






类别古风 爆笑






















简介我,叫苍泽~一个奇异少年...我“吃”掉了化为妖兽的父亲... 然而,我...上瘾了... ...




内容简介:家中有个女村长全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《家中有个女村长》平原夜著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读家中有个女村长全文内容。1w3013-717 99 >>


内容简介:女神的绝世神医无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《女神的绝世神医》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情小说,小兵免费提供女神的绝世神医最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0- 99658 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我垂钓诸天,开局一颗响雷果实!】全球觉醒时代,全民有机会觉醒天赋能力,获取超凡力量!强者毁天灭地,弱者沦为蝼蚁!苏寒穿越而来,开启诸天垂钓系统,可垂钓诸天万界 ,获取一切强大能力、道具、装备等。垂钓海贼位面,得响雷果实、重力果实、三色霸气、剑道!垂钓死神位面,得流刃若火,一刀焚烧世间万物!垂钓天师位面,得八奇技!此后,轮回眼、流刃若火、灭龙魔法、直死魔眼、混沌魔法、陨落心焰……诸多万界强大能力与装备被苏寒收入囊中。不知不觉,苏寒早已无敌,屹立于亿万生灵、世间万族之上!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-82972 >>






内容简介:【本文参加了“科技兴国”活动。参赛理由:男主大力发展古代水力机械,推动古代科技发展!】希望爸爸们积极投霸王票,灌溉营养液!大龄科研人员王献,在实验当中不幸丧命。再次醒来,变成了书圣王羲 之的儿子——王献之。在这个士子风流的时代,王七郎就是士族里的一朵奇葩花。别人敷粉,他埋头设计图纸。别人清谈,他忙着做项目。做了项目,拉不到投资怎么办?自己赚钱!投资项目!大力发展古代水力机械!关于本文:1、官配王献之X郗道茂种田文慢热剧情为主2、东晋背景背景考据请列出详细史料分析~3、更新时间为每天晚上九点4、喜欢请直接收藏!有钱的大佬请直接投雷!灌溉营养液5、不喜欢,可以直接弃文哦!本文将于8月24日入v请各位大佬支持正版,积极订阅,让作者赚钱吃点好的,这才有力气更新接档文《该传位给哪个儿子》文案如下↓↓↓穿成一国皇帝,卫昭有些愁。治理国家太辛苦了,他想早点退休。三十几个儿子,该挑哪个儿子立为储君呢?大皇子:听闻父皇腰疼,这是儿臣特地命人做的护腰带。二皇子:听闻父皇脖子难受,这是儿臣派人寻的良方。三皇子:这是儿臣特地为父皇准备的千金方!服用可延年益寿!十六皇子:父皇儿臣给你捏捏肩!二十皇子:父皇吃糖!卫昭每天都在被众人跪舔,儿子们对他越好,他心里越愁。究竟该传位给哪个儿子好呢?感兴趣的大佬快去专栏找文收藏呀^_-安莉小伙伴的文《女配要逆袭(快穿)》文案如下↓↓↓兰姝的任务是穿梭在三千世界中,……完成炮灰们的心愿。有一天,【叮!恭喜宿主达成极品女配的心愿,获得极品女配的么么哒一个。】然后兰姝的脸上就现出了一个烈焰红唇印……兰姝:???【叮!恭喜宿主完成绿茶女配的心愿,获得绿茶女配赠送的快乐玩具一个。】下一秒兰姝手里就多了一个仙女棒……兰姝:!!!从兰姝面前走过的男主眉梢微挑,意味深长的说:你喜欢这种?兰姝两只小耳朵顿时红了:我不是我没有别瞎说阿!感兴趣的大佬快搜索文名《女配要逆袭(快穿)》或者作者:甜丞,去收藏吧!^_-各位书友要是觉得苏格拉提拉米苏最新小说作品《我爹是王羲之》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-99895 >>


