内容简介:被誉为末日女杀神的沈茗死后再度醒来,成为了和平世界里一名十八线开开开外,声名狼藉的花瓶艺人沈姝茗。为了填饱肚子,沈茗表示无论什么活儿她都接了!于是,著名的花瓶美人开始霸屏全网。—综艺演 员们的竞技请她来参加,并给了天谴剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是给人做配表演出错嘛,简单。竞演直播当天,面若桃花,妩媚动人的沈茗表演了一出贵妃醉酒,不小心把实心木桌一拳打碎后。观众们:……!这这这还是侍儿扶起娇无力的杨贵妃?确定不是刚从梁山下来的哪位女壮士?—综艺一起去旅行请她来参加,并给了作精剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是装柔弱一点嘛,简单。可眼着如风拂柳般的花瓶美人一人扛俩行李箱,穿着高跟鞋压根不抖的上下楼梯四五趟,完事了在镜头面前面无表情娇嗔好累人的时候。观众们:……!你好歹喘个气流流汗啊。没看到隔壁阳光肌肉型的流量小生都开始抖腿了吗?—综艺悠闲生活请她来参加,并给了CP剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是跟陆影帝表个白嘛,简单。第一期播出,只见沈茗一个人扛起大斧头熟练的砍柴,烧火,一个人干翻三亩地,在大庭广众之下边啃着苞米,边面无表情的跟陆影帝说:我喜欢你。观众们:……?你但凡笑一笑,苞米啃的速度慢一点,我们特么就信了!被沈茗蹭了不知道多少热度的陆影帝眯着眼看了她许久,莞尔一笑:“那我们从今天开始交往吧。”综艺首播当日,收视爆表,全网瘫痪。众网友开盘下注这对CP什么时候解绑。可眼看着花瓶美人上野外生存类综艺带飞全员,演电影打戏流畅自然从不用替身,替受到欺负的女艺人仗义出手,拿到影后桂冠被那位当众求婚时。他们这才顿悟,这对CP锁死了啊。1w0-1409 >>
内容简介:5254740文案:姜意大学毕业后,姜家让他管理子公司,毕业就成霸总的姜意狂喜:那我岂不是能养身娇体软、温柔知意的金丝雀了!没两天,姜意从外领回个俊美的男人,骄傲对外宣布:“这是我家养 金丝雀。”金丝雀比姜意还高大半个头,眉眼锋利,就差把‘生人勿近’四个字贴身上了。众人:“???”你们站一起,到底谁金丝雀你心里没点数?心里没数的姜意手拿支票呈‘太’字躺床上,悠闲吩咐自家貌美腿长的金丝雀:“把爷伺候好了,数额随便填。”金丝雀抽走他手里的支票,冲他温柔一笑,随后——塞给他一沓公司需要他签字的文件。“文件没看完之前,不许睡。”姜意:?姜意发现他的金丝雀很不对劲:谁家金丝雀整天督促霸总工作不说,还任劳任怨帮着管理公司啊!谁家金丝雀会在霸总工作遇到难题时,推着眼镜说这题我会啊!姜意:我霸总剧本是不是有哪里不对?!————把子公司交给姜意时,姜家就做好了亏本的准备。而其他人,则等着看姜意的笑话。然想看好戏的人不但没等到他公司破产,他公司反而蒸蒸日上,眼快业绩就要超过自家公司了。众人:“!!!”你等等,这剧本是不是有哪里不对?!而姜意看着逼自己工作的金丝雀,心也很累——我只想当个咸鱼的废材总裁,可我家金丝雀为什么如此上进?!我是总裁,但被我家养金丝雀养了怎么破?霸总受×金丝雀攻【文案于截图存档】1w0-31576 >>
内容简介: 新书《宠夫令》上线,求小可爱们宠爱!一纸赐婚,朝野震惊。平阳侯府武功高强祸害一方的大小姐出阁啦!可怜新郎温润如玉俊美无疆,好好一朵鲜花被牛粪糊住。男主:喂,你有点狂啊!女主:什么是 狂,这叫王!1w0-298 >>
内容简介:如果你突然出现在一个野兽的世界,凶猛的野兽到处都是。随处可见的兔子,老鼠比以前大10倍。凶猛的老虎狮子,体型堪比小汽车。你敢说:“就这?”那10米高的黑熊,百米长的巨蛇,还有更强大得妖 兽。不光要躲避强大的野兽,你还得躲避其他生存者得猎杀。没有系统,没有金手指。你如何这这个危险的世界生存下去?当你遇到野兽你只能选择逃跑,或者战斗。开局只有一间小破屋,所有物资全靠打。你可以击杀想把你吞入口腹的怪物,获得各种物资。【水】【肉】【技能】【武学】【身体强化属性】【刀法】【剑法】【魔法】【强化晶石】在这个令人绝望的星球,王凡一路披荆斩棘。杀野兽,斩妖兽,斗强者。在这颗荒野星球变得越来越强大。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《全球都在求生而我却在浪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70409 >>
内容简介:萧云的系统只会一个功能——顿悟!体质平凡?顿悟混沌体!功法难修?顿悟圆满境界!神通难修?顿悟圆满境界!没有什么是顿悟不能解决的,如果有,那就顿悟十次,百次……玄幻,我顿悟了混沌体1w1 7209-76321 >>
内容简介: 小喽啰:大当家,不好了,他们打进山来了。林子然:慌什么,稳住!小喽啰:那我们现在怎么办?林子然:让兄弟们赶紧收拾东西,我们立即走人!小喽喽:我们跑?林子然:不跑你还想咋地?正经版: 永昌四十八年,藩镇混战,民不聊生,这一年的秋天,青山镇城外来了一个年轻人,他说:大恒该重新统一了!(雨天新书,一如既往的稳定更新,请诸位放心收藏阅读,读者1群:31779983,读者2群27661165)1w0-2989 >>
