内容简介:慕浅霍靳西小说《婚期365天》,作者:淡月新凉,提供慕浅霍靳西小说阅读。婚期365天小说主要讲述了:慕浅十岁那年被带到了霍家,她是孤苦无依的霍家养女,所以只能小心翼翼的藏着自己的心思。 从她爱上霍靳西的那一刻起,她的情绪,她的心跳,就再也没有为任何一个男人跳动过。1w6346-4286 >>
内容简介:本书将于入v,当天万字更新,v后日67k,感谢大家支持~#队友都在保护我,可我能单杀对面五个#林霄是季时今养在身边的金丝雀,每天从两千平的别墅醒来,世界各地的美食任他挑选,就连出个远门 也有私人飞机接送。而他只需要陪在季时今身边,就有大把大把的金卡随便刷。后来季时今的初恋回来了,他被扫地出门。无家可归的林霄只能蜷缩在网吧,被狗急跳墙的经理一盒泡面骗到了战队打AD。一开始,所有人都对这个挑食、洗澡要用牛奶、九点就要上床睡觉的金丝雀十分不看好。后来一场比赛,三次五杀,无数战队抢破了头挖他。队友们逐渐化身舔狗,比赛疯狂保他,就连一向我行我素的中单也会亲自帮他买牛奶,伸手替他试水温。起初,林霄只是想让生活过得好一点,结果成了队内大腿,他也不负众望带领他们走向世界赛。当曾经的旧主找上门,林霄表示:“我不当金丝雀。”季时今还在等他的金丝雀回来认错,结果却看到他顶着鸡窝头开直播,一脸没睡醒的样子跟粉丝说:“嗯,我答应过你们,进了世界赛就女装直播一个月……”看到自己精心护养的金丝雀正在“艰难”讨生活,季时今决定原谅他。后来季时今来到战队门外,想接他回家。中单揽住他肩膀,一脸警惕;辅助挡在他身前,微笑承伤;打野跃跃欲试,直接蹲下;上单已经TP绕后。林霄还是一脸没睡醒的样子,“不好意思,他们保护我习惯了。”怒火中烧的季时今怒砸十个亿新建战队,没人知道他有多后悔,那天夜里对他的金丝雀说了不中听的话:“你只是我养的一只鸟,乖乖听话就好了,逞什么强?”#自立自强,不受鸟气#阅读指南:1林霄是受,队内中单是攻。2攻有情感障碍,脑回路异于常人。3游戏为英雄联盟lol,版本是作者的版本。4无任何原型。5不打lol的也能看。··推荐预收文《团宠小打野电竞》文案:·程宁苦熬两年终于从次级联赛升到LPL,他兴致勃勃签约新战队,畅想美好未来。·只是前辈们怎么有点奇怪?·上单是个老不正经的温柔一刀:“弟弟怎么还不来上路?哥哥被压在塔下好难受呢。”·他去上路抓,中路就用能让耳朵怀孕的声音低沉质问:“喂,更喜欢上路?”·AD总是莲言莲语:“哥哥,来救我。”·辅助去哪都喜欢喊他,“宁宁,跟我来打小龙。”·作为一个刚出道的新人程宁谁也不想得罪,只好去入侵对面野区,结果被对面打野抓个正着。·一瞬间,上单亮起TP,中单比对面先到,辅助舍命相救,下路闪现过来给治疗。·对面礼貌:你们打野吗?·加入这么一个奇怪的战队,程宁以为自己的冠军梦无望了,结果没想到战队一路打进世界赛。在那场金色的大雨中,他手捧奖杯站在世界顶峰,让那些嘲笑他的人全部闭嘴。·而他的前辈们还在争执一些奇怪的东西:“喂哥哥弟弟宁宁,拍照到我 >>
内容简介:戚晨去体检居然被拉去做活体实验?清醒时,才知他竟然是变成丧尸的第一人,丧尸感染的源头。这时候整个世界已然被病毒感染,满街的丧尸,犹如末世。戚晨从丧尸又变回了人,不会再被感染,还有了特殊 潜能。既是上天给他重活一次的机会,那他必然要抛却过往,让把他变成丧尸的人付出代价!让一切回到正轨!丧尸病毒的病原体末世重生摇生一变成救世主?诶?事情却好像不像这么简单,因为他被一只欲修炼成仙的美妖给抓去当食物了……这是个面瘫强迫症护短攻被中二忠犬小强受骗上床,哦不,哄出山拯救世界的故事。本文又名带着面瘫闯末世、我的主人不可能那么可爱某叶专栏:宝贝们求收藏,求留言,求支持,求抱走叶子!!≧ε≦(期进展快,攻受性格慢慢磨合,两人相爱相杀难舍难分,温馨互宠无虐闯异世,喜欢请收收o▽q)(电瓶车的戚晨我总会脑补成这个样子啊→233333宝贝们,叶子在本周五,8月22日会开始V,从27章开始是望宝贝们继续支持叶子。叶子已经完结的文,喜欢的可以一起收了哦。(打滚卖萌中з」∠机油的新文,都很好看哦!px。1w0-104448 >>
