简介在某一天,你的身边突然出现了一个小孩子, 而她的真身竟然是你身体的某个重要部位!!!她人小脾气大,不能打不能骂,除了哄她外还要教会她如何做人!到底是什么情况!?她是来体验人生的,还是真的打算脱离身体独自生活?
内容简介:千门家有个九岁太医-千玖,因遭人陷害医死王妃,最终被毒打身亡。 一朝诈尸,21世纪女特工名叫千亿,穿越异世在九岁小太医身上。 阴谋、仇恨,她将整个朝政搞的天翻地覆,后宫人仰马翻! 帝君 要问罪,她却卖起了萌:“不是窝”,还配合的挤几滴眼泪。 君王问罪,她一怒之下将人称烈焰国战神门牙打掉,奶声奶气的说:“呜呜,你居然欺负小盆友。” 可在转身瞬间,她却露出愤恨的神情。 一路与人斗智斗勇,手撕王爷马甲,别看她个小,最后什么世子、相侯,皇子各个争着抢! 君墨邪将众人挡在面前,傲娇的说道:“九千岁是我的小祖宗,你们都滚远点! 1w0-2847 >>
内容简介:感谢您阅读小说《和豪门大佬网恋后我红了沈时》,原文搜集自【和豪门大佬网恋后我红了】,是有作者《山柚子》创作和豪门大佬网恋后我红了沈时内容简介:每晚11~12点日更沈迟十七岁生日当天,被 沈家赶出门。他成了一名靠打游戏为生的小主播,虽然四块五的酱肉丝都不舍得买,可少年鼓起勇气花重金买了一个虚拟女友。只要,能陪他说说话就好。然而他总会莫名其妙交好运。买不起电脑时,一不小心抽中价值上万的电脑;在出租屋中孤零零过生日时,收到昂贵的成年礼物;直播网站濒临破产拖欠他工资时,第二天便被收购了。作为未来的严氏家主,严雪宵还在国外读研时碰上只没人要的红毛小狼崽。想让他不再为生计发愁;想让他活得骄傲肆意。以及,想给少年最好的东西。一步步撒饵圈进家。全世界都知道严雪宵回国掌权的消息,沈家也不例外,他们咬牙买下贵重的古籍名画讨好,却发现男人温柔抱着的少年——好像是被他们抛弃的……沈迟。【年少的沈迟以为自己会在死水里腐烂生根,直到他看到天上的月亮奔他而来】前期落魄小少爷受x步步为营年上攻——————————————————————————预收文《全世界在求我们破镜重圆》求收藏TAT:《心跳信号》是一档在海岛上录制的恋爱真人秀,据传邀请了拿遍国内外大奖的影帝贺渊,没人认为向来冷漠的贺渊会同意。可影帝出乎意料同意了。谁都知道贺渊的理想型是狐狸眼的少年,节目分配到的恋爱对象恰好是有双漂亮狐狸眼的护岛人,采访时记者打趣:“你们要不要考虑真谈个恋爱?”一听便是玩笑,然而令所有人都没想到的是,男人淡淡答:“谈过。”一时间全网震惊。作为一名海岛护岛人,顾言的一天从巡视海岛开始,即便录制节目也没什么改变,即便……对方是分手多年的贺渊。他们默契地潜下碧蓝的海面视察珊瑚礁;一同在风浪颠簸的远洋船上航行;一起靠在无人的海边看波澜壮阔的日出。亲密得如真正的恋人。青年很明白节目仅仅是节目,却没注意到贺渊的眼神一直停在自己身上,一如七年前从未改变分毫。他只是不明白,为什么全世界都在求他们破镜重圆。——————————————————————————完结文要康康吗TAT:《大佬养了三年的纸片人跑了》大佬饲养垂耳兔《和爱豆隐婚后我竟然红了》相亲相到自家爱豆1w9259-112576 >>
内容简介:现在是港岛90年代开始的第一年的第三个月,这个时间发生了三件大事!第一件,港岛第一任华人处长李军年上任,从此一哥的车牌不再只属于洋人!第二件,尖沙咀变天,原本的大佬倪坤被杀,整个尖沙咀 瞬间陷入了群龙无首的状态,混乱不堪!第三件,一个靓仔重生在这个世界,成为一名警察!1w0-108736 >>
内容简介:末世之美女保镖全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),末世降临,代表新的秩序诞生,一切遵从丛林法则!末世降临,凶兽横行,人类是否还是地球的主人!末世降临,奸邻窥视,华夏是1w20274 -74221 >>
内容简介:【您已随机抽到英雄——炼金术师·辛吉德!】【已自动获得获得其99999点熟练度以及亿场英雄对局经验!】Clearlove:“嘶,这个炼金在干什么啊!?”xiaohu:“断兵线!!他在我 们高地塔旁边犯罪!!”Uzi:“这什么吊英雄啊,怎么这个人把这个英雄玩得这么恶心?!”Theshy:“这团战没得打!我全程被毒熏,动都动不了!刚走两步就死了……”Faker:“喔呀?这个人怎么什么英雄都会?!”1w0-89301 >>
内容简介: 穿越兽世怎么破?不慌!系统在手,天下我有! 实习医师苏糖被天降系统砸中,意外穿越兽世大陆! 这是一个神奇的世界,长着翅膀的老虎,会吐火球的大鸟,妖娆多姿的食人花……一切的一切都 让苏糖目瞪狗呆! 被翼虎部落的族长捡回去后,发现部落兽人的生活简直不要太落后!一股油然而生的责任感充斥着苏糖的胸膛! 在系统的帮助下,熬盐,盖房子,挖陷阱,做武器,屯冬粮……顺便……拯救世界! 【甜宠1V1】【种田/系统/异能】1w0-3241 >>
内容简介:他是富可敌国的帝国总裁,俊美逼人,心狠手辣。他叫她小疯子,只有她,能近他的身,入他的心。小疯子闯进他视线的那天起,他的世界彻底乱了套。苏芙问“我是你的什么?”“你是我的安眠药。”“为什 么是安眠药?”“因为这样我就可以先吃掉你再睡觉。”上官凌目光邪肆,欺身而上,她美眸微瞪“你干什么?”男人勾唇“该吃药了。”婚后苏芙怒视占有欲超强的老公“离婚吧,这日子没法过了!”上官凌冷冽一笑“不过就不过,谁不离谁是孙子!财产给你,小包子给你,我也给你!你去哪里我也去哪里!”(暖宠)1w0-27634 >>
内容简介:本人专业修复核潜艇、反应堆,核弹头翻新、抛光、打蜡,回收二手航母,清洗航母油槽,航天飞机清洗保养换三滤,高空作业清洗卫星表面灰尘,批发歼10。F22。轰炸机,各类核弹头,量大从优,有发 票。另外新到一批野生散养奥特曼,纯天然,以及一批未调试的野生多拉A梦。各位书友要是觉得《超级武器兑换系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84305 >>