内容简介:快穿系统内部公告板。提问:我们组里那个小姐姐听说很刚?什么来自祖安?虐渣男主毫不手软?真那么牛?共有三人回答了该问题:用户“我就是男神”:兄弟,新来的吧?用户“官方系统”:点蜡用户“花 琅”:谢邀。人在星际,刚下系统。我系统评分199100,战斗力SSS+,虐过的男主都痛哭流涕,你说呢?v世界交换·亲妈问题已完成√金钱·衷心女孩已完成√玩具·富人游乐已完成√星光·深入泥潭已完成√ABO·终极调教已完成√阅读指南:1女主战斗力高强,一个打三个2快穿世界,原男主都是屑屑,都要被虐!3作者是良民!!1w0-109716 >>
内容简介: 毕业数年 ,碌碌无为陈辉突然发现自己回到了15年那个赫赫炎炎的夏天,好像不仅仅只是重生那么简单,一不小心附带了个外挂。金钱、美人、权势都接踵而至。轻松爽文!神豪、日常、商业!群:1 33851045(已满)(争取把妹子的番外都写出来,反正写出来了都会在群里!)2群:9522863351w0-3491 >>
内容简介:一场空难,她成了孤儿,他也是,但却是她父亲导致的。八岁的她被大十岁的他带回穆家,本以为那是他的善意,没想到,他是来讨债的。十年间,她一直以为他恨她,他的温柔可以给世间万物,唯独不会给她 ……他不允许她叫他哥,她只能叫他名字,穆霆琛,穆霆琛,一遍遍,根深蒂固……各位书友要是觉得《温言穆霆琛》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2800-4628 >>
内容简介:世人皆知,当今天子性情暴虐,杀人如麻。后宫佳丽三千,无一敢近其身。后宫众妃:争宠?不存在的!苟住小命要紧!皇帝登基五年尚无子嗣,朝臣们都操碎了心。就在这时,沈太傅家那位痴傻的小孙女阿措 ,主动扑进了皇帝怀中。满朝文武&后宫上下:震惊!!!后来,沈家阿措升职加薪,搞到皇帝,一朝有孕,坐上皇后宝座,走上人生巅峰。世人皆赞皇后好命能生,无人知晓,皇帝在夜深人静之时,刻苦学习“恋爱入门指南”“好男人必备守则”“论证男人怀孕的可能性”……听说皇后又有喜了,皇帝盯着手里的书页直皱眉,“阿措那么怕疼,怕是又得哭了,要是朕能替她生就好了。”阿措:其实我真的不是人……---【食用指南】1-多子多福小石榴精X口是心非傲娇暴君。2-小甜文1v1,架的很空,求别考据3-男主性格有缺陷,真-有病-暴君,女主会慢慢治愈他的1w0-4469 >>
内容简介:通信设备被映射为修仙大派挖掘灵石的矿机,手机被映射成修士联络的符器。在传统的仙侠世界里,一个凡人少年开始改变命运:没有功法,便自创野路修仙。失去前途,就寻求被淘汰。炼气计杀金丹,筑基奇 袭元婴。仙子、魔女与师姐,怎么选?宗门的矿机和符器,如何卖?武力要彪悍,商战要做奇才。从鸿青界到朝阳河系,从凡人到半仙,爱情、友情与亲情,……,一切碍难,我都一刀斩!“金手指”之光芒,不及思考的力量1w0-90950 >>
From Anime News Network: The story begins in the distant future in the far reaches of the galaxy. The Human Galactic Alliance has been constantly fighting for its survival against a grotesque race of beings called 'Hidiaazu.' During an intense battle, the young lieutenant Redo and his humanoid mobile weapon Chamber are swallowed up into a distortion of time and space. Waking from his artificially induced hibernation, Redo realizes that he has arrived on Earth, the planet on the lost frontier. On this planet that was completely flooded by the seas, people live in fleets of giant ships, salvaging relics from the seas' depths in order to survive. Redo arrives on one of the fleets called Gargantia. With no knowledge of the planet's history or culture, he is forced to live alongside Amy, a 15-year-old girl who serves as a messenger aboard the Gargantia fleet. To Redo, who has lived a life where he knows nothing but fighting, these days of peace continue to surprise him.
