




简介【每周一、周四 更新】身为京城头牌舞姬的李念皎,私下底却是仇恨吸血一族又身手矫健的夜族猎人。一次狩猎中,她意外卷入帅哥夏夜与白发夜族间的争斗,却被夏夜发现真实身份,以此要挟要对他言听计从?与此同时,神秘的白发夜族对她似乎也有着不一样的暧昧~




























内容简介:一代兵王回归都市从新开始生活,只为了寻找六年前救他性命的女孩,她的大腿上有颗痣,这是唯一的线索。先从打工仔开始做起好了。我:“小姐姐!!”小姐姐:“嗯?”我:“拜托你给我看下大腿!”小 姐姐:…1w0-65797 >>


内容简介:  这是一个普通人能从噩梦中获得力量,所发生的故事……林盛突然有一天,发现自己平凡普通的日常里,多出了一点异样。一个不断重复的噩梦,让他开始了一段无法形容的诡异旅程。一个庞大的梦魇,一 个迷幻的秘密。~~新书,万千之心,欢迎大家来玩~1w0-287 >>


内容简介:关于开局八岐大蛇:君临和之国:作为黑炭一族的嫡系子嗣,黑炭晴明持有‘阴阳师’系统,斩杀黑炭大蛇召唤八岐大蛇,打造自己的家臣,君临和之国。不只是如此!以和之国为根基,逐步向着全世界扩散而 去,世界政府无1w0-26039 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:和周姐结婚后,我无双科学家曝光】叶尘穿越到平行世界,并且在24岁时成为最年轻的教授。某天,叶尘正在魔都大学讲课,身为当红女主播周淑芬忽然来了。正当所有人疑惑时 ,周淑怡红着脸看着叶尘说道:“那个……叶尘,你能不能陪我去做个孕检?”叶尘:“?????”正在叶尘懵逼时,他激活了神级选择系统。【选项一:拒绝周淑怡,奖励:十万现金】【选项二:答应周淑怡,奖励:魔都汤臣一品房子】叶尘这才反应过来,周淑芬怀孕正是他的杰作!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢和周姐结婚后,我无双科学家曝光,别忘记分享给朋友和周姐结婚后,我无双科学家曝光TXT下载1w0-77553 >>


内容简介:穿越而来,她自带防毒雷达。哔哔——啥?姨娘凶狠,外加蛇蝎庶妹?哔哔——呀!包办婚姻,老公还看不上她?没关系,凭她超高智商,灭杀渣渣只在转 瞬之间。绝色容颜,吸引狂蜂浪蝶无数,人气爆棚,神马皇帝亲王,都是裙下之臣。“你是我的女人!”凭啥?有发票么?有信誉卡么?“你肚子里的娃,是我的。”靠!居然被人先斩后奏,扛进了皇宫。说好的翻手为云呢?说好的覆手为雨呢?都给本妃还回来!1w0-1092 >>


内容简介:总角相交,行至白首。方寸后宅,焉困飞凰。这一世,她生而妖孽……上一世,她苦捱八年,毒发而亡,重回儿时。既然重生了,便是老天爷将这二十八年的记忆赐她为戈。为何隐忍,又何需隐忍,这一世若不 能痛痛快快的活,她岂非辜负这场重头来过的相逢。谢亲爱的基友阿闲做的封面。关于本文:金手指文,苏爽甜宠暖外加虐渣……男主温柔忠犬,双强,1酱!本文大概又名《大家来找磋之男主你在哪?》、《躲在人群里的男主》……谢1w0-82280 >>


内容简介:《穿成顶级流量后我飘了》简介:从娱乐圈顶级流量到演艺界模范天王长得帅真的就可以为所欲为么是的。你的跑调叫跑调,冯煜的跑调叫即兴表演;你的棒读叫棒读,冯煜的棒读叫冰山酷男;你的失误叫失误 ,冯煜的失误叫幽默观众不要怀疑人生,粉丝对冯煜的宠爱从来就是没有道理的那这世界还有没有天理啊有的一朝人设崩塌,多年心血成空。史上最大规模的脱粉回踩事件发生啦昔日顶级流量沦为过街老鼠,口诛笔伐如排山倒海。看着空有一副好皮囊的自己,冯煜自闭了叮“人气兑换系统”绑定完毕,请宿主领取新手礼包。如果您喜欢本文,请登录收藏并不吝赐鲜花评。您的热情将化作作者更新的动力,谢谢支持本文的发表形式为独家发表,作者与晋江签署的合约为全版权代理。未经晋江文学城书面授权,请勿以任何形式转载本文。郑重提醒本故事纯属虚构;如有雷同,纯属巧合。文中所涉及人物、组织和事件,均为杜撰;书中情节切勿模仿。。1w0-81303 >>






内容简介:虞兮枝穿书了,成了仙侠文里存在感极低的宗门二师姐。按照剧情,原主会因为嫉恨女主小师妹的千万宠爱而心灵扭曲,彻底黑化。成为小师妹证道的垫脚石,被一剑诛之,落得个神魂无存的下场。虞兮枝为了 活下去,通宵练剑,奋力升级,结果末了,她体内竟然藏着能一波送她到大宗师境界的汹涌灵力。再看看同门里还在辛辛苦苦筑基的诸位师兄妹、还没到洞玄期的掌门。突然觉得,故事可能和自己想的不太一样——这明明是满级大佬重回新手村!所以二师姐到底是个什么高危职业!都这么厉害了还能被小师妹一剑穿心?!不行,她还得再练练。于是大家眼睁睁看着与世无争的二师姐开始一心问道。先是在宗门内的选剑大会上,劈断了大师兄的剑;在试炼小秘境里力压他派精英弟子,轻松取得先天秘宝;又在五派三道比剑大会上一剑成名,拨得头筹,一夜之间成了所有人的女神。开始崭露头角的虞兮枝再无可能被一剑穿心,只有一点让她很苦恼。为何每次她装完逼耍完帅后一回头,总能看到那个原书里真正黑化、心狠手辣毁天灭地的反派小师叔,正在托着下巴含笑看着她?心狠手辣盛世美颜假娇弱·小师叔X戏精上身力拔山河假娴静·二师姐本文要点:·轻松仙侠向,剧情向,升级流,依然私设如山,为爱发电,随心所欲。1w0-2650 >>


