内容简介:温馨提示:亲们,最近现实里有些事情要处理,新文要延迟一段时间开,谢谢大家支持,我会尽快开文的么么哒。好文推荐:基友的小说,重生六零年代之村霸媳妇。喜欢看年代文的亲支持一下啊。阅读提示: 女主又宅又懒,难听点就是好吃懒做……女主妈极品婆婆。女主哥扶妹狂魔……女主嫂子暗搓搓斗婆婆,挽救脑残丈夫……一家子不正常集合。系统为升级流,前期普通,后期逆天。热心提示:如有不适,请点右上角的x。然后寻找您喜欢的作品,祝您阅读愉快!简介:又宅又懒的苏青禾,一朝重生,成为六零年代农村姑娘。为了活下去,苏青禾只能不断的完成任务,成为一个合格的小军嫂。叮……做饭任务完成,获得厨艺1点。奖励五花肉一斤。叮……缝补任务完成,获得缝纫技艺1点,奖励棉布一尺。叮……苏青禾人生格言,只有想不到,没有做不到!防盗提示亲们,介于之前所有的书没设置防盗章节,被人秒盗,痛定思痛,这本书决定设置防盗措施。对于购买章节满了50%的亲是没有任何影响的,未满50%的亲,要等到24小时之后才能看了。么么哒,请体谅一下被秒盗的心情,大家一起抵制盗版吧。(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~1w0-4550 >>
内容简介:预收《悄悄揣个崽》求收藏正文已完结,可宰韩国公府陆凝,位高权重,俊美无俦,京城不知多少贵女芳心暗许。只有沈娇知道,上辈子他冷血无情,野心勃勃,她替姐姐嫁于他,不足两年他便谋反,连累她凄 惨而死。沈娇不知道的是,她死后他也彻底疯了,甚至用几十年寿命换了她的重生。重生归来,沈娇只想离他远远的,求一世安宁。半夜,忽地惊醒,他却站在她的床前。男人修长如玉的手,拂过她的眉眼,落在她唇上,眼底是让人难懂的晦涩,“沈娇,你只能是我的。”天堂也好地狱也罢,他在哪儿她就得在哪儿。沈娇止不住的轻颤。再次成亲后,她始终战战兢兢,一日不小心摔了他最宝贝的一块玉,沈娇吓得脸都白了,终日紧绷的情绪也有些崩,她试探着又摔了一块。她等着他兴师问罪,谁料男人只是扫一眼地上的狼藉,便将人抱到了床上,“伤着没?”沈娇紧绷着小脸,严肃道“我故意的!”只盼他一怒之下,送她一纸休书。丫鬟小厮都觉得她要完。然而男人眼皮都没掀一下,“娇娇若喜欢摔,我明日让人将库房的玉器全搬出来。”沈娇有些懵,直到晕乎乎当上皇后,她才明白,这人惦记她不是一天两天了。——推荐一下自己的预收文:古言:《悄悄揣了个崽》by墨子哲太子裴行面若谪仙、才情斐然,却偏偏冷淡疏离,对女人避若蛇蝎,纵使如此,依然有不少贵女削尖了脑袋,想当他的侧妃。他成亲三载,膝下却始终无子,直到太子妃愤怒之下,回府不归,太子有隐疾一事,才忽地传遍整个朝野。请奏废黜太子的奏折一日多过一日。见太子如此处境,陆晓晓满心担忧。奈何她不过陆府一个小小庶女,就算有心帮他,也无能为力,唯有去寺庙烧香时,祈求菩萨保佑他尽快圆房。谁料,她竟梦到自己与太子……早上醒来,陆晓晓只觉罪过。上香时,她改而祈求太子尽快有个子嗣。回府后,她的肚子竟一日日大了起来。陆晓晓有些惊恐,赐婚的圣旨,却突然降临陆府。见皇上不仅没有废黜太子,还荒唐地将一个庶女许给太子为正妃,众位大臣不由抽了抽眼角。贵女们也都等着看陆晓晓的笑话,太子连她们都瞧不上,又岂会看上身份这么低贱的玩意?直到宫宴上,她们瞧见,一向冷淡矜贵的太子,竟亲自抱着她离席,他眉眼冷淡,落在她眼睛上的吻却那样轻柔。这个太子一定是假的——古言:《思慕》by墨子哲豆豆无依无靠,可怜巴巴长到十二岁时,在河边捡了个男人,他衣衫褴褛,满身鲜血,却难掩周身的气质。豆豆偷偷将他藏了起来,哪怕自个都填不饱肚子,却足足养了他三个月,他走时,将豆豆带到了京城。豆豆这才知道,他竟是鼎鼎大名的摄政王,而她则从个小村姑,一跃成了他护着的宝。及笄前,提亲的人踏破了门槛,豆豆拒了一个又一个。摄政王眉峰微挑,“真没有相中的?不论相中了谁,我都能将人绑到你跟前 >>
内容简介:【正文已完结,接下来会更新番外,谢谢小天使们的支持。】喻淼穿越后被批命魂魄不稳,天生体弱,活不过十六岁,却自强不息(并不)地学习玄术。果然,十六岁不到,她就死了。然而没想到的是,她又穿 回来了。这一世的她身体健康,手握满级玄术,喻淼觉得自己要走上人生巅峰了!“淼淼,你暑假作业做好没?”“……没。”就算成为了玄学大佬,还是一样的要完成暑假作业,写完五三,经历高考。这真是一个令人悲伤的事实呢。【本文日更三千,更新在下午六点,谢谢。】预收文《我选择拯救世界[快穿]》,男主言情快穿文,感兴趣的小伙伴进我的专栏点个收藏吧穿越前:“欢迎加入快穿局!请问您要选择什么任务,炮灰逆袭?反派洗白?攻略男神女神?”顾·中二·蕴玉看着这些任务冷冷一笑:“我当然选择拯救世界!”“……好的呢亲,功德系统为您服务呢亲!”穿越后:“说好的拯救世界呢?为什么变成了捡垃圾?”“捡垃圾,旨在保护环境,降低污染,意义重大。通过捡垃圾,我们能拯救我们的地球母亲!亲,捡吗?”“不,我拒绝。”校园篇:是洁癖阻挡了我捡垃圾,所以我是来做慈善的啊!皇子篇:在当王爷还是当皇帝的选择中,我当然是选择当一个游手好闲的王爷。乱世篇:我要给我自己取个谥号——夜帝!(后世传闻,周朝开国皇帝是个文盲)…………1w0-79792 >>
内容简介:有人的地方就有江湖,每一个少年心中自有一个江湖!!当面对黑暗,我们是忍气吞声,还是放手一搏?这里记录了青春和热血,誓言和契约……所有“不良系列”的前传。不良系列,从这里开始……1w0- 82138 >>
内容简介: 李正在长安因为太笨被赶出书舍,很多人都觉得他是一个不正常的人。 当他解开了九章数术,破解了阴山战局,整个长安的人都在找他…… 诗文,数术,医术 李正在长安成名。 五姓招揽,帝王 邀约,皇子拉拢。 风光正当此时,李正却在众目睽睽之下避世不出。 …… 房玄龄:“李正,朝中形势严峻请你出山吧。” 李淳风:“李正,我把推背图送你了,请你出山吧。” 程咬金:“李正,突厥和吐蕃又打来了,赶紧出山。” 李世民:“李正,朕的大唐好像要亡了,请你赶紧出山。” …… 李正淡然说道:“别吵吵!我的铁路快造好了。” 本书又名《我真的没钱守护大唐江山了》1w0-1714 >>
