简介一个失去记忆的少女阿空掉入了阎门的禁地寒潭之中, 第一次与阎魔相遇就差点被他所杀。沉睡了千年的神兽突然醒来,真魔之眼被打开,一系列的奇怪事情,伴随着这个凡人少女阿空的降临发生。【QQ粉丝群:648343587】
简介全新连载《3月的狮子》(将棋故事)将从今年初夏在漫画杂志《Young Animal》上正式展开连载!在《Young Animal》官方网站的首页上,也开始大肆宣传这项令粉丝们兴奋无比的消息。
内容简介: 谚云:天下沈氏出吴兴,吴兴沈氏与汝南周氏、会稽顾氏、陇西李氏、东海陈氏、中山张氏并称中国六大世家。 大明中叶,世家郡望早已凋零,沈氏分支立足松江,名声鹊起,为当世显赫望族。 只 因一现代灵魂,回到至五百年前,重生到祖宗身上,混个了风生水起。 * 《登基吧,少年》2019年1.11起点首发,可以开养了,^_^1w0-2383 >>
内容简介:潼市人人都说,聂相思是商界传奇战廷深最不可冒犯的禁区,碰之,死。——五岁,一场车祸,聂相思失去了双亲。“要不要跟我走?”警察局,男人身形秀颀,背光而立,声线玄寒。聂相思没有犹豫,握住男 人微凉的手指。——十八岁以前,聂相思是战廷深的宝,在战家横行霸道,耀武扬威。十八岁生日,聂相思鼓起勇气将心仪的男生带到战廷深面前,羞涩的介绍,“三叔,他是陆兆年,我男朋友。”战廷深对聂相思笑,那笑却不达眼底。当晚,战廷深将满眼惶然害怕得叫都叫不出来的女孩儿困在身下,抽身剥茧,吃干抹净!事后,聂相思白着脸道,“战廷深,我要告你!”战廷深将两本结婚证扔到聂相思面前,眯眼冷哼,“我跟我自己的妻子在自家床上做的事,谁敢有异议?”聂相思瞪大眼看着床上那两只红本本,彻底懵了!“还不快叫老公?”“……”1w0-4025 >>
内容简介:聪明的商人在破坏规则。精明的商人在避开规则。高明的商人,在利用规则。rn只有一种人例外,他们无视规则、无孔不入、无处不在。他们是潜伏在你身边的:商业间谍。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《商 海谍影》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78954 >>
内容简介:三年前,陈家继承人陈锋,因为和兄弟合伙做生意,被家族针对,以侵吞家族资产为理由,将他赶出陈家,露宿街头的他出车祸受伤,被路过的肖清雅所救。为了报恩,也为了生存,他成为肖家赘婿。三年赘婿 ,三年屈辱。三年后,当年投资的生意赚了大钱,陈家危难,跪求主角帮忙1w0-30801 >>
内容简介:“神级系统找到宿主!”“宿主乃是一缕魂魄,不可附体,进行人物身份更换!”“扫描附近可容纳魂魄之躯,叮前方三丈处有一只蚊子,可容纳宿主的魂魄!”这时一股吸力同时朝着魂魄跟远处的一只蚊子笼 罩而去!一只蚊子,一个神级系统,故事从这里启程!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《神级蚊子》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76384 >>
内容简介:本文属于猎奇文,别名为《男主他总是很讲的是一位万人嫌的王爷历经千难万险,打败自家后院德才兼备的王妃以及一群千娇百媚的小妾,最终在众人失望的眼神中,喜滋滋地抱得美人归的故事。你需要知道, 女主是个玛丽苏的美女,人见人爱。也需要知道,男主是个万人嫌的渣男,人见人唾。还有一群不愿意女主跳入火坑,时不时跑出来坑一把渣男主的男女配角,其中战斗力最强的是男主明媒正娶的王妃,这是一位深明大义德才兼备有容有貌有人品的好妹子。明天五一,我会入V,入在码字中……是一篇除了虐男主,不会虐任何人的小白欢脱文,鉴于作者有些史料找不到,于是这文成了架空,但是背景朝代确实是唐朝,一个被作者改得面目全非的伪唐,介意勿入!!晋江总是在抽搐,若是您的后台看到更新,而页面不显示更新,【成【刷新页面。若这样还刷新不出来,换手机试试!1w0-109292 >>
内容简介:【万人嫌乐观小编剧X求而不得金融大亨】【先婚后爱】【十五年暗恋修成真】1白苏苏这人运道有点怪,从小就是挨骂体质。爹不疼娘不爱,老师同学嫌的快,就连初恋追了十年都只得了个“谢谢”。长大后 当了编剧,更是被无数观众骂上热搜,大喊退票。好吧,反正她也习惯了,靠着与生俱来的阿Q精神,小日子过得也还算不错。直到……她赶时间意外撞上了高中死对头程楮墨的限量版法拉利。对方目光沉沉,开出保险单:“200万,赔不起,人来抵。”白苏苏:!!!TT我这生活还能更惨一点吗?2凤城一中所有女生的心底都藏着一个白月光。他既是学霸也是众人可望而不可即的神。她们坚信无人可以配的上他,对方注定独美一生。直到七年后,他们收到了程楮墨的结婚请帖。而另一栏赫然写着高中时代总是对程楮墨避之不及的白苏苏。所有人都疯了,百般询问程楮墨是不是被绑架了?只有程楮墨淡淡的说道:谢谢祝福。婚宴后,有人撞见程楮墨发疯般的将白苏苏按在后花园亲个不停。这才知道,原来他早就走下了神坛,不过分人而已。3从见到白苏苏的第一眼起,程楮墨便知道他这一生,再也难以逃离。他试探着鼓起全部的勇气,向她告白,然而对方却只是低头冷笑,骂了句。“白痴。”于是,十五年的时间。他退让,沉默,极尽克制,只远远地看着,心里像是住着一个发疯的病人。直到……对方跌入他的陷阱。一而再再而三的诱他沉沦。那便,吞噬干净,别想离开。【早有图谋X一无所知】【偏执极端金融大佬X没心没肺金鱼记忆编剧】预收文《五个我皆深爱你》求收藏!文案:1黎素素作为一个打戏替身,见到过无数演技厉害的人,可偏偏没有遇到过像王嘉明这样变脸如此之快的人。每次见到她都像是陌生人一般,前一秒极尽温存,后一秒却冷漠至极。身份成谜,又充满神秘。有时他是作为财阀大佬出现,有时又是玩滑板的叛逆少年。有时他是偏执冷漠的外科医生,有时又是文质彬彬的文学教授。仿佛无数层面纱等着黎素素去追寻,尽管危险至极。幸好,尽管他每次都如同第一次见到她。但每一次初见,他皆是对她一见钟情。“我等了你几个世纪,终于等来了独属于我的药。”“要么和我一同沉沦,永世不可超生,要么带着我寻找光明,拯救我的人生。”2王嘉明的身体里住着五个人。他们跨越几个世纪汇聚在一个身体中,年龄不同,身份不同。每日吵嚷着,各执一词,从来没有一个固定的意见。然而,当遇到黎素素之后,他们开始合作了。因为同一个目标,一场无形的战争正式开启。硝烟开始弥漫,争抢、厮杀、夺取、占有。他们是同一个身体里难以共享的资源,不愿分享这人世间唯一的一抹光亮。只要成为主人格,她便是我一个人的。“你更爱谁?不被你爱的人格不配存在。”“谁是最后的王者谁便是最后的主 >>
The story centers on Asuna, a girl who spends her solitary days listening to the mysterious music emanating from the crystal radio she received from her father as a memento. However, she embarks on a journey of adventure to meet a boy again, and thus comes to know the cruelty and beauty of the world, as well as loss.
