简介【每周四更新】第一次遇见顾北辰,他眼泪的冰冷狠戾以及身上的热度让我终身难忘。 第二次遇见顾北辰,他低低浅笑,天之骄子般的成就令我心生敬佩。 第三次遇见顾北辰,他静默而立,犹如停尸房外的一道炫目阳光,驱散我心中所有的恐惧……
内容简介:二十一世纪的解放军战士刘振华穿越到了民国年间,成为军统北平分局的一名特工,在1935年华北巨变的时代,刘振华依靠自己过人的身手和超出一个时代的眼光,以为国效力,荡平日寇为己任,对日本侵 略者进行各种打击,在斗争的过程中终于找到了组织,在军统地下党日为特工三重身份伪装下,为祖国四万万五千万同胞,为中华民族的解放事业,奉献出自己的一切,默念着只解沙场为国死,何须马革裹尸还开启了自己的抗战生涯!1w0-32203 >>
内容简介: 我们的个性都是圆的, 红旗下孕育着新的生命, 在新时代成长的新一代。 生于70年代的主角,再次踏上了一条他从未走过的人生路,假如这一天来临,假如时光能倒流,在这个变革的年代里 ,路实在是太多了,让人眼花缭乱。 看着荆棘密布的不见得就难走,看着平坦的不一定是通途,路得走过才知道,我们跟着主角一起上路吧,看看他能走到哪里去。 新书《大宋有毒》正在上传,书友群137118014 ,欢迎光临指导……1w0-1573 >>
内容简介:简介:「偏执阴狠攻X天生诱惑大叔受」“越是繁华的大都市,就越多披着人皮的野兽,说的就是像你们这样的人。”“人的天性本来就是獸性,没有獸性怎么做大事呢,我认为人性和獸性应该是共存的,李叔 叔你说呢?”“禽兽也分类的,有的动物懂得知恩图报,懂得与人交好,但是明显你们就是真正的白眼恶狼,还谈什么人性獸性。”1w0-82771 >>
内容简介:重生在异世大陆,到底是意外还是天意?在这个强者为尊的大陆,她将掀起如何的风澜。当魂魄完整,金银异瞳睁开,血脉觉醒,天赋逆天。她灵、武、精神力三修,全系灵师,武力值爆表,精神力更是神秘莫 测,不管人、鬼、兽皆是绕道而行,携混沌之宝帝界,契约鸿蒙古神兽。看着前方未知的黑暗,她眼波流转,顾盼生辉,一双眼容纳了世间的所有风光,战意踏碎一切,邪肆一笑:“我若为佛,世间无魔,我若为魔,佛奈我何!”他,天人之姿,却心狠手辣如地狱魔神,无数人闻风丧胆,或许,他自己都没有想到,于千万人之中,应了她的劫,一眼便成执念,入心,入情,甘愿入魔,有时看着她,就像是在凝视一场招摇过市的美梦,生怕梦醒来,一切皆为空。他想,幸好上苍待他不薄,否则,若她有差池,他不介意破了这天,让整个寰宇为她陪葬!!【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《魅尊倾城》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75133 >>
内容简介:当林晏还在纠结是送玫瑰花,还是名牌包向程娇表白时,程娇甩给了他一张炮友合约……又纯又欲的女主VS闷骚技术流男主炮友转正,先肉后爱文案无能,1V1,HE,日更,倒叙,多肉,少量剧情,含S M,尺度是递进式,后面会越来越重口,会有口爆,奴主,小道具,言语羞辱等,但不爆菊,不喝尿,道具不入体,毕竟男主不是真S男爱女,女不爱男,但男主对女主不是虐恋,最后才会有感情戏排雷1、女C,男非C2、女主是个MSM中的受虐者,男主是被S被动施虐者3、貌似大家都统一觉得比较粗暴,男主不是暴力份子,就是动作幅度有点大爱┊阅┊读┊1w75834-119277 >>
内容简介:(超甜宠打脸虐渣)“爹地,妈咪又吃了我的巧克力,求补偿!”“让人送一箱巧克力过来,我老婆要吃。”某首长命令着下属。小包子:???他就知道是这样,看来他是时候离家出走了……重生前,云七念 看见陆北深都避而远之。重生后,云七念一天不见陆北深就浑身难受。男人听到传言回到家,“难受?巧了,我专治各种难受。”上一世,她抛夫弃子,败坏门风。这一世她洗心革面,一家三口打脸渣男虐渣女,走上人生巅峰各位书友要是觉得《军婚100分:首席,强势宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w13045-31475 >>
内容简介:一睁眼李青云发现自己穿越来到了前世曾玩过的一款游戏《模拟官途》的世界里。在这乱世之中,貌似当贪官最有前途。可是一想起当初玩贪官路线的种种死法,他怂了。李青云:怕死的我,从今往后跟贪官势 不两立。1w0-69532 >>
内容简介:日更,晚九点到十点喜欢的小朋友点下收藏哦——林笙做梦都没想到小陆总竟然还是个学霸,他除了每天上课睡觉、玩游戏、投纸团,竟然还会考第一?小陆总很低调:“如果你需要,我可以给你补习。”“补 习怎么勾我板凳?还是教我怎么投纸团?”“……”“给你补习,我绰绰有余!”这句话一出,追妻路上又多了两道门槛。——后来,小陆总终于脱单了,用意念隔空和女朋友谈了一年的恋爱。整整一年,女朋友只给他发了一个消息:【新年快乐。】大学开学第一天,晚上十点多,小陆总拖着行李箱可怜巴巴的在女生宿舍楼下整整等了半小时。女朋友终于肯露面。小陆总:“要分手?”没良心的女朋友:“分!”初恋HE——预收《亲爱的,假竹马先生》鹿城唐氏集团千金唐一西在大学毕业那年被嫁给了自己的“半竹马”,两人初中做了邻居,却过得和陌生人没什么差别,不说话,无来往。唐父近水楼台先得月,把唐一西嫁给了她的半竹马。新婚第二天,唐一西飞往国外,新婚竹马独守两年空房。直到好友罗珊结婚,她飞回国,殊不知自己已经掉进了半竹马老公布下的天罗地网。——席太太第一次主动在公众面前露面:“我之前和席先生并不熟。”“不熟?你初中被球砸,谁第一时间把你送医院的?”“……”“高中丢在山里谁把你背回来的?”“……”“你手上价值八位数的石头谁送你的?”“……”“不熟吗?”——席太太每天就想出去玩,出去玩,出去玩。席总每天都要抓老婆,抓老婆还是抓老婆。【傲娇绿茶小青梅VS深沉闷骚半竹马】立意从一而终的故事1w0-76433 >>
内容简介:开局恐怖复苏开局恐怖复苏小说阅读玄幻魔法类型小说开局恐怖复苏由作家魔刀创作简介:穿越到恶灵复苏的世界,开局系统竟然要求亲吻裂口女的嘴!?看着无比诱人的SSS级奖励,林缺默默的把节操收了 起来。几分钟过后他抹了抹嘴:虽然草率了感觉似乎还不错?小兵提供开局恐怖复苏最新章节开局恐怖复苏最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w8149-65002 >>
In the distant future, in a distant corner of Siberia, people live in domed cities called Domepolises. These are the primary human living spaces on Earth, which became uninhabitable years ago from environmental destruction. Now, parts of the Earth are becoming habitable again. Large portions of the Domepolises are breaking off to escape the powers that control the domes and trade. Gainer Sanga, video game champ on his 200th victory, becomes an unwilling helper in his hometown`s Exodus when he is wrongfully arrested by the Siberian Railway. He pilots a giant mecha which he dubs `King Gainer` after his own video game handle. He is challenged to fight other Overmen as Yapan tries to escape across Siberia. - The manga is an adaption of the anime that goes by the same name and which was thought up and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino. The manga is drawn by one of the series' character designers, Yoshihiro Nakamura, and Tomino is credited as writer. Nakamura is (in my opinion) a rather talented artist, with a good sense for scenery and setting. He has a knack for adapting the great designs originally done by Kenichi Yoshida and manages to bring these characters alive. Taken from Gainer and anidb