内容简介:穿越唐朝,成为不存在历史中的李世民长子。天生痴傻的李文昊终于在李元霸的葬礼上觉醒了。民间传说,将不过李,王不过霸,但是开局摸了天下无敌李元霸的尸体,李文昊会有多猛?惹事,他从来不怕。打 架,他从来不虚。作死,他更是一流。拼爹?呵呵!李文昊:“我交朋友从来不看他爹厉不厉害,因为无论他爹多厉害都没有我爹厉害”我在大唐当纨绔最新章节地址:1w0-31108 >>


内容简介:娱乐圈生存法则最新章节免费阅读娱乐圈生存法则是非文字爱好者创作的经典都市言情作品,全文讲述了:欢迎来到残酷娱乐圈。年下,有攻女装情节,占比不多。疯p躁郁症顶流明星受情感障碍知名演员攻新 晋顶流祁慕然深受私生所害,跟车蹲酒店追行程,各种手段层出不穷,直到他不知怎么想不开去演戏,一头栽进剧组里,开始跟她们打长期的游击战。这也就罢了,她们扛着各种长焦镜头去拍路透,看见顶流身边总会站着一个美艳的女演员,与他形影不离,姿态亲密,气得她们想要当场脱粉。这种状态一直维持到剧方官宣那天,女主角的演员姓名那1w0-70413 >>


内容简介:  苍穹之下,世人皆以修习武魂为尊,执掌天地间神秘强大的力量。  凤凰武魂,万古不灭!  修罗武魂,杀伐众生!  岁月武魂,逆转千秋!  ……  获得强大的武魂,是武者一生的追求。   斗苍天,破乾坤,镇压世间一切敌,何其壮哉!  少年林荒身负神秘武魂,自大夏王朝而出,一头撞入浩瀚的武者世界,踏上一世大帝的征途……(ps:单女主)1w0-1821 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:哆啦A梦之我是大雄】从小到大都倒霉透底的源大雄,阴差阳错来到了哆啦A梦的世界,正式开启了一段温馨中夹杂着冒险的序幕。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如 有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-86905 >>


内容简介:  AMD资深架构师王岸然,意外来到1993年……这一年,他刚完成清大的学业,成功收到麻省理工的硕士录取通知书;这一年,芯片巨头intel,刚刚发布划时代的cpu—奔腾处理器;这一年, 王岸然踌躇满志,撕掉了去美利坚的机票 ,定要在芯片工业上,有一番作为。ps:群号666-06-70441w0-145 >>



Kekkon Kirai No Sankyoudai

In the Kekkon Kirai no Sankyoudai series(????????; The Three Marriage-Hating Brothers), also called the 'Billion-Dollar Braddocks' series: 1) Onzoushi no Yuuutsu (??????; The C.E.O.'s Unplanned Proposal): Cinderella by Mistake! When a case of mistaken identity landed Katie Canton in the Braddock world of wealth and power, she couldn't resist the temptation to mingle with the famous family. Especially fascinating eldest brother, Adam. Getting the commanding C.E.O. to loosen up was a worthy cause -- until Katie realized the danger of opening her heart to a man whose master plan did not include Ms. Nobody from Nowhere! The unshakeable Adam was all shook up -- and a slip of a woman was to blame. Mysterious Katie had tilted his ordered world off its axis. Would the man who had everything recognize the one gift money couldn't buy -- a lifetime of love? 2) Koi wa Butoukai de (??????; The Playboy's Office Romance): Spoiled...Braddock! Lara Richmond couldn't believe that irresponsible playboy, Bryce Braddock, would be CEO of Braddock Industries -- and Lara's new boss. Surely the tabloids' favorite Braddock brother would grow bored without his fast cars and faster women? Lara wasn't about to examine why the thought of enduring Bryce's maddening presence every day caused her heart to beat faster! Bryce reveled in the chance to prove his right to the Braddock legacy. And to provoke no-nonsense Lara Richmond. Until one intense encounter hinted that their battle of wills hid an earth-shattering passion. It was time for a new corporate strategy -- a takeover of the heart! 3) Lady e no Kaidan (???????; The Blacksheep's Arranged Marriage): The Braddock blood ran fierce and true in Peter Braddock. Yet his scandalous past kept the youngest Braddock sibling from feeling he really belonged in the elite society his family ruled. Perhaps that's what made him defend shy, awkward Theadosia Berenson -- the ugly duckling debutante -- and landed him in trouble that led to a marriage proposal! Thea knew Peter felt honor-bound to propose. But the perpetual wallflower couldn't say no to the man who stirred her secret fantasies. Though she tried to hide her tender feelings, one kiss revealed a shocking desire between them. Would the spark ignite a fire -- and lead two lonely hearts home? (from fictiondb)