For Fujimiya who is a very competent guy at the company, Yuuki, a grandson of the Chairman of the Board has been his longtime rival. Yuuki bears away all girls around Fujimiya, so Fujimiya has been 'unskilled at love' yet. Yuuki asks Fujimiya to take care of his 'pride and joy', Shuuta Takahashi during Yuuki's overseas business trip of half-year. Shuuta was a playmate of Yuuki and has no experience of working at office but is very eager to become an accomplished office worker to help Yuuki. Fujimiya is moved by Shuuta's enthusiasm and teaches Shuuta personal computer after his working. Fujimiya can not help loving Shuuta when he drinks too much at the party and is looked after tenderly by Shuuta. But when Yuuki returns he is not all that happy with how the things evolved between Fujimiya and Shuuta... Also includes a short story with the junior high school students Tamura and Mikami from Love Trivia before they become quiz game partners.
From StarryHeaven: The royal palace of the kingdom of Alba Forest received one letter of advance notice. That is, 'We shall take the last treasure left behind by the late king to his beloved daughter, Violet.' The sender of that letter was a group of robbers called the 'Three Beasts.' When Violet meets one of them by chance, the crow, her life changes greatly...!
Manga based on the Tenchi Souzou (Terranigma) game published by Enix in 1995 for the Super Nintendo video game system. It portraits the story of Ark, a young golden haired boy, that lives in the secluded village of Crysta, in the Underworld. Ark is the local troublemaker and lives at the Elder's place. One day, while the Elder is out, some guys ask Ark to open a blue door, which had always remain locked. Ark manages to break the door open and inside, he's lead to a box. By opening the box, Ark unlocks both a freezing curse to the villagers of Crysta, but also the power to overcome the curse and utterly change the world. Now, the ever isolated city of Crysta has a gate, and Ark must venture through several ordeals to restore life to the village, and on the way, he'll uncover many secrets and find an even greater purpose that would lead him far beyond the reality he knew.
Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom summary: Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Other World Dining Hall summary: The Western Style Cathouse. Near the business district and nestled in a poor corner of the shopping district, in the first bas.e.m.e.nt floor of a multi-business building. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. is lunch time, and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. is dinner time. During holidays and weekends, the business district becomes empty. Lunch is up to 1000 yen. You have your free choice of rice, bread and soup and it’s a good variety. On the signboard mounted on the store’s entrance is the image of a beckoning cat. The cat’s bell is the main feature of this mascot. My cat-loving grandpa left this small store to me who, if I had to say, liked dogs better. In other words, an average restaurant you can find anyway. …Ah, but there’s one thing that’s different from other places. Every Sat.u.r.day, the store has some very special guests come in, and it becomes a business day. Shouldn’t the store be closed? That’s right. That’s why it’s a special sale. Only on Sat.u.r.day, we welcome only these special customers, and because of that, superficially it’s a holiday. Even I don’t know when my grandpa started doing this. But, ‘Those on the Other Side’ call this place ‘The Other World Dining Hall’.
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More summary: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Headsman Or The Abbaye des Vignerons summary: The Headsman Or The Abbaye des Vignerons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Headsman Or The Abbaye des Vignerons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.