










简介就读于舞岛学园高中部的桂木桂马是个喜欢恋爱养成游戏(Galgame)的高中生。曾经成功攻略过10000名女生(游戏中),有着能够攻略任何类型女性的能力,是拥有一切galgame攻略的网站“落とし神”的管理者,以高超的技术被广大机友尊称为“落とし神”(攻略之神、攻陷之神)。 某日,一名少女从从天而降来到他的面前。这名少女名叫艾露西,从地狱远道而来的她委托桂马为她捕获“驱魂”(驱け魂)的协力者。方法是使被附身的人类恋爱,填补她的心灵缝隙,从而把因在心里无处容身而逃出来的驱魂捕获。对现实生活中的女孩退避三舍的桂马自然毫不犹豫的拒绝了艾露西的要求,但是由于和艾露西结成的契约危及生命,所以他不得不心不甘情不愿的承诺帮忙。于是,GAL界的“攻略之神”桂木桂马终于以三次元世界的女生发动了攻略






















内容简介:其实应该是:《太子妃她有点懵》庶女金兰进宫探望入选秀女的妹妹,忽然被权势滔天的司礼监大太监掳走,接着又被闻讯赶来的皇太子救下。素未谋面的两个男人都对她情根深种,而她一头雾水,什么都不知 道,稀里糊涂进了宫,成为了东宫太子妃。十五岁的东宫储妃,十七岁的中宫皇后。史书记载,帝后同起同卧,朝夕与共,一如民间夫妻。终景宗一生,六宫虚设,未纳妃嫔。避雷:1太子没重生,小罗是真太监,穿越文,女主会穿越到太子小罗小时候。前几章可能看得迷糊,女主她也懵。2苏文,很苏。3有原型参考,结局走向不同。各位书友要是觉得《太子妃她有点怂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27257 >>


内容简介:在繁星王朝由盛转衰的时代,新大陆的出现成为各种族冒险和争夺的乐园。延绵的山脉保护着脆弱的人类领主联盟;矮人把守着前往财富之地的大门;精灵不断扩展自己的林地,试图重现银月年代的辉煌。山的 另一边,巨龙统治了天空,兽人占据了地面,还有其他的邪恶在地底蠢蠢欲动。在这日子里,西格尔不过是一个孤儿,在捕捞乌贼的笼子里被发现,伴生着一枚二十面骰子。他梦想着冒险和成为英雄,但是不知道怎样去实现。他先后做过海员、扈从、骑士、领主,但是唯有魔法的力量让他倾心。但如何在魔法之中保持本心,却成了他最大的挑战。(这就是法师故事2。ps,“骰”tou二声)1w0-29881 >>


内容简介:【魔幻、搞笑、无敌、迪化、系统、穿越】“我把你当系统,你竟然骗了我一百年,原来我不是小辣鸡!”终于有一天,林奇发现他根本不是弱者之后,泪流满面。于是,在‘沙雕四人组’的带领下,他出山了 。但很快,林奇逐渐发现了不对劲。嗯?啥?我只是想要搞点钱,吃个猪脚饭,我竟然去打仗去了?什么?我要统治世界?我怎么不知道?咦?这个世界有神!“各位神明大大听我解释,我没想把你们拉下神位啊!”1w40640-55725 >>




内容简介:(高人气伪音女陪玩×KPL最狗打野)所有人都知道JK俱乐部的新晋王牌打野是个不好惹的存在。游戏制霸,不想给对手红甚至还能承包对面的蓝,顺带再收割一波人头,最后十分嚣张的扬长而去。现实校 霸出身,身手了得,普通人不敢轻易招惹。然而就是这么一个被对手恨得牙痒痒,又让万千粉丝为之疯狂的人,却出乎意料的成了凉城大学新任校花的裙下臣,任由其在他的生命里尽情撒野。人人都说要想追到伪音女神十一只有两个办法,要么让她对你产生崇拜,要么对你产生母爱。而为了能追到人,从不肯委屈自己的秦时亦愣是把两样都占了,费尽心机才终于抱得美人归。秦时亦:星星要想坠落,只能落入他怀中。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《在你心里撒个野》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w50849-66575 >>




内容简介:有一天,方觉宇的父母把他叫到书房。方父:“儿子,你今年也满20岁了,有些事是时候告诉你了!”方觉宇:“什么事?您不会突然告诉我您是个富翁吧。”方父一惊:“你都知道了?”方觉宇:“卧槽? 真的?我瞎说的。”方父:“不过这不是重点,今天我要把我们家一代代传下来的传家宝交给你!”从此方觉宇的而生活出现了翻天覆地的变化。什么?你和我谈古董字画?你要王羲之的书法还是郑板桥的画作?哦,对了,梵高还送了我祖祖l0ns3v31w944-99848 >>


内容简介:八十年代初期,特区的建设如火如荼。 但没人能想到就在几十公里外沙口区内一个叫红星村的小村庄里,村民们居然还在为分救济粮而打破头…… 刚刚重生就被开了瓢的杨明捂着脑袋,看着那群为了几十斤 救济粮拼命的村民,再想想要不了几年,特区发展就会辐射到这边…… “都别打了,选我当村长,我带你们发家致富奔小康!” 随着杨明扯开嗓子大吼,一个传奇的村子诞生了! 在杨明的带领下,红星村成就了无数个第一——人均万元户全国第一,人均GDP全球第一,人均豪车数宇宙第一…… “经济制裁?” “你们还是先问问咱们的红星村答不答应再说吧!” 面对叫嚣,无数键盘侠们微微一笑表示毫无压力。 杨明抹着额头上的冷汗,表示自己这个村长,压力有点大…… 1w0-3280 >>


