内容简介:六十年前,一个中年大叔带着一条长得像癞皮狗一样的麒麟和一头长得像鸭子一样的鸳鸯第一次走入了中州皇城。那一年,这个中年大叔穿过了山海主脉,穿过了四季平原,走进了青鸾学院。六十年后,林夕坐 着一辆破旧的马车,从鹿林镇穿过半个云秦帝国,一路向北,行向青鸾学院…这是一个有关帝国和荣耀,有关忠贞和背叛,有关青春和热血,有关一个怀着与众不同目光的少年,有关一个强大的修行学院的故事,八个完本的人品保证,2012年初夏,无罪安静的为你讲述一个有趣的校园故事。无罪新书《冰火破坏神》http://book.zongheng.com/book/296950.html1w0-1087 >>
内容简介:江凡意外穿越到了海贼王的世界,机缘巧合之下获得了强大的黑暗果实,从此开启了他惊心动魄的征途。“当海贼王有什么意思,我要在这个世界建立自己的国家和军队,收服所有强者,取代世界政府,征服所 有海域”本书又被读者戏称《带着漫威在海贼》1w0-29085 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:破案:我的老师是季洁】秦风穿越到重案六组世界,激活神探系统。开局获得高级犯罪心理学。入组第一天就破了一起连环杀人案,一下成了组里的香饽饽。一起起案子,在他面前 都无处遁形,一颗警界新星冉冉升起。……然而,很快秦风就发现,这个世界,似乎不只有重案六组。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-96182 >>
内容简介:妖孽般的眼瞳让他以死亡开始又以死亡结束,孽瞳──孽童,就是谁是谁的孽。从天都王朝的帝君到大堰国的七皇子,这一世是否会有所不同。如何才能诱捕到那双眼瞳,如果才能让那双眼瞳停驻。各位书友要 是觉得《诱瞳》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68070 >>
内容简介:天地本源之火有九种形态,赤,橙,黄,绿,青,蓝,紫,黑,白。紫焰成神,黑焰灭世,白焰创生。杨逍第一世,乃紫焰成神的天生火神,站在众神之巅,却因顽石所化的肉身,无法更进一步,成为主宰,无 奈自斩,投身人族。第二世,人族至尊,天生道体,却为人所算计,最终,虽集天下灵药之大成,化为人族药祖,炼出绝世神丹,也逃不过,自爆神格的下场。如今,百万年之后,昔年好友,师尊,道侣,皆不知所踪,却在凡俗小地,强者归来!“这一世,我定要踏上那主宰之境,算计我的,背叛我的,玩弄我的,皆要死!”作者自定义标签强者回归热血各位书友要是觉得《灭仙神尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76423 >>
内容简介:系统在手,天下我有。称雄万界,唯我独尊!嗯helliphellip这个剧本很不错。可是,为什么我家窗口会趴着两只会说话的大狗熊?熊大,熊二?他俩喊我什么?光头强?系统你出来,我保证不手 撕了你!慕容白仰头望天,欲哭无泪。各位书友要是觉得《从强哥开始的万界称雄路》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!从强哥开始的万界称雄路最新章节从强哥开始的万界称雄路无弹窗从强哥开始的万界称雄路全文阅读各位书友要是觉得《从强哥开始的万界称雄路》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-37083 >>
内容简介: 明初,明朝国力的巅峰。这一年,建文帝朱允炆登基,翌年,朱棣造反,史称“靖难之役”。这一年,一个穿越者来到了这个时代。穿越朱允炆,推动大明横推天下。本书群:9606943191w0- 4379 >>
内容简介:洞房花烛夜,他站在门外,看着她被下属破身失了清白。凌乱的喜房,刺眼的血红。他面无表情,“你将是王府里永久的女主人,如果你有了身孕,那个孩子将被赐予本王的姓氏”一颗心被无情践踏,她疯了般 诅咒着“你将孤独一生,断子绝孙”,然后一头撞死在柱子上。再次睁开眼,她已不是她,而肚子里居然有了孩子,孩子虽然是跟着王爷姓,却不是王爷的种。她糊涂了,郁闷了,儿子啊,王爷不是你的爹,那么你到底是谁的种啊?新文《致命诱惑:少校,别宠我》,期待大家的支持和收藏本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《儿子,王爷不是你爹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76110 >>
