内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生:开局一封军校通知书到家】陈铭重回七十年代,成为第一批参加高考的考生,顺利考上国防科大,开局就拿到军校录取通知书,自此开启波澜壮阔的军校生涯。班长:“陈铭 ,让你叠军被,没让你用熨烫机作弊,这洋牌子熨烫机你哪里搞来的?”区队长:“陈铭,让你率队种蔬菜,你搞什么蔬菜大棚,咦,你能冬天种西瓜?”校长:“陈铭啊,听说你小子鬼点子多,各种稀奇玩意都会搞,那你帮忙看看我这台电视怎么回事,一直滋滋响,能不能修?”陈铭:“校长,这还不简单,直接拍一巴掌就完事了!”说完,陈铭一巴掌拍在电视后背上,屏幕立马出画面了。校长:“神了!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78959 >>
内容简介: “公子不愧是正义表率!”“风华绝代,儒雅随和,嫉恶如仇!”“天不生公子,正道万古如长夜!”……别夸!别再夸了!本公子才不是什么正道表率!本公子想要做坏事,要做反派!修邪功,戮长街, 屠满门,乃至谋朝篡位!本公子真的很坏!PS:已有600万字万订《异世界的美食家》、300万字精品《造梦天师》、《打造超玄幻》,日更万字,放心观看~群:1081561535,欢迎加入~1w0-4405 >>
内容简介:魂穿聊斋,求道长生。此时,正逢天下大乱,群魔乱舞,魑魅魍魉横行,正邪佛魔颠倒。天地灵机絮乱,道途愈发艰难,成道机缘更加缥缈。他立志求道长生,争那一线成道机缘。于是他行走在阴阳之间,探秘 太古禁地。追寻天庭踪迹,揭开地府秘闻。所见种种皆似是而非,以往究竟发生了什么?王成抽丝剥茧,历经诸般劫难,终于看到一丝真相……1w0-68847 >>
内容简介:“飞哥,对方车加速比我们好太多了,怎么办啊?”“怎么办还要问?遇到这种事情就一个办法,切二档、7300转、干他!”……“车手飞,你的车虽然马力很大,但是车头太重,每次入弯都一定会推头, 除非你能克服这个问题,否则你是跑不过我的GTR。”“排水沟过弯听过没有?不懂就去了解一下,真是年轻!“……“张一飞,下一场你的对手将是车神舒马赫,对阵这位传奇车手你有什么想说的吗?”“对不起,这场比赛我要赢。还有,很快我的名字前面也将加上车神两字。“1w0-28268 >>
内容简介: 【1V1、双洁、爆宠】 宋昭重生到了古代,成了镇国大将军备受宠爱的小嫡女。 拿的是团宠躺赢剧本,可宋昭知道,再过不了几年,这个朝代就会灭亡,所有人都会尸骨无存。 看着角落里备 受欺凌的落魄小少年,想到他就是未来颠覆王朝,无恶不作的叛国暴君。 为了世界和平,她决定一不做二不休—— 鲨了他! 第一次,宋昭看着惨被群殴的小少年,打算趁机给他致命一击,却惊到了野猫,替他挠跑了欺负他的人。 小少年:她为什么要帮我,她是不是喜欢我? 第二次,宋昭偶遇失血过多晕厥的小少年,要将他拖进湖里淹死,却被他拿走兜里的人参丸,吊回了一条命。 小少年:从来没有人这么关心我,她是仙女吧。 第三次,宋昭摸出一把匕首暗搓搓走向他,却不慎踩滑脚,替他杀死了身后的虎视眈眈的毒蛇。 小少年耳尖一红:原来阿昭可以为了他拼命。 暗杀失败,宋昭换了个套路,拿出一颗糖哄他,“世界还是很美好的,你要成为一个好人喔~” 小少年攥住小姑娘衣角,点头。 为你成为好人,也为你疯魔屠城。 * 后来,京城活阎王斯聿[yù],冷血残戾,杀人不眨眼。 所有人都说,斯聿没有心,没有人能让他低头。 直至那年,叛军攻国,斯聿一身玄冰铠甲,携千军万马而来,城楼皆在他脚下坍塌。 他双手奉上宝印,单膝下跪,“阿昭乖,叫一声夫君,我将这万里江山连同整个我都奉予你掌心。”1w0-1530 >>
内容简介:郝大根,桃花村人见人厌的二流子。在田里钓黄鳝,和村支书的女人争吵拉扯,失控强上,床压烂了,巧得神秘医经,一技傍身,治病救人、发财泡妞两不误。丈母娘毁婚,强订城下之盟,迫使他不断努力,又 能否保住亲事?睡了寡妇田春花,一起做生意,却被村官潜规则,他将如何反击?救了美妇部长,混入官场,能飞多高?看他运用医术,如何玩转乡村和官场?1w0-97446 >>
内容简介:陆羽穿越到海贼世界我的操纵果实,被路飞邀请当了草帽海贼船的副船长,从此……草帽海贼团被玩坏了。刚一出海,路飞就被悬赏了一亿贝里。海贼猎人索隆被悬赏5000万贝里。小贼猫娜美被悬赏100 0万贝里。而罪魁祸首陆羽则被悬赏区区100万贝里。这让路飞几人郁闷不已。明明他们什么都没做,却被高额悬赏。而罪魁祸首却只被悬赏100万。路飞表示:我不服。索隆:附议。小贼猫娜美:路飞和索隆能兑现吗?1w0-65525 >>
内容简介:极品修真狂少最新章节宝宝吉祥秦天一觉醒来,发现自己穿越到了陌生的地球上,成了被豪门抛弃的弃子,被未婚女友踹下悬崖的苦逼。遭人嘲讽,受人愚弄。不过,这都是小儿科。我,秦天来了,俯视天下, 掌控乾坤!世界,因我而改变!极品修真狂少最新章节宝宝吉祥1w0-64523 >>
Collection of Oneshots 1. What a Sly Guy 2. Kimi ni Makasenasai! 3. Come to My Side 4. Kimi wo Itadaki! 5. Wolf Cherry From Intercross: Yoshino Nene is a 16-year-old girl who fell in love at first sight with Fukazu-san, a man 9 years older than her. She sends him emails, trespasses (?), and intensely hits on him, but he won't respond to her. Finally, he told her: 'I won't ever fall in love'. But he looked very sad when he said that. Nene wants to know his real intentions...
Se-Joon and Se-Wa are siblings with a dark, complex relationship. Se-Wa, a girl considered psychotic by others, is attached to her brother... a little too attached. In her eyes, there is only Se-Joon, and no one else. And what of Se-Joon's feelings? This manhwa contains incest themes. Title comes from French poet Beaudelaire's compilation of poems, Les Fleurs du mal. Other manga: + Durarara Manga + Sakuran Manga
