内容简介:总角相交,行至白首。方寸后宅,焉困飞凰。这一世,她生而妖孽……上一世,她苦捱八年,毒发而亡,重回儿时。既然重生了,便是老天爷将这二十八年的记忆赐她为戈。为何隐忍,又何需隐忍,这一世若不 能痛痛快快的活,她岂非辜负这场重头来过的相逢。谢亲爱的基友阿闲做的封面。关于本文:金手指文,苏爽甜宠暖外加虐渣……男主温柔忠犬,双强,1酱!本文大概又名《大家来找磋之男主你在哪?》、《躲在人群里的男主》……谢1w0-82280 >>
内容简介:【【红袖读书——首届“全球征文大赛”】参赛作品】新婚夜,顾念被渣老公和莲花妹妹陷害,随手抓了一只霍先生入洞房。从此,霍先生就缠上顾念了,爱到病态,偏执成狂。偏执病娇·霍:“顾念是我的, 嘴巴是我的,身体是我的……全都是我的,谁敢来抢,弄死他!”宠妻狂魔·霍:“我霍冷枭的老婆必须会败家,必须会耍横,必须会像螃蟹一样横着走!”世人皆受不了霍先生的深(变)情,炫(态)妻,跑顾念微博下留言:顾影后,求你各位书友要是觉得《偏执老公超难哄》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-87159 >>
内容简介:你以为直播是这样的:谢谢大哥的打赏!ON!直播是这样的:大师,我等你三个小时了,就想问你一个问题!大师,我从昨天就开始等你了,请求的大师帮我算一卦!大师,我已经等你半个月了,跪求大师赠 言!大师,我是老马,请求大师指点迷津!李元见到屏幕上不停滚动的文字,怒喝。“刷火箭的,踢出去!”“我的规矩,不算命者,但凡打赏,一律进入黑名单。”一众大佬盯着屏幕,疯狂弹幕:大师真酷!1w0-80911 >>
内容简介: 学霸系统降临。 只要学习,就可以增加积分! “叮!您解答了数学题目,数学积分+2” “叮!你查看了英语单词,英语积分+1” “叮!您进行了一次化学分析,化学积分+1000” “叮!…..” “您的化学积分已经足够,等级提升:三级!!” 当学习变成刷积分的时候。 苏牧终于可以理直气壮的说。 “我要从今天开始当学霸!” “而且是全能学霸!!” …… 轻松校园风,无敌文,可放心食用 书友交流群:665、041、3251w0-4108 >>
内容简介:相亲吹牛逼,被识破怎么办?全职业签到系统启动!房产!豪车!现金!送送送!绿茶女当场懵逼!……嘉禾国际签到,就成世界商业精英!犯罪现场签到,成就顶级破案专家!十万人演唱会签到,成就传奇天 王!中海北山医院签到,成就济世医神!……林楠:我也想低调,但系统不允许呀!(故事发生在平时世界,请勿对号入座)1w0-108185 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:四合院:开局娄晓娥给我生了个娃】苏秦穿越到禽满四合院的世界,成为一名供销社的员工。面对一院子的禽兽,苏秦只能说别来惹我,谁惹坑死谁。谁知第一天,就被棒梗偷了酱 油,还被许大茂挤兑威胁。苏秦冷笑一声:许大茂,听说你是个不下蛋的公鸡?没关系,我送你一个儿子。傻柱,听说你又想娶秦京茹,又想娶冉秋叶?还惦记着秦淮茹和娄晓娥?呵呵,有我在,你这辈子都不可能娶到媳妇。棒梗偷鸡摸狗?少管所包吃包住了解一下。三大爷爱算计?算计到我头上,你棺材本都保不住!既然一院子都是禽兽,那咱们就来比比谁更禽兽!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-86657 >>
内容简介:谢朝死于意外,在意识消亡的最后一刻,他听到了一个莫名出现的声音——“系统333为您服务,消除原主怨气值,可以获得重生一次的机会”①当把原主当成替身的总裁想要回头寻求原谅的时候;②当把原 主当成傻子骗的团团转的大明星跪在地上痛哭流涕的时候;③当把原主害的国破家亡的大将军想要祈求小皇帝再看他一眼的时候;④当嫌弃原主异能废物的基地大佬冲进丧尸群想要寻找他的时候;……谢朝拒绝了他们,看着他们追悔莫及的样子,怜悯又恶意地笑道——“知道我为什么不接受你吗?“因为我根本不是他,他已经死了,彻彻底底的死了,就算你后悔一万遍,忏悔到死……你永远也看不到他了。”“他最后想对你说的是——永不原谅。”阅读指南:1、攻不是渣们,攻另有其人2、不会原谅任何一个渣,不存在和渣HE的情况3、1v1,没有副CP注:网络一线牵,希望文明留言,坏话反弹公告9月23日正式入v,敬请期待!推荐预收文《你的信息素渣爆了》,即将开文,敬请期待!文案:沈洲和左屿做了七年的模范夫夫,信息素匹配度高达百分之百,却在第七年的结婚纪念日当天出了岔子,好好的结婚纪念日成了离婚纪念日。沈洲手里拿着离婚协议书,坐在沙发上自己思考,他不明白自己哪里出了岔子。他为左屿挡过刀;他为左屿差点残废;他为左屿被车撞了;他为左屿差点死了……一切都按照剧情来的,只要完成七年恩爱,他就能脱离这个世界,完成穿书任务了。可偏偏在临门一脚的时候,拿到了离婚协议书。到底是什么地方出了问题?沈洲百思不得其解。洗浴后的左屿走了过来,从身后抱住了沈洲,轻轻嗅了一下他脖颈的腺体,满足道,“宝贝儿,你的信息素真是诚实,简直渣爆了。”各位书友要是觉得《我在虐渣剧情里乘风破浪快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w0-29989 >>
