内容简介: 鸽子游戏设计师弗林,受千万玩家诅咒,而不幸成为异界偏远村庄的领主。为了回馈玩家(为了过上腐朽没落的封建领主生活),弗林将异世界设计成了一款游戏。召唤玩家体验全世界最好的游戏。(召唤 玩家为腐朽的领主打工)于是,全世界最好的游戏诞生了!(全世界最富有的领主诞生了!)水友之群:1338950381w0-3385 >>
内容简介:“叮!恭喜宿主获得满级龙象般若功!”一觉醒来,易小川发现一个可怕的事实,自己竟然被绑在了断头台上。怕?那是不可能的!项羽:“我能单手举起千斤鼎!”易小川:“不好意思,我能举起两千斤!” 卫庄:“我练成左手剑术,必定杀了你!”易小川:“抱歉,在本公子面前,你永远是蝼蚁!”本书关键词:其他类型热血争霸同人《大秦:开局满级龙象般若功》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、那个被我活埋的人、离婚后的我开始转运了、跨物种相亲、居山海、三国:开局收服太后、前方动漫有高能、异世之虫族无敌、草茉莉、玄幻:我!天命大反派、武侠:开局算计师娘、黎明之后、绯闻太多是我的错吗、艾泽拉斯女神、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、僵尸世界:神级选择、私密保姆、一枝、明知故犯、我、我是你的、典型意外(ABO)、这个明星很想退休、劳资苏明成,世界首富、Omega男友饲养指南[女A男O]1w0-78969 >>
内容简介:路时洲向高中时的初恋女友求复合,惨遭拒绝。他喝到半醉和朋友吐槽:我这个初恋贪财好色还花心,是我疯了才把脸扔到地上,让她踩了一次又一次。朋友:我也失恋了,不过拒绝我的那个女孩单纯优雅又善 良,是我配不上她。后来才知道,拒绝他们的是同一个人。半校园甜文,读者群:5788299971w0-59602 >>
内容简介:【公告】本文于8月26日入V,从31章开始,看过的注意不要重复订阅,感谢支持穿越成妃子、宫女、太监、舞姬……各种身份都做了。然后就毒杀、意外、他杀、自杀……各种死法都有了。云谣:“还有 比我更惨的穿越吗?!”一朝穿越,她困在皇宫,听说了年近五十的太后有孕在身;看见了温婉贤良的淑妃扎小纸人;闻到了舞惊天下的宠姬有香港脚;撞破了沉稳内敛的静妃半夜偷情……最可怕的是据说皇上很疯,爱好杀人。云谣奉上膝盖:你们宫里人真会玩儿。【女主升级打怪练智商,男主腹黑阴险装疯王】排雷:女主会不断穿越换各种身体,雷者请避。如果您喜欢对不起,我不穿了,别忘记分享给朋友作者:温三所写的《对不起,我不穿了》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-25041 >>
内容简介:接档文《窃喜》《冬日晚安》求各位富婆预收一下~【今天她又在勾引我】心狠手辣大少爷×娇弱小可爱深城首富江家有小女,身娇体弱,貌美如花。圈子里适龄的公子哥都准备等她十八岁成年后,就上江家提 出联姻,将这朵娇花摘下。不曾想,她早已名花有主。江樱从十六岁开始,就知道自己有个远在北城的未婚夫,长相和家世俱佳,最重要的是性格温润儒雅,长辈们都对他赞不绝口。于是,从青春期开始,极少见人的江樱就对这个未婚夫充满憧憬,不知不觉,早已悄然心动。十八岁,林彻低调回深城。她按耐不住少女心思,偷偷溜到他的画展里想见他一面,不曾想,第一面竟是——他背对着她,坐在黑色沙发上,黑色衬衫冷漠禁欲,手指把玩着雪茄,手背上的纹身嚣张又刺眼,漠然地望着手下人动手收拾着盗画者。他毫无波动,只在停顿时,语气冰冷地提醒“继续。”江樱回来后,做了一晚上的噩梦,醒来以后决议要与这个冷面阎王解出婚约。晚宴上,江樱放弃了一直以来他喜欢的小白花装扮,将裙子改到大腿以上,穿着露背的小黑裙赴约,想惹他厌恶。林彻幽幽地望着她,目光有些玩世不恭,她表面风俗的笑,心里却忐忑至极。终于,他出声,看向侍者“我要一份樱桃肉。”樱桃肉色泽艳丽,香甜多汁。是林彻最喜欢的一道菜。不管是在床上还是床下。预收:《窃喜》斯文败类腹黑名导×单纯可爱美人【1】江柚凭借《金枝》一炮而红,成功斩下影后大奖的当晚,正准备向男神表白。还未到家门口,网上却疯传了一组她和名导沈冽在车内拥吻的照片,一时间“潜规则上位”五个字把她从云端打回谷底。江柚站在雨中,看着林冽的车从身边经过,车窗后的男人慢条斯理地擦着镜片,面无表情地抬起头,一语不发。