简介(每周六更新) 什么?心脏还可以共享?只有不断支付爱心才能使用,而爱心的获得竟然要通过使用情侣间的爱意滋生?一次意外坠楼,素不相识的外卖少女和傲娇总裁被迫成为“共享心脏情侣”,给他们安装“共享心脏”的竟然是一个很皮的外星萌物!她还自称是二人的救命恩人与“爱心债主”!……这是一本新颖、有趣,且集颜值、可爱、脑洞于一身的漫画,帅气总裁、元气少女、外星萌物是怎么通过“共享心脏”联系的?
内容简介:《独家替身:傅少,别乱来!》是侯少精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新独家替身:傅少,别乱来!最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的独家替身:傅少,别乱来!评论,并不代表ABC小 说网赞同或者支持独家替身:傅少,别乱来!读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《独家替身:傅少,别乱来!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w19905-28105 >>
内容简介:那一夜,当一艘带着婴儿的氪星飞船坠在麦克·肯特家的农场,当他决定收养那孩子,穿越的金手指因此激活时,他就明白,他的生活要发生变化了。超人克拉克·肯特,X教授查尔斯·肯特,万磁王埃里克· 肯特……当他成为这些人的父亲时,最强的一家诞生了!1w1800-70814 >>
内容简介:平凡大学生沈顾在发现成为“备胎”后,意外获得恋爱辅助系统代价是三年内不会真心爱上任何人【叮咚!】【恋爱辅助系统已激活,恋爱游戏开始】【可获得大量游戏币奖励】【完成系统临时任务,可获得适 当游戏币奖励】【游戏菜单已激活】【专属商城已激活】【当前游戏币0】【系统加载已完成,三年后将可选择是否卸载】【祝您游戏愉快】【尽心尽力恋爱,不许主动表白】【一旦发现宿主有违规行为,系统将自动纠正并处罚】1w0-26613 >>
内容简介:传闻得魔王辅佐者,便可登上界主王座,成为万界之首。消息一出轰动水蓝星上下,一传十十传百,最后变成魔王的血肉可起死回生包治百病长生不老法力大增乃至称霸整个星球,各界生灵霎时趋之若鹜,逼的 魔族纷纷改邪归正吃斋念经。魔王:……老子活了十万多年就没这么无语过。大善人系统:【咋样?考虑一下洗白嘛。】魔王:老子不想洗大善人系统:【洗洗更健康】魔王:?????1w0-81531 >>
内容简介:瑞根历史官场养成文,绝对够味!大周永隆二年。盛世隐忧。四王八公鲜花着锦,文臣武将烈火烹油。内有南北文武党争不休,外有九边海疆虏寇虎视。这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代。关键在于你 身处其中时,该如何把握。勇猛精进,志愿无倦,且看我如何定风流,挽天倾!历史官场养成文,兄弟们请多支持。瑞根铁杆书友群:5814702341w748-75660 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:破案之神级融合系统】前世身为国际刑警的李泽穿越成为一名大学生,却意外获得了【神级破案融合系统】。只要破案,就能够获得罪犯相应的能力!格斗,驾驶,射击,推理,敌 人越强,获得的能力越强!于是李泽再度开始了自己的破案生涯,所有罪犯都将成为李泽成长的饲料,你强任你强,我比你更强!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢破案之神级融合系统,别忘记分享给朋友作者:一泽瑞尔所写的《破案之神级融合系统》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84010 >>
内容简介:【无敌爽文】苏子阳重生在《龙神世界》开启之前,占尽先机。强化系统激活,强化装备、强化属性、强化技能……一切皆可强化!欧皇:“我去,我打BOSS爆的装备,还没有他小怪爆的好!”肝帝:“大 佬,你这种升级套路,6666……”神豪:“泥马,我花百亿雇佣的圣骑大军,结果被他一个小兵给灭了?”书友群:707303650书荒朋友可以先看老书《网游之百倍伤害》,与本书有些关联。1w0-98000 >>
