简介每【周六周日】更新! “从现在开始!尊重我,信任我,不管贫穷富裕、疾病还是健康,你愿意与我相互扶持,做一对秘密的假夫妻吗?” 钻石王老五、广告业女大佬、加班狂魔徐佳慧的求婚翻车现场,由PIMO鸭鸭为你现场直播!
内容简介:十年前,他仙骨被夺;十年后,他带着梨花剑雨卷土重来,踏着累累白骨,和伙伴们一起踏向无垠世界的仙主之旅。“我陈无悔,无悔入仙门!!”PS新书首发,求收藏,求推荐!此书交流群:110209 1944本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《无垠仙主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84756 >>
内容简介: 一针千金,一方难求,移星换斗,妙手逆乾坤,金针断生死。 小郎中林源靠着精湛的医术演绎都市传奇,悬壶济世演绎生命奇迹。 妙手回春,悬壶济世,医者为王。 建了个书友群,喜欢 本书的朋友欢迎加入,千金随时冒泡和大家聊天打屁!群号: 4807159851w0-3675 >>
内容简介:一个是脑洞突破天际的戏剧学院表演系毕业高材生,一个是傲娇毒舌身世成谜的已故女明星私生子,因为一份被迫签订的合约,不得不走上炒绯闻的道路。许安然:“哎?你知道我们的CP粉里出了个分析大神 吗?角度好刁钻啊!特别是剖析你的心理活动!看得我都快信以为真了!”邢傲霆:“哦,那个是我。”许安然:“……?”rn1w0-73980 >>
内容简介:简介:“本人专职八卦占卜、五行起名、降妖除魔、驱煞捉鬼、掘坟点穴看风水,外加催债、贴膜、捉小三,算命不准不要钱,一百块起可代开发票,每周一三五七下午五点,烟罗路天桥下第十八号摊位,各位 有缘人走过路过不要错过!”冥界钉子户洛青莲得了个热乎的身体夺舍重生,来到现代社会,本打算享受人生,却不料总有麻烦事找上门来,他只能重操旧业捋起袖子当神棍,算命捉鬼下墓倒斗样样行,要问他有什么烦恼——洛青莲苦着脸:“九哥哥太难追,我其实怀疑他中看不中用,有点儿不太行。”容九霄:“呵呵。”后来再问洛青莲有什么烦恼——洛青莲扶着腰叹息:“社会险恶,人心不古。”容九霄:“嗯,味道不错。”1w0-33455 >>
内容简介:本文将于周天入v,届时将有三更掉落,谢谢支持,爱你们姜漫上辈子为了走完剧情回到现实,渣了反派boss林见鹤。她死后,林见鹤抱着她尸体跟男主同归于尽。再次醒来,她并没有如愿以偿回到现实, 而是回到了剧情的起点:——林见鹤被人压在冰天雪地里抽得皮开肉绽。按照剧情,她要救他,成为他心中抹不掉的白月光。这次,姜漫抖着双腿,选了与剧情完全相反的路:扭头就走,跑得活像有鬼在追。这辈子,她绝对,绝对不招惹林见鹤。弱小无助等着姜漫救他的林见鹤眸子沉了下去。那挥鞭子的一瞬间由满脸怒气转成瑟瑟发抖小白菜。所有人跪在地上望着雪地里容颜绝色那人,脸色惨白如纸。林见鹤上辈子身陷沟渠,几次生死挣扎,狼狈求生。最艰难的时候,有人向他伸手,将他拉了起来。从此得一方安宁,活得像个人样。只是,他视若珍宝的,却被人弃如敝履。这辈子,谁敢伤她,他以血索偿。林见鹤那个出了名的暴君点名要永昌侯府认回来的女儿姜漫入宫。所有人都在看她笑话,等着她惨死那一天。后来,姜漫成了皇后。暴君为博她一笑,弹指杀人。小剧场:“我知道你胆小、怯懦,不敢承认爱我,看见我手里刀没?我知道你更怕死。说吧,选哪一个?”姜漫哭了。男主病娇,女主小可爱。文案开文前会有改动。《我抽卡抽到仙界大佬》,男主超萌的,求收藏灵铃穿进一本修仙文里。原主是个炮灰,马上就要领盒饭。灵铃庆幸,还好她有抽卡系统。关键时候,她忍痛花光几分,孤注一掷一抽,满心期待来个带她飞的大佬。结果,抽到一个小拖油瓶。小拖油瓶个子小小,梳着小小的发髻,皮肤白嫩,眼睛乌黑水润,睫毛浓密卷翘,唇红齿白。妈妈,他好可爱。可是可爱不能救命。关键这个小可爱好好的长了一张嘴。“你会仙术吗?!快干掉那个妖兽!”灵铃背着他狂奔逃命。小可爱不自在地红了脸:“哼,区区低级妖兽,还不配本仙君出手。”“……”灵铃算是认栽了,她非到家,非但没有抽到大佬,还抽到一个拖油瓶。哭晕。无妄仙君年少成名,离飞升只一步之遥,乃是仙界之首,众人偶像。传闻容颜惑世,神仙一般,可惜太过神秘,许多人无缘得见。一日,他听到一少女叽叽喳喳许愿,待他回神,已然变成五岁幼童,出现在那少女身边。他冷哼:“区区凡人,竟敢摸本仙君尊贵的头,待我灵力恢复,便剁了你的手。”后来灵铃终于攒够积分,抽到个靠谱的大佬,不由喜极而泣,抱着大佬胳膊求带飞。无妄咬牙:“愚蠢的凡人,放着本仙君不求,去求区区弱小,可恶。”接到仙界之首威胁信的众门派大佬:“???”没想到你是这样的仙君。1w0-87264 >>
内容简介:皇子(愤怒):“父皇,他们居然让我去挑大粪浇菜!”皇帝(冷笑):“你浇的菜地,是老子当年平整出来的。有意见吗?”郡主(气恼):“老爸,我被派去养猪了!”侯爷(担忧):“那就好好养!听话 ,别闹,小黑屋可不是人呆的地方!”青年(高兴):“爹,我当班长了!什么皇子、郡主都归我管,可牛了!”农夫(悲伤):“儿啊,珍惜机会!你说的那些人,他们的爹当年都是我的校友!可惜爹被淘汰了!”大国梦,始于小小军校。1w0-74426 >>
内容简介:《暗杀部队首领做梦指南》为作者荼玖创作,作品暗杀部队首领做梦指南章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供荼玖精心编写原创暗杀部队首领做梦指南及无弹窗暗杀部队首领做梦指南最新章节,暗杀部队首领做梦 指南全文免费阅读。1w0-78217 >>
内容简介:柳烟烟做了个梦。梦里要她攻陷的男人,都是别人心头朱砂,眼中华月。那便只能先解罗衣后解意啦。可是…一个个毫无压力地睡过之后,怎么好像她才是唯一的白月光?!最新·书·刊:p110109s4 02。com743974391811200311w0-79011 >>
内容简介:辣文女配翻身记全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),警告!警告!这是一篇正经无比的文章!拼死拼活的码字更新,没想到读者却不买账,集齐众多怨念送柳相思去了她写的辣文1w20274-69 084 >>
C1 and 2, we'll see our lovely Matsuoka taking care of his cute roommate, Oono. C3 and 4, what does Natsu want from the twins? How does he intend to cleanse the melancholy from the younger twin's heart? Please note that C3 is quite sadistic. Get some tips on the 101 ways of doing it on the dentist chair from Kiyomura sensei and his patient, Takamiya in C5. And finally, learn about the right ways of using a bottle and positioning in C6. 1-2. Tsukiyo no Fushigi 3-4. Melancholy 5. An Appointment Only For You 6. Extreme
