简介烈日余光下,层叠青葱旁,都残留着当年相互追逐、相互争吵,以及那些喜怒无常的影子,这些影子如同蒙上了一层记忆的薄纱,让人心生温暖,连笑容都不由自主的放松了很多。 时隔15年,那久违的心脏,像是复苏了一般。 终于还是,回来了……
内容简介:不信青春唤不回,不容青史尽成灰。一个现代人魂回清末,猛然发现自己居然与未来的黄花岗烈士在一起,是舍身赴死,还是冷眼旁观?十万里锦绣江宏,五千年堂堂中华,难道就不能脚踏倭奴,称雄世界?不 过要实现这些最要紧的是先保住小命…各位书友要是觉得《辛亥军阀》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《辛亥军阀》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72627 >>
内容简介:沧澜大陆,武者为尊!少年陈帆身怀七曜灵脉,本是天纵奇才,却遭奸人所害,被抽灵脉,毁丹田,沦为一介废人!所幸于危难之中得到造化神火,得以逆天改命!再战八荒!且看少年如何步步逆天,登顶武道 巅峰!留下不朽传说!!1w0-63234 >>
内容简介:接到通知后天要入v啦!当天三更掉落,希望小天使们多多支持呀!么么啾!流氓学渣攻vs闷骚学霸受(轻松吐槽风)我一直都知道季朗不要脸,没想到他还很无耻,因为我刷到了他发的帖子【总觉得室友在 诱惑我,他是不是对我有什么想法?】我们两个是合租室友,他室友就是我。【一楼LZ戏多了,感觉你室友菊花要不保二楼楼上加一我回复季朗你他妈把帖子删了楼主郝宇,你又视奸各位书友要是觉得《辣鸡室友总撩我》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72845 >>
内容简介:身处险境的路明非在路鸣泽的帮助下重生回到了过去,当他重生睁开眼的瞬间却发现自己正坐在绘梨衣的身旁。一切恍若隔世。而有些事,有些名字,有些人,仅仅只是简单的提起,你就像是坠入无底的深渊, 任凭你如何努力顽强的挣扎,你也爬不出来。因为很后悔……“哥哥,我会保留你在尼伯龙根计划中获得的A级实力。”“但我可能不能再为你提供外挂了。”“这是只此一次的重生,千万不要再有悔恨这种情绪了。”……“哥哥,即使从头来过,你还是赶不上吗?”1w0-85165 >>
内容简介: 地球,人类的家园。 地球有很多末解之谜,比如,海底金字塔是谁建造的。南极冰盖下的大陆, 地心世界, 远古传说的金页, 美洲印第安人古老传说的13个水晶头骨,水晶头骨能说话, 会唱歌, 这些水晶头骨里隐藏了有关人类起源和死亡的资料,能帮助人类解开宇宙生命之谜。 …… 主角周运的足迹到达地球上人类从未踏足的角落,探秘地球。 地球上有很多失落的宝藏,……等待着周运去寻找。 当人类仰望星空,看着满天星空,想像着星空中某一颗星辰是否存在智慧生命。那么,在星空的另一头,是否也有一双眼睛,凝视着地球。 ——1w0-2163 >>
内容简介:新文求预收《与宿敌的七重人格HE了》,《穿成妖魔领主的宠物后》治愈系甜,求预收抱住本文文案:顶流男团DEVIL的成员尚林微,常年雄踞热搜榜,可惜十个话题九个黑。他的口号是“这世上没有我 想做却做不成的事”,嚣张气焰一再挑战网友底线。无奈现实打脸,经历一次黑料曝光后他被公司彻底雪藏。把低谷期过的有滋有味的尚林微被拉去参加活动,就在他高谈阔论diss对家男团Stellar的时候,被Stellar的C位言遇之撞个正着。两C相遇必有一战。然而,言遇之把他逼到墙角只为要他签名又顺便把他救出鸿门宴的圈套尚林微终于对对家改观,为表诚意,他决定离开雪藏自己的原公司,加入对家男团。Stellar粉丝疯了:这是人干的事言遇之从没想过自己的无心之举居然招惹上这么一个魔鬼,表示后悔不迭,并对这位新成员表示拒绝。尚林微:“开玩笑,我会被拒绝”于是孔雀开屏般围着言遇之乱转,导致言遇之宇宙钢铁直男的人设受到一亿点暴击。尚林微粉和言遇之粉掀起世纪大battle。可打着打着,两家粉丝害怕了。尚林微粉:哥,请你停止散发魅力。言遇之粉:哥,你怎么了哥?那是你的宿敌啊你忘了吗雨林CP粉:扶我起来,我还能磕后来连尚林微自己都害怕了:我记得我曾经好像是直的言遇之:那是曾经了。天神下凡自带气场高冷会害羞攻富可敌国杀气逼人绝美小恶魔受排雷:无副CP,有队友戏份,无原型文风在沙雕和深情之间反复横跳前期双暗恋后期甜甜的爱情提意见欢迎,求轻喷,给点面子1w0-72682 >>
内容简介:天地觉醒,万物复苏,重归太古,文明泯灭;战鼓擂擂,拨云见日,人族崛起,再创辉煌!且看一个碌碌无为、被边缘化的穷小子陆凡,如何在这场浩劫中绝地求生,并且成为力挽狂澜的救世主,将人族再次推 向另一个巅峰时代?敬请期待…amphellip【展开】【收起】1w68072-83739 >>
内容简介:不正经版首先我应该隐藏自己的身份以猎物的身份出现。再则挑选一个超级天才然后用尽你的一切去培养他最后我可以告诉你的是我得救了!哇哈哈……正经版这是宇宙整体内部的矛盾冲突也是规则运行的自我 修正还是一场光与暗的战争……这是宇宙星系的刹那生灭也是百万年文明的末日求生最后它还是我的加冕!各位书友要是觉得《世界自救手册》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81354 >>
内容简介:我们所在的世界远方,有另一个世界仙药界……在仙药界,凡间全民修炼术法……所以这里的凡人多多少少都懂些法术……凡间有十二个国家,分别是子国,丑国,寅国,卯国,辰国,巳国,午国,未国,申国 ,酉国,戌国,亥国……各位书友要是觉得《俗世仙山》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25995 >>
Dramatic series about Keiji Mogami and his half-brother Naoya Amamiya who is suddenly adopted into Keiji's family which highly prizes martial arts prowess. Naoya is several years older, and therefore better at swordcraft than Keiji, but Keiji's mother pushes him to work hard in order to beat Naoya. Naoya himself seems nice at first, but then he begins to show Keiji a much, much darker side.