内容简介:穿越到平行空间,签到十年的陈末。为了完成超级文娱系统发布的任务,在广场开启了直播。“当你走进这欢乐场……”陈末一开腔,深沉而富有感情的嗓音,一下点燃了所有人的情绪。此时,路灯照耀下的陈 末,看起来孤独而忧郁。他仿佛用歌声创作了另一个世界。“一杯敬朝阳一杯敬月光!”这是一首属于夜晚的歌曲!直播间和现场的观众默默听完,无数人泪流满面。1w0-49660 >>


内容简介:  上辈子,明微疲于奔命,终究没能改变命运,失去了最重要的亲人。  睁开眼,她发现自己回到了七十年前。1w0-572




内容简介:  同样是《热血传奇》的故事,不同的另一个传说,总是在老哥身后的小胖子是如何成就自己的传奇?  从落魄的待业大学生到成功的网络职业高手,且看小胖子堂弟林旋如何在家庭的不理解和年轻人的困 惑中逐渐成长和铸造属于自己的传奇!  本文是《法师传奇》的姐妹篇,告诉你一些可能就在你身边的游戏玩家的真实故事。  玩游戏,也是需要天份的!1w0-2303 >>

Kataomoi No Mukougawa

Compilation of short stories: • Kataomoi no Mukougawa Azusa knew the boy in the library was already in love... So what can she do when she starts to fall for him? - Which Scanlations • Ano Kado o Magareba It’s summertime, and Kako is sick of the heat. She is feeling restless, and she wants to find a guy to fall in love with. Kako is actually desperate enough that she tells herself that she will try to fall for the next guy to walk through a nearby doorway. Fortunately, the guy who appears is really cute! Kako doesn’t know him. Can she fall for this guy? But already, her heart is pounding… • Tenshi ga Kuretamono Miyuki is working at a convenience store. One day, on Christmas Eve, an interesting guy comes in and asks for job at the store. They do, but the hours are really bad (evening shift). That-disappointed-guy then talks to Miyuki and knows she's single. The guy suddenly asks her to go out with him! She feels she can't go out with a stranger, no matter how cute he is, and no matter how persistent he is, because this stranger is just a 2nd year in High Schoo! • Bitou na Koi Chiaki is a tomboyish girl. Really though, Chiaki is everyone’s friend, and is treated by the guys in her class as “just one of the guys.” Until now, Chiaki has been fine with this, but she is starting to fall for one of her classmates. Will he ever see her as a girl, or is she doomed to be totally not his type? - Aerandria Scans • Kimi to Natsu no Aizu Hyori was forced to be a manager in the baseball club during the summer by her father who is the coach. She doesn't want this, but her friend Yoshimura is on the team, so at least she can see him. Yoshimura introduces her to the pitcher of the team, Sumida-senpai. As they get to know each other, they really hit it off. But this doesn't make Yoshimura happy...

Higanbana No Saku Yoru Ni

Marie is trapped in a horrible situation. She's being constantly tormented by her classmates and regularly molested by her teacher. With nowhere else to turn, she finds herself asking for supernatural help from one of the seven demons of the seven mysteries of her school. All she desires is the death of her cruel classmates and teacher. How far will Marie be willing to go in order to achieve the murders that would free her from her living hell? Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni takes place in an unnamed school setting and is composed of numerous self-contained short stories, each told from the perspective of a student or staff member from the school. These stories feature bullying as a major overlying theme, as each story's protagonist is depicted as being either a victim of bullying or a bully themselves. Higanbana revolves around a series of urban legends caused by supernatural beings called y?kai, each of which claims ownership of a particular 'mystery' and kills anyone who tries to investigate it. There are a total of seven 'mysteries' at the start of the series, with numerous y?kai fighting each other in an ongoing turf war for ownership of these mysteries, which is granted to the seven y?kai who emerge victorious in the conflict. The stories' protagonists interact with at least one of the school's resident y?kai, who force the protagonists to deal with the consequences of their actions regarding bullying.

7 Senchi!

From Shoujo Crusade: One day, while in search for more food, our heroine stumbles upon a jar of what looked like umeboshi; little did she know that it would bring her more than just a full stomach. The mysterious snack somehow makes her shrink and she can only grow back when she eats something (which is a bit of a chore if you're THAT tiny). And if that's not troublesome enough, she's also dealing with her crush who seems to like her best friend!?

Shoushaman No Isekai Survival ~ Zettai Hito To Wa Tsurumanee

Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~ Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee manga, A merchant by the name of Okuda Keigo put everything into his work, day and night, until one day he won a lottery of 1 billion yen! With his money worries solved for life, he moved to the countryside far away from civilization to live the slow life. Then, suddenly he was transported to another world, along with his chicken coop?! In a world where he's unable to communicate with others, you think his merchant skills will help him?! A man in his forties who hates people retired to another world. The story of his slow life has begun!

A Walk and a Drive

A Walk and a Drive summary: A Walk and a Drive summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Walk and a Drive. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

An Address to Free Coloured Americans

An Address to Free Coloured Americans summary: An Address to Free Coloured Americans summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Address to Free Coloured Americans. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jill Kismet: Flesh Circus

Jill Kismet: Flesh Circus summary: Jill Kismet: Flesh Circus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jill Kismet: Flesh Circus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Out Of Love

Out Of Love summary: Out Of Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Out Of Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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