From DramaQueen: The heroine: Ddam Shim The heroes (maybe): DD and Venu Fate brought these three together through a chance encounter at a department store lingerie department. A double D padded-bra tag with a cell number… Sometimes, you never know what can happen if you make that call…. For Ddam, making that call leads her to a night club dive where DD is the punk rocker DJ and Venu is the decoration. These two have more going for them than Ddam first thought: like how DD waxes poetic about a girl’s eyelashes and Venu downplays his good looks by focusing on the importance of…big breasts. Since Ddam has her own idiosyncratic behavior to deal with (she talks to cows, among other things), being with these two unrepentant, semi-uncouth, not-bad-bad boys, could be what she needs to help her get out of her funk and maybe figure out what life’s about… Although DD and Venu aren’t the sharpest wits around, there’s something about them that makes Ddam want to live. -Please visit Entropy's website
From Fate & Enchantment Scans Ritsuka, a Ryousei student, believes that she’ll find a wonderful boyfriend by following the love legends. After all, her older sister, Aya, followed them, and she got married! Yet every time Ritsuka carries out a legend superstition, Kuze-kun gets in her way… Although they fight all the time, Kuze-kun is always there for her when she’s feeling scared or anxious. While his words are ill-natured, he is kind to her, so Ritsuka feels happy even when she’s mad at him… Ritsuka falls in love with Kuze-kun. After four of the legendary superstitions were completed, Ritsuka and Kuze-kun fell in love with each other, but…?Sequel to KOIGOKORO SENPUKUCHUU
Three stories featuring an element of voyeurism - one man observing the object of his affection. 1. Mitsumete Itai (I'll Be Watching You): Chief Yamaguchi, a middle-aged married company manager, meets up with carefree motormouth Abe Kazuki once a month for dinner and sex. But each man secretly longs for greater intimacy. Over time they do become close, but the Chief's transfer to America and family problems threaten to ruin their fragile affair. 2. Ore ga Iru Kara (Because I'll Be There): High school student Yagi is caught making out with a girl by Karino, senior member of the rugby club. As the school bad boy, this is no big deal for Yagi - especially since he and Karino weren't friends in the first place. But when the tables are turned a week later, Yagi must summon the courage to be a hero. 3. Yume no Hate (The End of a Dream): John, a jaded male escort, has dreams of being with Chris, his aloof agent. How can a client's run-of-the-mill filming request drive these two professionals apart?
Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful summary: Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Flower of the Chapdelaines summary: The Flower of the Chapdelaines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Flower of the Chapdelaines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Nemonymous Night summary: Nemonymous Night summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nemonymous Night. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Trapper's Daughter summary: The Trapper's Daughter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Trapper's Daughter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.