那一瞬间,她就明白了一件事。被他看上的人,要捧还是要杀,全都在他的一念之间。她根本无从抵抗。江柚一直以为林冽是因为傅远才连带着厌恶自己。直到某天夜里,她打开他的房门,看到发着高烧的男人紧闭着眼,额前的短发被冷汗打湿,放弃了抵抗般的在呓语着她的小名。她惊住,眸光迟缓地落向他的手。已经快被她遗忘的一条红色发圈正静静地躺在他的手心上,伴随着声声妥协:“阿咛,不要离开我。”小剧场绯闻风波的一周后,江柚心理重建完毕再度露面,被各大娱记围堵,有胆大的直接问道:“听说江小姐你是靠潜规则才拿到角色上位的,此事是否属实?”向来柔弱示人的江柚摘下墨镜,语气随意道:“没错。”众人哗然,没想到她竟丝毫不收敛!她娇媚一笑,补充:“不过,是我潜的他。”世人皆以为是她高攀,却根本不知他才是这段关系中卑劣的窃取者。千方百计,悄然窃喜。微博:是废柴糕糕酱1w0-33592 >>
内容简介:淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)小兵,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)sodu,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)小说,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)顶点,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)妄季, 高H,简繁从?62开始为未发表于其他地方的【全新】短篇,唯发于此最近完结的长篇:P站它成精啦!(高H,简繁)hot活在成人片AV的世界(NPH,简繁)#校草#师生#公媳#青梅竹马※注意※1?1?61为作者的短篇文章汇整,方便归整搜寻,内容与独立成篇的相同,小心不要重复订阅了!2关于1V1的界定。前提:女主在和男主H前可能是处OR非处i结局选择和男主一人在一起为1V1,标注1V1。ii若男主为女主的出轨对象,结局未写明是否与原对象丈夫、男友、暧昧对象等分开,偏向开放性结局,则不标注1V1(ii类常见于公媳文)女上男下,被压着强肏,后入,NP,1V1,电车,野外,兄妹,公媳,强奸,轮奸,按摩棒↗↗↗,口口,颜射,双穴齐插……求个珍珠,让我知道你喜欢这本书∠」∠(点击“我要评分”即可送珍珠),么么哒简繁版本在同一章节,上简下繁,按一个版本收费2大部分是1V1,另有NP、NTR(较少)3各个作品的详细文案可戳↓进入作者“妄季”的作品区根据篇名查找或是直接戳下方的对应连结↓↓↓*妄季的连载完短篇合集*淫色(高H,简繁)希望大家能支持一下,谢谢*妄季的已完结长篇*1淫女浪事简体H淫女浪事繁体H慾望情事录(BG,高H,简繁,1v1短篇合集)*妄季的已完结短篇*1师父,我还要!师徒1V1,BG高H,简繁公公,不可以!公媳1V1,BG高H,简繁小姐,请慢用。主仆1V1,BG高H,简繁嘘,小声点!兄妹1V1,BG高H,简繁性色童话之灰姑娘1V1高H,简繁讨厌,不要停!电车强制,高H,简繁诱奸美媳妇(公媳,高H,简繁)少爷,来吃我!(主仆1V1,高H,简繁)媳为吾妻(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)不吃入穴焉知其硕(兄妹1V1,高H,简繁)按中生情(高H,简繁)出轨就该找公公(公媳,高H,简繁)路遇巨棒猛男(高H,简繁)和尚夫君好会插(1V1高H,简繁)公公,求你了(公媳,高H,简繁)中了他那根巨棒的毒!(原名:无做不爱(高H,简繁)双胞胎的好处(原名:佳偶天成(兄妹,1V1高H,简繁)竹马操青梅(3P高H,简繁)胯下的诱惑(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)骚媳妇的快活人生(公媳,高H,简繁)严谨教授浪儿媳(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)严肃警哥媚弟媳(高H,简繁)迷奸大肉棒哥哥(高H,简繁)被校草设计轮奸(4P高H,简繁)叫公公一声好老公(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)这不是我的好儿媳!(三观不正坏同事X形象崩坏 >>