Part of a collection of oneshots called 'Mijuku na Kareshi'. When teenager Mahito sees his father and his father's secretary Kazaoka having sex, Kazaoka is sure that Mahito hates him. But then Mahito's father dies and he takes over the company and Kazaoka! According to MyAnimeList, this is part of a collection of one shots. The order goes like this: 1) Aimai na Kankei 2) Yasashiku Toraete; sequel to (1) 3) Itsuwari no Daishou (False Compensation) 4) Man On! 5) Kodomo Ijou Otona Miman 6) Sweet Restraint; (Amai Kousoku) 7) Miracles Don't Happen (Kiseki wa Okorenai) 8) Mijuku na Kareshi; extra to (7); (Childish Feelings; Immature Feelings)
Volume 1 : The Laughing Vampire. While a young boy, just resurrected as a vampire, commits acts of awful ferocity, the city around him shows all its perversion. The adults abuse of their power, the boys degenerate and use all the available means to achieve their goal to give vent to their low instincts. Whoever can't understand and make opposition is doomed to change or becoming crazy. So which is the real horror? The vampire who kills in order to feed himself or the crawling disease hidden in the society that slowly corrupts without being noticed? Volume 2 : Paradise. Following the events narrated in the first volume, Luna and Konosuke are now living together with the old woman vampire as fellows, as lovers, in a diabolic innocence, killing to quench their thirst for blood, joining death and love under the dream of the eternal youth. Meanwhile a young boy, named Makoto, is looking for his lost sister Miko, who disappeared years ago under mysterious circumstances. But what has really happened to that girl who liked eating grubs and dreamed to become on of them? And is someone really hiding a terrible secret? The paths of all the characters will dramatically collide, bringing unexpected consequences after the things are gradually revealed. A story suspended between weirdness and decadence, showing a clear nostalgia for the German cinematography and Federico Fellini, where the blood is used to trace a great and only apparent amoral story.
From Girls' Generation Scanlations: Almost a year has passed since Tokio-sempai unexpectedly told Yousuke, a student and lover of plants, 'I fell in love with you at first sight!' So every day, Yousuke is continually on the receiving end of Tokio's relentless attacks. The handsome Tokio, who is also a good student and successful with girls, harasses Yousuke daily, pushing him farther and farther away ... or maybe...
Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subaya-sa Tayorina Tabi o Suru summary: Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subaya-sa Tayorina Tabi o Suru summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subaya-sa Tayorina Tabi o Suru. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Flock of Girls and Boys summary: A Flock of Girls and Boys summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Flock of Girls and Boys. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Life of Lyman Trumbull summary: The Life of Lyman Trumbull summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of Lyman Trumbull. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Songs from Vagabondia summary: Songs from Vagabondia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Songs from Vagabondia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.