内容简介:传闻得魔王辅佐者,便可登上界主王座,成为万界之首。消息一出轰动水蓝星上下,一传十十传百,最后变成魔王的血肉可起死回生包治百病长生不老法力大增乃至称霸整个星球,各界生灵霎时趋之若鹜,逼的 魔族纷纷改邪归正吃斋念经。魔王:……老子活了十万多年就没这么无语过。大善人系统:【咋样?考虑一下洗白嘛。】魔王:老子不想洗大善人系统:【洗洗更健康】魔王:?????1w0-81531 >>
内容简介:《最强豪门女婿萧瑾轩宁语柳》是绝人精心创作的武侠修真,ABC小说网实时更新最强豪门女婿萧瑾轩宁语柳最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的最强豪门女婿萧瑾轩宁语柳评论,并不代表ABC小 说网赞同或者支持最强豪门女婿萧瑾轩宁语柳读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《最强豪门女婿萧瑾轩宁语柳》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1250-29275 >>
内容简介:魔渊宫,万界最恐怖的魔道势力,亦是所有魔道中人眼中的圣地。召开的盛大收徒仪式中,宫主渊皇新收的第六百五十七名天才正好奇地打量着宫中诸人。天才指着一个个铁塔般矗立着,一身实力有如天神下凡 般的奴仆问:“师傅师傅,您是从哪里收来这么多实力强劲的奴仆的?”渊皇微微一笑,看着众奴仆道:“他们啊,曾经是叱咤风云、主宰一个个位面的位面主角,不过后来都被为师击败,打入万魔炼魂符,成为为师的奴仆。”天才又看着跟在渊皇身边,一位位绝色无双、姿态万千的夫人问:“那么师傅,您和师娘又是如何相识的呢?一定是很美好的故事吧?”渊皇摇头笑道:“你的师娘可不是谈恋爱谈来的,而是被我夺来的!当年她可是眼高于顶、冷傲贞洁之辈,是女神,被为师略施小计、夺取芳心,最后沦陷于我。”天才彻底服了,敬仰地望着渊皇道:“师傅,听说您当年出身卑微,您是如何崛起的?”渊皇眼神深邃,陷入久远的回忆中:“说起当年,一个叫张良的小子在凡界小城的小世家,给世家少主当跟班,谁能想到,他会是日后威震万界的渊皇?”1w0-113779 >>
内容简介:三族纷争谁主沉浮?历史遗族何去何从?正邪两道谁赢谁负?隐藏之地血雨腥风!被灭族的姐弟两个,在复仇的路上逐渐解开大陆的隐秘!姐姐玩弄权谋,勾心斗角,玩转皇朝之地!弟弟修炼证道,登顶巅峰, 俯瞰世间百态1w0-89533 >>
内容简介:如果穿越到古代该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令并且被一群女人盯上了又该怎么办?楚门懵了。神啊,救救我吧!“叮!”“是否绑定无敌县令系统?”本站提示: 各位书友要是觉得《县令的悠哉生活》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82431 >>
内容简介:世人皆知,太守独女苏流萤曾当众拒婚,立誓此生绝不嫁安王世子楼樾为妻。后来,苏家满门被灭,苏流萤沦为宫婢,被赐与老太监对食。再次见面,他坐在尊位,她屈膝跪侍。他抬起她的下巴轻轻摩挲:“你 ,后悔吗?”她垂眸落下血泪:“求你,帮我!”“好!”他应下,用他赠于她的匕首将她剐得鲜血淋漓……那一刻她忽然明白,她最后悔的不是拒婚,而是爱他!推荐团子的完结旧书。链接门:《奴本如玉》:《掌中砂》:本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《宫闱花》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78512 >>
