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内容简介:为了活下去,季灵绑定了一个执念系统,完成委托人的任务就能继续活着。然而季灵怎么也没有想到,任务里永远有一个变态大佬在等着她!宠妹狂魔:“小乖乖,你到底什么时候才能长大?”灭世教授:“你 不在,这世界要来有何意义?全部毁掉!”星球司令:“这三千星系,你若想要,我全部打下来给你。”魔道至尊:“佛?你若为佛,我渡你入魔!”季灵表示,打不过骗不过,还不能逃吗?!然而,变态大佬摸着她的头,笑眯眯道:“小可爱,你要乖,不要逃哦,不然整个世界都会为你陪葬。”季灵闻言只想倒地不起,“大佬!求放过!!”1w0-95371 >>


内容简介:为了支付哥哥的治疗费,沈柒不得不代替自己的妹妹嫁入豪门贺家。她一直以为自己嫁的是贺家长子,却不知道自己名义上的丈夫是次子贺逸宁。贺逸宁,贺家真正的继承人,叱咤风云的商业帝王,冷酷无情的 职场暴君,她妹妹的做梦都想嫁的人。当这个商业帝王压着自己上下其手时,她懵了:“喂,你要做什么?我可是你的大嫂!”“大嫂?”贺逸宁邪魅一笑:“结婚证你真的看过了吗?”1w0-2700 >>


内容简介:莫希表示他不懂,明明重生这么好的事情到他这里,就变成了一桌悲剧!别看了!说的就是你们!你们渣攻贱受正好配一对!不要扯上老子!某贱受(歪头):哥要一直爱我……某渣攻(灿烂笑):哭啊。莫希 (捂脸)我家的小天使不可能这么丧病。第一个故事——赎罪(莫希:该赎罪的不是老子而是那个白眼狼啊!)第二个故事——守护(莫希:魂淡你对得起老子为你付出的节操吗?)第三个故事——从属(莫希:老子不过是想愉快的复个仇怎么这么难QAQ)第四个故事——连接(莫希:呵呵随便你了给老子留一口气就行…)第五个故事——圈养(莫希:心累,真的。)……总而言之,这就是正常人穿书后如何一点一点被世界的恶意污染的故事(笑)。努力连载ampINPUTTYPEIMAGESRCwidth120height200ampgtampINPUTTYPEIMAGESRCwidth120height200gtampINPUTTYPEIMAGESRCwidth120height200ampgtampINPUTTYPEIMAGESRCwidth120height200gtampINPUTTYPEIMAGESRCwidth120height200ampgtampbrgt各位书友要是觉得《你哭的样子真好看快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28122 >>


内容简介:小兵提供无双恋姬大神最新作品《少妇系列小说》新书最新章节全文免费阅读,少妇系列小说txt下载,少妇系列小说小说,少妇系列小说无弹窗!本站最新最快更新少妇系列小说最新章节。1w0-301 83 >>


内容简介:回避型依恋人格,不是病,好像又是病。那段时间迟宛辛以为爱情就是你追我赶,你赶我逃的游戏,却没想到遇到了“高冷”男神顾璟楠。“女,26岁,射手座,她有病。”迟宛辛的好姐妹对眼前这个男人阐 述着她的情况,把基本资料递给了他。直到迟宛辛知道了真相,才发现一切的巧合都是他蓄谋已久。1w0-97422 >>


内容简介:一场意外,她和他相遇、缠绵……事后,她却成为了杀害奶奶的凶手。五年后她出狱,蜕变归来,却发现两个跟自己长得极像的孩子。当谎言被揭穿,当心动开始升腾,真相开始呼之欲出……某日,当女人牵着 两只小奶团逃跑时,男人将她堵在了路口1w0-57245 >>


内容简介:  【本产品为测试版,选择功能存在限制】【若您引起对方反感,将被踢出游戏】【由于防沉迷政策,您每天只能游戏八小时】【游戏存在bug,发现自己变成猫狗蟑螂等生物,请不用惊慌】【游戏时,您 可以享受加成系统】【厂商可能会发布一些测试任务,您可以选择性接受】【祝您游戏愉快】.PS:单一世界架空背景,轻松向生活系作品『书友群2:906666858;书友群1(已满):901058599,VIP群(需两千粉丝值):771661476』1w0-3643 >>


内容简介:通信设备被映射为修仙大派挖掘灵石的矿机,手机被映射成修士联络的符器。在传统的仙侠世界里,一个凡人少年开始改变命运:没有功法,便自创野路修仙。失去前途,就寻求被淘汰。炼气计杀金丹,筑基奇 袭元婴。仙子、魔女与师姐,怎么选?宗门的矿机和符器,如何卖?武力要彪悍,商战要做奇才。从鸿青界到朝阳河系,从凡人到半仙,爱情、友情与亲情,……,一切碍难,我都一刀斩!“金手指”之光芒,不及思考的力量1w0-90950 >>