内容简介:我怕是个假的穿越者:穿越过来的日子实在太难了,对后世的想念,陌生的语言,糟糕的卫生环境,古人的仇视,世人看疯子一样的眼光,又完全记不得历史,关键还没有系统,简直是地狱难度,我觉得我快要 待不下去了。这是一个对历史一知半解,诗文记不全又不会各位书友要是觉得《我生活在唐朝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83470 >>
内容简介:霍天磊,中医世家传人,本想做一个县医院里一个普普通通的医生,却不知想平庸竟然这么难,而一切的美好、精彩也由此开始……妙手回春、一针定生死,这种事有那么难吗? 这位美女,我只是个医生,请你……喂,你在干嘛?我卖医术不卖身啊……1w0-981 >>
内容简介:《全能中单(电竞)》为作者蝶之灵创作,作品全能中单(电竞)章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供蝶之灵精心编写原创全能中单(电竞)及无弹窗全能中单(电竞)最新章节,全能中单(电竞)全文免费阅读 。1w0-32502 >>
From ShoujoMagic & Nekohana: A collection of short stories revolving around a girl's first time! Story 1: A Boy's Suggestion, by SHINJO Mayu Kana is on a mission of love. How pathetic would it be if a senior like her completed high school without ever having had a boyfriend? That's when Takuya, a freshman with a reputation as someone you don't want to mess with, confidently asks Kana to go out with him. She has misgivings about him being younger than herself, but can she be adult enough to overlook it? Story 2: Virgin Beast, by MINAMI Kanan See Ren-ai Shijou Shugi, volume 2 side story. Story 3: Let's Go Be Daring!!!, by AYUKAWA Mio Yoshino has a crush on Kanou and is too shy to tell him, but if she doesn't act quickly some other girl might. Yoshino's friend tells her how to becoming daring: Don't wear any underwear! This secret technique certainly catches Kanou's attention when a brisk breeze blows Yoshino's skirt up, and... Yoshino needs to come up with a good lie, fast! Story 4: When I'm with You, I Won't Be Home 'til Morning!, by KOUSAKA Yuuka After two months and three days of dating, high schoolers Eimi and Hiroto are finally ready to have sex. Eimi is nervous, but Hiroto seems okay. She heard that he's a real lady killer and his ex-girlfriend was his college-age tutor. Can Eimi -- a virgin -- possibly measure up to the kind of experience Hiroto has had? What will it mean for their relationship if she can't...? Story 5: The Awakening of Love, by SAKURAI Miya High school girl Asuka has a boyfriend who's 23 years old, Hiroyuki. When people comment that older guys must be better in the sack, Asuka confirms it -- but she doesn't honestly know... because Asuka is still a virgin. Unable to stand it any more, she gives it up to Hiroyuki (who didn't know she was a virgin), but instead of bringing them closer together, it drives them further apart...? Story 6: Smooch Smooch Smooch, by MASUZAKI Yoshino Tomo, age 16, has a crush on the university student Yuuji. They even live together. Problem: Yuuji is her cousin! He's never had a girlfriend, but that's because Tomo harrasses him in a