简介世人皆知,大学士芮祤才高八斗、学富五车,可及冠多年仍未娶妻,乃是身体羸弱之故。而将门虎女南辰筱,泼辣凶悍,加之品行不端,除了一张脸明艳动人再无半点女人样。一个无人愿嫁,一个无人敢娶,圣上亲自为大学士与将门虎女赐婚,更称此二人为天下第一良配! 可实际上,大学士乃是娇滴滴的女儿身,将门虎子则是如假包换的男子汉大丈夫。当今圣上“指夫为妻”,所为哪般?【每周六更新,责编:阿丁】将门之子x温柔才女
内容简介:家养小青梅家养小青梅小说阅读其它类型小说家养小青梅由作家裙袂创作【下本写《甜系小王妃》专栏求个预收】一谢母第一天把枝枝领回家的时候,跟儿子说:“阿翼,枝枝以后就是你妹妹了。”谢翼斜睨一 眼只到他胸口的小丫头,嫌弃道:“咱家那么穷,养得起她?”没想到小丫头憋红一张脸,嗫嚅着保证:“我吃的不多的……哥哥。”转身第二天却瞧见她在别人家地里偷瓜。谢翼:……行吧。于是他撸起袖子,勤奋读书,考取功名,为官入仕,只为给那丫头一口饭吃。二枝枝过来的第一天,暴躁哥哥就对他立下了约法三章——“不许进我房间,不许动我东西,不许和我说话。”枝枝红着眼咬着唇,应了。可是后来的某夜,暴躁哥哥却像是转了性般,偷偷溜进她的闺房,黑暗中对着她的莹白的小脸眼放绿光。枝枝:“哥哥,你的约法三章呢?”哥哥却忽然欺身而上,唇上轻咬啃噬,在耳侧咬牙切齿:“不许和别的男人说话,不许对别的男人笑,不许不理我。”在我身边长大的姑娘,只有我能拥有。暴躁傲娇竹马哥哥×呆萌可爱青梅妹妹成长型男女主,非一上场就强大完美预收文《甜系小王妃》戳专栏收藏作为沐国公家最小的嫡小姐,沐瑶自小就是个颜控,许愿要嫁给这世间最俊俏的情郎。可还未到及笄,一道圣旨下来,她被赐婚给了比她大十多岁的渊政王。哭过,闹过,绝望过,她最后还是不情不愿的,做了渊政王妃。洞房花烛,灯影摇曳,沐瑶泪眼婆娑掀开盖头,看见一张丰神俊朗的脸。眼泪顿时凝固于睫。这个老男人,好像也不是很丑……沐瑶的婚后日常,就是对着老男人各种撒娇——“我比你小,你多让着我啊!”“年纪那么大,就不知道疼人么?”“你都那么老了,就不知道多宠着我点嘛!”渊政王看着自己的小娇妻,一脸无奈头疼,他都已经对她这样了,还要怎么疼她宠她才够?于是,他只能把自己的万般疼爱,付诸在了行动上。最后,躲在锦被之中的沐瑶后知后觉——这个男人,一点都不老QAQ娇气包×老男人没羞没臊的婚后日常文本小说网提供裙袂著作的家养小青梅最新章节,家养小青梅全文免费阅读,家养小青梅无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供家养小青梅最新章节家养小青梅最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-81124 >>
内容简介:一场突如其来的重生,让陈美兰清楚的认识八零年代人心叵测。可她偏偏不信命!利用优势搞小康,带动人民寻发展!德智体美劳全面发展的结果就是,优秀!谁说重生就得顺风顺水一路恒通?她就偏偏喜欢自 食其力,稳扎稳打奔小康本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生八零:肥妻才是家中宝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70634 >>
内容简介: 活着的意义是什么?叶仙不知道,也不想知道。总之,他就想活着。吃饭、望天、睡觉,修炼,看似重复无聊的日子,他就是过不够。没有系统,没有任务,诸天万界,一个又一个地擦身而过,漫步时间长 河,叶仙就这么快乐的活着。注:国风路线,影视剧漫都有,不会涉及美漫之类的建了个书友群850777382,欢迎大家伙光顾1w0-2366 >>
内容简介:六年前,御言笑祸害她……全文免费!!六年后,成了海龟的御言笑高调归来…………还是祸害她。她承认,她是长的可爱了点。但也不是一见就让人想祸害的那种可爱啊喂!满腔怒火,无处爆发。哎……这可 咋办啊?咋办?苏欢叹了口气:逃呗……两个小包子好不容易才被拉扯大,海龟先生就闻风而来:【言言,笑笑,喊爹地】1w0-112533 >>
内容简介:岳母鄙视,妻子瞧不起,亲人嘲讽!所有人都觉得,自己能骑在废物赘婿“王旭”的脑袋上!然而…这一天,废物赘婿王旭突然发现他的手机上多了一款直播app, 不仅可以连通三界,还能与各路神仙交易!而他得到的第一个道具赫然是……1w0-1123 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市我的战舰能进化】刚参加工作,叶枫就因为一次见义勇为被公司开除,回到家乡重操父辈旧业,恰好激活神级打渔系统。“叮!捕捉到极品星斑鱼1,奖励核动力发动机!”“ 叮!捕捉到中华锦绣龙虾1对,奖励整船体钛合金装甲!”“叮!捕捉到帝皇蓝鳍金枪鱼1,奖励粒子束星际玩具枪1!”就这样,叶枫走上一条悠闲的直播赶海之路。鱼:快跑啊!那个男人又来了!海霸国:卧槽,Z国的渔船都这么强的么?我们刚造的航母第一次下水就挂了啊!海盗团:别说了!我们刚扣押的油轮,还没捂热乎呢,连人带船都被他一起打了,顺带着还把我们的老巢都搬空了,哭唧唧!梧桐御姐:呜呜呜,喜欢上一个这么优秀的主播,我真是飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84224 >>
内容简介:穿越到红楼梦贾琏身上,听到的第一句话是“二郎,快起来把药喝了……”本以为有人把大郎改为二郎,恶作剧自己。没想到真被灌了一碗奇苦无比的药汤,这下完了,难道真要被毒死了?收获金手指一枚,居 然是传说中的神格碎片,可惜碎片直径只有两微米,还没有灰尘大!更倒霉的是红楼世界没有魔法元素,有了神格碎片却无法修炼成神,只能当一辈子凡人!贾琏向天怒吼:“为什么要先给1w0-76357 >>
内容简介:末世神医安泞死那一刻绝对料不到自己会穿进一本狗血古言小说里,更料不到,她穿进去之后,每天都在被疯批男主暗杀!……王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃落水后意外救下了小皇子,现在皇上正 要赏赐她!王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,宫宴上王妃为皇后娘娘挡了一剑,皇后娘娘赐给了王妃一枚免死金牌。王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃代替白姑娘从城墙上跳了1w83186-83247 >>
内容简介:这是一部充满奇异大胆想象的科幻改运小说,500年后,地球生态完全被改变,为了帮助人类复国,一批低等的保姆机器人寻找到人类的种子,在外星人X的帮助下一起实现地球回造的计划。1w0-754 03 >>
内容简介:《夏小汐墨夜霆小说》简介:“好什么好,我怎么不觉得好?为了这个孩子,把你都绑在家里了!你说咱们俩都没有度过蜜月呢!”陆天野有些气急败坏(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。他其实是有点儿羡慕自己的姐姐 和姐夫的(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。“你也想出去度蜜月啊?”“你不想?”陆天野立即讨好似的凑到宫若熙面前,“把奶给他断了吧?也不小了,省的以后办事的时候,还得惦记着给他喂奶,那是我的地盘!”宫若熙一阵娇羞,“胡说什么呢?”陆念锡一个劲儿地吃奶,眨着眼睛听着自己的爸爸妈妈说话,好像他真的能听懂似的(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。如果他知道自己的爸爸正打算着断了他的口粮,他一定会多吃几口的。他是怎么也想不到这竟然是自己最后一次吃奶(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。。1w0-71881 >>
Hanzawa works at Hikarigaoka Massage Clinic which is often visited by the healthy college basketball player, Segawa Aki. One day, during a vigorous therapy session, Segawa suddenly got in the mood and attacked Hanzawa! They shouldn't! Hanzawa didn't want it! But he still got swept away by Segawa's warm body...
