内容简介:网络用语狗子是什么意思网络上经常有人开玩笑地称呼自己的朋友为“狗子”或者“二狗子”,看起来有点贬低人、骂人的意思。也不像是普通话的用法,所以网络用语狗子是什么意思呢。1w9646-71 603 >>
内容简介:苏明妩本该嫁进东宫,和青梅竹马的太子举案齐眉,然而花轿交错,她被抬进了同日成婚的雍凉王府中。恨了符栾半辈子,住在王府偏院瓦房,死前才知策划错嫁的人是她的心头朱砂白月光。一朝重生,苏明妩 重生在了洞房翌日。好巧不巧,她正以死相逼,要喝避子汤药……1w0-4048 >>
内容简介:原名:重生后我成了护夫狂魔。前世,云七念太作,直接把自己给作死了!重活一次,看着眼前帅得让人神魂颠倒的老公,她只想喊:宠他!宠他!宠他!老公喜欢什么?买!老公被人欺负?打!老公要她亲亲 抱抱举高高?没问题!老公说要再生个猴子,云七念:……???什么叫再?直到有一天,一个q版的软萌小包子出现在她面前,她才明白一切。从此以后,誓要更加宠他,爱他,珍惜他!1w0-3626 >>
内容简介:杨帆:“爹,这有人要打我,他说他爸是首富,家里有几百号精锐保镖。”玉帝:“他敢欺负你?老爸立马给你拨十万天兵天将,把他家祖坟都踏平!”老子不管你是富二代,还是修仙者重生还是拥有系统,敢 惹我?屎都给你打出来!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我爹是玉皇大帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70590 >>
内容简介:这是神文的世界,每一个神文都是大道的载体,对应着世界本源的力量。人们冥想神文,就能获得移山倒海的力量。林天真穿越到这里发现,神文!其实就是地球的汉字!然后,他无敌了!1w0-13187 3 >>
内容简介:给母亲的奖励作文400字五年级作文虽然世上没有最好,只有更好。不管你的奖励是一瓶矿泉水,还是一张上百万的银行卡。虽然不能奖励给母亲光彩夺目的新衣或是高贵的首饰,但是不管送出什么,母亲总 会欣喜若狂,如获珍宝。比如:我的母亲不管事业成就有多高,我每次送出的奖励总会让她激动万分。那一次她受到客户的赞扬,我送出的那本本子,虽然不值钱,但妈妈1w0-70143 >>
内容简介:请假一天,请假条不好用了文案:【v前随榜更,v后日更,更新时间1800,可能会有延迟】【入v,希望大家多多支持,不要养肥qwq】意外身死之后时听绑定了一个快穿系统,对方给她布置的任务是 在男主心中留下最深刻的印象,成为男主心底最不可忘却的那个人;完成任务后她可以积攒能量,死而复生。不过唯一比较棘手的是,每个小世界的男主已经有了女主,而女主便是男主心底当前最不可忘却的那个人。系统:你的任务是让男主记住你,记得死死的,深深地。时听:了解了。于是——①清冷孤傲小白花女主x白富美撒币姐姐第一个世界里男主和女主是青梅竹马,两人一起从农村考到城市,感情深厚,彼此扶持。系统:你得让男主耳目一新。于是时听开着跑车停在了男女主面前,一手拿着爱仕新款限量包包,一只手取下普达墨镜,笑容款款的看向女主,“我来资助你上完大学以及之后考研考博等等的费用,你离开他,跟着我好不好?”男主:脏话。系统:……不是这种耳目一新!!!②善良纯洁光明圣女x掌控阴影无所不能的黑暗神第二个世界里男主和女主因为身份的缘故,发乎情止于礼,虽然没有挑明心思,但二人已经认定了彼此便是相守一生的人。系统:你得让男主追随你。于是时听在夜晚降临圣殿,用阴影将金发圣洁的小圣女圈在怀里,一点点勾引着她暗堕,直至将她变成自己的所有物,让她成为黑暗神的圣女。男主:我必终其一生去消灭黑暗神!系统:……不是这种追随!!③矜贵优雅貌美假千金x绿茶小白花真千金第三个世界里男主是A城权势最大家族的家主,痴心女主,哪怕得知女主是假千金也要为她保驾护航。系统:你得让男主喜欢上你。于是时听被领回家以后,白天孤独胆小要姐姐陪着,晚上怕黑睡不着要姐姐陪着,洗澡时她紧紧贴在女主怀里,搂着她的腰:“姐姐,你不要扔下我……”哄得女主动了心。男主:?系统:是让男主动心不是女主!!!vb存梗于注:无论原男女主感情程度如何,但都没有【真正】在一起。下本预收《姐友我抢,姐友我做》球收藏呀,点进专栏下滑【百合】频道【文案】又名《抢了宋初霁所有男朋友之后的黎蔓只好把自己赔给她》漂亮无脑小蠢货女一x冷淡自持不举(??)黑天鹅黎蔓是一个漂亮小美人,沉鱼落雁,艳如桃李,就是脑子不怎么聪明,尤其在宋初霁的衬托下,显得她更加的只有美貌而无智商。黎蔓心底对宋初霁的羡慕随着日积月累的被对比,慢慢进化成了嫉恨。而这样的嫉恨在某一天黎蔓做了一个梦之后达到了顶峰。黎蔓梦到将来宋初霁继承了宋家,没有给她们母女留一分钱,一切都只是因为黎蔓母亲跟宋初霁父亲之间并没有法律承认的婚姻关系。一起相处那么多年,没有感情总也有情分,但是梦中的宋初霁只是在宋父死后,就一脸冷淡的把她们母女赶 >>
内容简介:高中生林文得到一款女优养成的游戏,里面有各种喜闻乐见的女优……只要在游戏中增加友好度,现实中那些出名的女优就会对林文越加亲密。而且林文还惊讶地发现,自己在现实中遇到的女人,也会成为自己 手机游戏中的女优。只要不断提升与女优们的好感度,在现实中和林文的有交际的女人也更加亲密。通过女优养成的系统,林文还可以不断提升自己的各项生活技能,成为完美好男人。各位书友要是觉得《女优养成》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《女优养成》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25411 >>
内容简介: 楚千尘重生了。 她是永定侯府的庶女,爹爹不疼,姨娘不爱,偏又生得国色天香,貌美无双。 上一世,她因为意外毁了容,青梅竹马的表哥从此移情别恋,侯府厌弃她,却又一再利用她,最后把她 视作弃子赶出了侯府,任她自生自灭。 而害她之人却青云直上,荣华一世。 …… 上一世,他捡到了无依无靠的她,悉心教导。 他死后,她用了十年颠覆王朝,为他报仇,再睁眼时,竟重生在了毁容之前…… 翻盘重来是必须的。 更重要的是,她想见他! ———— 小剧场: 听说,宸王不喜女色,最讨厌女子涂脂抹粉,浓妆艳抹。 听说,曾经有公府千金被他一句“丑人多做怪”斥得羞愤欲绝。 前世,楚千尘也是这么以为的,青衣素钗,生怕他不喜。 直到今世,花好月圆夜,宸王摸出一个小巧的胭脂盒,笑若春风地看着她,“我替你擦?” 楚千尘:“……” 宸王:“闺中之乐,有甚于画眉者。”1w0-1838 >>
