内容简介:每天下午六点更新。下本要开的《女配只想为国争光》求收藏。即将退休的梁汝莲最后一次穿越,她不再做工具人,要做自己。拒绝极品,狗血变热血,女人不止能顶半边天。1《叛逆女知青变成战斗飞行员》 2《霸总小娇妻变成攀岩冠军》3《花瓶女明星拿到诺贝尔》4《末世里的植物专家》下本要开的同类型文求收藏。《女配她只想为国争光》人最宝贵的是生命,最灿烂的是青春,可以短暂,但不可以不精彩。梁昭平从穿越那刻1w0-25527 >>
内容简介:两“禽”相悦两“禽”相悦小说阅读言情都市类型小说两“禽”相悦由作家东奔西顾创作这就是一个清新腹黑毒舌女和妖孽不羁腹黑男激情碰撞斗智斗勇的故事,当腹黑撞上腹黑,毒舌女一向以奚落打击桃花男 为己任,并乐此不疲奋斗不息。这个故事不止是言情,接下来你就会发现奸情,再往下还可以期待色1w12136-74498 >>
内容简介: 神秘玉塔,镇杀强者。 乌金牢狱,紫金链锁着一具具强者的尸骨…… 一个从玄气枯竭时代,穿越回黄金时代的小小玄士,得到神秘玉塔,他的人生轨迹,将注定不平凡。 --- 玄徒开辟星 海、玄士内气外放,玄师凝物化形,玄宗大势养成;玄君见微知著;玄王沟通天地;玄皇号令玄极、玄尊天地洪炉、玄圣星辰幻灭、玄帝演化宇宙。 ------ 新书《心界之主》已发,兄弟们给个收藏~1w0-2688 >>
内容简介:为了男人的承诺,萧晨强势回归,化身美女总裁的贴身保镖,横扫八方之敌,谱写王者传奇! 他—— 登巅峰,掌生死,纵横世界,醒掌天下权,醉卧美人膝! —————— 小 舞的微信公众号:寂mo的舞者,可以去关注哦! 小舞的QQ:1589045849,可以去加好友! 唯舞独尊①群:545765633! 1w0-1135 >>
内容简介:穿成修真界男配的妹妹【这周工作任务加重,更新时间不能保证啦,30号开始恢复正常呜呜呜】高级机械工程师一朝穿成刚刚孵化的蛋壳里,从人变成鸟,话说蛋壳能不能吃,作为鸟该怎么飞翔?忍饥1w0 -75948 >>
内容简介:虞宛宛是宁国公府的表姑娘,生得杏脸桃腮,娇柔妩媚,好似天生就会勾人,这才刚刚及笄,便引来不知多少男人暗暗垂涎。她却一眼看上当朝太子,靠着一身媚术勾上了他。是夜,芙蓉暖帐,光影摇曳,虞宛 宛却做了一个怪梦。梦里,她如愿以偿进了东宫,太子一开始被她迷得神魂颠倒,要什么给什么,还捧她做了太子妃。可一转眼,却又翻脸无情,为了夺嫡争位,转而迎娶他那个出身高贵、家世雄厚的表妹,将她废黜休弃,囚于后宫。最后,太子登基那日,她落得一个“狐媚惑主”的罪名被赐死。毒酒入喉的感觉如此真实,吓得虞宛宛一个战栗惊醒1w0-81683 >>
内容简介:上辈子的柳清死于驸马以及所谓亲生哥哥的联手杀害中。重生过来,柳清走了一条与上辈子完全不同的路……上辈子意想不到的人成了这辈子最大的幕后推手。只是怎么感觉男女主人设拿反了……她要劳心劳力 扛起一国之责,他却在身后狐假虎威不亦乐乎。她不过随便抱怨了两句,这男人竟然离家出走……柳清仰天咆哮捶胸顿足。宁长秀,你给我回来啊!老娘愿意养着你啊!奏折再好也不如你给老娘做的蛋炒饭啊!这状况一直延续到某天,柳清收到了一条来自她那个时代的短信……1w0-84419 >>
内容简介:安如枫因为杀掉世界主角而被天雷劈个半死。重活一次,她立下誓言,再也不当反派了。于是乎她开启了“弘扬正义”之旅。别人在恐怖世界里都是小心翼翼求生存,能苟一天是一天。而安如枫不一样,威胁食 人魔、与变态杀人狂谈心别人以为她在作死边缘疯狂试探,但她转头就把鬼怪屠干净了。后来安如枫遇到了谢淮安,她才知道原来还有另一种弘扬正义的方式。两人合起伙来打劫鬼怪,把对方的裤兜扒的比脸还要干净,从此走上发家致富之路。被掏空的众鬼怪欲哭无泪:当初不是说不做反派吗?你这不是啪啪打脸吗?安如枫:好人的准则就是为民除害cp妖艳贱货型反派大佬x毒舌骄傲小狼狗(强强联手)阅读注意事项:女主是真反派,不是成长型。本文主剧情,感情慢热。预收文:我怎么这么好看无限(不要脸求收藏)1w0-81099 >>
内容简介:15岁的孟桐在日记本上写道:“我一定要让卓越、赵丽岚还有她的野种受到惩罚!”孟桐当着全校师生面前,曝光了卓予凡是小三的儿子。17岁的孟桐想到了一个报复小三的绝佳办法——把她的儿子变成强 奸犯。成人礼的前一天,孟桐告卓予凡强奸她。追更:1w87874-118933 >>
内容简介:聋哑儿童学校校长,将这平淡的一生献给学校,献于学生,偶有逗鸟钓鱼下棋解闷,性子淡漠,谁承想闯入活力四射的萝莉少女,在他面前丑态百出,惹他心烦恼怒,让他展开欢笑。萝莉少女驾到,任凭你岿然 不动,也要百般计谋,让你束手就擒。当老干部校长遇到活力少女护士小姐姐,老干部的生活到此结束。许久后的某一天,聋哑学院传来:“温校长夜夜笙箫,从此学校的早会改成晚会。孩子们的贴心罗护士呀,要改口啦!”初次见面,我于你是素昧生平的好感;初次见面,你于我是四月天的人间欢喜。1w0-98466 >>
内容简介:梅林从命运的轻响中苏醒,他看到这新世界钢铁尚未觉醒,神域荣光飘扬。寒冷冰川中,上帝的义人孤独守望。遗孤还在流浪,孩子仍未归乡。汹涌海潮上,海渊的女王难诉离殇。暴徒追亡逐北,火种保存希望 。渺渺群星外,数据的灵魂茫然打量。王者依然沉睡,泰坦神话消亡。未知世界下,异域的黑暗悄声隐藏。交错无序的故事中,他能否看清未来?忠诚的阴影,在火焰下消亡。重燃的火焰,在阴影中点亮。这是诸神的游戏,是黑夜的故事,是梅林的人生,亦是阴影的传奇。各位书友要是觉得《美漫世界阴影轨迹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-8197 >>
A series of oneshots 1) Ookami Shounen Chisato loves strong, dangerous and cool guys. That's why Ikehara, who hates dogs and confesses to her, is no good! But then, Ikehara tells Chisato his secret??! 2) White White It?s Christmas Eve and Saori goes through a blizzard to give homework to her crush Masa-kun. When Masa-kun's girlfriend cancels Saori gets to spend the day with him. 3) Together With You Misa is dating her childhood friend but when things don't go her way do they split up for good? 4) Pig 5) Spider's Thread 6) START
