内容简介:后妈羞辱她,他云淡风轻的将人扔到池塘里,冷漠的叮嘱:“我老婆还是个孩子,你不要欺负她。”猥琐男对她耍流氓,他不动声色的把人胳膊卸掉,霸气的宣布:“敢占我女人便宜,吃了熊心豹子胆!”同事 陷害她,他面无表情的命人下达解雇书,放话出去:“谁敢欺负她,就是和我为敌!”……传闻,慕家二爷,不近女色,十足的禁欲系男人,唯独对自《慕少宠妻甜蜜蜜》小说推荐:云泥、穿成满级大佬的掌心宠六零、真千金她是全能大佬、冬日姜饼、我的竹马是渣攻、你得对我负责、和前男友成了国民CP、旷野之渡、爽文女主她不想爆红、军婚撩人、深渊女神、还潮、明天还会爱着你、扑火、兔子压倒窝边草、女配专治不服快穿、真千金是真大佬、狙击蝴蝶、入迷、闪婚总裁契约妻1w0-95745 >>
内容简介:超人血脉主要能力:能量吸收,超级力量,超级速度,超级视力,超级听力,超级耐力,超级防御力,超级愈合能力,超级大脑,超级消化,超级呼吸,飞行,热视线,冰冻吐息。林奇不是氪星人,但是他拥有 超人血脉,他有氪星人的一切能力,氪星人没有的他也有。穿越进漫威,偶遇玛丽亚希尔,和玛丽亚同居,加入神盾局。从一个小特工开始,漫威宇宙渐渐融入了其他东西……1w0-88555 >>
内容简介: 【NPC反击玩家!吊打穿越者!】 我的世界我做主!哪里轮到你们这些魂淡来作威作福?! 走上【史上最强救世主】的道路,注定充满了刺激! …… 陈小练:从今天开始,一个宗旨为抵 抗那些魂淡的抵抗组织成立了!我们的团队名就叫……逗逼联盟! 队员:队长,这名字,我怕说出去会被人打啊…… ……1w0-659 >>
内容简介:叶玄穿越了,开局就继承了千亿集团。还带了金手指,可以看到所有人的属性、弱点、人生经历、内心想法。安晓梦:颜值96,身家亿,未婚,弱点:向往刺激飙车周冰倩:颜值100,身家20亿,未婚, 弱点:表面冰山总裁,内心喜欢二次元赵瑞龙:赵家大少爷,罪行1:杀死沈佳倩;罪行2:杀死余欢欢,证据:录音、照片,存放位置在……除此之外,叶玄还可以复制别人资料栏的技能,并花钱升级。叮……你复制了【低级车技】……叮,升级到神级【车神】。叮……你复制了【低级钢琴】……叮,升级到神级【钢琴之神】本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】1w0-83003 >>
内容简介:退役电竞一哥江小川,穿进虫族世界,成了需要依附雌虫才能活下去的雄虫。江小川果断拒做软饭男,誓要闯出自己的一片天!收到招聘网站上的第101封拒信后,江小川蹲在桥洞底下,吹着冷风,啃着雄虫 救济粮,眼泪哗哗地往下流。这个世界性别歧视太严重了,根本不给雄虫任何就业机会。心灰意冷的江小川游荡进一家“网吧”,看到久违的游戏界面,双眼放光。他要重新捡起金饭碗——重返电竞圈!莫辰是帝国顶级电竞俱乐部AG各位书友要是觉得《伪装雌虫,A爆全场电竞》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98337 >>
内容简介:众人只知道阮家优秀出色,冷艳傲气的大女儿,却极少有人听说,阮家从小被寄养在小镇上,性格温软的小女儿阮绵。阮绵20岁时,刚和她领了证的沈衡面容冷漠地说:“两年后离婚。”阮绵身体微颤,低着 头呐呐道:“哦。”京市圈子里人人皆知,沈衡不仅脾气暴躁,还极度厌恶女人。不过,听闻他两年前娶妻了,捧在手心百般宠爱。只有两人心知肚明,他们是协议婚姻,各取所需,互不干扰对方的生活。期限到时,各位书友要是觉得《沈先生,离婚请签字》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73533 >>
内容简介: 李宽穿越了!成为了李世民刚刚出生的二儿子!原本他以为自己进入了历史频道,可穿越之时带的能够穿越时空的金手指,却是一脚踹进了科幻大门!而当他接受了这个金手指,准备以金手指为资本纵横诸 天之时,他不经意间回忆起的一段位于脑海深处的记忆却是打了他一个措手不及!史料记载:楚王宽,武德三年,出后楚哀王,蚤薨。划重点,蚤薨!蚤薨的意思就是早夭,也就是夭折!也就是说,武德三年,他被李世民过继到楚哀王名下后,他就要死了!而今年...是武德二年!!!李宽回想起了他曾经瞥过一眼的新唐书中,关于楚王李宽这个人的记载后,整个人要崩溃了!不过,这还不是最崩溃的事!更崩溃的是当他准备使用金手指抢救自己一波的时候却是发现,金手指之中明确显示着,正在搜索位面,预计最低搜索时间三年...ps:目前已确定要穿越世界哈利波特,火影忍者,海贼王(时间不定,出场顺序不定!)1w0-4507 >>
内容简介:小兵提供晚春寒大神最新作品《清清白月光》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,清清白月光小说txt下载,清清白月光小说笔趣阁,清清白月光无弹窗!本站最新最快更新清清白月光小说最新章节。1w0-75 859 >>
内容简介:林钟远是公认的美人,追求他的人一拖一卡车,为了摆脱他们,林钟远谎称自己有一个深爱的白月光。“我很爱他,我们年少相识相知,虽然他现在已经不在了,但我已经发下毒誓,这辈子只有他一个爱人。” 没过多久,他就在任务世界里翻了车,被最大的反派Boss按在墙上,“听说,你非我不嫁?”危险度Max的丧尸皇笑得恶劣又危险,“要是早知道你这么爱我,我就不死了……”林钟远:QAQ白月光诈尸了还诈成了最大反派反派非要我负责第一个世界:丧尸末日位面,丧尸皇攻。第二个世界:待定。攻从始至终都是同一个人。受身上有个出了bug的万人迷光环。没心没肺,吃了就睡,天塌了也无所谓,潇洒不羁戏精小渣受又疯又病,记仇偏执,惹上就别想甩开,心思深沉重生狂犬攻哈哈没想到吧我又把文名改回来了!预收文欢迎收藏!现代妖怪题材的沙雕甜文:《我靠沙雕新闻爆红》伪替身真沙雕的欢脱甜文预收:《AI替身中病毒了》1w0-60794 >>
内容简介: 【爽文,反马甲反团宠】沉睡了一万年的神级小祖宗,醒了。 居然成了智商三岁半、奔赴高考考场的傻子千金,所有人坐等她出丑! 小祖宗微微一笑:“甚好,大智若愚。” 随手便考了个轰动 全网的“神”成绩。 环视身畔,不是马甲大佬就是团宠锦鲤小可爱,明刀暗箭都想把她摁在地上疯狂摩擦! 小祖宗勾了勾唇:“甚好,当年造人手艺还在,长歪的嘛捏一捏回炉重造即可。” 团宠大佬们的马甲遮不住小身板了,瑟瑟发抖! 随意捏完了残次品,一转身又被人拍下她和帝国那位不可说的爷,共盖一床大被的“雅”照,瞬间击碎了全世界少女的心! 小祖宗略一沉吟:“甚……不妥,我只是偶尔馋他身、身上的灵气,你们继续。” 数日后。 某妖孽男人一纸婚书,亲自送至府上:听说你馋爷身……? #反套路小祖宗VS禁欲霸道硬汉男 #1w0-2599 >>
