内容简介:【文案】高二那年,林墨转到了理科班。她的理科成绩不太好,人却长得漂亮,班上的同学都不太喜欢她常常捉弄她是文科来的拖油瓶。直到某一次数学课,林墨又一次被同学起哄上黑板做最难的题林墨手拿着 粉笔,面对着为难的题目,无论如何都想不出来该如何解身后突然伸出一只修长的手,握住她的粉笔,一笔一划直接帮她写出最优解。“丫头,”低沉的声音,混杂着满教室不可思议的倒抽气,轻轻传入她的耳朵,“我不是告诉过你,这道题该这样解么。”“讲题的时候,又开小差了,嗯?”谁都知道一中理科部的第一名兼一中校草段琛从来不近女色,他高冷、俊秀,却是全校女生的梦想高二一开学,段琛身边的空位突然多出来一个女生班里的同学都等着看热闹,段琛不喜欢看书时有人打扰,所以在他旁边的位置,永远都只有书籍的堆放段琛看着一脸不知所措的女孩,伸出手,挺平静地按在了女孩正准备收拾离开的书包上,“以后不要打扰我睡觉。”后来有爱慕段琛的女生看不惯天天跟在段琛身后、默默推着车子回家的林墨便私下里传播“林墨追段琛1w0-28518 >>
内容简介:刚毕业不久的企业中层管理人员穿越到1934年的中国,建立保安团,开设大公司,设抗战布局,许鸣经历了从浮躁到坚毅的性格转变,从朦胧幻想到热血果敢的铁血征程。北平烽火、南京救援、芜湖突袭、 明光闪击、安庆辉煌看许鸣如何改变那段惨烈而悲壮的历史。让我们的对手…本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《抗战雄军》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76984 >>
内容简介:【神医病娇团宠神医虐渣扮猪吃老虎】牛棚里当猪狗般长大的嫡女,得了入墓陪葬的凄凉结局?不不不,司青儿随便一簪子就解了叔王的毒,然后又借着叔王的势,不仅替原主报了仇,还揪出了给叔王下毒的幕 后黑手。而且,她还在墓里做了烧烤架,组了架子鼓,吃喝玩乐的每天不知过得多逍遥。但,叔王不是早就有心上人了吗?干嘛整天盯着她个蠢胖丑?……后来,在产房挨了她两个嘴巴的叔王说:求你放下孩子抱抱我,行不?难道你又不爱我了吗?要不,我跳个抽筋儿舞给你看?1w0-60272 >>
内容简介:许然穿越到类似聊斋的世界,获得了怪物获取游戏系统。宿主遇见白骨女妖,获得不限刷新次数的【白骨妖精英野怪】;宿主遇见山神,获得不限刷新次数的【精英BOSS山神】;宿主遇见燕赤霞,获得不限 刷新次数的【精英BOSS侠道士】;……聊斋世界遍地妖、鬼、精怪、侠士、道士、佛陀,处处可以获得无限单刷的各种野怪和BOSS。系统能自动数据化战斗经验,掌握怪物出手规律。还能获得经验值、技能和装备,并进行各种花式强化。当山神举起狼牙棒冲过来时,许然亮出镶嵌六颗增伤宝石的同款狼牙棒,山神直接跪地:爸爸(ps非纯无脑爽文)各位书友要是觉得《从聊斋开始单刷诸天神魔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29448 >>
内容简介:作者做了个恐怖的梦,梦到自己变成老虎被狮子吃掉了。梦醒后心里不甘,于是写了一篇yy文。文笔不好,请多包涵。文案:作为一个威风凛凛的森林之王,融寅没想过自己会变成孱弱的人类。而把她困在这 副身躯之中的那个人,每天晚上都会来…首发:ωoо1⒏υip1w0-122503 >>
内容简介:那么多年下来,老苗家就剩下苗芊语这一根独苗苗可以传宗接代,无奈,老苗家的独苗苗根本不想结婚??!老苗家列祖列宗:混账!有一天,老苗家的独苗苗找了对象了……老苗家列祖列宗:混账!因为,独 苗苗自己捡了一个小孩儿,和这个小孩儿在一起了,然后……老苗家断子绝孙了。这是一个年下双性多肉精和年上花店老板娘的故事,只谈恋爱,不干别的ps有点担心你们分不清楚,所以特地说明一下,苗桃桃是男主,苗芊语是女主,顺便一提,男主和女主在一起就断子绝孙了。pps我的男主是真软妹再强调一下,在男主还小的时候,没有恋爱没有恋爱没有恋爱1w0-25970 >>
内容简介:本文日25章入v,当日肥章掉落~,专栏《和大魔王偷偷表白后》求收藏~白幼宜一朝穿进某本修仙小说,成了仙门内头顶俩揪揪的小师妹。小说里,她的所有师兄师姐都是炮灰,注定只能成为女主修炼路上 的踏脚石。系统:“你的任务是,打倒女主,抢夺气运!”白幼宜:“谁傻谁和主角对着干,让我咸鱼。”她咸鱼的如意算盘打得噼啪响,结果当夜,小命差点交代在女主手里。系统重申:“你的任务是,打倒女主——”白幼宜奶凶奶凶地打断它:“呵,不干死她,我白幼宜三字倒过来念!”原书女主发觉身边不知何时多了个碍眼的小物件。她对大师兄含情脉脉时,白幼宜奶声奶气:“我挺喜欢你们俩的,我们三一起过好不好?”她对二师兄两情缱绻时,白幼宜打散自己小揪揪,哭得上气不接下气,“我要师兄抱抱……”她对三师姐下手挖坑时,白幼宜摇头晃脑:“女孩子有个前男友怎么了?你都有一百来个呢!”她对四师兄表述心意时,白幼宜拍着圆滚滚的小肚子:“饿饿。”女主:你个小东西怎么回事?白幼宜对自己人生规划的很清楚,日常任务:干女主随机任务:与师兄拉手手逛街,让师尊抱抱讲故事,缠着香香师姐打瞌睡这种团宠的日子持续很久,直到某日——白幼宜惊恐1w0-77709 >>
内容简介: 这是一个二次穿越的穿越者,在巫师世界踏上巫师之路的故事。 在末日世界猎取晶核,在始祖世界提取血脉,在诸神世界猎杀诸神... 身带穿越异能,穿梭无尽世界,掠夺无尽世界的知识与资源 ,成就自身巫师之道...欢迎诸位大大加入书友群:243373977(普通群)652557418(VIP群,需一千粉丝值)1w0-495 >>
内容简介:从前的世界:道士们:摘星拿月、搬山填海、一人可以灭一国。僧人们:外家金丹、法天象地、一人可以降群魔。武夫们:躲在角落瑟瑟发抖。如今的世界:道士们:同上。僧人们:同上。成为武夫的王安:头 顶苍天,脚扎黄泉,教苍生低眉,令群魔俯首。一人灭所有。肉身破飞剑,拳掌灭神通!1w0-83613 >>
内容简介:听话(作者:书鱼鱼)是由书鱼鱼所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供听话(作者:书鱼鱼)最新章节阅读听话(作者:书鱼鱼)全文阅读听话(作者:书鱼鱼)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现听话(作者:书 鱼鱼)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-79872 >>
Chitose works as a maid for the Kuze family, one of the most prestigious families of the time, in the Meiji Era. One day, Lan, a nephew of the Master, came back from England to be his adopted son. Chitose is assigned to be his caretaker while he adjusts to the new society, but, as time goes on... ! rom Aerandria Scans: The time is set during the Industrialization Age in Meiji. The main character Chitose works as a maid in Kuze, one of the most prestigious households of the time. One day, Lan, a nephew of the master came back from England to be his stepson. Eventually Lan and Chitose’s feelings begin to develop. What will happen with the secret affair between the honey-haired Lan and the maid Chitose? Note: Hachimitsu no Hana is on hiatus. The last release was in June 2009. The mangaka has been concentrating on her other series, Kaizoku to Ningyo.