内容简介:皇天已死,悍匪当立!一笑风雷震,一怒沧海寒;一手破苍穹,一剑舞长天!神功无敌,傲视武林!美女入怀,柔情似水!唯有如此,才称得上最强悍匪!PS:无限热血,无限爽文,以碾压的姿态征战大千世 界,征服万千美人!1w0-113633 >>
内容简介:妈呀!又要迟到了,好不容易步入了大学的校门,还想给大学里的教师留点好印象呢,这下是彻底没戏了。唉,早知道昨天晚上就早点睡了,那麽第二天也就不用忙的跟条狗似得,然後飞奔出去去乘地铁了。不 过话说回来即使她早点睡也不见得会睡着,别忘了她是时差党。时差党知道吧,就是白天和晚上颠倒过来的那种,白天睡觉晚上当夜猫子玩。地铁轰隆轰隆的像这边驶来,韩沁雪二话不说揪准时机就在车门开的那一霎那‘嗖’的一下就窜进去了,现在是上班上学高峰期,不揪准时机窜进去就要等十分锺後的那班了,十分锺後的那班也不见得比这般人少,再说了等十分锺後的那班她肯定迟到,赶这班人品好的话还能踩着铃声进去。各位书友要是觉得《我的老师是禽兽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72159 >>
Collection of 6 oneshots: 1) Leave Me Alone With First Love! Love triangle between a teacher, his student/cousin, and the cousin's best friend. 2) Reward of a Smile Two highschool students set up an arrangement for paid rendevous, but the motivation for one isn't just sexual. (Also published in Gorgeous Heart) 3) D ~Drugs~ 4) Zettai Genshu! (Also published in Syatei Hani) 5) Love Rhapsody A photographer works on 'intensity' with his new model. (Also published in Gorgeous Heart) 6) Knight Gold Sumiyoshi's got a problem keeping it up... so his partner tries to spice things up with a threesome. (Also published in Gorgeous Heart)
It's been 6 months since the L5 Campaign, the conflict that pitted humanity vs aliens with the whole earth sphere at stake; even thought at that time humanity joined forces as a whole and fought valiantly for it's survival, now that the true threat is gone the remains from old conflicts that have kept discord among people from even before the aliens arrived have started to resurface and thus the fight is far from over.... The ATX Team, one of teams that probed pivotal in the L5 Campaign have been 'living their usual' being at the mercy of the chain of command and taking part in cleaning up the remainders from the DC war---- but little do they know that again some extraordinary events are brewing up; with the arrival of a strange lady named Lamia Loveless, who seeks help from the team and seems to know more about them than what she should, the path has been set, headed towards a chain of events that might bring forth an even greater conflict that the one from 6 months ago.... Can Kyosuke Nanbu and his team break through all of the opposing forces, yet again?
