简介我,千真真,骨灰级耽美漫画爱好者,没想到在欣赏限制级画面时被老妈发现,一时激动摔下床就掉进了修真世界!? 等等!这位拥有惊人美貌的道长要收我为徒?他难道想跟我发展一段这样那样(此处省略一万字)的师徒虐恋吗?嘿嘿嘿美男我来啦!
内容简介:正经版:每个小世界都有个万人迷,他要做的就是干掉那个万人迷不正经版:申珏因做下错事被罚经历轮回之苦,为了摆脱轮回,他不得不干掉那些美颜盛世的万人迷们,而在动手之前,他必须攻略对方,让对 方心甘情愿为他去死。只是,渐渐的,那些被攻略的万人迷都黑化了……申珏:等等,你不是主角受吗?万人迷(冷笑):大家都有玩意,谁规定我就一定是受?【两受相遇,必有一攻!】阅读指南:1快穿2主受,1V11V1(重要的话说三遍)【预收文《我怀了情敌的小崽子ABO》】汤闻致是个不折不扣的渣Alpha,而某天他意外发现自己的死对头兼情敌居然是个伪装成Alpha的Omega。汤闻致:让你在我面前装,看我怎么标记你!奈何老天看不过眼了,一道雷劈下,两人莫名换了属性。当夜,反被标记的汤闻致哭得眼泪鼻涕一把,哇哇大叫……几个月后,汤闻致肚子里多了块肉。汤闻致:……1w0-45002 >>
内容简介: 乾符以来,天下丧乱。西至关内,东极青齐,南出江淮,北至卫滑,鱼烂鸟散,人烟断绝,荆榛蔽野。正如时人描述:“荒村墓鸟树,空屋野花篱。儿童啮草根,倚桑空羸羸。”这样一个混乱、血腥、黑暗 的年代,放任其延续下去,毫无疑问就是对人民的犯罪。1w0-2501 >>
内容简介: 【穿越种田】、【植物大战僵尸】作为一个有理想,不是那么有道德的穿越理工男,戴琳选择用植物和真菌来面对这个异界的所有挑战!智慧古树羞涩万分地说:你不要老盯着人家的花看啦了!你这样,人 家都不好意思自花授粉了……1w0-3285 >>
内容简介:苏南星一觉醒来,发现数码暴龙的世界竟和现实世界融合在了一起,自己还有了只妖狐兽拍档!生活、高考、工作…一切都与数码兽相关,驯兽师竟然成了第五次工业革命中的黄金职业!是我疯了,还是世界疯 了?接受设定后……苏南星下定决心:我要成为五道口技术学院最强的驯兽师!另外,妖狐兽我老婆!……………………………………简单来说,本书讲的是苏南星获得了知识徽章系统,在成为最强制卡师、最强驯兽师的路上,与妖狐兽、迪路兽及三位青梅竹马恋爱的轻松故事。(绝大部分是数码宝贝设定,也会涉及到少部分宝可梦,纯爱后宫流。)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我老婆是妖狐兽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80534 >>
内容简介:不负佳人不负卿最新章节由网友提供《不负佳人不负卿》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情类型小说,不负佳人不负卿由作家谢若汐萧亦辰创作,小兵免费提供不负佳人不负卿最新清 爽干净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:大离王朝的圣元五年八月十五。这天,是个极好的天气,天空湛蓝,阳光和煦,照在人身上暖洋洋的。因为是中秋,宫里特地给各位大臣放了假,准许今日不用当值,可以回家团聚。1w13679-97216 >>
内容简介:异国战争爆发,战地记者宋冉在紧急撤退过程中遭遇炸弹危险,拆弹特种兵李瓒救了她。回国后宋冉多方寻找李瓒下落无果,后在异国以战地记者和维和军官的身份再次重逢。两人情愫渐生,却因一次意外双双 身负重伤失去联系,彼此在心理磨难中寻找着对方。各位书友要是觉得《白色橄榄树完结》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2312-83115 >>