Summary taken from the back of Cover: What will happen when a human has extra power? What will happen when that power is used to fulfill all of his will? Masami, who often looks like an innocent little boy, apparently has the power that he uses as a killer weapon. He even dares to hurt his own mother in order to reach his goal. What will shogo do as his best friend?
Mio is an girl with above normal hearing, which has affected her all her life, she can hear all the war that's happening inside her country. But when Rico, a girl with a 3 minutes memory span, comes to save her and her country Mio knows what she must do.
Verde, a powerful and secret organization that controls the world has a new leader. The only thing that stands in its way is an unlikely character, Kujou Shin, the king of pessimists. He has no attachments to anything or anyone and feels no hesitation at dying. He is unwillingly dragged into a fight for the most powerful position in the world, the leader of Verde. What will be his fate? Note: In chess, pawns can normally move one square forward, and can only capture pieces that are in front and diagonal to them. On its very first move, however, a pawn can move forward either one space or two spaces. If, by moving forward two spaces instead of one, the pawn avoids capture by the opponent's pawn, the opponent has the option of capturing that pawn en passant (in passing). The opponent would 'take' the space the skipped by the other pawn and capture it just as if it had only moved forward one space. You can only take en passant on the first opportunity provided. For a better description with pictures, search En Passant on wikipedia.
Georgian Poetry 1916-1917 summary: Georgian Poetry 1916-1917 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Georgian Poetry 1916-1917. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Violet Book summary: The Violet Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Violet Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Isekai Nonbiri Nouka summary:
Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is a quite new but pretty interesting novel written by Kinosuke Naito. The book is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, so you can find it on that website. The story is recently updated, and new chapters are also about to arrive soon. So the readers can definitely expect a continuation of the story. The writing of this novel is in the ongoing phase, and that's important to mention.
The end is not yet near, and no one knows how Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story finishes. You can, however, find all the important details regarding this book on the appropriate website's page.
The story is a mixture of a number of different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. As a combination, it is an interesting one, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading. There are various twists and turns which provide a necessary excitement during reading, so the readers can get familiar with the content quite easily.
The story has a very high rating on the website, which is close to the perfect five stars. That's because of the satisfaction of the previous readers who have left mostly positive votes on the story. It is a good testimony for all others who have an interest in such content. The public is more than satisfied with the content, so you can also have a great reading experience, thanks to Isekai Nonbiri Nouka novel.
The main plot in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka book follows a character who fights against a serious illness for years. Unfortunately, the disease wins at the end, and the patient dies. That seems like the finish of this story at its very beginning. Still, the lucky destiny does not betray the patient, and he gets a completely new life at the end of the past one. He is younger than before and the new life provides some interesting opportunities he could not achieve earlier when he fought against the illness.
The main character has some nice business ideas he can implement thanks to the lucky destiny. He plans to begin a farming job by opening a ranch with different plants and animals. That leads to various challenges situation and some are very exciting. So the readers can enjoy reading while following the new life of this interesting character.
You cannot expect too much of action within Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story that some shooting novels can provide. But it is very good for the delightful reading during restful evenings. If you like those types of books, you will definitely be more than satisfied with the content. It is very well written and the words flow excellent.
That's one of the main reasons for a truly high rating of the story, so there is nothing that can prevent a convenient reading experience. The will for reading comes naturally with the story of this quality while the time pa.s.ses very fast during reading.
Lament at Changmen Palace summary: A long time later, I began to understand the value of a golden palace. If Wei Zifu loved you, then her story could only have ended the way mine did. People often said that the limits of love lay in one’s ability to endure – to endure the fact that the man we loved would have three wives and four concubines. Wei Zifu managed to tolerate. So, she accompanied you by your side for thirty-eight years. She could accomplish this because she did not love you. All along, what she wanted was never love. If, from the beginning, all I wanted was only the precious throne belonging to an Empress, perhaps I would not have lost you as quickly as I had. — Translator’s Notes: This oneshot narrates the true story between Emperor Han Wudi (Liu Che) and his first wife, the deposed Empress Chen Jiao. Their story has been encapsulated into a famous chinese idiom called “金屋藏娇” (jīn wū cáng jiāo), which literally means ‘putting (Chen) Jiao into a golden house’.