内容简介:身处险境的路明非在路鸣泽的帮助下重生回到了过去,当他重生睁开眼的瞬间却发现自己正坐在绘梨衣的身旁。一切恍若隔世。而有些事,有些名字,有些人,仅仅只是简单的提起,你就像是坠入无底的深渊, 任凭你如何努力顽强的挣扎,你也爬不出来。因为很后悔……“哥哥,我会保留你在尼伯龙根计划中获得的A级实力。”“但我可能不能再为你提供外挂了。”“这是只此一次的重生,千万不要再有悔恨这种情绪了。”……“哥哥,即使从头来过,你还是赶不上吗?”1w0-85165 >>
内容简介:《重生之色授魂与》是九月轻歌精心创作的,小兵实时更新重生之色授魂与最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的重生之色授魂与评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持重生之色授魂与读者的观点。1w50 733-83418 >>
内容简介:脚踏黄河两岸锏打九州三十六府一百单八县雄镇神州半边天神拳太保,盖世无双,纵横诸天,唯我逍遥。各位书友要是觉得《纵横诸天小门神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0 -96129 >>
内容简介: 一方连接诸天的祭坛,一方宏大到不可想象的世界。是汲取诸天万界营养疯狂的成长,还是在这神魔显圣的世界彻底陨落,该如何选择?唐玄明不知道,他只是在强大的道路上疯狂的奔行,一骑绝尘,将所 有人甩在身后。神魔都不如我意,那就让我来规定神魔。1w0-320 >>
内容简介:姜玉姝穿越成自杀未遂的新媳妇,婆母冷冷道:“我知道你嫌弃郭家败落了,但昨日你已同弘磊拜堂成亲,生是他的人,死是他的鬼,休想逃离!”生死攸关,她别无选择,咬牙跟随被流放的丈夫出塞,三千里 长路漫漫,险象环生。道路崎岖、深山密林、野兽横行、废宅破庙、风餐露宿……古代特殊蜜月之旅,敬请围观。抵达西苍后,她毅然奔向田野,智计百出不屈不挠,硬是将荒凉边塞变为繁华粮仓,终成一方富强!1w0-4028 >>
内容简介:夜,死一样的寂静。窗外,一轮红月幽幽散发着血一般凄然的光芒。我躺在一张古香古色的拔步大床上,绯红的喜幔和妖冶着的烛火在瑟瑟的阴风中摇曳,朦胧中,一只冰冷如寒玉的手指不知从什么地方伸了出 来,指腹沿着我的脸颊,来回细细的摩挲,缠绵而留恋……“小汐,小汐……本君终于等到你了……”1w0-76909 >>
From Attractive Fascinante Chapters 1-5: Revenge Tsujimoto Sensei is well known for 'eating up' the students in his class who are failing. Nishihara is called upon to attend the extra classes for the make-up exam. What kind of teaching will go on behind closed doors? Will Nishihara finally pass or will it be Sensei who finally gets 'called out'? Chapter 6: Eccentric Lover A writer, Risa, whose hobby is sex and his megane editor, Sakaki. But sometimes hobbies can be more dangerous than they appear. Can our writer be saved? What happens to an editor after he removes his glasses? Chapter 7: Return Man Childhood friends, Kensuke and Naoki, are reunited after 13 years. Is this a meeting of love or revenge?