From ADV: Jih-Ro is destined to become the conqueror of the land, but there is one problem—another man shares his fate. This other man will become the conqueror as a result of Jih-Ro’s death unless he can be found and stopped. A search must commence, one that will ultimately become a hunt, but Jih-Ro’s expedition will not be a lonely one. He stumbles upon a man called Il-Geum, who joins the future conqueror in his quest. Their meeting will prove to be more than a coincidence, though, as it becomes clear that Il-Geum is quite possibly the man Jih-Ro has sought. Together, the two begin a new journey and a new rivalry. As the stakes are heightened through kidnappings, deceit and magic, trust becomes a distant memory, and the two begin a feud that could ultimately lead to death, or worse…
From DrCoke at MangaHelpers: Eight years ago, a girl went missing while playing hide-and-seek in the forest. Starting around then, instances of 'labyrinths' started spawning in random places, which led to an increasing amount of missing people. Kaori was one of them, when she was never found after the game of hide-and-seek she played with Shuhei. Now, eight years later, Shuhei still feels guilty for the loss of Kaori. He feels as though he, too, should be dragged into these 'labyrinths' in the search for his long lost friend. Now, he found an opening into the labyrinth. In it, he begins his search for the truth behind this phenomenon!
Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha summary:
Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circ.u.mstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.
She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously s.e.xy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?
'I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere...'
'...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway.'
What is the s.e.xy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?
'This cannot be!' I roared. 'There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna.'
'I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her.'
When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from pa.s.sion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?
***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong s.e.xual Content
Fallen - Child Of Mercy summary: Fallen - Child Of Mercy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fallen - Child Of Mercy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tortilla Flat summary: Tortilla Flat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tortilla Flat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Bold As Love summary: Bold As Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bold As Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.