内容简介:【小说简介】《飞向人马座》是由“中国科幻之父”郑文光于1978年发表的一部科幻小说。本篇描写的未来战争中,人类要争夺太空,主人公邵子安在结束一场战争后立即投入装备仪器,最后又率队赶去人 马星救援被困人员,留给心上人的只能是简短的几句话,表现了一种崇高的爱情奉献。【故事内容】这部小说虚构了一个速度的故事:3个因为某一种速度被抛在太阳系外的少年,凭借另一种速度在5年后回到了地球。5年的外太空流浪涉及悲伤、忠诚、坚定、涉及爱因斯坦和人类的成长,因为这也是一个有关人类广阔性的故事。【作者简介】郑文光,1929年生于越南。1954年开始发表科幻小说。1983年因患脑血栓停止创作。主要作品有《火星建设者》、《猴王乌呼鲁》,中篇《飞向人马座》、《命运夜总会》,长篇《神翼》《战神的后裔》等。另有学术著作《康德星云说的哲学意义》、《中国古天文学源流》,翻译作品《宇宙》、《地球》等。曾任中国科学院北京天文台研究员、中国作家协会会员、世界科幻小说协会会员。郑文光是出生在越南海防的华侨,解放初回国。郑文光受过系统的天文学教育,象当时的很多科幻作者一样,学术研究是他的主业。郑文光自幼喜文,十一岁就在越南的《侨光报》上发表作品。这样的经历使郑文光具有超过一般自然科学家,甚至超过一般科普作家的功底。【目录】总序一风雪的黄昏二上海小姑娘三宇航时代的奇迹四总工程师邵子安五三个意外的乘客六严峻的道路七一场争论八“东方号”上的图书馆九一堂天文课十在宇宙船外面十一岳兰的实习飞行十二抢救十三超新星十四天文台十五前方有一颗恒星吗十六在战火纷飞的日子里十七稠密的星际云十八中微子电讯机十九遥远的太阳二十和黑洞搏斗二十一女飞行员程若红二十二亚光速飞行二十三“H”二十四秋天还是春天后记1w7485-82664 >>
内容简介:晚九点更。——奉高高三转来一个女生叫程弥,长得格外漂亮,以往交的男朋友都是性子狂傲那类。后来有段时间程弥却换了口味,追起了高二年级一弟弟,那弟弟意外不是她喜欢的野路子那类,长得好看是好 看,就是白得跟个病人似的。有好友问她怎么突然吃起司庭衍这款了,程弥说:“别的吃腻了,换换口味。”她扬言三十天后就会把司庭衍拿下。结果二十八天后,程弥跟别的男生在一起了,说对弟弟没兴趣了。那天高二一班一同学打扫完教室准备离开前在地上捡到了一张纸条。上头分明就是她们班年级第一司庭衍的字迹。——程弥骗我。——她说要追我三十天,她没有。——她和别人在一起了。——程弥不喜欢我了。病秧子腹黑男主×风情万种女主磨牙最新章节地址:1w0-76903 >>
Chica is packed away to sleep in an escape pod, to avoid a deadly asteroid collision on earth. When she wakes up, however, she finds herself in the distant future, but still on Earth. Earth is now filled with strange creatures, like flying fish. She's being cared for in a dome by an android guardian named Roy and a maid android called Silvia. She also encounters a mysterious, friendly man with cat ears, named Oboro. All the future beings are fascinated with her, seeing as she's an 'original' human, but sometimes they forget about the limitations of human lifeforms. Will Chica be able to find a place in this strange new world?
