章鱼PIECE ~我推的孩子是链锯人~ 漫画 , 孔明老师(◆2sRGUbBO9j2n)解禁之前写过的原作后的首个长篇作品。以《海贼王》四十岁世代出海的时间点为背景开展故事。
内容简介:穿越而来只能依靠捡垃圾而生,三天后就是清理垃圾的时间,如果没钱连带着人一起清理!淦!我都捡垃圾了,哪来的钱!不过还好【宿主李宇】【分身数量1(投放中)】【变形金刚世界分身生存时间–7天 】【路线选择接近主角】【第一天作为一名黑户,在NY市,您成功被抓了起来。】【第二天拘留的生活总是枯燥的…】【第三天地上的肥皂充满了诱惑性,但你成功的守住了节操】【获得1w0-88994 >>
内容简介:老苏家终于生闺女了。于是,穷的叮当响的日子,火了!“爹,我在山上挖了一篮子大白萝卜。”奶声奶气的小姑娘,把手里的小篮子递到了苏老头面前。苏老头:“……”脑袋“嗡”的一声。这么多野山参, 得卖多少银子?“爹,我还采了一篮子蘑菇。”苏老头:“……”身子晃了晃。这么多灵芝,能置多少大宅子?“爹,我……”“闺女呀,你让爹缓缓……”1w21811-80307 >>
内容简介:【已开接档文】(娱乐圈)系统罩我去战斗欢迎收藏【文案简介】虐妻一时爽,一直虐一直爽?抱歉,被虐的女主角们全都罢工了!孟琪被沙雕系统选中,系统让她去当坑文里的女主角,续写完坑文故事。好吧 ,看在女主角“肤白貌美大长腿,丰胸纤腰吃不胖”的份上,她就勉为其难的当当女主角吧。不对……等等!!!怎么全是虐妻文?!什么抽筋取髓、什么风流无度、什么冷酷无情……男主角一个二个都是渣!说好的“甜甜甜宠宠宠”呢?对不起,姐要手动换个男主角。【阅读指南】1女主呢,反应慢三拍,心大乐天派,不要嫌弃她2作者心灵脆弱QAQ,读者小可爱们如果不喜欢就直接点叉吧,不用提醒我啦……3每晚九点更新哟本文又名:干掉那些男主角故事1:沙雕龙女KO冷面仙君已完结故事2:魔教妖女KO武林盟主已完结故事3:俏军医KO风流将军已完结故事4:娇娇女KO无情皇子已完结【接档文】(娱乐圈)系统罩我去战斗十八线小明星温奕婷在被经纪人拉去陪资方吃饭的时候,一时没能压住自己的火爆脾气,狠狠抽了对她上下其手的投资人两耳光。第二天温奕婷的黑料满天飞,然后她就被雪藏了。解约后穷得身上只剩两毛五,连碗泡面都吃不起的温奕婷,突然听到“恭喜宿主,系统绑定成功”的声音。从此之后系统罩她去战斗,开启了从十八线小透明网红当红小花影后的打脸之路。本文金手指很粗,不喜勿入【最后】希望各位小天使走过路过点个收藏喽文收、作收都点点嘛1w0-80397 >>
内容简介:天龙殿龙浩简介:主角:龙浩赵晴赵贝贝为了爱情,他甘做上门女婿,却被陷害成为一介死囚。七年后,天龙归来,看到妻女住棚户烂房,吃残羹剩饭。他发誓,要让所有陷害自己妻女的人付出代价!1w10 980-79750 >>
内容简介:一点来自未来中国技术宅男灵魂的智慧,一点来自日耳曼贵族性格的刻板,通过神秘的力量穿越时空,混合在神圣罗马帝国小贵族的身体中,无人能够想象的反应即将生。看中国技术宅灵魂穿越中世纪,运用自 己的智慧和高贵血统,在黑暗混乱的中世纪杀出一条通往荣耀之路,他是骑士誓死效忠的主人,德意志佣兵忠诚拥护的队长,贵妇人们爱慕的宠儿,贵族中的贵族,马枪与长矛,长弓与弓弩,长剑与战斧,带您穿入中世纪。1w0-95111 >>
内容简介:《我在绝地求生捡宝箱》“叮,恭喜宿主发现过期的蟠桃。”“叮,恭喜宿主得到”这都是什么奇奇怪怪的东西?段玉成进入人生低谷,意外被系统选中,能够从敌人的盒子中捡到亮晶晶的宝箱!“什么?给我 学,给我学!”从此之后什么‘技能’‘金钱’‘古董’‘功法’‘跑车’只要你能想到,我就能刷到!灯一关,眼一黑,电脑一开,上才艺!“玉成,先扶我!”“不,我去捡个宝箱再来扶你!”“玉成哥哥,你看看我!”“NO,你没有宝箱重要!”1w0-77371 >>
内容简介:全民穿越斗罗大陆世界,所有开局回到了6岁绑定本土世界身份。每隔一段时间都会开启一次全民考核,面临死亡生存的挑战!没有人可以幸免,强者生存弱者淘汰,活下去,变强,成为一名强大的魂师是所有 人共用的目标。【荣之云:哈哈哈,卧槽好激动啊我,我是不是可以见到三哥了!】【元小珍:哼!无脑舔三狗赶紧去舔你的三哥去吧你,可别舔到一无所有!】【向天华:当我看到比比东和千仞雪的那一刻我就知道,武魂殿必胜!武魂殿万岁!】【白玉京:打倒反派唐三,武魂殿必胜!】【陆龙:只要你讨厌玉某人,那我们就是好朋友。】当所有人还在聊天频道口嗨笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《全民斗罗:我开局直接海神九考》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97636 >>
内容简介: (本书纯属虚构,纯属虚构,纯属虚构,重要的事情说三遍)“咔嚓”一道闪电劈下,平安哥诞生了,黑科技爆发时代开启了。没有最黑的科技,只有更黑的科技。什么,你不服!你尽管蹦跶,黑不死你算 我输。PS:平行世界,请勿较真。1w0-4110 >>
内容简介:三年婚姻如同枷锁,杨千语终于脱离牢笼,却不想怀上了三胞胎。不得已将早产病危的女儿留给前夫,她带着俩儿子远走高飞。数年后,她潜回国本想偷偷看看女儿,却被前夫发现惊天秘密!“杨千语,这俩熊 孩子你怎么解释?”…1w99480-99828 >>
内容简介:传闻得魔王辅佐者,便可登上界主王座,成为万界之首。消息一出轰动水蓝星上下,一传十十传百,最后变成魔王的血肉可起死回生包治百病长生不老法力大增乃至称霸整个星球,各界生灵霎时趋之若鹜,逼的 魔族纷纷改邪归正吃斋念经。魔王:……老子活了十万多年就没这么无语过。大善人系统:【咋样?考虑一下洗白嘛。】魔王:老子不想洗大善人系统:【洗洗更健康】魔王:?????1w0-81531 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:开局就造了个激光武器】空间站,地球轨道上最大的空间平台。某日,空间站行驶过龙国上空,突然间被一束不明光束猛烈击穿,情况危急。宇航员认为是外星文明入侵,在短暂失 神后,第一时间发出了呼救讯号。“呼叫蓝星……”一时间,世界各大航空组织全部乱成一团,准备抵御外星文明入侵,世界也陷入到了恐慌之中。与此同时,龙国也在第一时间发现,猛烈光束竟然来自东海市的一座老旧小区中?“难道……外星文明早已潜伏在了地球?”当即,各路大军集结东海,坦克轰鸣,战机呼啸,准备逮捕外星人,却没想到……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-68116 >>
Having been assigned by the human elders the mission of stopping a mystical plague that has afflicted the Youkai with madness, Genjyo Sanzo assembles his team of Youkai warriors, desperately hoping that the disease will not affect them. He sets up qualifying tests that will help him determine the loyalty and worth of Cho Hakkai, Son Goku and Sha Gojyo. The team then journeys west to rid the land of madness.
Tatakae! Ryouzanpaku Shijou Saikyou no Deshi, relates the story of a peaceful yet weak boy, who one day, after being beaten up really bad by some of his school comrades, decides that being bullied around isn't an option anymore. Seeking revenge on his bullies, the young boy, Shirahama Kenichi, decides to join a fighting dojo. But what he doesn't know is that the dojo he wants to join is actually a place of gathering for those who have mastered different types of fighting styles. Thus begins his journey.. This is the original version that History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi is based on.
