简介陈曦本是一个养女,没有恶毒的继母也没有悲情的童年,反而当了十六年富家小姐,却不想一场突如其来的变故让其身陷困境,也正因如此,陈曦遇见了让她倾心也让她死心的谢庭月,面对陈曦这个仇家之女的谢庭月,本以为一场预谋的婚姻不过是他报仇的手段,可爱情却在悄然发生。 制作工作室:蓬江区大熊设计工作室 作者:ALLENLU 主笔:40599 脚本:多洛 上色:无语 勾线:健忘 每周四更新
反派千金被废除了婚约,所以现在开始由我让她幸福 详细介绍 反派千金被废除了婚约,所以现在开始由我让她幸福漫画 ,反派千金被废除了婚约,所以现在开始由我让她幸福。
内容简介:东华国宰相嫡女,貌丑无盐,性格懦弱,所有人眼中的笑柄,慕家的耻辱。东华国战场阎王,封号为“炎”,手握重兵,功高盖主,却在一场战斗中身中剧毒,双腿残废。皇上把她赐婚太子,她主动退回定亲信 物。赐婚残王,本以为是最大笑话,却不想面纱之下,露出的是惊世容颜,所谓的废材,更是有着神奇医术,身藏神秘空间。只是,那个双腿残废的王爷,似乎哪里不太对……1w15926-25953 >>
内容简介:传闻云城陆家二公子,脾气乖戾,时而温顺时而暴戾,手段非常,在商场上常令对手闻风丧胆的存在。却不知道,陆公子有一位被捧在心尖儿上的女人。某女:“陆先生,外面人说我为求上位,不择手段的勾引 你。”陆公子:“屁,明明是我要上你,死皮赖脸扒着你。”某女:……陆公子说:遇见沈星舒前,他不信什么一见钟情。可后来真遇上了,才知道原来,一见钟情,二见倾心,三见终生。是真的。1w0-29237 >>
内容简介:完结文案《静影沉璧》前篇;萧明君与闻贤相一起成长相爱的故事,腹黑深情×温柔理性节选六月三十日,闻家治丧,皇帝下令,全城哀悼三日。皇太后感念闻家老太君及史绣衣的恩情,特令皇帝萧佑安御驾亲 至闻家灵堂,以表吊念之情,又因着自己伤势未愈,遣派了三皇子萧韫曦,以表感激之意。皇帝亲至灵堂已是泼各位书友要是觉得《歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)最新章节歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)无弹窗歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)全文阅读1w0-28881 >>
内容简介:小说中总会有一个女配,她妖艳美丽,家世优渥,一颗心扑在男主身上。但是男主的真爱永远不会是她,她反而是男主和女主之间爱情的绊脚石。孟萌一觉醒来,便穿越成了这样一个女配。看着眼前已经成为影 帝男主,她转身就跑。一不小心却扑到了男主叔叔的怀里。·原小说男主庄越某一天回家,叔叔庄珏微微一笑:“来,见见你小婶婶。”看着庄珏身边笑靥如花的孟萌,庄越:“……”这不是他前未婚妻吗?记者采访孟萌:“请问你成为影后的秘诀是什么?背后有大佬吗?”孟萌:“难道我自己不是大佬吗?”1w0-36966 >>
内容简介:黄小宝以为,老头子帮他起这样的名字是希望黄家能开枝散叶,就算做不成韦小宝,也不能像杨过那样单手撸了十六年。只可惜,他猜中了故事的头,却没有猜中故事的结局。想做韦小宝,必须付出很大的代价 。……………………无美人,不韩娱。年华新书,欢迎品鉴。各位书友要是觉得《娱美人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82567 >>
内容简介:算计渣男,智斗贱女,辅助父亲,揭穿白莲,重活一世席悠任重道远!上辈子,他们欠下的血债必要血还!然而那位富甲天下的男人却拦住她……常逸仙:“他们欠你的要还,你欠我的也要还。”席悠:“我欠 你什么?”常逸仙:“我守你两世十载,你还我一世厮守。”1w17570-25984 >>
内容简介:医圣后人张凡,因一纸婚约来到江南,然后他傻眼了……“明明是双胞胎,为什么小姨子身材火辣,我老婆却长的像个初中生?”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市至尊医圣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ 群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71396 >>
内容简介:一次交易,她怀上陌生的的孩子,她怀着孕,嫁给了和她定有娃娃亲的男人。本以为这时一场各怀心思的交易,却在这段婚姻里,纠缠出不该有的深情。十月怀胎临产之时,他地上一纸离婚协议书,她才幡然醒 悟。后来他说,老婆回来,我爱的一直都是你。1w0-27695 >>
Hana to Shokutaku summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hana to Shokutaku. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Anime-tion Scanlation: At age 17, Nana still doesn't have a boyfriend. One day, she went to the beach and met with a cool guy. They exchanged numbers and texted but the cool guy turns out to be her younger brother's friend who's 5 years younger?!
From Tokyopop: Jin Sung Moo does his best to hide his inner feelings; Shin Hae Jung dances to the beat of her own drum; and Jimmy is an out-of-this-world guy with a revved-up motorcycle and style that is second to none. Some say it's an extreme kind of love. Some say it's just crazy. Some say it's a crazy love story.
From MangaHelpers: There's a new transfer student in school named Midori, and she is very cold and set apart from everyone. For some reason, though, everyone seems interested in her. One day, Ao witnesses proof that she is a supernatural being, and confirms with her that she is actually a god. He carelessly asks a wish of her, like people have been sending to the popular 'God mail' address that's suddenly been going around school, and she grants his wish. Unfortunately, the cost is high. She kills him-- only to bring him back as a shinigami (death god). Now, Midori informs him that his job is to show up where people are going to kill themselves and die in their place. Ao feels the pain of each death, though, so it's not something he wants to repeat over and over. For that matter, ending a person's single suicide attempt doesn't necessarily mean that he has done anything about the reasons they were willing to take that step. Will Ao find a way to cope with his painful new life? [tethysdust]
Weapon Master summary: A cauldron, a secret forging method, and his blood created an ultimate weapon.
Demon Maiden Poison Maiden - Lilith And Sara's Faithless Journey summary: Demon Maiden Poison Maiden - Lilith And Sara's Faithless Journey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Demon Maiden Poison Maiden - Lilith And Sara's Faithless Journey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Under The Cloak summary: Under The Cloak summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Under The Cloak. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Vagabond in Literature summary: The Vagabond in Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vagabond in Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.