内容简介:前世,沐芷兮辜负了宠她如命的男人,帮助渣男登上皇位,到最后被渣男和庶妹联手背叛残忍害死。 一朝重生,她紧抱自家夫君大腿,夫君,我知道错了。 面对渣男,滚远点,看到你就觉得恶心。 重生后的沐芷兮性情大变,一路打脸虐渣渣,和夫君双双把家还。1w0-4600 >>
内容简介:破军刀的传统武侠小说新书欲望腾飞当我在因特网上发这个故事的时候,我一个人在想,是不是所有喜欢武侠的人类都有一颗纯洁的心?故事不是很好,笔法也没有什么惊人之处,只是心有所思所想,希望大家 喜欢。强烈推荐以革命的名义者管杀不管填新书预告耿家和,一个没有什么野心的中学生,除了对异性有点幻想外,在暗战中,他能干什么呢敬请关注恋战四部曲之暗战之中学时代恋战四部曲暗战之中学时代血1w0-78253 >>
内容简介:天相奇观,五星连珠,这么重要的日子,萧七竟然被戴了绿帽子。意外的手机一响:七仙女邀请痞仙加入仙宫红包群。“咦,我捡了个七星葫芦丹。”“我靠,手气最佳,三十万功德币,赶紧闪。”“财神爷, 跟我拜把子吧。”“织女妹子,叫声痞子哥,你的仙籍,哥早晚给你要来。”这是情场失意,人生得意么?航大四大花旦,我萧七来了……1w0-27828 >>
1-2)The Far Eastern Bridegroom Prince Asura bought Kichiya from the prostitution house after seeing his bromide. Even though they have a language barrier, Kichiya is getting attracted by Asura’s warmth and love. Is Asura taking Kichiya as a plaything or truly in love with him? From Attractive Fascinante. 3) The Flower of War Leon and Julius were childhood friends who were separated, but meet again in the midst of their country's civil war. Unfortunately Julius is a prisoner and Leon is a high ranking official and all that stands between Julius and a brutal interrogation. 4) The Moral Code of Love Masamune is the young master of the Tongou clan and has had his eye on the stoic faced Jin since childhood. After becoming strong, he is finally able to keep Jin by his side as a bodyguard, but getting Jin interested in anything other than work may be impossible... 5) My Hero High-school student Shuuhei is always bullied. During an attempted rape one night he's rescued by the strong but bad-tempered Asami. Asami reluctantly agrees to help Shuuhei become stronger and more confident, but what does Shuuhei know about the man he's suddenly relying so much on? 6) Cosplay Game Dating for four years, but only having sex for two weeks, Mokoto's lover Keiji starts asking about cosplay. Is Keiji already bored with Makoto? And how far will Makoto go to keep his lover happy? A super cute story.