内容简介:每篇爽文里都有这样一个反派,不惹主角不舒服,被打脸无数次还要降智作死,最后沦为踏脚石悲惨收场。当满级快穿大佬穿成爽文反派,管你是气运之子还是逆天改命,他只管自己活个痛快。想踩他上位?那 就试试被踩死的下场!【苏爽苏爽苏爽!本文为《大佬拿了渣男剧本091快穿093》的续篇,同一个主角。两篇文前后衔接,但没看过也不影响】※我的预收文:《谢当年不娶之恩091快穿093》许多女子捧出一颗真心,准备做最幸福的新娘,却惨遭抛弃,悲戚收场。家世差、不漂亮、不温柔、没情趣……所有的一切都是他不爱你的理由。当林萱穿成这些伤心的女子,直接活成了所有人最羡慕的样子。她对渣男只有一句话要说——谢当年不娶之恩!——————我的快穿完结文:※《大佬拿了渣男剧本091快穿093》男主快穿·100万字·5万收藏·本文前传※《BOSS打脸手册091快穿093》男主快穿·200万字·7万收藏·大佬穿炮灰逆袭做BOSS※《作精女配觉醒了091快穿093》65万字·5万收藏·高智商1V1痛快打脸※《退休反派穿成炮灰女配091快穿093》158万字·8万收藏·女魔头穿炮灰逆风翻盘※《快穿之护短狂魔》90万字·3万收藏·超护短1V1联合双打※《头号炮灰091快穿093》380万字·近各位书友要是觉得《爽文反派罢工了快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w69337-80275 >>
内容简介:隐婚四年,她尽职尽责,听话乖巧,最终得到一句:“你很好,但我要和别人结婚了。”于是一纸协议,她净身出户。她不怨,因为从结婚开始,她就知道,他们只是一场交易。如今,不过是交易结束了而已。 她本想藏起心中旖念,从此以后分道扬镳,各自安好。“你怀孕了。”医生一句话,打断了她想要得平静的生活。而他也忽然出现,满目冰冷的说:“你违约了,你要付出代价。”1w0-27403 >>
内容简介:灵气复苏,动物觉醒,从此世界不再平静。你养的竹鼠小白觉醒了噬金鼠血脉,你获得天赋【美食之舌】、【吞噬】、【次元胃袋】……你发现了一只正在被人追杀的玄水恶龟,你的宠物小白将玄水恶龟吞进了 肚子。你通晓了【夺天造化术】、【化龙诀】、【封灵秘术】……你在池子里养了一条金色锦鲤,没想到是东海龙女转世。你学会了【锦鲤幸运术】、【覆雨术】、【点石成金】……你遇到了一头从灵山跑出来的灵猴,你领悟【大圣呼吸法】、【金刚不坏身】、【斗字诀】……这是一个平凡之人得到系统,开始捕捉和养成神魔宠物,在灵气复苏的地球纵横无敌的故事。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诸天神魔种》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68400 >>
内容简介:功夫究竟是什么?花架子还是杀人技?三千年冷兵器战争和无数民间私斗酝酿出来的把式,究竟是不是骗局?国术流开创者,功夫小说第一人梦入神机,在本书中为您揭秘。止戈为武,点到为止。&ldquo ;你若无敌,将会如何?”“得饶人处且饶人。”1w0-983 >>
From Shoujo Crusade: [It's okay to be a servant, I want to be by your side...!] [You'll treat me really really well?] Mayuri, a girl who wanted to be acknowledged as herself shares the same room with her senpai, Akira who is the student council president and a beautiful person envied by others. But, Akira has a big secret...? Somehow, her real self is a 'boy'!? Moreover, he makes a petition of wanting to be Mayuri's servant...? Thus, the wonderful room sharing life of the domineering (!) beautiful girl, Mayuri and a boy wearing girl's clothes who's also a bit of a trickster (?) Akira starts. Takamiya Satoru's lyrical love comedy.