Negi Springfield, a 10-year old magician, aspires to eventually become a 'Magister Magi', a particular magician who, under the guise of operating under an NGO, utilizes his powers to help ordinary individuals. After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he could be delegated the job of teaching English at the middle-school, where his homeroom course consists of 31 daughters, each quite particular in her very own manner of Mahora Academy. The show details experiences and his time in Japan as he assists them in their troubles, attains approval and respect from his pupils, and confronts magic dangers from inside as well as outside Mahora Academy. Negi's main relationship is with Asuna Kagurazaka, room mate and his pupil, who dislikes him initially but after recognizes him as a friend and becomes his companion although all the women has her very own back story and character. He's also hunting for his dad who's called the Thousand Master. While initially seeming to be another romantic-comedy work featuring numerous bish?jo characters like Love Hina, the show, has advanced right into a mixture of sh?nen romance, fantasy, horror, action and comedy. Akamatsu said that he particularly wanted to do some thing 'different' from Love Hina. Negi himself is prepubescent, and several of his scenes with Asuna are unique variations of the 'awkward romantic scene' trend of harem manga, immediately defused and just played for laughs. Additionally, a lot of the girls are not unable to fawn over him in a childish sense with no expectations that are intimate in the reader [ study that is unique?] In maintaining this particular fashion, Negi himself is considered other typical male leads of manga as well as a comparison to Love Hina's Keitaro Urashima. He's hardworking, competent, and treated kindly, but due to his look and age (well below the majority of his pupils), he feels utterly non-threatening and finds it hard to be taken seriously as a teacher; several of his pupils handle him as a cunning little child, if not a playmate (or plaything)
In White Raiment summary: In White Raiment summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In White Raiment. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Netheril - Dangerous Games summary: Netheril - Dangerous Games summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Netheril - Dangerous Games. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Emperor The Cat summary: Emperor The Cat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Emperor The Cat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Sea Legs summary: Sea Legs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sea Legs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.