The land in ELNA SAGA is called Gimrey, and supposedly in the far past, before magic became a part of every person, a great monster had swooped down from the north and ravaged the world. Fanning great gusts of destructive magical wind, it reduced nearly everything to empty wasteland before a knight appeared to challenge it. Bearing a sacred sword and shield which repulsed magic, this knight finally struck the monster down after a tremendous battle. But this creature would not die, and as it lay immobile, the wind poured forth from its wounds unrelentingly. With the last of his strength, the knight planted his sword high atop the mountain where the battle had been fought, so that it would shield a part of the land from the wind. This was the beginning of Gimrey, and the reason why everyone is born with innate magic. As time passed, people began to fight over fertile ground. ELNA SAGA begins right before the outbreak of yet another war, and tells of a princess named Elna. Born without any magic whatsoever and as such being the only person who can actually touch the sacred sword guarding Gimrey, she becomes a pawn used by her kingdom to threaten other countries with destruction. A rival kingdom's assassination attempt turns rescue, however, when the ones behind this plot reveal that they have no qualms about killing Elna as long as they can maintain a facade using a lookalike. With the help of her would-be assassin, who is drawn to her innocence and compassion, Elna journeys to define herself and stop a terrible war that her country has started. The first thing one notices is the richness of the world in which this series has been set. The ideas behind ELNA SAGA are drawn loosely from Nordic culture and mythology and the story, people, and names all bear a medieval Northern European flavor. There are no gods or non-human races, but Valkyries, Berserks, and the world tree Yggdrasil make their appearance in one form or another, and the castles and towns evoke nostalgic memories of old storybooks.
Coming from a prestigious middle school known for its sports, Ibuki Shin was one of the best pitchers in her softball club. Whereas, Kinomoto Yutsuki, from a regular school, was thought to possess outstanding talent as a hitter. The two stars are now enrolled in the same high school, but Shin decided to stop playing softball due to her hidden feelings for Yuki, while Yuki, oblivious to Shin's feelings, will not join the softball club without her. Each side recognizes the other's ability for the sport and wishes for their continuation. In hopes of persuading Shin into playing again, Yuki proposed a match between them, with the loser granting the winner's wish afterwards.
Joyce Morrell's Harvest summary: Joyce Morrell's Harvest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Joyce Morrell's Harvest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Coyote summary: The Coyote summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Coyote. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930 summary: Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The History of Dartmouth College summary: The History of Dartmouth College summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of Dartmouth College. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.