With her little brother in a coma and no money to pay a doctor, Milan has no choice but to turn to Clock and Chrome, Time Traders who grant wishes in return for hours instead of dollars.

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Episode 4: Alliance Of The Golden Witch

In 1998, Battler Ushiromiya's younger sister Ange has lived a miserable life being raised by her Aunt Eva, the only survivor of the murders on Rokkenjima. Bullied and unhappy, Ange finds solace in the diary of her cousin Maria and the world of magic until she rejects its existence. However, with Eva's death and the inheritance of Beatrice's titles, Ange receives an offer from the witch Bernkastel on how to bring back her lost family. Meanwhile, in 1986, Battler Ushiromiya and the Golden Witch Beatrice continue their game, with Battler aided by Ange, hailing from twelve years in the future, in hopes of saving their family at last.

Gwisin Byeolgok

From: Easy Going Scans When Ah-ryoung was only a baby, her mother made a pact with a demon named Nachal, who would claim Ah-ryoung's body once she turns 15. She has inherited her mother's considerable spiritual powers but that “gift” that allows her to see ghosts even from an early age, has made her an outcast for the other kids. She has finally turned 15 and it’s now time for the demon to claim her body... but then an accident happens...

Ashes - Enemy In The Ashes

Ashes - Enemy In The Ashes summary: Ashes - Enemy In The Ashes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ashes - Enemy In The Ashes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

The Devil's Sleeping Beauty summary: She
had always thought that he was a devil in human flesh. She feared him
and hated him for the sins he committed but after seeing how much he
changed to be a better person for her, it took her a great amount of
courage to forgive him since by the time she found out the truth about
him, she had already loved him.
being the worst husband and father to the best husband and father one
can ever have. Lu Yifeng was given a second chance to correct every
wrong deed he did. He was the man who destroyed their family and it took
death to make him realize his wrongdoings.
'Meilin, come here.'
She turned to her husband and smiled, 'Mr. Lu, we are at work, didn't we already agreed to behave while we're here?'
'I want to have an affair with my secretary.' Lu Yifeng said calmly.
'Can I?'
Xia Meilin narrowed her eyes, 'No.'
stood up and walked toward her which made Xia Meilin take a few steps
backward away from him when she saw the dangerous look on Lu Yifeng's
eyes. She stopped when she felt the cold wall against her back.
Yifeng ended up cornering her. 'I'm the President of this company, I do
whatever I want to do, including having an affair with my secretary.'
Xia Meilin refused to back down that's why she ended up glaring at him. 'Do you want to get beat up by your wife?'
side of his lips curled up into a smirk, 'Will she now?' He cupped her
chin and bowed his head to place a soft kiss on her lips. 'Then stop
acting as my secretary. You're my wife, it's your job to watch over your
husband. If you want to have a salary, then I can give you all my
faint blush appeared on Xia Meilin's cheeks after she has been kissed
by him. She pouted and turned her head away, 'I just want to try how it
feels to work as your secretary.'

Voyager In Night

Voyager In Night summary: Voyager In Night summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Voyager In Night. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Immortal Asura

Immortal Asura summary: Amongst creatures in the Three Realms, I am the Asura. Fighting against the Heaven and the Earth, I am an Immortal! A loser, instructed by Asura Technique accidentally, has embarked on a road of shaking the universe.

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