Every day in Japan, 2500 people die due to any number of causes. Do you think you'll be one of the ones to die? No, of course not. Do you think you'll win the lottery? You'd like to think so, we all would. But Sumida is different. He wants the status quo to remain in every way; live a normal life, get a normal job, have normal kids, never to be anyone fortunate or unfortunate, content in normalcy. Anyone who doesn't agree is foolish, doomed to live their life scraping up a mountain that they can never conquer, fated to die in despair wishing things had been better. When his mother kicks his father out of the house and onto the streets, he thinks he'll be fine. When his mother leaves him to live with her boyfriend, he makes the best of it. When he realizes that he's no longer average, he strives to make his life worthwhile the only way he knows how. When the demons in the back of his mind speak to him, he tries his best to ignore them.
Magical Star Kanon 100% summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Magical Star Kanon 100%. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The storyline revolves around Mina ?epe?: Princess- her werewolf guardian Akira Kaburagi Regendorf and Ruler of Vampires. For a long time, Mina is in hiding along with her folks as with other vampires. Trying to end centuries of isolation, Mina gets permission to produce a particular district for vampires called 'The Bund' off the shore of Tokyo, Japan by paying off the whole national debt of the Japanese authorities along with her family's huge riches. Carrying out a dialogue present where identified vampire film actor Seiichi Hirai (who was revealed to be a real vampire) is killed by her during his rampage, Mina shows to the planet the being of vampires while mentioning her want for the two races to live together as they have been living on 'The Bund.' Nevertheless, tensions run high as extremist vampire factions and awful individuals start to interfere using the human planet with the want peace of Mina. This causes Mina and Akira to protect 'The Bund' from these attackers. Regarding the Bund The Bund (also called Tokyo Landfill #0) is a unique man-made island district that floats in Tokyo Bay off the shore of Tokyo. Mina had it constructed to serve as a colony for the Vampires and Werewolves. While Vampires would be the main civilians residing in the Bund, the Werewolf guards of Mina called the Beowulf also live there fulltime on her safety. Persons of great importance (both politically or through private connection to Mina) are permitted to go to the Bund. The sole link in the mainland to the Bund is through one tunnel that is subterranean. The Bund h-AS important ports or no bridges. There's also an underground metropolis in the Bund which is inhabited by the Fangless (vampires who ripped out their particular fangs) as a way about them to stay freely and without persecution.
Necromancers Guide to Magic summary:
This is the story of a Necromancer who was cast into the world of Harry Potter. Taking over the body of a 11 year old first entering into Hogwarts.
Authors Description
“Give me a body, I can pay you a, ah, bone dragon.”
Settling Accounts_ Drive To The East summary: Settling Accounts_ Drive To The East summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Settling Accounts_ Drive To The East. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The American Occupation of the Philippines 1898-1912 summary: The American Occupation of the Philippines 1898-1912 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The American Occupation of the Philippines 1898-1912. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The World Turned Upside Down summary: The World Turned Upside Down summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World Turned Upside Down. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.