内容简介:意外穿越到精灵宝可梦的世界,明明可以安安心心地做一个富二代,却被迫去联盟里当卧底。真木用真诚的眼神看着眼前的某飞行系天王,说道:“我有个秘密一直没有告诉你,其实我是火箭队的卧底。”渡渡 鸟愣了一下,一巴掌拍在了真木脑袋上。“哈哈哈哈哈!不愧是你真木,总是能说出逗我笑出声的笑话!”真木:我自爆了,结果没人信,怪我咯?(提示:本书世界观以及设定由游戏、动画、特别篇加上个人设定混合而成)关键词:神奇宝各位书友要是觉得《精灵之我真不是火箭队卧底》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83125 >>
内容简介:VB:晋江言西早早传闻新闻系系花颜舒有心计有手段,裙下之臣无数,踢到的唯一一块铁板,是许裴。——那个被澜大学子誉为数学系之光的许裴。校内论坛首页天天被刷屏:“来了,她来了,她端着上好的 绿茶走来了……”“省省吧,许神不吃你这套。”“坐等系花被打脸!”正当大家等着看颜舒的笑话时,这个天之骄子竟然当着全校师生的面,弯下清瘦挺拔的背脊,半跪在她面前,淡着脸替她系上鞋带。从此,校内论坛换了风向:“茶艺高超,算你狠。”“赌一道高数题,许神会发现她的真面目!”“等许神分手的第十七天,打卡!”某日,有人看到颜舒神色慌张地捂着一个小红本,匆忙间不小心掉了出来,作为一枚许神迷妹,她倒要看看这女人打什么鬼主意。凑近一看,竟是结婚证。日期,一年前???片刻,校内网出现一个新帖。谁捡到我太太的结婚证,请与我联系,此物贵重必有重谢。最后附上四个字:我是许裴校内网崩了,大家万人血书,跪求颜舒出搞男神的教程。却在一个传授茶艺的博主下面发现许裴的留言:谢谢,方法很有用,老婆已追到。???这特么到底谁茶谁?先婚后爱校园隐婚苏爽小甜饼排个雷:数学和新闻专业相关基本瞎编,一切只为剧情服务,如果你觉得离谱,那就是真的离谱,介意者慎入预收文《不轨》,求个收藏强排雷,预收女主非c,慎入!1宋佳薇刚和未婚夫亲热完,打开门,发现外面立着个男人。腿长,肌肉结实有力。脖子上一条长疤,看上去很不好惹。男人倚在走廊吸烟,烟头散落一地。他望过来,盯着她脖子上的痕迹,目光狠戾。后来,他把她抢了。2厉凛曾经堕落到骨子里,他住在潮湿脏乱的窄巷里,打架斗殴、偷鸡摸狗,人人避之不及。他的世界一片漆黑,直到遇到了宋佳薇。她漂亮聪慧又善良,她穿着干净的白袜子,一尘不染的小皮鞋,像极了城堡里的公主。她高高在上,他卑微到尘埃。厉凛用了十年时间,艰难洗净满身泥垢,摇身一变,成为了人人妄图攀附的商场新贵。回A城的第一天晚上,他隔着一堵门,听到她娇软的声音。他用尽全力,克制住想掐死那男人的念头,步步为营。终于,她成了他的太太。1w0-27384 >>
Min Eun-hoo, general manager of JK Group. Handsome looks, wealth, and a strong future! He had everything, and at some point, the thought of an unknown woman begin to ring in his mind. while she was complaining of pain not knowing who the biggest hindrance in her life was, there was a woman she encountered like fate. The candidate who came to JK on the day of the interview to hire his assistant, Seo-yoon Ha!Director Min Eun-hoo, who can hear the sound of only one person's heart, and Ha Seo-yoon, the owner of the sound, fall in love as if attracted to them!