Florentia was reincarnated as the illegitimate child of the richest family in the empire. She had thought that everything would go well in the future. But her father had passed away, her relatives left her at the doorsteps, and the honourable family she was so proud of was completely ruined…. But is this real? She drank a little (a lot) and was hit by a carriage, When she opened her eyes again, she was seven years old? Moreover, the Second Prince, who was the enemy of her family in her previous life is following her around like a dog! “Tia, you're prettier than me.” “….Are you kidding me right now?” “No. I mean it.” Alright, both the Second Prince and the family are mine! In this life, I'll have to become the Overlord. En cette vie, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille Ibeonsaeng-eun Gajuga Doegessseubnida In This Life, I Will Be the Lord In This Life, I'll Become the Head of the Family
This short manga is based on the novel; Sugar Candy Bullets Can’t Pierce Anything. The plot follows two girls and their summer-time adventures in a rural area. Nagisa Yamada is a bored teenager who finds everyday life extremely unappealing - thus she plans on joining a Military School as soon as possible. A strange new student named Umino Mokuzu (who claims to be a mermaid) transfers into Nagisa's school and, much to our heroine's bewilderment, soon begins to follow her around incessantly. Initially, an annoyed and discomfited Nagisa strives to avoid any encounters with Mokuzu. But she soon begins to comprehend the pain and sadness concealed beneath this strange girl's cheerful and carefree demeanour...
The Legend Of The Railway Hero summary: “Did a demon lord appear?” “Stop wasting time blabbering nonsense.” While on his way home, Tamagawa Teruya, an ordinary high school student with a peculiar hobby had lost consciousness. He woke up enveloped by light, apparently transported to the Kingdom of Lutetia in another world with the help of a reckless magical experiment. To Teruya’s immense disappointment, the Kingdom was on the verge of ruin. One not brought about by a giant dragon attack or a hostile demon lord, but by its own railway system which allowed goods from other places to flood the country leading to an economic collapse. And just when the Queen and the ruling elite were at their wits’ end, our hero appeared and came alight upon hearing the word ‘railway’. That was because Tamagawa Teruya was a train-otaku, someone who loved the railways with the deepest of pa.s.sions, easily three times as much as he loved rice. And with the help of the knowledge every train-otaku carried in their head, he rose to the challenge and saved the day. Thus rose the curtains of a story in which a high school senior that is a railway maniac becomes a hero by employing his knowledge of trains.
Gord The Rogue - Night Arrant summary: Gord The Rogue - Night Arrant summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gord The Rogue - Night Arrant. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities summary: Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Tale of Lal summary: The Tale of Lal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tale of Lal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.