From Nagareboshi Manga: Kitazono Meiko falls asleep in the library one day, only to be awakened by a kiss! She is unsure of who it was that kissed her, however, since there are multiple boys still in the library. Could it be the popular boy Shinoda-senpai? Or the super-cool Mikoshiba-senpai? The boy-next-door type Mogami? Or the cute underclassman Hachiya? Who could it be? They're all possible candidates, but which one does Meiko like the best...? Oneshot in volume 1: Soprano (released by Ouiratsuike) Oneshots in volume 2: Anna no kami ga nagai riyuu (released by Sound of Jewels) Hakka drops (released by Sound of Jewels)
In a city split between humans and occult, Colin Aston just wants to run his diner and make bad coffee. A peaceful life isn't on the menu though, as a mysterious blonde shows up with a job only Colin is capable of performing. If he takes it, Colin will have to face sorcerers, politicians, and little old ladies... not to mention a secret that destroyed nearly half the city and hits a little too close to home.
Four one-shot stories with some focus on hot doctors. There's a Dr S (sadist?). And then there's a Dr G (gay?) Hokusan Graduate Medical School boasts of ikemen young doctors toiling away day and night despite the wacky nicknames they've gained. Read along as their beautiful love stories unfold. -- Esthetique
Battle Emperor summary:
Freak Xie Ao Yu originally had no way of cultivating battle qi but with accidents, he got a mysterious G.o.dly pellet and he received a supreme emperor blade. That changed his destiny and from then on, he felt the real meaning of life and he made original time-related battle skills, s.p.a.ce-related battle skills and decisively battled ancient, huge clans and hundreds of continental clans in the Qi Ao continent.
Clouds formed with a flip of a hand and rain formed with another flip. He left the strongest mark in tens of thousands of years of history and created glorious chapters about a tyrant’s anger, blood shed for thousands of miles, the skies hissing from mad blades, and the allegiance acknowledgement of all times.
The Fierce Illegitimate Miss summary:
Yu Linglong is the shu (born of a concubine) daughter in a general’s family. Since her mother was only a tribute dancer, her position is the lowest of the low. She used to live with her mother outside the father’s residence, and they only received some monthly money from him. He didn’t bother seeing them. But when her mother dies, she moves into the general’s residence.
The general is a very irresponsible and violent man. He doesn’t really get attached to women, just letting his l.u.s.t dictate his actions. His wife is a jealous woman, who killed one of his previous concubines, because he doted on her too much. She similarly wants to get rid of Yu Linglong, in part to vent her frustrations over her husband’s cheating habits.
Because the sixth miss – the general’s legitimate daughter, was bitten by a snake, she needs detoxification. The cure was apparently getting poisoned by scorpions, to fight one poison with another. But since she’s already weak, they decided it would be better if she drank the blood of someone poisoned by scorpions instead. The general’s madam naturally decided to use Yu Linglong’s blood. During the process of getting bitten by the scorpion, the original timid Yu Linglong died of fright (and maybe poison? it’s never made clear). Then Yu Mei takes over her body.
Yu Mei is a modern woman. She was some mafia boss, so she’s very capable with fighting and overbearing att.i.tude. She died because the man she fell in love with betrayed her and killed her. So she doesn’t trust easily afterward.
Since she took over Yu Linglong’s body, she refuses to adapt to the circ.u.mstances of a lowly illegitimate daughter, and uses her violence to fight for a peaceful life, where no one will challenge her and plot against her. Basically, she beats them up into submission. In the meantime, she acquires a tail – a very persistent prince, who only seems to stick to her harder, the colder she treats him. Did ancient men have such heavy tastes, she wonders.
Library Of Heaven's Path: Anime Art summary: After transmigrating into another world, Zhang Xuan has become a skilled Master Teacher known as the G.o.d of Destruction thanks to a mystical Library that followed him into this new world.He finds a piece of the World Teacher Kong-shi 's legacy containing the knowledge he desires most, but to obtain it he must pa.s.s through a series of Formations that will take him to countless worlds with their...
Siddhartha summary: Siddhartha summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Siddhartha. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.