内容简介:秦风:大唐第一神医;因治好了皇帝爱妃的疾病,被皇帝老儿御封为天下第一神医;秦风:大唐第一倒霉蛋;因行事高调嚣张,惨遭天谴,不小心成为了千百万穿越大军中的一员;身处二十一世纪华夏国的秦风 欲哭无泪修修炼治治病泡泡妞踩踩人秦风开始了牛逼闪闪的无敌彪悍新人生。秦风一脸无辜道:“我容易嘛我,有票票的请抬起你那高贵的手指,用你们的行动来安慰安慰我那脆弱受伤的心灵吧!”秦风仰天疾呼:“我要票票——”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《极品唐医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69963 >>
内容简介:【本文几次大修,完整版只在晋江】【专栏下一本《七零重组家庭》求收藏】林舒长得凝肌玉肤,腰细腿长。十八岁就要下乡,舒妈操碎了心,女儿生成这样,下乡可怎么让人放心?好在在乡下七拐八弯找了个 远…1w39969-65811 >>
内容简介: 地球,人类的家园。 地球有很多末解之谜,比如,海底金字塔是谁建造的。南极冰盖下的大陆, 地心世界, 远古传说的金页, 美洲印第安人古老传说的13个水晶头骨,水晶头骨能说话, 会唱歌, 这些水晶头骨里隐藏了有关人类起源和死亡的资料,能帮助人类解开宇宙生命之谜。 …… 主角周运的足迹到达地球上人类从未踏足的角落,探秘地球。 地球上有很多失落的宝藏,……等待着周运去寻找。 当人类仰望星空,看着满天星空,想像着星空中某一颗星辰是否存在智慧生命。那么,在星空的另一头,是否也有一双眼睛,凝视着地球。 ——1w0-2163 >>
内容简介:神秘是养料,让我不再平凡。来到类似欧洲近现代背景的世界已经二十年,费林凭借着早慧,学得一技之长,终于成为了体面人。原本以为自己将娶妻生子平淡的度过这一生,但却发现世界阴影之下还有另外一 个世界。在那个世界,有修习秘术掌握超凡之力的秘术师。有于黑暗中窥视人类,以人类为食的诡异。有崇拜邪神,通过血腥的献祭取悦邪神,向邪神换取力量的邪神信徒。有徘徊世界之外,窥视着世界,仅仅渗入只鳞片爪力量,便足以引人坠落的邪神。以神秘为养料,平凡了二十年的他不再平凡。1w0-97008 >>
内容简介:一觉醒来,赵松梦穿成了闵玧琪同人文里的恶毒作死女配。女配的下场很凄惨——被身为男主的闵玧琪和女主赵冰真108种花样吊打。最后身败名裂,退出娱乐圈,自杀身亡。赵松梦变成那个倒霉蛋后,为了 不被炮灰,她自觉地远离男女主,甚至还打算抱根粗金大腿保护自己。闵玧琪拍拍自己的大腿,来,哥的大腿给你抱,哥罩着你。赵松梦:???赵松1w0-27464 >>
[From Impossibility]: Hikaru doesn't excel in school or is an 'ideal' student like her sister. In order to get her grades up, her mother hires one of her classmates, Momo, to help tutor her.
Yuuta Takenata has dreamed of being a gymnast ever since he was a little kid, so when he gets into high school he starts the Boy's Rhythmic Gymnastics team. Then, the club advisor forces them to take the delinquent Azuma Wataru under their wing. He's loud, whiny and has absolutely no interest in gymnastics. Yuuta just gives up on him, telling to stop coming to the practices. But when Wataru accidentally causes one of the members to break their arm, he has to start training so they can take part in the competition.