Shingetsutan Tsukihime is a manga based on Type-Moon's famous visual novel, Tsukihime. The story follows Tohno Shiki, a teenage boy who, after a near-fatal accident in his childhood, gained the mysterious power to perceive lines covering everything around him. When he cuts along these lines, whatever it was immediately falls apart with a clean cut; in other words, killing it. Troubled by it he accidentally met a wandering self-proclaimed magician who gave him a pair of glasses that blocked his unnatural perception when worn. Soon afterwards, he was disinherited from his family and sent to live with some relatives. For eight years he lived a normal life, hiding his special eyes, until one day he receives a letter inviting him to come back home. Shiki suddenly becomes caught up in strange and life-threatening events, ones that are somehow linked to his childhood accident and a forgotten past...
Most girls are crazy about jewelry, but not Anis Yamamoto. Not since her father gave her a rose choker as a child, claiming it was a protective amulet which would safeguard her from harm; however, if she ever took it off (a feat easier said than done!), she would be afflicted by a “punishment” of some sort. Not like it matters to her though, since the attention it attracts around school from faculty and students alike isn’t something she’s particularly fond of. But after a certain incident causes the choker to disappear, she realizes that this punishment her father spoke of might have been a bit more than she bargained for!
Tokyo Ikai no Barista summary:
“Help me find my brother Chris. You can help solve anything can’t you?”
Toushirou is a barista working in Tokyo, which has been isolated after it turned into another realm. One day a mysterious girl who looks exactly like his first love Fleu, who he had been searching continuously for, appears in front of him. However, perhaps because of the fact that she lost her memories, she claims to be Flika, and completely unlike Fleu, has an extremely free spirited personality!?
As someone who also takes up odd jobs, he accepted the request, to look for Chris, but in the process discovers the truth behind the ident.i.ty of the young girl and the Other World.
In order to take back what this young man lost and to retrieve the young girl’s lost memories, the two head towards the center of the Other World!
The Other World, Bar Fantasy begins!
The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour summary: The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus summary: Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Devil Doctor summary: The Devil Doctor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Devil Doctor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.