内容简介: 江湖中绝顶的剑道高手,剑魔独孤无败,在破碎虚空时,灵魂被一柄雷劫之剑,带到了一个玄奇世界,附身在了剑脉尽废的天才剑修叶孤辰身上。 这是一个九剑悬空的玄幻世界,诸王争霸,域界争锋, 大帝传承,更有神秘的太古名剑录,记载了撼天动地的一百零八柄绝世名剑! 且看剑魔异界重修,炼九劫心经,融前世武学,夺太古名剑,证万古剑道! Q群号:1256519701w0-950 >>
内容简介:混世魔王也修仙?俺师傅就是神仙!路途劫难都不怕?俺有超级无敌牛滴外挂!上古神兽也种田?俺有能进化的种地空间!所以,猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,俺也就稀罕打打小怪兽,想背后放黑枪,小哥的易容术可不是 白教的,易容成你娘,好好修理你嗷嗷嗷!!!虾米?魔修不能成仙?俺偏就不信,一定要练成一品上仙!———————————oo—————————————————坑品优良,求收藏1w0-80571 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者青析的经典小说:《清穿太子妃的咸鱼日常》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【本文将于4月3日周六,第27章开始入v届时万字掉落,还有很多红包哦欢迎入 坑——日留】美食博主宁容一朝穿越,竟成了历史上赫赫有名的太子妃瓜尔佳氏。想到要面对两废两立、晚景凄凉的太子,干脆拍拍屁股当起透明人。反正后半辈子注定不好过,干脆让上半辈子舒舒服服的!可她没想到,麻烦接踵而来。她发现自己不是真正的瓜尔佳氏,只不过是重生的姐姐推出来的炮灰替代品;而且在嫁人前,她的感情一点也不空白,1w0-49219 >>
内容简介:【异世界模拟器鬼灭穿越者诸天单女主无惨必死he】纵然我身俱灭,定将恶鬼斩灭!昏暗的天空下,有乌鸦在盘旋飞翔,黑色的火焰燃烧,血与肉在灵魂中绽放,这就是鬼杀队的极致!二次元忠实粉钟相望, 在看完鬼灭之刃全篇之后,因结局过于be郁郁而终,穿越到了鬼灭世界,成为一位光荣的黑户。无惨:小子,就是你想把我拉到太阳下暴晒吗?!蝴蝶忍:那是我仰慕的大人!祢豆子:哥哥最好了~宇智波佐助:你就是那个传说中的男人吗!黑崎一护:要成为能够相互守护的伙伴吗?琦玉:不错,你居然能挡下我的认真一拳,我认可你了。世界盛大,等你来闯!各位书友要是觉得《诸天:我拥有异世界模拟器》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81426 >>
内容简介:他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)笔趣阁,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)sodu,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)小说,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)顶点,他是衣冠禽兽(高H1V1SC)就想 吃肉肉,疯批富二代x娇软小白花转学第一天温若就被傅亦川盯上了,软硬兼施强要了她。从此之后操场教室保健室,哪里都能成为他发泄兽欲的地方。为了躲他,温若放弃了自己心仪的大学,偷偷改了志愿。四年后,他再次闯入她的生活,却儒雅斯文毫无半点当年的影子。直到她接受家人的安排开始相亲,那只披着羊皮的狼,才卸下了伪装。本文上半部分是校园篇《他是疯批高HSC1v1》点击书名即达其他文已肥未完结,入坑谨慎点击书名即达《傻白甜天天挨操高HNP》软萌小白兔X各种凶猛大灰狼肉杂含骨科、强奸等元素,不适者慎入《被合租糙汉室友肏到哭》器大活好的拳击教练X娇软小作精高H1V1有年龄差1w0-97564 >>