From Boys On Boys Love: Chapter 1-2: Neko no Yomeiri Once every hundred years a bride is chosen to be sacrificed to god. This time though, Will was chosen. However, the one lying in wait for Will was not a god, but instead a huge savage beast like he had never seen. This beast was a lion named Sachs. He was one hungry lion, so he told the naïve and delicious-looking cat that he was God and took him home… Chapter 3: Intoxication Honey Chapter 4: The Cat Returns Chapter 5: I'll-Fated Boy Chapter 6: Precious Days Afterward
Read Soul Eater Manga Soul Eater Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Atsushi Okubo. Looking to create the latter a 'death scythe' and therefore fit for use by the school's headmaster Shinigami, the personification of departure, they need to gather the souls of 99 wicked people and one witch, in that sequence; otherwise, they're going to have to begin all over again. Soul Eater Manga is placed at Death Weapon Meister Academy --'DWMA' for short--situated in the fictional Death City in Nevada, United States. The institution is run as a training facility for the wielders of these weapons, named meisters, in addition to individuals together with the capacity to transform into weapons, also called Death, by Shinigami. Medusa and her cohorts assault DWMA together with the aim of restoring the first kishin who almost plunged the world into insanity before being secured beneath DWMA by Shinigami, Asura. Even with the combined efforts of Death the Kid, Black Star, and Maka, Asura, who leaves to spread mayhem all over the world following a short conflict with Shinigami is successfully revived by the group of Medusa. Nevertheless, Medusa befriend Maka and is apparently killed by meister and DWMA teacher Franken Stein in the act, while Crona surrenders to the DWMA and goes to register there. Characters in Soul Eater Manga As an outcome of Asura's distributing insanity, the older sister Arachne of Medusa comes out of hiding after 800 years. Arachne reforms her organization Arachnophobia, which poses itself as a critical danger to DWMA. Shinigami calls all over the world to assist in the struggle against Arachnophobia from in passing scythes. In now, Medusa forms truce, and reappears along with her soul within the body of a woman so they could annihilate the risk of Arachnophobia collectively. The DWMA pupils and brainwash Crona into rejoining her, possess Arachne's body, and the entourage of Medusa infiltrate the headquarters where Maka gets the better of Arachne, just for Medusa to betray DWMA of Arachnophobia. Meanwhile, Noah, an artificial concept created in the Book of Eibon's Tables of Contents captures Death the Kid. Following this, Maka eventually succeeds in turning Soul Eater into a passing scythe. Crona resurfaces in a city in Russia, destroying it and killing the departure scythe stationed there, eventually being chosen by madness after killing Medusa while DWMA hunts for Asura's location. Shinigami orders Maka to hunt down Crona, and she accidentally finds Asura's place on the moon, while hunting for Crona with her powers. An assault is launched by the DWMA on the moon to take Asura down, only to be repelled by his militaries that are Clown. Maka as well as the others find a way to choose the upper hand helped by the witches after Death the Kid successfully convinces them to set up a short-term alliance, but the situation gets a lot more chaotic using the hindrance of Crona, who consumes Asura's body before being overtaken by him. The manga was released as three different one and is published by Square Enix -shots serialized in one Gangan Wing and two Gangan Powered special versions in 2003. Yen Press has licensed for distribution in North America the manga. A manga series that runs alongside the primary collection, named Soul Eater Not!, started serialization on January 12, 2011 in Monthly Shonen Gangan. Principal Characters in Soul Eater manga Maka Albam Maka Albarn is among the primary protagonists of Soul Eater Manga. She's a young but committed pupil who takes another prodigious meister, after her mom. Nevertheless, her relationship with her dad Spirit is strained due to his continuous flirtations with girls, leading her parents. Therefore, Maka is obsessed with turning her weapon partner, Soul Eater, into a passing scythe which will surpass her dad.[ch. 0a] She collaborates well with Soul in conflict, but occasionally gets frustrated at him when he does something silly. When in risk, yet, Maka does everything she can to keep Soul out of harm's way.[ch. 4] Soul Eater Soul Evans,nicknamed Soul Eater, is the partner of Maka Albarn as well as a devil scythe, as well as the principal male protagonist. His weapon form includes a reddish- and-black blade. + Skip Beat manga + Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Manga
Hebrew Life and Times summary: Hebrew Life and Times summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hebrew Life and Times. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The World As I See It summary: The World As I See It summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World As I See It. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves summary: Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jaw Musculature of the Mourning and White-winged Doves. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Badger summary: The Badger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Badger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.