内容简介:系统提示音:“警告,宿主违背侠义道德,扣除一点健康属性点,当健康属性归零,宿主将永久失去生育能力。”苏墨对着系统咆哮:“尼玛,这是要练葵花宝典的节奏啊!不行,老子要变强,老子的属性要全 部加满,老子要……”……系统有些坑爹,励志让好吃懒做混吃等死的小混混苏墨一跃成为一代大侠。这是一个在都市打怪升级,纵横大侠客世界的故事。欢迎加入神级金庸武侠系统,一群号码:52,87,43,48,2。二群号码:57,75,99,72,8。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《神级金庸武侠系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83088 >>
内容简介: 杨峰穿越了,他来到了大明,但他一点都不高兴,因为他快饿死了。 想尽办法回到现代社会的他曾经立志再也不会到那个见鬼的年代了,但他很快就食言了,为了生活他只能一次又一次的在两个时空里 穿梭。 在大明他认识了很多有意思的人,做了很多有意思的事,而且他甚至还交了很多有意思的朋友,当了很大的官。 这就是杨峰在大明的生活。 群号:2-4-0-4-5-4-1-8-81w0-931 >>
内容简介:新书《超级保镖》已正式上传,开始连载,请不要被书名的语法迷惑,这是一个鬼修刺客在修仙界的故事。鬼,奔跑在夜色中,无影无形。刺客,眼神似鹰,刀影掠过,生机灭绝。你没有任何防备的时候,鲜血 已经从喉头喷射而出。我是鬼,但我要主宰这个宇宙!大家不要忘了手上每天的推荐票和期待票各位书友要是觉得《你身后有鬼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95038 >>
内容简介:瞎了一只眼的共工仰天哭笑:“什么证道天下?什么为圣洪荒?不过圣‘人’而已!!吾堂堂祖巫,誓不与尔等竖子共天地!!!”六圣沉默不语。不周山拦腰折断,妖族巫族皆欢呼:“为圣‘人’寿!”女娲 、元始、灵宝、接引、准提皆面含羞愤,唯道德光风霁月,平静如常。没有谁注意到,折断的不周山正要砸着的地方,一只蝎妖正欲哭无泪:“不要啊,我只是来打酱油的……亚美蝶……”1w0-86389 >>
内容简介: 穿越成体质只有2随时濒死的小可怜,林德只能靠自家大腿勉强维持生命。自家大腿夺爵成功,自己拿到金手指恢复健康,明明双份的快乐,为什么会变成小领主?金手指可以召唤玩家,自己也在炼金术上 突飞猛进,可以给玩家提供更好的服务,双份快乐合在一起,为什么这个世界突然晶壁薄弱四处起火?为什么……咦?等等,玩家老爷们,你们有无限fb可以打了哦。救救游戏(世界)吧,无需氪金,只需要肝!领主+炼金+数据+沙雕玩家+善良策划(?)1w0-3259 >>
内容简介:因为一条微博,温繁星带着备受瞩目的目光进了盛产明星与演员的尤大表演系。本想低调地完成学业,可表演系的欲望与权利的交织缠绕着她成长。女人堆的日常充斥着人类的变相七宗罪…无力之时意外收获一 枚顶流学长林奕的青睐,出道多年顶流与后起之秀小白会擦出什么样的火花?1w0-92529 >>
内容简介:原主陆澄澄被自己的婆婆在自己家中推倒,头撞到桌子后死去,穿越而来的陆澄澄一醒来就在坟堆里还带着一大袋种子,原来是婆婆柳氏正想要偷偷埋了她。陆澄澄由原本的性情温婉变得泼辣无比,从棺材里爬 出来后吓坏了婆婆柳氏。这时属于属于原主的记忆钻进了陆澄澄的脑中。原主是王村私塾先生家的女儿,性情温顺,但因为有个后母,趁着陆澄澄的父亲去考秀才,把陆澄澄卖给杨村有名的长舌妇家做儿媳……1w24161-26517 >>
内容简介:清醒幼崽,恋综爆红清醒幼崽,恋综爆红小说阅读穿越重生小说清醒幼崽,恋综爆红由作家宋灼灼创作【晚九日更,预收《人鱼幼崽,选秀爆红》求收藏呀】x3000x3000参加恋综之前,三岁半幼崽付 小西跪在床边对奥特曼许愿,希望自己的漂亮麻麻能够获得幸福。x3000x3000第二天,付小西拥有了读心术。虽然是需要随时喝奶补充能量的那种。x3000x3000x3000x3000《我们的恋爱》开播,网友惊奇地发现,这档综艺里最吸引人的居然是个奶团子。x3000x3000嘉宾见面当天,烛光餐桌旁,一个幼儿安全座椅摆在男生对面,付小西戴着镜框,肉肉的小脸绷得很严肃小兵提供清醒幼崽,恋综爆红最新章节清醒幼崽,恋综爆红最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-72995 >>
内容简介:“我媳妇怀了!”整个帝国沸腾了,大总裁什么时候有媳妇了?她一不小心就惹上个权势滔天、财大气粗的超级大Boss,一怒风云变。婚前的他偏执霸道高冷无情,婚后却宠妻如命千依百顺。“老公,我想 要10克拉的戒指。”“买。”“老公,我想要10辆兰博基尼。”“买。”“老公,我想在后花园里滑雪。”“来人,把后花园掀了给夫人建滑雪场。”“老公,我不想过了,离婚吧。”“……离。”拿着离婚协议书女人潇洒离开,本以为就此过上逍遥快乐的生活,没想到只是兜兜转转了一圈又回到他的身边,从此又成了他一个人的专属。“陆煜霆,你的霸道总裁高冷人设呢?”谁说陆爷高冷无情,谣言,统统都是谣言!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《陆爷心尖宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77250 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:破案:我的老师是季洁】秦风穿越到重案六组世界,激活神探系统。开局获得高级犯罪心理学。入组第一天就破了一起连环杀人案,一下成了组里的香饽饽。一起起案子,在他面前 都无处遁形,一颗警界新星冉冉升起。……然而,很快秦风就发现,这个世界,似乎不只有重案六组。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-96182 >>