Consists of a collection of short stories. [From Shoujo Magic]: Story 1 - Because You Smile When I Sing The pop band vocalist, Atsushi, has always been thought of by others as a 'scary person' because of the facial expression he was born with and his disinclination to speak. For Atsushi, Anzu is the only one who ever smiled wholeheartedly upon meeting him, but now that they have met again in high school, Anzu has changed completely. Why doesn't she smile? What can a boy--a singer--with a frightful expression and no speech do to bring her beautiful smile back...? Story 2 - Ding Dong Happiness resounds, ding dong. Though the sound of it may be short-lived, the echo only dies if we allow it to. Chisato wonders if her father ever loved her. He died in a car accident, leaving Chisato behind with her stepmother. He never gave her anything--no gifts on holidays, and he didn't even have the decency to go on living for her. It might be the case that even Chisato's stepmother feels no love for her and will leave. But one question from Chisato's childhood friend, Takahiro, brings the past echoing back with more clarity than ever before. Story 3 - Voice of Mine Inagaki Shuu is a musical genius, the son of musical geniuses, and so the eyes that watch him as he plays the violin are not the eyes of attentive listeners, but the eyes of scrutinizing customers. People are cold to him and the technical perfection he picked up from his parents...except for Futaba, that strange girl who ran into the music room to hide while he was there and then escaped out the window. She's straight and honest in her actions--and in her music. You can hear her voice when she plays, a voice that's uniquely hers. Can she help a genius to find his own voice...? Story 4 - Double Flower Suguru is a little strange for an 18 year-old boy. As a hobby and by profession, he's a seamstress. His rude little grade schooler step-niece, Aya, has run away from home and is staying with him now, and she lets him know everything that's on her mind without hesitation. It hurts to hear from her why women don't look on him as a man, but it also helps him understand what he needs to do to win the woman he loves... Story 5 - Dark Princess A hilarious fairytale side story of 'Those Who Have Wings'. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Princess Shoka. She was so lovely that she was called 'Snow White,' but she was also called 'Storm Black' because she was a sadistic slave driver! King Hiruto, Queen Phia, and General Tooya knew they had to do something about her behavior, so they hired Hunter Yang to kill her!? But she escaped, with Hunter Yang as her hostage, and went on an adventurous journey to find a hot knight to be her ultimate love!
From AQUA Scans: 'The person I love is in love with a 2D object-' Kokoa, a girl with a romance level of zero, likes the most popular boy in her class, Soushi. However, Soushi is currently a light novel author in high school, and he's a pure, bright, otaku boy...!?
Collection of 4 short stories including: 1. Rinjin wa Chou Chouhana, a 20-year-old college student, is a freely flying butterfly and has never been captured. She always fools around with men and everything seems to be under her control. However, her life changes when she met her neighbor, a 33-year-old man… 2. Suki de Tamaru ka! 3. Datte, Yueni, Hatsukoichuu... 4. Iki wo Kirashite Ai ni Kite
The Fall of the Grand Sarrasin summary: The Fall of the Grand Sarrasin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fall of the Grand Sarrasin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Fall Away summary: My name is Tate. He doesn 't call me that, though. He would never refer to me so informally, if he referred to me at all. No, he 'll barely even speak to me. But he still won 't leave me alone. We were best friends once. Then he turned on me and made it his mission to ruin my life. I 've been humiliated, shut out, and gossiped about all through high school. His pranks and rumors got more s.a.d.i.s.tic as time wore on, and I made myself sick trying to stay out of his way. I even went to France for a year, just to avoid him. But I 'm done hiding from him now, and there 's no way in h.e.l.l I 'll allow him to ruin my senior year. He might not have changed, but I have. It 's time to fight back. I 'm not going to let him bully me anymore. ***This novel contains adult/mature young adult situations. It is only suitable for ages 18+ due to language, violence, and s.e.xual situations.
Knight Fantastic Night summary:
The timid high school girl, Lin Ling, is transported to the world of King Arthur and his Round Table of Knights! To think that to exit this game world, the answer is E.G.G. An egg! Alternating between fantasy and reality, magnificent castles, a brave young king, a knight of the lake, Roman pope’s illegitimate son, the Dark Duke and his detachment of black knights, mysterious magics… All of these form a world that is completely unfamiliar to her!
The adventures of a normal high school girl attempting to beat this medieval-themed game, King Arthur, now starts! Enter the game world through a CD?! Is this a joke or a fantasy?
The collection of Knight Fantastic Night light novels include the first three books, and a mysterious CD!
Transmigration System: Arrogant Boss On The Move! summary: Transmigration System: Arrogant Boss On The Move! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Transmigration System: Arrogant Boss On The Move!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.