight, and scenes from shoujo manga are performed in all their histrionic glory), as well as the unexpected delicacy of his relationships with the women in his life. This episodic drama is bursting with all the frustration, the tenderness, the audacity, the horniness and the hilarity that comes with being young and male. All the tough, silly, dirty, and sweet things boys get up to in the locker room and out of it never brought a bigger smile to your face. Bunko ver released in 1994. summary from Baka-Updates Manga
1) A crisis in the 16th Year Takeru and Keigo have been friends for a long time but now Keigo's duties with the student council seem to be taking up all of his time. 2) The intuition of love The manipulative student council President Fukami has misplaced his key to the basement and first year student Muromachi finds it. Can Fukami recover the key or has he met his match in Muromachi? 3) Shoujo Comic Supporter ( summary by Backlash67) Harumi and Yuusuke were next door neighbors growing up. Yuusuke being much older than Harumi eventually left to attend college. Before leaving, Yuusuke gave Harumi a shoujo manga as a parting gift. Although Harumi didn’t initially have an interest in shoujo manga, after reading the series Yuusuke recommended, he became a fan of shoujo manga. By time Harumi reaches high school he is obsessed with shoujo manga. He attempts to establish a shoujo manga club but is rejected by the student council president, Yoshiaki. Harumi and his club are supported by none other than Yuusuke who is now a teacher at Harumi’s school. Suffering from the constant frustration of having the group’s hard efforts to establish the shoujo manga club rejected, is there anything Harumi can do to persuade the student council president? And if there is, will Yuusuke continue to support him or stand in his way?
From Sakura-Crisis: One day, as Suzuri was walking past a river, she suddenly saw a HUGE peach slowly flowing! Due to the fact she has not eaten since the start of her journey, she decided to just conclude the huge peach was a god sent and did the most logical thing anyone would have done - eat it. However, just as she had her first bite, a young male jumps out of the peach! And before Suzuri knows it, she�™s the 18th master to Momo who could do anything that Suzuri commands! What kind of danger would they encounter on their journey as they face a god that goes by the name Kyuui? And what dark secret does Momo have?!
Cyra Hafisa: Love Wild And Fair summary: Cyra Hafisa: Love Wild And Fair summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cyra Hafisa: Love Wild And Fair. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Mysteries Of Paris summary: The Mysteries Of Paris summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mysteries Of Paris. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Vanishing Acts summary: Vanishing Acts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vanishing Acts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
On Blue's Waters summary: On Blue's Waters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On Blue's Waters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.