1. Midara na Senritsu Hiwai na Yubisaki (Lewd Melody Obscene Fingers) by SHINJO MayuYurika has grown so used to doing what others tell her to do that she never realized she was like a caged bird. She accepted it as a matter of course when arrangements were made for her to get engaged to Satoshi, her controlling piano teacher. That is until piano genius and fringe element Hibiki teaches Yurika how to put emotion in her music--how to fly from her cage--among other less innocent things...(Also included in Motto Oshiete)2. Hyoutenka no Maria by MINAMI KananA story about a girl named Miona who saved the drunken university student Rikuya from freezing to death. To thank her, he takes her to an amusement park... they get along very well and Miona kinda fell in love with him. Next day she sees on tv that a female student from the same university as Rikuya was stabbed... and she begins to think that it was him...3. Abunai Houkenshitsu (Dangerous Health Room) by AYUKAWA MioFujimori-sensei has a secret that involves the health room. Could he be meeting someone there...!?4. S no Junjou M no Yuuwaku by KOUSAKA YuukaYuu is in love with Makoto, only to find out that her mother is engaged to Makoto's father. Now she must live with Makoto, and his equally handsome twin brother.5. Kare no Taion Kanojo no Toiki (His Body Temperature Her Long Sigh) by ASAMI MiyabiYukina is on the same committee as Narimiya. She notices the cologne that he is wearing and stares at him sadly. Could the fragrance be the cause...!?**Also included in [m]Kedamono Shounen Shoujo[/m]6. Kakusei Full Moon (Full Moon Awakening) by YUUHI RyuuYuzuki and Takara are childhood friends and so close that people consider Takara to be Yuzuki's girlfriend. But it's all in good fun--because Yuzuki is eighteen and Takara is only thirteen. Now that Takara's body is maturing, though, the joke isn't as easy to brush off as it once was...especially with a full moon pulling Yuzuki's desires to the surface.7. Tomodachi Ijou x H Miman (More than Friends, Not Up to Sex) by USAMI TaeMaking a confession is the most difficult part in a love relationship. Follow Miku in her way of saying 'I LOVE YOU TEPPEI'.
Yusa Chiaki is a ordinary high-school student, whose motto is simplicity and frugality. Her favorite character is Uesugi Youzan. One day while going to search for a part time job she gets chased by kappas and a mysterious man rescues her. What will happen to her now?
From Hanashi (Yaoi): The story is about the young man Takaaki (spoken as: Taka'aki) who waters a certain flower pot by chance. A small man who slept a thousand years inside the sprout comes out and needs to adapt to the new world--and to win Takaaki's heart, of course.