From Chibi Manga: She's escorting boy to make them believe in love. Though she doesn't know anything about love, he'll teach her what 'love' really means... From Shoujo-Sense: High school student Hotaru has never been in love. To her, it's a mysterious feeling, despite the advice of those around her, and she finds herself wishing she could experience it for herself... That is, until she meets Shinri—handsome, popular, and a shameless flirt—who offers to teach her about love. Could this be her chance to understand the mysterious feeling at last? And what, exactly, are Shinri's intentions?
1-3) Sweet Warmth. After a difficult time of being dumped by his lover and getting hurt by falling down the stairs, Shinshu meets Fushimi at work, where he is assigned to help him due to his injury. Fushimi is tender and thoughtful towards him, which is a different experience for Shinshu. 4) Kiss at Midnight. When childish and spoiled Harumi gets rejected by his housemate whom he loves, he moves in with Hisaya who has always been there to pick up the pieces for him. 5) If Love is Secondary. Natsuhiko gets drunk one night and is taken home by Jin. Natsuhiko seduces Jin, only to realize later that Jin is his college crush who turned him down! Jin was such a playboy back then, has he changed at all? 6) The Love that Follows You. Takashi is ready to propose to his girlfriend, but she never shows up for their date. At her apartment he finds a note and her younger brother Yukinari. With his girlfriend gone, Takashi starts spending time with the lonely Yukinari, but is he only a father figure to the younger man?
In the manga and anime, Tiger Mask (whose real name was Naoto Date) was a feared heel wrestler in America who was extremely vicious in the ring. However, he became a face after returning to Japan when a young boy said that he wanted to be a villain like Tiger Mask when he grew up. The boy resided in an orphanage, the same one that Tiger Mask grew up in during his childhood. Feeling that he did not want the boy to idolize a villain, Tiger was inspired to be a heroic wrestler. The main antagonists in the manga and anime was Tiger's Cave, a mysterious organization that trained young people to be villainous heel wrestlers on the condition that they gave half of their earnings to the organization. Tiger Mask was once a member of Tiger's Cave but no longer wanted anything to do with them, instead donating his money to the orphanage. This infuriated the leader of the organization and he sent numerous assassins, including other professional wrestlers, to punish him. Most of the environment and characters were fictitious, but real-life pro wrestlers Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba were included in the manga and anime as well.
In the Orbit of Saturn summary: In the Orbit of Saturn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Orbit of Saturn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
History of Prince Edward Island summary: History of Prince Edward Island summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of Prince Edward Island. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Soldiers Pay summary: Soldiers Pay summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Soldiers Pay. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Undercover Economist summary: The Undercover Economist summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Undercover Economist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.