内容简介:穿越成为史上第一鬼畜攻的暴君身份,靳长恭表示蛋痛,当然如果这暴君有蛋的话——想她白白坐拥三千男后宫,住着暴君打造的精美奢华宫殿,享受着里面囚禁着无数妖娆美少年——但——绯色的缱绻抵死缠 绵她是没有瞧着……★接锺上幕的却是腹黑美男与伪雄性暴君尼玛刺杀与重口调教?旧情人太上皇权场情变后的相爱相杀琵琶别抱?传闻中太上皇外遇对象竟是个上天赐予金手指的白莲花女主,作为一个被女主无敌主角光芒下被秒掉的女配,还得接受她时不时来坑姐炸桥撬墙角?╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮★所谓攘外必先安内,靳长恭目标一:没有蛀虫!她欲使出三六计兼七十二变,从全国各处俘了一群才富五车才高八斗运筹帷幄决胜千里的“美男”替她当苦力冶理国家!★目标二:没有清水。虽强男遍地,贤夫难求啊!一个、二个、三个……桃花朵朵虽扎堆地朝她涌过来,然乱世繁殇,痞性傲娇二货混杂太多,扛谁上?吃肉与不吃肉,跟你们扯不清!★楚狂天下,天下谁人不识君,靳国永乐帝一手祸国殃民,一手拯救危国,孰人能辨她是非?★靳国有暴君出没,群臣们,当心了!★片段一:当一直用冰冷视线俯视她,如俯站在云端的他褪下一身华贵暗花纹饰的朝服,再看那肤若凝脂,白壁无暇的身子缓缓跪身匍匐在她的脚下。靳长恭神色莫辨,并无任何欣喜。“陛下,臣愿意以已身换取那黎城数十万百姓的性命,望陛下收回成命。”她抿起双唇,眼中鄙夷:“呵……凭什么?”他闻言错愕不已,这时一直偷窥的几位终于按奈不住了。“陛下,一个不行,咱就一群吧!”靳长恭语录:远离渣男,珍爱生命!推荐静的完结文:无双帝之昏君:《朕家“病夫”很勾魂》1w0-95561 >>
内容简介:如果有人在沈砚18岁以前问他,你对古代人有什么看法?沈砚会表示,他没有看法。如果有人在沈砚18岁以前问他,你对古代的鬼有什么看法?沈砚会表示,他很有看法!当未来伴侣是一只来自古代的鬼时 ,请做好以下几点,不要随随便便的看鬼片,不然他会以为你在那个四四方方的电视盒子里,养了除他意外的鬼!也不要随随便便裹着浴巾就出来,不然他会以为你这是你对他发出的邀请,也不要试图和一只鬼讲道理,不然你会被做的很惨!以上来自沈砚分享的经验!2017年2月10日性受,偏执霸道温柔攻。小攻是鬼。此文,现代文,但是因为要写到鬼界的一些情节,所以标了个异世。另外,不是鬼故事的鬼故事,就当是一篇生孩子养孩子的日常,嗯温馨不温馨不一定了。1w0-3662 >>
内容简介: 眼睛一睁一闭,秦遮发现自己穿越了,穿越到了一个灵气复苏的平行世界。 咦?居然有状态栏还有100点初始潜能点? 等等!我就看了一眼体质为什么全加上去了? 卧槽别啊! 望 着放在眼前的仙、魔、武三条修炼之道,秦遮很绝望。 他觉得自己可能错过了一个完美开局……1w0-2840 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者大叽叽女孩的经典小说:《民国名流渣受》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说顾葭没想过自己有一天会开始操心钱的问题。他是顾家的小三爷,是遗老的孙子,是大 商人顾无忌的哥哥,可偏生穷的连锅都揭不开,更不要说让他还喜欢玩,在外头挥金如土,是个清高贵气的摩登青年,如今没了钱,他怎么维持这些体面?顾葭思来想去,抹不开面找弟弟要钱,好在他还有不少有钱的朋友……然而朋友们对他虽然予取予求,可却似乎不是出自友情,而是另有用心……那感情好,不用还钱了!这是一个爱面子爱玩的漂亮渣受到处抱大腿1w0-77719 >>
Meet Chiruha: She lives alone in a small secluded house deep in a mountainous forest, the TV her only connection to the outside world. After years of watching and dreaming of what life must be like in the outside world, she has gathered up her courage to venture out and explore the local village. However, she must be careful not to stand out among the humans, for Chiruha holds a secret... Kisara also holds a secret...and a grudge. He's searching for who--or whatever cursed him, and he may have finally found the answer...
