内容简介:【最火爆畅销书】一场车祸改变了我的屌丝人生。各种奇遇接连而来。考试满分,刮刮乐必中,篮球天才,游泳健将选一个?不,老子就是全能。QQ群:203799451【花都出品,必定精品。】1w1 306-26333 >>
内容简介:她是现代美女特工,在执行任务中与犯罪分子同归于尽,穿越到架空古代成了瞎眼的大将军府嫡女。青楼前受辱,被庶妹抢去了未婚夫,赐婚给一个不能人道的嗜杀冷酷的王爷。不过,不是不能人道吗?这玩意 儿这么精神是怎么回事?不是嗜杀冷酷吗?这像只撒娇的哈士奇在她肩窝里拱来拱去的是个什么东东?1w15326-90133 >>
内容简介:谢朝死于意外,在意识消亡的最后一刻,他听到了一个莫名出现的声音——“系统333为您服务,消除原主怨气值,可以获得重生一次的机会”①当把原主当成替身的总裁想要回头寻求原谅的时候;②当把原 主当成傻子骗的团团转的大明星跪在地上痛哭流涕的时候;③当把原主害的国破家亡的大将军想要祈求小皇帝再看他一眼的时候;④当嫌弃原主异能废物的基地大佬冲进丧尸群想要寻找他的时候;……谢朝拒绝了他们,看着他们追悔莫及的样子,怜悯又恶意地笑道——“知道我为什么不接受你吗?“因为我根本不是他,他已经死了,彻彻底底的死了,就算你后悔一万遍,忏悔到死……你永远也看不到他了。”“他最后想对你说的是——永不原谅。”阅读指南:1、攻不是渣们,攻另有其人2、不会原谅任何一个渣,不存在和渣HE的情况3、1v1,没有副CP注:网络一线牵,希望文明留言,坏话反弹公告9月23日正式入v,敬请期待!推荐预收文《你的信息素渣爆了》,即将开文,敬请期待!文案:沈洲和左屿做了七年的模范夫夫,信息素匹配度高达百分之百,却在第七年的结婚纪念日当天出了岔子,好好的结婚纪念日成了离婚纪念日。沈洲手里拿着离婚协议书,坐在沙发上自己思考,他不明白自己哪里出了岔子。他为左屿挡过刀;他为左屿差点残废;他为左屿被车撞了;他为左屿差点死了……一切都按照剧情来的,只要完成七年恩爱,他就能脱离这个世界,完成穿书任务了。可偏偏在临门一脚的时候,拿到了离婚协议书。到底是什么地方出了问题?沈洲百思不得其解。洗浴后的左屿走了过来,从身后抱住了沈洲,轻轻嗅了一下他脖颈的腺体,满足道,“宝贝儿,你的信息素真是诚实,简直渣爆了。”各位书友要是觉得《我在虐渣剧情里乘风破浪快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w0-29989 >>
内容简介: “周先生,我们注意到您小时候曾经涉猎过篮球、乒乓球、羽毛球、围棋、跳棋、五子棋、中国象棋、国际象棋、书法绘画、吉他音乐……等多方面的领域,那这是否意味着就算您当初不选择足球做您的职 业,您在其他领域也一样可以取得如今的成功?” “这个嘛……只有在足球上,我才有远不止三分钟的热度。” “所以之前我们列举的那些都只是您三分钟热度的产物?” “那些都只是我的爱好。” “那足球呢?足球不是您的爱好吗?” “不,足球是爱!” 1w0-4430 >>
内容简介:一代兵王回归都市,遇到一位美女师父,没想到师父只传授我四样东西修仙、泡妞、把妹……各位书友要是觉得《史上第一修仙者》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-7987 6 >>
内容简介:烈酒煮青梅烈酒煮青梅小说阅读其它类型小说烈酒煮青梅由作家藕粉圆子创作预收文《摘一片月光》求收藏为了应付长辈,陆梦溪和裴越泽协议结婚。两人约定,婚后不同居、不公开、不联系。新婚第二天,陆 梦溪赴山区支教。上山路上,车子抛锚。陆梦溪和同事下车等待支援,远远看见裴越泽的库里南顺着崎岖山路蜿蜒而上。陆梦溪不由问他:“你怎么来了?”裴越泽摘下墨镜,望着风尘仆仆的新婚妻子,低笑一声,理直气壮道:“想你了。”陆梦溪:???说好假结婚的呢?清冷古典舞小仙女x暗恋成真心机竹马翻山越岭,为你而来。情窦初开,便不再忘怀。食用指南:1、女主因为生病忘记了很多事,后期会想起来。2、青梅竹马先婚后爱年少时双向暗恋,信我,甜文!3、求收藏预收文《摘一片月光》文案如下:了解宗誉的人都知道,他是一个极度自律的不婚主义者。不吸烟不喝酒,无不良嗜好,定schedule都精确到秒。直到他遇见陈令仪。多年来冷静自矜的宗誉从没有想过,有一天他会扔下所有工作,奔赴千万里,只为见一个日日夜夜疯狂肖想的女人。·【小剧场】陈令仪有一回在饭局上喝多了酒,跟同事吐槽大客户宗誉:“他那种和资本一起玩耍的人,眼里只有钱,浑身上下都弥漫着资本家的铜臭味。”邻桌西装革履的年轻男人闻言,谨慎地嗅了嗅衣角。酒醒之后,宗誉温柔地问她:“陈小姐,我眼里只有钱吗?”陈令仪:“……”他轻轻地笑:“我眼里还有你啊。”食用指南:1、美貌任性银行经理x禁欲专情金融大鳄2、点进专栏可见,求收藏本小说网提供藕粉圆子著作的烈酒煮青梅最新章节,烈酒煮青梅全文免费阅读,烈酒煮青梅无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供烈酒煮青梅最新章节烈酒煮青梅最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-82438 >>
内容简介:1984年,香港影坛划时代的一年,因为84年的年尾,20岁的陈平安,从美国回到了香港。他最爱说的话:“我是个讲究人。”“信平安,得永生。”他偶尔也会说的话:“要是你不答应,把你手脚打断 !”“如果你敢拒绝,划花你的脸蛋!”这就是他,上帝与撒旦的结合体,香港影坛的守护神,护佑香港电影长盛不衰的——大平安!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《香江一九八四》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80664 >>
The first collection of volumized short stories by the author of 'For You in Full Blossom' / 『花ざかりの君たちへ』 ('Hanazakari no Kimitachi e'). 1) The Dreaming Leaf (Yume Miru Happa) - Futaba (Two Leaves) departs for Tokyo to attend high school there. In order to relieve the financial burden slightly and achieve independence, she finds a live-in work situation at an old mansion. She becomes (fighting) friends with one of three good-looking fortune-telling employees there, Masato, who attends her same high school and is even in her same class. But then one day, Futaba discovers the secret of the old mansion... which is--!? 2) 17 Romance (17 [Juunana] Romansu) - Natsume, now in high school, was raised like the son her father never had, and so she's determined never to lose out to any man. Homare Misono has been her guy friend for 17 years. Despite their closeness, Natsume always feels the disadvantage her gender places her at. Homare is stronger and better than her at a lot of things. And after saving her from a pervert on the streets, he kisses her...!? 3) The Law of Couples (Futari no Housoku) - The Law of Couples states that all things happen in pairs -- including people. Sakiko seems to have found her missing half in Akio, a boy in her same class who always seems to say exactly what she's thinking. But who is she falling in love with? Akio, or the part of herself that she sees in him...? 4) 3) Heat Fruit (Haato no Kajitsu) - Meron and her best friend, Chiho, both have a crush on Uchiyama! Meron finds out after she's already told Chiho that she has a crush, so she needs to lie about who she likes in order to protect Chiho's feelings. She chooses... Ryou! The scariest, coldest guy in school, rumored to be an underground ring leader! If anyone will reject her love confession, it'll be him! It works, but then Chiho begins to cry for Meron's sake, and Meron turns to mush... she tells Chiho that she'll try harder to win Ryou's love...!? How deep is she going to dig her grave?? But... for some reason, Ryou really doesn't seem that scary to Meron...