内容简介:世间光怪陆离,似妖怪打架。看着父母干架长大的何明橙从小发誓,她一定让她的孩子幸福成长。但世事无常,好学历,创业快成功,离幸福只差一个好男人的的她,就这么被迫入了妖怪打架的世间局。只见过 两面的男人,带着俩萌兽就这么闯入她的生活!这矜贵霸总富贵萌娃追着她跑是什么意思?一脸情深眼泪汪汪,搞得她像个不负责的妈,我跟你们不熟啊。何明橙被动入局。可妖怪干架,最是无常事与愿违为的时候,人生如何抉择?人生如1w0-37695 >>
内容简介:没钱?连晒的太阳都是二手的!为了钱要救命,我岳清泉有什么错?!阿姨,我不想努力了。扣,3084905688作者:清泉揽月所写的《我也想努力啊》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布 。推荐地址:1w0-76763 >>
内容简介: 商战、谍战不是宫斗那般缠绵千百年,他们胜负就在一瞬间。 低廉的成本,遍地的猎物,丰厚的回报,商业间谍肆无忌惮的四处掠食。 亦有专业人士组建护航团队对抗这些掠食者,尽管他们人数很 少,尽管他们生存很困难,但是他们始终在坚持。 没有硝烟的战火一触即发……1w0-3765 >>
内容简介:世界暗网中,有一支神秘的杀手组织,成为了所有人的噩梦。因为这个杀手组织的成功率竟然是百分之百!可以说,只要委任订单被接受后,那么这个人必定死无葬身之地。而在全球大佬纷纷恐慌时。没有人知 道,华夏都市中,一个少年正静静的回答系统的话。“同意使用三百万强化《001号苍蝇杀手》”“叮咚,您的苍蝇杀手已强化双翅,翅膀携带合金武器,掠过目标时,能轻易完成斩杀!”当系统回答结束后,少年慵懒的躺在沙发上,静静的拿起电脑,随后默默的打开委托列表。紧接着看着悬赏最多的订单。因为,他需要继续升级自己的动物杀手队,但他又没有钱了!飞卢小说网提醒:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。飞卢小说网原创小说:《都市:我有一支动物杀手队!》1w0-25050 >>
内容简介: 【爽文,反马甲反团宠】沉睡了一万年的神级小祖宗,醒了。 居然成了智商三岁半、奔赴高考考场的傻子千金,所有人坐等她出丑! 小祖宗微微一笑:“甚好,大智若愚。” 随手便考了个轰动 全网的“神”成绩。 环视身畔,不是马甲大佬就是团宠锦鲤小可爱,明刀暗箭都想把她摁在地上疯狂摩擦! 小祖宗勾了勾唇:“甚好,当年造人手艺还在,长歪的嘛捏一捏回炉重造即可。” 团宠大佬们的马甲遮不住小身板了,瑟瑟发抖! 随意捏完了残次品,一转身又被人拍下她和帝国那位不可说的爷,共盖一床大被的“雅”照,瞬间击碎了全世界少女的心! 小祖宗略一沉吟:“甚……不妥,我只是偶尔馋他身、身上的灵气,你们继续。” 数日后。 某妖孽男人一纸婚书,亲自送至府上:听说你馋爷身……? #反套路小祖宗VS禁欲霸道硬汉男 #1w0-2599 >>
内容简介:改名啦改名啦原书名《先亲为敬》小绵羊学霸年阳向大灰狼学霸兼校霸陆峋下战书,消息一出立刻轰动全校。陆峋:向我下战书的,只有一种结果。年阳:什么?陆峋:跪下叫爸爸。年阳:如果你输了呢?陆峋 :躺下叫老婆。年阳:……某一天,当看到小绵羊绝地反击将陆灰狼压在了书桌上,吃瓜群众惊掉了一地下巴,挑战的结果似乎也不是那么重要了……年阳得意笑道:服不服?陆峋挑眉一笑:各位书友要是觉得《今天不许再壁咚了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80869 >>
Hanatori Suimei, a ronin, came to his aunt's house to study for the next university entrance exam. Turn out the place he will be living in is a kindergarden ran by his aunt. There, he meets Aiko, an 8 year-old girl, Haru, a teacher there, and many other children. How will his relationship with Aiko, with Haru turn out? *Includes a side story called Same Sight in volume 1.