Read The World God Only Knows Manga Keima Katsuragi, a second year high school pupil, is an enthusiastic player of gal games (video games that require interactions with anime-styled pretty girls). Yet, in his school life that was real, Keima is called a derogatory portmanteau of the two words megane and otaku, otamega. At the start of show, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to 'conquer' girls and, believing it's an invitation into a game challenge, he takes. In response, a cunning devil from Hell named Elsie appears: a Spirit Hunter. Elsie proposes the only real solution to drive the evil spirits outside is by 'conquering' the girls' hearts, making them fall in love with him and filling up the gaps that the at large evil spirits conceal in, where she is then in a position to get them. Interested only in gaming girls, nevertheless, as he's no intimate real life experiences whatsoever Keima is appalled by the thought, and refuses the duty. However, together with the contract already consented, Keima has no choice however to help Elsie no matter what, as they're going to be beheaded through an invisible (to others) purple collar around their necks when they neglect. Each sister is inactive in the center of a girl among those they've previously helped, so Keima beat their hearts and must find them a second time. This time however, they recall the meetings he's had with them as a result of goddesses inside them, as he attempts to beat the girls concurrently causing endless potential failure and high tension. Nevertheless, his time is restricted as a rebel devil faction called 'Vintage' is about to get the goddesses and take on the planet. Keima begins seeing visions of a kid who's somewhat familiar to him, after Vintage's plans are thwarted. The goddesses send Elsie and Keima to days gone by of assisting her together with the job. Upon arriving, they team up using a mysterious girl who seemingly has some link with Dokuro, Elsie's first-class in the underworld, and Keima finds that several incidents before are distinct from what he recalls, resulting in a terrible chain of events which he should avert to make sure that the present remains unaltered, along with another devil faction which releases giant humanoid creatures. As Keima finishes his final assignment, he has the capacity to make up with this and finds the truth about among the giants. Although Elsie decides to stay with him, he could be alleviated in the collar and returns to his regular life in real life. Then he professes his love for Chihiro Kosaka, among the girls who has enjoyed him from the start. Along with Keima's romantic comedy experiences, the show parodies and makes fun of common, and popular platitudes about dating sims, anime character stereotypes, and pop culture. The World God Only Knows Manga is composed and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki, serialized since April 9, 2008 in the Japanese manga magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday. Kami-sama!!' . Haksan Culture Company licenses in South Korea the collection, as well as the initial two volumes of the chain has been concurrently released with limited edition addendum for each on August 2009. Other miscellaneous information is contained. The manga series that was official has ended as of April 16, 2014, with chapters that were 268. Other manga: + Kuroko no Basket Manga + Soul Eater manga
A fun guide that teaches the basics of the art of manga by one of the most well-known mangakas in the business! Follow Eri on her journey to 'become a pro and inspire people with dreams!'
From Zombie Scans: Hating girl is a manga about a girl with an arrow stuck through her head named Asumi, and the boy interested in her, named Ryouji. It's full of goofy humor and silly storylines, yet the relationship aspect of it touches on real life at times, and ends up quite endearing. Check out this silly-sweet manga and laugh at the insanity that is life with a girl that has an arrow through her head.
The Hunters - I'll Be Hunting You summary: The Hunters - I'll Be Hunting You summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hunters - I'll Be Hunting You. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Through the Air to the North Pole summary: Through the Air to the North Pole summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Through the Air to the North Pole. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Summer’s Desire summary:
Xia Mo and Luo Xi are orphans, both having met each other at their adoptive parents’ home. Because of the shadows remaining from their childhood, they are both shrouded in the midst of wariness. However, when Xia Mo and her brother meet an embarra.s.sing situation during a singing compet.i.tion, Luo Xi helps them out, and the iciness that separates both of them gradually melts. Seeing what has happened, as well as in an attempt to break both of them up, Ou Chen, who deeply loves Xia Mo and is the heir to the company that founded their school, sends Luo Xi to England to study…
Five years later, Luo Xi has become a superstar, with a countless number of fans to his name. Xia Mo having become an orphan once again as her adoptive parents died the year Luo Xi left, is a new artist of a records company and meets Luo Xi. Ou Chen on the other hand, having lost his memory of Xia Mo five years ago due to a car accident, also sees Xia Mo once again as well. With all three main characters back on the scene and their disputes of love and hate, what will happen between them then? Who will Xia Mo pick in the end?
– Sherbet Lemon
The Overbearing Chief Husband's Favorite: Treasure summary: He is a legendary business powerhouse, a King with a business empire. She is just an ordinary female student. A deal, – a paper marriage, a marriage for four years. Four years later, she turned away fearlessly. She thought that their path would never cross again, but he took her in his stride and refused to let go of everything about her, even interfering with her getting close to other men! “Luo Yibei, we’ve already divorced! We’re finished! Over!” “Yeah?” She had to ask what he meant. And he shoved a small bun in her bosom with a look of disapproval.