series of various 'attack' styles. As her latest attack, designed to make Yuuji jealous, Tomo and her friend Samata pretend to have a relationship when they're in front of him. But when Samata becomes serious about Tomo, Yuuji knows he has to make a decision -- fast. Story 7: Sweet Desires, by SHIGANO Iori Maya caught her boyfriend cheating... Since then she has lost faith in men. But will this change with a sudden kiss, outside a bar... from a kouhai??!!
Migiwa Kazuhiro has always been watching Ren, cute, admirable, and his first love. With all his courage, he finally managed to give her a love letter and confessed on a train, only to find that Ren is...!?
From Rayns&Lele Scans: For the second son Takeda Yoh, love is to be able to choose 'the one' who stands above all others, to choose the her who is the most precious to him, and the her who he wants to protect the most. He found love in Tsubame, an adopted sister, and everything was fine... ...until his two brothers confessed their feelings to Tsubame. It's time for her to make her choice. Who will be her precious 'one'? 'The only person who I can give happiness to... The only person who I like is...'
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Sevens summary: Lyle Walt is a young n.o.ble boy and heir looking forward to the day he can inherit his family’s territory. Except around when he was 10 year old, his parents started neglecting him more and more in favour of his little sister, Celes. On his fifteenth birthday, he is challenged to a duel by his sister to see who will inherit the household and horribly loses, being cast out of his family. Afterwards, he gets treated by the family groundskeepers and receives the family heirloom Gem from him that Lyle’s grandfather had entrusted to him. From there, he begins an aimless journey with his childhood friend and former fiancée, Novem, and the Gem-turned-Jewel that houses the memories, personalities, and Skills of seven of his ancestors.
This Curse Is Just Awesome summary: This Curse Is Just Awesome summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of This Curse Is Just Awesome. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Ultimate Criminal summary: The Ultimate Criminal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Ultimate Criminal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Boys and girls from Thackeray summary: Boys and girls from Thackeray summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Boys and girls from Thackeray. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.