1) Dazzling College student Keisuke often picks up his younger brother from elementary school, and talks with handsome Murakami sensei. As they gradually become closer Keisuke finds himself thinking about Murakami in more than friendly terms. 2) The Flow of String Yamazaki sensei finds himself paying special attention to archery club student Yagi. At first Yagi is just his cute student, but as his body matures Yamazaki's feelings for the boy begin to change as well. 3) A Cracked Pot with a Battered Lip Super-pervert Haruto started his relationship with Masumi by asking him weird questions, and later graduated to kinky sex play. But suddenly Haruto starts asking other people his questions, is Masumi going to be dumped? 4) The Shadows Under the Tree When Takuma's father remarried he acquired an older brother as well. But three years later his stepmother has passed away and Takuma is well on his way to becoming a deliquent. Something dark and disturbing is happening in his home... 5) Lending and Borrowing Doctor Miyabi isn't that great with kids and trouble communicating with his young patients, however pediatrician Toyama is great with children, not that Miyabi would ever ask for his help! Former classmates they were always compared to each other and Miyabi always felt he came up short. But is that the only reason for Miyabi's hostility? 6) Deception of the Fingers After breaking up with his girlfriend, Mita threw away all the things she bought for him. He met a salesperson, Ootani, when he was buying new ties. When Ootani was putting on a tie for Mita to try, Ootani’s beautiful fingers attracted him. He invited Ootani for dinner to thank him. Will this relationship progress any further?
Is it possible to be so transfixed by a stranger? Asano Miwa and Harmana Ichiro found themselves crossing paths as random strangers but what brings Ichiro to suddenly grab Miwa and what is Ichiro's secret? Is it a fairy tale ending or misfortune that awaits them?
From Yen Press: Kieli sees ghosts. It’s an odd ability for a 14-year-old girl, and it makes her a bit of an outcast at her boarding school. Her only friend, in fact, is the (semi-) departed spirit of a girl who used to inhabit her room. That is until the two encounter a young man who appears to share Kieli’s “gift.” It doesn’t take long to discover, though, Harvey is an altogether different sort of creature — one of the infamous Undying, the reanimated corpse of a dead soldier. Could it be that in this cursed fellow Kieli has finally found a kindred spirit? Throwing in her lot with this strange, soulless man and his possessed radio, she means to find out…
Pivot of the Sky summary:
It’s said that G.o.d created the world. Then who created G.o.d?
Amon stands in front of the ruins of an ancient statue of G.o.d, listening to an old man telling the travellers the old legends of G.o.d Amun, which this mutilated statue lying in sand was built to honor.
The statue, magnificent as it used to be, has been devastated in the numerous wars in the long history — wars that were started by the people who fought for their belief in him, who knew him but by different names — Amun, Arhat, Messiah, etc.
People today may have forgotten, that there once was a boy called Amon.
Female Warrior summary:
If you could return to the day you met, what would the two of you do?
“Ah! Fate is unfathomable like that. Never would anyone be able to guess that such an ordinary encounter could lead to such an extraordinary future. Although our encounter that day contributed to a resplendent future, I sometimes find myself reminiscing about ordinary days. If time could be rewound, would I choose to step foot into that tavern where we met… Ah, no! Even if that tavern had not existed, we would definitely have met anyway, because our encounter was indispensable fate!”
– Bard
“With my blade, I’ll cut the tavern, destiny, and this b.a.s.t.a.r.d in half all at the same time.”
– Red Cloak
Female Warrior details the 1st generation of the Twelve Holy Knights from The Legend of Sun Knight.
Flux - Xeelee Sequence summary: Flux - Xeelee Sequence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Flux - Xeelee Sequence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Matador - The Omega Cage summary: Matador - The Omega Cage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Matador - The Omega Cage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.