From Aerandria Scans: Miyaji Rintaro is a normal salary man who visits the foreign country of Gladimar to seal a business contract to export a rare plant called Kapalu. Even with the contract signed and sealed, everything isn’t as it seems as Rintaro finds a beautiful chained girl who suddenly attacks him. Is there something more to this country and the Kapalu plant than meets the eye?
My Wayward Ex-Wife summary: Mu Huanqing despised two people in her life. – The first was the Emperor, who had terrible matchmaking skills; the second was the Duke of Zhen Yuan, who was forced into a marriage with her due to the imperial edict. He did not like her and had contempt for her family, the Mu family, for using this marriage to climb up the social ladder. Because of Mu Huanqing, he couldn’t marry his sweetheart and could only make her a lowly concubine. She also didn’t care for him as she was originally living a free and leisurely lifestyle. Who knew that one imperial edict would end her happy days, causing her to be forcefully married to the cold, arrogant, and unmanageable Fu Yanlin? Not long after their marriage, he made her move into a manor in the country side, letting her live on her own. However, she didn’t care for it and instead even gave birth to an obedient and outstanding daughter. But one day, the husband who abandoned her suddenly appeared at the countryside manor, destroying her peaceful days. He was still cold and arrogant, but a reserved air of authority was added to him as time pa.s.sed. She didn’t know what type of plan he had concocted If he came to bully her treasured daughter, she would definitely break all ties with him! The little daughter widened her innocent eyes, looking at the demon that no one else could see. “I’m scared!” The demon gently pinched the little girl’s beautiful face: “Don’t be scared. The person your dad wants to bully isn’t you, but your mom.”
The Smoky God summary: The Smoky God summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Smoky God. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Dark Star summary: The Dark Star summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dark Star. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Rebirth Of A Movie Star summary: In his previous life Bai Lang was a small star. He rejected his boss and stupidly engaged in a relationship which he thought was true love. He didn’t expect that he would get betrayed, die of a heart attack and trouble his boss to accompany him on his last journey. After his rebirth, he decided to give up on true love. As for his boss… since he wants something then just let him have it ba. So this little star after his rebirth collected his boss, and then it became a true love story with his boss. In between there are good friends/love rivals/sc.u.m men in the mix. A sweet story with a happy ending.