From MangaUpdates: There is a mysterious group of people who inflict cruel and fatal games on people for their own amusement. Tatsuya and Misa are out on a date in an amusement park when they wander into one of these horrific competitions on the tallest roller coaster on earth. The seats fall out of their 12-person roller coaster car, and they are told that the game will end when all but one person has fallen to their death. Will the passengers be able to find a way to escape the competition? Will there be any retribution against the orchestrators of this sick crime?
1-3) Sweet Warmth. After a difficult time of being dumped by his lover and getting hurt by falling down the stairs, Shinshu meets Fushimi at work, where he is assigned to help him due to his injury. Fushimi is tender and thoughtful towards him, which is a different experience for Shinshu. 4) Kiss at Midnight. When childish and spoiled Harumi gets rejected by his housemate whom he loves, he moves in with Hisaya who has always been there to pick up the pieces for him. 5) If Love is Secondary. Natsuhiko gets drunk one night and is taken home by Jin. Natsuhiko seduces Jin, only to realize later that Jin is his college crush who turned him down! Jin was such a playboy back then, has he changed at all? 6) The Love that Follows You. Takashi is ready to propose to his girlfriend, but she never shows up for their date. At her apartment he finds a note and her younger brother Yukinari. With his girlfriend gone, Takashi starts spending time with the lonely Yukinari, but is he only a father figure to the younger man?
In this comedic supernatural romance, Mari's long-awaited lovely single life in Tokyo is interrupted by a ghost with a grudge.
Honey, Let’s Go! summary:
The greatest trial for love is time. The ultimate test for any relationship is whether or not time can change the feelings of a person. Honey, Let’s Go! enables us to view a different angle of love, its power and its limits.
The story told the tale of Qiao-er and a strange vampire. Sleeping next to such a horrifying being everyday, what happen if she falls in love with it?
All she can think about is him, about the short lifespan of humans and the immortality of vampires. The girl is not very bright, and her thoughts have always been slow. The vampire have been cultivating for a thousand years. Where is the end for their romance? Could there really exist a path of escape for the both of them?
Honey, Let’s Go is the tale of love between worlds. Could they stay together forever more or will they be forced apart, doomed to eternally search for each other from one life to the next?
Urban Tales Of Demons And Spirits summary: A tale of urban demons and spirits, the mysterious exorcist and I. Do you believe that supernatural creatures exist in this world? I’m an ordinary college student while he’s the handsome and powerful demon exorcist from the mysterious old manor. Our paths had never crossed before and yet, our fates became intimately entangled after one chance meeting. The knocking on the coffin in the dead of the night, the little girl weeping inside the box-shaped structure, the good friend of mine who was cursed&h.e.l.lip; Together, the mysterious exorcist Mr. Wen and I embarked on a path into the world of the grotesque and motley. Gradually, I realized that I had developed special feelings for him that went beyond friendship&h.e.l.lip; But, the problem is I’m a man!
Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy summary: Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis summary: U.C. 0096, 6 months after the Laplace incident and the revealing of the original UC charter, the Federation dispatches an investigation agency to probe the remains of Axis. This agency includes two civilians by the names of Arlette Almage and Danton Hylegg. These two were once Technical Engineer and Test pilot, working for the Republic of Zeon, and then Neo Zeon. The group is ambushed as they were infiltrating Axis, a place that should have been deserted. And so Arlette and Danton are caught up in a turn of events no one could have predicted&h.e.l.lip;