Mouri and Yura’s friendship is plagued by constant rumors, the most famous one being “They are a couple”. One day, when a girl asks Mouri out, the school spreads a rumor that they had a one-night stand; Yura gets jealous, and kisses Mouri in order to make one of their rumors true – that they have kissed. Will Mouri ever realize Yura’s feelings for him? Will they be able to regain the comfortable friendship they once shared or will it fall apart?
Gensou Suikoden V: 4-Koma Manga summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gensou Suikoden V: 4-Koma Manga. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Story about Sarasa who is in conflicts with his very sadistic nature and his relationship with Kazunari. vol. #1 Kyouhansha ni Kuchizuke wo vol. #2 Yoru wo Hashiru Emono (Game Runs in the Night) vol. #3 Mezametara Soba ni Ite (When I Wake Up, I Wish You are With Me) Summary from Evil Empire: 'Sarasa is the head of the student council and the step-son of the principal. He is targeted for sadistic sex-play by one of his classmates. Kazunari, the vice-president of the student council, tries to protect Sarasa, but Sarasa tells him not to get involved. Kazunari doesn't listen, but the more he gets involved, the less he is certain - who is really the sadist, and who is the victim? Will Kazunari's love for Sarasa survive? Will Kazunari survive Sarasa's 'love'? Warning Rating: NC-17- hard yaoi, S&M, bondage, fisting, incest, rape, you name it.'
Yuji has just started a new semester of high school and everything seems to be normal. That all changes one day when he goes out shopping after school. The entire world around him freezes except for two monsters that begin to devour the frozen people. Upon seeing him move they call him a 'Mystes' and try to kill him. Then a mysterious girl with hot eyes and long flaming hair comes to his rescue. She brings back all the people that were devoured and unfreezes the world. According to her she didn't bring them back, but created temporary replacements. She also says that Yuji is an extremely rare form of these replacements, or 'Torches' known as a 'Mystes' with a treasure inside. Thanks to this, more monsters will come after him, and she will protect him at all costs.
Harper's Young People, December 30, 1879 summary: Harper's Young People, December 30, 1879 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Harper's Young People, December 30, 1879. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald summary: The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Letters of a Diplomat's Wife, 1883-1900 summary: Letters of a Diplomat's Wife, 1883-1900 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Letters of a Diplomat's Wife, 1883-1900. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
23:11 summary: 23:11 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 23:11. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.