内容简介:三年了……一转眼,她代替哥哥参与科举,高中状元,而后入朝为官,已经近三年了。从初时的忐忑,每一步的谨小慎微,但现在在宫中大方行走,天知道她经历了多少次的危险。1w13679-12870 9 >>


内容简介:  目前,第一卷大修完毕。友情提示:本书阅读存在一定难度,叙事节奏、文体结构都有别于绝大多数网文!勿要轻易入坑,伏笔特多,需要边看边记,更新缓慢,时常大修,只想打造理想标准中的小说。阅 读完第一卷方能大高潮!1w0-1601 >>

Koi No Shizuku

1-2) Dripping of Love Maya and Narusawa, college students at the same university, start sleeping together in what was supposed to be a purely physical relationship. Maya, however, starts to fall deeper into the relationship and has started to want more. Will real love mess up the relationship they have now? The bittersweet story of two people troubled by love. 3) The Distance That Your Voice Touches Miyakawa's upstairs neighbor Tsukasa is always dropping things onto his balcony, and of course Miyakawa has to return them, only to be fed dinner and sexually harassed! It's getting to be too much for the poor college student. 4) I Want to Embrace High school student Takase is unwittingly drawn to cheerful energetic Sora. But as his interest and naturally protective feelings toward his friend become something deeper and more dangerous, Takase begins to pull away from Sora. 5) Shake Kikisui is a waiter in a cafe with primarily female clientele, but lately a handsome man in a black suit has been coming around. Miyamamo has no sense of personal space and a crush on Kikisui. Extra) Voice of Answer to You Maya and Narusawa.

Discommunication Spirit World

Takaomi Matsubue and Arika Togawa are second-year students at the same high school. By some strange quirk of fate, they started dating. Matsubue-kun is a really weird guy (in truth, other people just don't understand him), which causes Togawa-san to ponder: 'Why do I like this guy anyway? Why do people fall in love?' They encounter a profound mystery: Tsugumi Yoshimoto, a girl who has been sleeping, sleep-eating, and sleep-walking for half a year. According to Touko and Rinko Mishima, sisters who are also well-acquainted with the structure and interpretation of dreams, this is a matter that concerns them all... http://www.mangafox.com/manga/discommunication_seireihen/

Billion Girl

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Tsuugaku Densha - Kimi To Boku No Heya

From Night Constellations: Morishita Haruna is a high schooler who has a crush on a guy, called 'Haru' (by his friends), whom she had always seen at the train she rides on. One day, when waking up Haruna was shocked to see 'Haru' sleeping in her bed! Neither one of them had known why 'Haru' was there. After introducing themselves to each other Haruna knew that 'Haru' is actually his surname and his full name is Harukawa Kanata. Kanata was just about to leave, but an invisible wall on the door is preventing him from getting out of Haruna's room. Him being unable to leave, Haruna has no choice, but to go to school while Kanata stayed in her room. At the train station, an old man tried to molest Haruna, but Kanata saved her?! But this Kanata doesn't know Haruna!! Rushing back home, she saw the Kanata who slept in her room still being there! What happened to Kanata's body?

Song Of Exile

Song Of Exile summary: Born under a bad sign, little Cai Wenchang is blamed for an epidemic that killed his parents and over a hundred of his kinsmen in Cai Family Village. Bullied, beaten, under-clothed and underfed, forced to work hard day in and day out, he ekes out a living the best he can. A chance encounter with an old freak sets off a chain of events that will change his fate. Having taken all the torment he can take, Wenchang decides to enter the jianghu and join the ranks of society’s seedy underbelly. He will walk his own path and show them that he is not a helpless lamb, that the years of abuse he received have been carved into his bones and engraved in his heart. But once you enter the jianghu, it is not so easy to get out&h.e.l.lip; Note: This novel, being a print novel, is rather short compared to most webnovels. About 160+ chapters. So no need to stack up too much first.

Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu summary: Ryner Lute didn’t have motivation.
The only thing sought by students here at the Roland Empire Special Royal Academy is ability as a tool of war. However, eternally lethargic and a poor student, Ryner just wished he could indulge in being carefree and indolent.
But, Ryner’s wish will never be granted. He possesses those special “eyes”, and consequently……
The young n.o.ble Sion and the beautiful female swordsman Ferris show an interest in this Ryner.
Before long, the vortex of war they are dragged into complexly combines the destinies of these three young people!
Is there any kind of future reflected in Ryner’s “eyes”?
Somehow, the curtain is rising for this new sensational anti-heroic saga!

Triplets: Lucky Mommy Is A Beautiful Badass

Triplets: Lucky Mommy Is A Beautiful Badass summary: Triplets: Lucky Mommy Is A Beautiful Badass summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Triplets: Lucky Mommy Is A Beautiful Badass. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Tables Turned

The Tables Turned summary: The Tables Turned summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tables Turned. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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