Nozomi is a boring and late-blooming college student. His classmate, Ryuji, is an extremely dangerous delivery host. When Nozomi witnesses a steamy kiss between Ryuji and a male teacher, he's thunderstruck! His eyes can't seem to stop following Ryuji's movements. If Ryuji has any say (and he does!), Nozomi is just about to get a taste of paradise. Oneshots from the book include : • 04 Hitori De Yare yo - Comedy duo Masata and Naru aren't doing very well, but they're still together. Mainly because Masata is helpless and Naru can't leave him alone. But when Naru finds out Masata's been keeping secrets things may fall apart. • 05 Love Cocktail - When unfortunately named Minami Haruo wanders into Sagawa's bar, Sagawa gives him his special aphrodisiac cocktail and has his way with him. But who is Minami really? And is he ever coming back? • 06 Air - Nobuyuki and Yugi became a family 7 years ago, when their parents remarried. A year later after that, Yugi's father got into an accident which left Yugi a scar inside himself. Yugi convinced himself that everyone around him will disappear one day, and that in the end he will end up alone, always. Nobuyuki disagree and claim that they are family, and so they will always be together. 'If you can, show it to me. Since you are not my brother, from now on...you are air' is what Yugi said. What will happen to this pair?
The world entrusted the most evil yet powerful “Criminals” as hero. This is a story about struggling against despair. Hero’s Punishment is the most serious punishment. People who are punished are criminals that commit a grave sin, they will atone for that sin as a hero. The punishment is to fight the Demon Lord’s army that was caused by the Demon Lord’s phenomenon at the front most line. Even if the monsters killed these heroes, they will be revived and must figt again. A berserker that has been fighting for hundreds of year, the world’s most despicable villain, a political scammer, a self-procalimed terrorist, an assassin with zero success rate, as such. Everyone has a failed characteristic and formed the punished hero corps. As their leader, I’m Silo Forberts a former Holy Knight commander that was sentenced with Hero’s Punishment because of my sin, “Killing a Goddess” . In the midst of battle, her existence that was supposed to be hidden, “The Sword Goddess” Teoritta and I met. “Please lend me your strength, we will use it to defeat the Demon Lord” “That’s the spirit! Once we’re victorious, please pat my head!” This is a story about the two who formed a contract and their fleeting yet fierce heroic tale.
There's no need for revenge after being reborn. There's only him in my eyes, and I am willing to use everything from my past life in order to be with him again.Chng Shng N Zh: Jioyng Bngshn Zngci,Chong Sheng Nve Zha: Jiaoyang Bingshan Zongcai,mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
The World Order of Baha'u'llah summary: The World Order of Baha'u'llah summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World Order of Baha'u'llah. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Platform Monologues summary: Platform Monologues summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Platform Monologues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Historical Essays summary: Historical Essays summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Historical Essays. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Engine Summer summary: Engine Summer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Engine Summer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.