This one-shot is the adaptation of two movies: Zatoichi's Vengeance (Tokuzo Tanaka) and Zatoichi's Pilgrimage (Kazuo Ikehiro).The Ballad of Zatoichi:Zatoichi comes upon a dying man who asks him to give a bag of money to 'Taichi.' Zatoichi has no idea who this is but when he comes upon a small town harassed by gangsters, he finds that 'Taichi' was the man's young son. Along his travels, he also met a blind monk who makes Zatoichi question his murderous lifestyle. In trying to help the town, Zatoichi kills some gangsters and becomes a hero to the boy. He must make a choice of whether to stay and defend the town or to leave and be on his way.Zatoichi's Pilgrimage:After he's ambushed in a small village terrorized by a gang of thieves, the legendary blind swordsman Zatoichi is forced to kill a young man in self-defense. As fate would have it, his travels soon lead him to Okichi, a woman whom Zatoichi discovers is the sister of the young man whose life he stole. In anger, Okichi attacks the blind swordsman, but her conscience gets the better of her, and as she tends his wounds, the two fall in love.
The storyline revolves around Mina ?epe?: Princess- her werewolf guardian Akira Kaburagi Regendorf and Ruler of Vampires. For a long time, Mina is in hiding along with her folks as with other vampires. Trying to end centuries of isolation, Mina gets permission to produce a particular district for vampires called 'The Bund' off the shore of Tokyo, Japan by paying off the whole national debt of the Japanese authorities along with her family's huge riches. Carrying out a dialogue present where identified vampire film actor Seiichi Hirai (who was revealed to be a real vampire) is killed by her during his rampage, Mina shows to the planet the being of vampires while mentioning her want for the two races to live together as they have been living on 'The Bund.' Nevertheless, tensions run high as extremist vampire factions and awful individuals start to interfere using the human planet with the want peace of Mina. This causes Mina and Akira to protect 'The Bund' from these attackers. Regarding the Bund The Bund (also called Tokyo Landfill #0) is a unique man-made island district that floats in Tokyo Bay off the shore of Tokyo. Mina had it constructed to serve as a colony for the Vampires and Werewolves. While Vampires would be the main civilians residing in the Bund, the Werewolf guards of Mina called the Beowulf also live there fulltime on her safety. Persons of great importance (both politically or through private connection to Mina) are permitted to go to the Bund. The sole link in the mainland to the Bund is through one tunnel that is subterranean. The Bund h-AS important ports or no bridges. There's also an underground metropolis in the Bund which is inhabited by the Fangless (vampires who ripped out their particular fangs) as a way about them to stay freely and without persecution.
The Iron Pen Force plans on taking over the world, and no manga assistant will stand in their way! But in an attempt to eliminate Tamae, an aspiring manga assistant, they are thwarted by Keika, a master of Manga Assistant Jutsu! Keika saves Tamae, and after a bit of misunderstanding, they become very intimate friends. But what plans do the Iron Pen Force have in store for Keika?
Faceless Phantom summary: A man had given up his real life. He was one of many NEETs who wished to change their life. A new popular virtual reality game, Heallance, was released. He intended to become a new person inside the game. Thus, he promised to himself that he would never log out. And he was reborn as a player named Zeroth.Throwing his real life away, Zeroth 's new life in artificial world has begun.
Reincarnated! The Blind And Deaf Boy summary: The boy never needed, never wanted anything with his life. He is unlike 'normal people.' Not that he knew what his life, nor what his world really was.He couldn 't see, he knew not of beauty, nor of atrocities. He couldn 't hear, he knew not of spite, nor words of tongue. He needn 't think much, for he knew no words or images to think with.He only knew desire, sensations, and pain....
The Life Of One summary: The Life Of One summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life Of One. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Poems by Oscar Wilde summary: Poems by Oscar Wilde summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Poems by Oscar Wilde. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.