Compilation of short stories: • Kanojo no Honnou Her Instinct 'I want to crush every love that began with a love letter.' Natsume began a relationship with a love letter. 3 months later, she got dumped. As she's walking home, she bumps into her classmate Aji-kun who's on his way to give a girl a love letter. Natsume decides to crush that love... • Todoketai Want to Reach You 'At home, along with the thoughs that make me choke inside... there's the 'make-believe family' that I have to pretend to be a part of...' Mana hates going home to a house with no one in it... but when her mother decides to remarry, Mana begins to hate going home even more. Because at home, there's Shin. • Mekakushi no Joousama The Blindfolded Princess 'I'm the queen of the library... if I'm seen, I'll disappear.' Inoue Yoriko can't refuse when people ask her for things, so she gets bullied at school. The only reason she goes, is to see Maki - the guy she loves. She thinks he hate her, so she can't confess to him. But when he hears her voice in the library, and tells her he loves it, will Yoriko decide to show her face or stay hidden forever? • Multi-Vitamin 'You are just.... A vitamin drug.' That's what Ichimiya Ai says to a guy right before she dumps him. As she is walking in the hall, she sees her junior sleeping against the wall... but why is her heart beating just looking at him? When the guy, Natsu, asks her out, she accepts... but something feels different about him... • Lovex2 de Kishi Love Love Knight 'Quickly, throw me away already! Don't hurt me more than you already have...' When Satsuki Mio confesses to the insanely popular ''Knight-kun'', she is so nervous she totally messes up (it's her first time confessing). Amused by her pureness, Knight-kun asks her to be his lover. At first, Mio can't believe she has such a good catch for her first boyfriend... but what if he doesn't really love her?
A girl named Miu stumbles upon a mysterious pawnshop where the only item for trade is time itself! Everyone always searches for extra time, but are they willing to exchange something that is more valuable and irreplaceable — their most precious memories? These memories could be wiped out forever if the borrowed time is not returned. Tokiya, the shop owner, recruits Miu to work part time as a 'Time Go-Between.' Her new boss is sweet, but he has his own motives regarding the time he trades. And Miu must always remember the most important rule: Never speak of the shop to anyone.
Bizarre and funny comic strips by Yang Young-soon. Note: The chapter order does not currently reflect any actual ordering. Each chapter/strip is self-contained and they can be read in any order. The current ordering is just based off of available translations.
Charlie Chan - Walk Softly, Strangler summary: Charlie Chan - Walk Softly, Strangler summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Charlie Chan - Walk Softly, Strangler. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me summary: A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Fancies and Goodnights summary: Fancies and Goodnights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fancies and Goodnights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Children of the King summary: The Children of the King summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Children of the King. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.