内容简介:冠上‘淫’妃的罪名,她被刺字淫妃,那一针一针的针刺,鲜红的淫字,青花般的妃字,在她身下,留下不可磨灭的痕迹,一辈子背负,忍受所有,在所有人的嘲讽目光中,她依然挺直了身躯,步入那个,别人 认为是冷宫,于她而言,却是另外一片天的——冷宫。她是今朝冷宫‘淫’妃,她是前朝冷宫‘淫’妃,不同的人,相同的命运。人生,有多少的因缘巧合,因为缘分,她入了宫,当了宫妃。相貌平凡的她,一直默默无闻,虽然贵为德妃,无权无势,只想保全,却在后宫选秀之际,受到皇帝的宠爱。隐含目的、尊贵不凡的他说:“爱妃,替朕生个孩子吧。”是真是假,她分不清。只能,淡淡一笑回避。豪迈奔放却一往情深的他说:“虽然你是我的皇嫂,但是知音难求,为何,相遇太晚。”阴柔狠绝却饱含痛苦的他说:“你是他的女人,而他的母后,抢走了我的一切,所以,他的女人,我要抢回来。”温文如玉却邪魅深情的他说:“即使你是他的宫妃,我也只爱你。”谁真谁假,她分不清。平凡如她,何德何能,面对所有的一切,她从不说,但,并不代表她不知道,她所求的,只是,一片干净而宁静的天空而已。1w0-26795 >>
内容简介: 有一种人,他一生便是传说。 有一种人,眉宇间逼气纵横。 有一种人,他的名字叫林凡。 众生:“林凡,我要给你生猴子。” 霸气狂拽吊的人生,不需解释。 已有完本老书《我是神豪 我怕谁》,《我是神豪我怕谁2》。每天四更,风雨不变,有节操的男淫。 群号: 345147644正版群。1w0-681 >>
内容简介:主业画室老师,副业模特,副副业相亲节目nV嘉宾。结果节目导演是前男友……那又怎样,有钱不赚王八蛋!Ai是我骄傲,我自卑,是你来我往,是我自相矛盾之间,依旧对你忠心不二。江戍×孟槐烟话不 多会宠人床上必然是主场×风情万种是真的本质Ai撒娇也是真的剧情,剧情为后续水到渠成做铺垫。全文免费,顺利完结的话再设打赏章。随心所至,缘更。喜Ai的话留言就好,欢迎光临。web在言外1w0-87299 >>
内容简介:傲世通途丁长安全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《傲世通途丁长安》钓人的鱼著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读傲世通途丁长安全文内容。1w5300-28 736 >>
内容简介:【下午六点更】选秀出道之夜的前一天,林翡年做了个梦,梦到他所处的世界其实是一本狗血小说。而小说的主角受,就是同在一个宿舍的柔弱室友。按照书中的剧情,霸总渣攻因为和主角受各种误会吵架,一 冷战就打压团队资源想要主角受先认错,最后还一怒之下解散了他们辛辛苦苦选秀成的男团。夹在中间全程炮灰的林翡年:……我去你mua的!!!醒来后的林翡年退了决赛,选择了和原各位书友要是觉得《豪门小少爷是偏执反派的白月光》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105378 >>
内容简介:7月12日改为22点更新,之后依旧是每天10点更新,日更至完结,求收藏,评论,专栏收藏,mua。——那年冬天很冷,两只刺猬抱团取暖。离得近了,身上的刺扎得对方遍体鳞伤,离得远了,又觉得 冷。刺猬法则说:你们要找到一个合适的距离,既不伤人,又得温暖。男刺猬对女刺猬说:“我不!要是我扎伤你了,你就拔我一根刺。我伤你一次,你就拔我一根!”女刺猬震惊了:“你如此狂躁,这么拔下去,岂不是很快就秃了?”男刺猬恬不知耻地凑近女刺猬:“秃了就秃了,反正你会护着我的。”坐轮椅的狂躁症先生VS铁憨憨痴情打工妹排雷:1、男主残疾;2、1V1,双C,HE,洁党可入;3、先婚后爱,家长里短,两个穷光蛋(是真的穷)谈恋爱;4、看文时切记:不要和男主一般见识,他脑子有问题;5、日更至完结,挥舞着小手手求收藏,谢谢大家!入V,防盗已开,80订阅,120小时,订阅不足无法购买新章,请知悉。希望大家支持正版阅读,给作者产粮的动力,谢谢!感谢封面制作:涂画乐园,宅a已完结文:《我的鸵鸟先生》《幻梦成真》《何秦合理》《落枫逢樱》《那些青春,与爱有关》《空心人》等等。谢谢大家2020一起加油!微博名:作者含胭立意经历坎坷的男女主互相治愈,改变命运的故事。各位书友要是觉得《刺猬法则》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27593 >>
内容简介:正经版:每个小世界都有个万人迷,他要做的就是干掉那个万人迷不正经版:申珏因做下错事被罚经历轮回之苦,为了摆脱轮回,他不得不干掉那些美颜盛世的万人迷们,而在动手之前,他必须攻略对方,让对 方心甘情愿为他去死。只是,渐渐的,那些被攻略的万人迷都黑化了……申珏:等等,你不是主角受吗?万人迷(冷笑):大家都有玩意,谁规定我就一定是受?【两受相遇,必有一攻!】阅读指南:1快穿2主受,1V11V1(重要的话说三遍)【预收文《我怀了情敌的小崽子ABO》】汤闻致是个不折不扣的渣Alpha,而某天他意外发现自己的死对头兼情敌居然是个伪装成Alpha的Omega。汤闻致:让你在我面前装,看我怎么标记你!奈何老天看不过眼了,一道雷劈下,两人莫名换了属性。当夜,反被标记的汤闻致哭得眼泪鼻涕一把,哇哇大叫……几个月后,汤闻致肚子里多了块肉。汤闻致:……1w0-45002 >>
内容简介:系统:“你已被设定为‘恶毒女配’,请用最卑鄙龌龊的手段阻挠男女主角相恋。”白羽:“报告系统宝宝,我成功拆散了男女主,但现在男主角爱上我了,怎么办?”系统:“请立刻和男主角分手,否则本系 统将对你人道毁灭……灭……灭……系统故障,启动修复程序……”陆锦亭:“老婆,别管系统了,我们生孩子去?”1w0-107298 >>
内容简介:战场浴血征战,女儿打来电话求救,一夜之间,三千世界顶级强者,齐赴华夏!他萧天策一生凄苦,身负血海深仇,女儿跟妻子就是他生命中的一道光。他这辈子绝对不允许自己的女儿跟妻子受到一丝一毫的伤 害!1w4604-4866 >>
(Taken from Shoujo Manga Bento): A collection of short stories. Each story starts with a minor character from the previous one, so they're all interconnected. Lovely storytelling and art by the author of Ingénuo. Story 01) Prince of Thieves - It’s about a rich and pampered girl getting kidnapped by a certain someone..! It’s not your usual kidnapping, and it's with a few unique twists and a sweet ending! Story 02) Dancing with the Sunshine - The younger brother of the main male protagonist from the first story takes his toll. Eric is a wealthy playboy whose life itself is a party. He often catches glimpse of a certain girl who is famous for her extensive spirit for working and slowly starts to take an interest in her. But it turns out that she hates rich people…? A story to brighten up your mood. Story 03) Poseidon Promise - Rock idol, Glenn meets with a car accident on the way to the Grammy’s and ends up in a coma. The nurse taking care of him, is a heart-warming and genuine fan of his. She ends up seeing his ‘ghost’ one day while he is still unconscious and they slowly form a bond and…a promise. It’s rather touching! Story 04) Cupid’s Love Arrow - This story is about a certain Cupid who helps to point arrows at those who seek love themselves..but this time, the arrow has hit Cupid himself… How will thin