内容简介:一夜之间,豪门风云变幻,独自生活有些社恐的许臻成为了被换掉的真千金。面对偏心假千金把自己当成空气的父母和哥哥,许臻松了一口气,真是太好了!许臻有个秘密,其实她生下来就分不清每个人的脸, 医学上称之为面孔失认症,只能凭着穿着打扮认人,所以她一直喜欢一个人待在家里。但是来到新家以后,总有人让她多出门走走,熟悉一下周围环境,于是:从豪门家里踏出来的第一天:她认错了爸爸从豪门家里踏出来的第二天:她认错了哥哥从豪门家里踏出来的第三天:她把隔壁的黎夜宴黎总当成了司机从豪门家里踏出来的第四天:踏什么踏,待在家里不好吗?后来,在宴会上,面对假千金闺蜜的冷嘲热讽,许臻无所谓的打了个哈欠结果:白手起家的科技大佬站了出来:谁对我的女儿有意见桀骜不驯的影帝站了出来:谁对我妹妹有意见豪门世家的掌权人站了出来:谁对我的女朋友有意见众人:不敢不敢宁家父母很不喜欢这个找回来的亲生女儿,觉得她没有得到良好的教育,行为粗俗;觉得她不会打扮,带出去会丢他们的脸。直到后来,他们才突然发现,这个女儿在不知不觉间,就走到了他们需要仰望的位置。事业线文案许臻自小学习画画,被人评价:画意高超,灵气非凡。当时的她才十一岁。有人见画断言,世界画史上必然有她的名字天有不测风云,父母因一场意外过世,许臻发现随着父母的离去,她的画也没有了曾经的灵气。六年的时间过去了,许臻这个名字也渐渐成为了人们口中的仲永。直到有一天,一幅画横空出世。这幅画不仅栩栩如生,灵气非凡,而且还有安抚人心的作用。这幅画的落款名为许臻。王者归来从此以后,一画难求。男女主年龄差七岁本文苏爽,女主金手指很粗,微团宠,介意的小可爱勿入哟1w0-61362 >>




内容简介:公人灭绝计划(nph)是由a大猫所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供公人灭绝计划(nph)最新章节阅读公人灭绝计划(nph)全文阅读公人灭绝计划(nph)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现公人灭 绝计划(nph)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-76657 >>


内容简介:神魔混战,万界崩塌,只永恒仙域,长存世间。万古后,一尊名为赵云的战神,凝练了天地玄黄,重铸了宇宙洪荒,自碧落凡尘,打上了永恒仙域,以神之名,君临万道。自此,他说的话,便是神话。1w36 32-27093 >>

Sabakareshi Mono

Two abandoned boys, Kyou and Toudou, were raised at an appalling orphanage where physical violence was a part of the day to day life. One day Kyou’s real mother came searching for him and took him away from this dreadful existence. The byproduct of a man and his mistress, Kyou’s mother was forced to give him away. Many years passed and Kyou Sugiura is now a successful prosecutor and pursing an investigation of government corruption involving a young parliamentarian named Tatsuki Toudou – the same Toudou that he grew up with in the orphanage. How the times have changed! Both men growing up in the present of uncertainty; to become, in the future, the height of success, and to stand on the opposite sides of the law. Kyou had never really forgotten Toudou, and Toudou had never really forgiven Kyou. The meeting between the two ambitious young men results in an unintended consequence that neither had been prepared for. In this stand off between the enforcer and the law maker, there is a past that binds them together. And it is the strength or weakness of this past that will determine the outcome of their duel. ***This volume contains the complete works of “The Judged” and “Spring Haze,” a short story involving Toudou’s assistant and ex-lover, Hachiko.***

Ouji Romantica

• Pure Erotica - Heartbroken by her first love, senior high year 2 student, Rika develops a fear of romance. One day, she finds out her first love's weak point! From then on, she starts her revenge... • Ouji Romantica - Yaguchi Rinko is the neat and lovely princess of her school. Not! She has always been unsmart, non-ladylike, and a tomboy, which is why she's been dumped by all her previous boyfriends. All of a sudden, the prince of the school, Onozuka Shirou, appears and offers to 'pretend' to go out with Princess Rinko... • My Girlfriend is Romeo - Shimizu Ryou, a girl, was transferred to a new school (due to her parents work) . Seiya was the prince of the school until she came. He loses to her at everything. One day, he saw her cute side and tells her she's cute. After that day, she hasn't been coming to school. Why? • Prince, Kiss and Sleeping Beauty - Shiya has a phobia of boys. What can she do, but ask the almighty “prince” of the school for help? The prince is shocked that this girl doesn’t like him, and decides to make her fall in love with him! But Shiya has a weird curse: everytime a boy touches her, she faints! - Chiri Star

Hua Cao Guan Xi - Close To You

From Anibebe: For centuries the Lee and Dai had shared a deep bond in the form of a master-servant relationship which gradually evolved into a strong friendship between the heirs of both families. Therefore true to tradition Dai Xiaodao (aka Dai Xiaoshuang) decides to assume the role of the manservant for Li Qingri (aka childhood friend) in place of her dead brother, Dai Dadao. To her chagrin, pretending to be a boy was but the tip of the iceberg in terms of the list of challenges that would come her way. On top of having to contain her secret love for Li Qingri who has become her roommate... what's the deal with that sinister-looking senpai (who's always flashing some fish at her) and that sweet-looking female classmate (who's really a carnivore in herbivore's clothing)! All that aside, what was that mysteriously beautiful scent that Dai Xiaodao got a whiff of when she bumped into the notorious Ye Weien at that secret path? Surely, no matter what the legend says, that obnoxious playboy could not be the man of her destiny!


From Tokyopop: Girard and ViVi are special government agents known as 'Right Arms' whose job is to seek and destroy people who have become 'infected.' In this world, a weird virus that turns people into monsters has run rampant and the only way humanity can survive is to keep tight control on those who are infected. If the virus' symptoms appear, the person must be disposed of. It's a tough world where women and children must sometimes be killed to prevent the spread of the virus.

Lay Morals

Lay Morals summary: Lay Morals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lay Morals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights

Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights summary: Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking

Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking summary: Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Diamond Pin

The Diamond Pin summary: The Diamond Pin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Diamond Pin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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