内容简介:《综炮灰的奋斗史》是呆萌呆萌精心创作的,小兵实时更新综炮灰的奋斗史最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的综炮灰的奋斗史评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持综炮灰的奋斗史读者的观点。1w0- 77645 >>
内容简介:那年积雪初融,春寒未去,唐宝颐站在一树盛开的望春玉兰下,指着裴振衣道:“就让他来做我的情郎。”彼时她是靖川侯府的千金,是全帝都小郎君梦里的佳人,是裴振衣避之不及的小恶魔,也是令他沉沦其 中的俗艳陷阱。一时兴起的追逐,终归以宝颐猝然抽身收场。被她抛弃的那日,裴振衣红着眼站在大雪里,像条丧家犬一样,质问她为什么要抛弃他。她持着二十四骨紫竹伞,怜悯地看着阶下的他,末了漫不经心道:“因为我玩腻了,如各位书友要是觉得《落魄后被前任捡走了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99962 >>
内容简介:【飞卢原创小说公司群叫老婆,董事长回复了】p——圣隆集团事业总裙(129)——p【企划部王珂力】今早我已经提交了申请邮件,请您审批并回复,谢谢!企划部刘虎p【行政部孙梅梅】内部问卷调查 点击查看。p【总裁办沈雯】半小时后紧急会议,十七楼大会议室,所有p6及以上管理岗全部到场。全体成员p【安保部唐枫】老婆,今晚去你家还是去我家?p【总裁办沈雯】?p【安保经理杜胜康】?p【副总裁金平义】?p【安保经理杜胜康】小唐你怎么在这个裙里?p【总裁办沈雯】给我撤回!p【副总裁金平义】保安怎么在这个裙里?唐枫p【副总裁金平义】谁拉你进这裙的?好大的胆子!p【副总裁金平义】你老婆是谁,出来,你俩一起去办离职!马上!唐枫p【董事长苏冰岚】你家。唐枫p飞卢提醒您本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。pp1w0-79464 >>
内容简介:【鬼鬼新书《只有我知道的世界》已经上传,敬请支持,楼下直通车可进】妖精:一种小型低智商人型生物,可以出产珍贵的星晶,本文中人类很普遍的饲养这种外表美丽可爱的小型生物。生体战甲武装:本文 中,以生体科技路线发展的人类所使用的重要基本装备,集合便携生体光脑,全面型生体防护服,交通工具,强化生体辅助装备等多种1w0-30503 >>
内容简介:殡仪馆追悼厅中尸体为何不见踪影?突然光临江城的少年姓甚名谁?江大校园美景背后的血污如何涤净?焦土、弃尸、神秘人偶,江边死者跪拜朝圣……一切真相逃不过明明慧眼,乐文小说网法网恢恢终将罪恶 收入囊中!各位书友要是觉得《重生笔记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77656 >>
内容简介:【每天九点准时更新。】方姝有个秘密,她一到晚上就会穿到那个高高在上,宛如神袛一般的皇帝身上。胆子小,不敢做其它的,最多借他的身份吃些好吃的,就这样半年都没出过差错。直到有一天,皇上发现 自己胖了。推荐一下刚完结的文,《摄政王》by花心者权倾天下、独揽朝纲的摄政王一朝落难,摔断了腿,被凤凰山少女朝曦所救。嗯,照顾腿瘸的男人不容易,吃饭,喝水,洗澡(划掉)都是问题。《奸臣之子》by花心者投胎成奸臣的儿子,于是奸臣的儿子也只能是奸臣。·天凉了,是时候给大家添点堵了~·十二岁之前何钰从来没怀疑过自己,直到她文胜御史之子,武赢太尉之子,差点得到公主青睐的时候才发现自己是女儿身妈蛋。各位书友要是觉得《每晚穿到皇帝身上》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79934 >>
内容简介:穿越1937年淞沪战场,正值八佰壮士死守四行仓库,为了中国军人最后的尊严,云轩阁特种兵赵卫东与八百将士,誓与日寇血战到底!一寸山河一寸血,十万儿郎十万军!华夏四万万同胞,岂容小鬼子猖獗 !杀鬼子,保家卫国,为了军人的荣裕,为了三千多万罹难的同胞,为了民族的尊严,热血的中国军人舍生忘死,不斩尽倭贼,誓不休!各位书友要是觉得《抗战:从八佰开始》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28632 >>
内容简介:[原名:一不小心撬了jin主的墙角]w原文名中有一词不能用,所以改啦柯赛维德失忆前,知道敌国有个恶名在外的Omega将军,看不爽又干不掉,是个棘手的存在。失忆后,柯赛维德流落敌国,正式 和这位奇葩将军打了照面。Omega将军:呀,这是哪里来的小可怜,需要帮助吗?柯赛维德:……这个人很可疑,不过没关系,可以先利用他,获取身份芯片。[不料,事后落入对方的推销陷阱,欠下巨额外债。]Omega将军:你想要的我这里全都有,没钱可以先赊账哦。[债主爸爸贴心友好,从不催债,时不时还来点意外小惊喜。]柯赛维德却知道天下没有免费的大餐。为化解一次小危机,Omega将军来到学院,近水楼台,蠢蠢欲动,终于暴露出真面目。他用老师身份将柯赛维德拐到小角落,厚颜无耻道——我单身,你未娶,不如我们……谈个恋爱?Alpha攻XOmega受攻貌美如花,武力值爆表,智商在线,情商感人。受人形百宝箱,武力值、智商、情商都高,切开是黑的。主攻,年下前期受宠攻,后期互宠偏攻(不管前期后期,受对攻都宠,不会追到手吃干抹净就甩手当大爷哒!)攻受皆无前任,也没对别人动过心。前期恋爱线,后期事业加爱情线这是两个强者惺惺相惜,一拍即合,决定搭伙一起过,越看对方越顺眼的故事。无狗血,无误会,两人认认真真恋爱,认认真真拼事业,最终成为彼此无法分割的一部分。1w0-78016 >>
内容简介: 本书宣传名为《王令的日常生活》 十岁(动画版时间修改为六岁)就随手干掉了妖王吞天蛤,作为一个无所不能的修真奇才,王令得隐藏自己的大能,在一群平凡的修真学生中活下去。普通人追求的钱 财,仙术,法宝,声名,这个年轻人都不在意。无论豪门千金孙蓉的爱慕、影流顶级杀手的狙杀、父母无间断的啰嗦,都无法阻止他对干脆面的追求。不是在吃干脆面,就是在去小卖部买干脆面的路上。面对困难,王令会碾压对手?还是低调的躺倒装死? PS:仙王公众粉丝群①:497204521 公众粉丝群②:1031978228 VIP读者群:704620442(5000粉丝值以上订阅可入) 【小说封面绘制】 《仙王的日常生活》小说主题曲《仙王的无奈》,小说中国风新插曲《共书仙侠》,小说流行插曲《星空恋语》欢迎搜索收听~ 1w0-472 >>
Cute one-shots that consist of School Boys, Tutors, Twins, and Salarymen. 1) Candid Love Proposition - Takizawa is constantly being hugged by cute younger classmate Teru. Takizawa's gotten used to the attacks, but why does Teru do it? 2) His Tutor and Him - Yuuichi is Naoto's strict tutor, but also his sweet lover. But why is Yuuichi on a date with such a cute girl? 3) Arduous Love Journey - Takumi is so cute he's always being molested by guys at his all-boys school. Childhood friend Ei-chan loves and protects him, but Takumi has developed a fear of sex! 4) A Mutual Embrace - Identical twins Fuuma and Raiha have a very close relationship, but upperclassman Taiga isn't going to give up on Fuuma. Twincest alert! 5) Take Out Happy - Kazuya is dumped and goes on a drinking binge. When he wakes up, he's in the home of single parent Fumihiko. Kazuya finds himself spending more and more time with Fumihiko and young Shunsuke. 6) Very Very Happy Days - Continuation of Take Out Happy.