1) Secrecy of the shivering night From Attractive Fascinante: After getting into high school, Furuya became roommate with the cute Himi. Himi keeps to himself and sleeps real early. A petite boy with a loud voice, Himi is terrified of darkness because of a tremor he suffered when he was a kid. On the other hand, Furuya is afraid of bright lights and gets real nervous when he��™s feeling uneasy. How would they help each other to overcome the fears? 2) Only waiting for you 3) La-la. Bye bye 4) The innocence of a young bird 5) After that... Extra from 'Secrecy of the shivering night' 6) Afterword 7) Extra
From Fantasy Shrine: The beautiful yet aloof Midori and the very outgoing Takahiro are college friends. One day, during a drinking party, Midori discovers the shocking truth that he’s actually gay from the observant Soejima-senpai. However, that doesn’t change Midori’s feeling of wanting to be with Takahiro. Besides the main story, this book also collects the extra chapter, “At Last, It Is Love”.
Through middle school, best friends Miho Shirokawa and Miho Yoshii bowled together. But since Miho Yoshii has moved to a high school in Hokkaido, Miho Shirokawa just hasn't enjoyed bowling like she used to. One day Yoshii calls to talk about her interest in a new sport-- curling! Yoshii's high school curling team has decided to try to make it into the next olympic winter games! Shirokawa thinks about quitting bowling and joining a curling team as well, but unfortunately, there isn't one at her high school. At least, there isn't until Shirokawa accidentally sells the idea to a former figure skater, Rin, and her friend Endou. Before she realizes what's happening, Shirokawa's has become the founding leader of her school's Curling Club! How will she face all the difficulties of starting up the team, when she only has the vaguest idea of what the sport of curling is even about?! [tethysdust]
Queen Bee 2 summary: There is a dead body found in school. It is the former campus beauty queen, Karen Romero. Now, the rest of the beauty contestants ' life are at risk. There is a serial killer on the loose. What 's with Maggie Chelsea? She carried all the burdens since she handled this beauty pageant organization. And, what 's with Lisa Crisostomo? She is going to take over Maggie 's position.
Ar tonelico – The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World summary:
After the battle with Mir ended and the world was saved, Lyner and his friends were in the middle of a journey to gather the [feelings] they needed to craft a Song that would reach everyone in the world.
However, while the world should be peaceful again, various strange incidents have started happening.
Items produced through Grathmelding suddenly rose in price due to a shortage of materials, Tenba dismissed a large portion of their Reyvateil workforce, and this in turn caused these Reyvateils to begin falling into emotional instability one after other.
And finally, the Tenba troops have started a war with the Reyvateils at Skuwat Village, while a “mysterious ent.i.ty” that seems able to control the common subconscious of the Reyvateils seeks a confrontation with Lyner.
The first novelization of the popular PlayStation 2 RPG of the same name!
The Galaxy, June 1877 summary: The Galaxy, June 1877 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Galaxy, June 1877. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tenonaru Hou e summary: Long, long ago, there was a nopperabou, a lonely youkai with no friends because he didn’t have a face. Hiding his “face” with a fox mask, he waits alone for someone to love him. Two hundred years later… Tatsumi, a blind man employed at an ordinary company one day feels a faint presence at his work place. Now his one and only joy is spending his lunch times with Kusamakura, the man he met by fate when he picked up his fox mask that day. Even though he has an old fashioned way of speaking, and seems like he escaped from an ukiyo-e print, he faces Tatsumi with a straight-forward honesty, and eventually love blooms. At that moment, mysterious things start to occur around Tatsumi……!?