Asahi and her friend Yamato went together to an exclusive event as test players for a new game from the cellphone-game company 'Sky Nova.' The test players were a diverse lot of all ages, from ordinary teens like Asahi to popular idols. The company took all of them on a cruise to explain the rules of this island-based, treasure-hunting survival game. Suddenly, during the presentation, all of the participants lost consciousness. They woke up on an actual island wearing a strange watch with the words 'Game Start.' Now they are all stuck in this survival game, which has become all too real and deadly!
Having been torn from the earth in ancient times, Planet Mamango is now re-approaching the earth after a lapse of 5 million years. One night, a private detective named Ban Shunsaku encounters a murder, and meets boy researcher Shikishima Kenichi, who holds the key to solving the case. Shikishima discovers that a stone from the Planet Mamango generates huge amounts of energy. Making a rocket out of the energy stone, Shikishima sets up an exploration team and departs for Planet Mamango. The rocket heads straight for Planet Mamango under the command of Shikishima, along with Captain Butamo Makeru, Ayame and Momiji, who are cabbages created by the captain, a rabbit named Mii, and Ban Shunsaku. In due time, the rocket lands on the Planet Mamango, where the group finds a “The Lost World,” an ancient environment where dinosaurs walk about and ferns and cycads cover the ground. Note: The most widely available version (including the english one) is the 1948 one, directly published by Fuji Shobou. This is a remake of an unfinished series Tezuka wrote for the Kansai Kyouron Shinbun in 1946, which has been lost. He remade the series once again in 1955 for Bouken Ou under the title 'Zenseiki Hoshi', but this version too has been lost.
From Nakama: Collection of 6 oneshots: 2) Ore to Kareshi to Aitsu to Kare:A story of bestfriends who gets along very well. The other even gets to see his best friend have sex with his boyfriend everynight. 4) Kajou na Aijou: Kenji has moved in with a college friend, but didn't know what he was getting into. Tatsurou regularly 'punishes' him for 'shortening their quality time together'. Looking to make a little money to help pay the bills, Kenji gets into trouble at the local host club and has to be rescued. 6) Fathomless Cage: A brutal rapist/robber and his victim.
The Pirate Woman summary: The Pirate Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pirate Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hesperus or Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days summary: Hesperus or Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hesperus or Forty-Five Dog-Post-Days. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Glory to Earth Magic summary:
The protagonist suddenly reincarnates into another world when he notices.
In this world, there are inherent attributes and their respective magics.
There are attributes such as Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark.
In that world, flashy magic is equal to status.
Once the protagonist had turned 5, he was revealed to have the Earth attribute.
The Earth attribute is the most unpopular one in this world due to its plain looks.
Now, the protagonist decides to bring glory to earth magic!
Zanthodon Series - Zanthodon summary: Zanthodon Series - Zanthodon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Zanthodon Series - Zanthodon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.