A collection of 4 cute school life romance stories about first loves: • Tonari no Hijiri-kun - This is a tale about a girl named Megumi, and two brothers who are as different as night and day. Add a bit of tennis and there you go. • Dakishi Metai!! - Mirai's family had a tragic accident and so since he was young he went to live with an older girl, Hanoka. After years of being raised together, will Hanoka give him his own space? • Help! - A continuation of story 2. Things are still awkward between Hanoka and Mirai. Are they siblings? Are they a couple? And what happens when another girl takes an interest in Mirai? • Sensei no Himitsu - Top student Kyouko is given the task of tutoring Jin, a stubborn and lazy boy. The first thing Jin tells her is to just take the money and go home. But when Kyouko persists Jin makes an offer: if he scores in the top thirty Kyouko must never see him again!
Negi Springfield, a 10-year old magician, aspires to eventually become a 'Magister Magi', a particular magician who, under the guise of operating under an NGO, utilizes his powers to help ordinary individuals. After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he could be delegated the job of teaching English at the middle-school, where his homeroom course consists of 31 daughters, each quite particular in her very own manner of Mahora Academy. The show details experiences and his time in Japan as he assists them in their troubles, attains approval and respect from his pupils, and confronts magic dangers from inside as well as outside Mahora Academy. Negi's main relationship is with Asuna Kagurazaka, room mate and his pupil, who dislikes him initially but after recognizes him as a friend and becomes his companion although all the women has her very own back story and character. He's also hunting for his dad who's called the Thousand Master. While initially seeming to be another romantic-comedy work featuring numerous bish?jo characters like Love Hina, the show, has advanced right into a mixture of sh?nen romance, fantasy, horror, action and comedy. Akamatsu said that he particularly wanted to do some thing 'different' from Love Hina. Negi himself is prepubescent, and several of his scenes with Asuna are unique variations of the 'awkward romantic scene' trend of harem manga, immediately defused and just played for laughs. Additionally, a lot of the girls are not unable to fawn over him in a childish sense with no expectations that are intimate in the reader [ study that is unique?] In maintaining this particular fashion, Negi himself is considered other typical male leads of manga as well as a comparison to Love Hina's Keitaro Urashima. He's hardworking, competent, and treated kindly, but due to his look and age (well below the majority of his pupils), he feels utterly non-threatening and finds it hard to be taken seriously as a teacher; several of his pupils handle him as a cunning little child, if not a playmate (or plaything)
From Midnight Scans: “Young Master, please stop teasing me!” “How am I supposed to do such a thing to you, Master?!” After my Mom gets into an accident, I had to go in her stead to be a maid in the noble Takaido household. However, it’s not an ordinary maid job, I am assigned to serve a slightly perverted and saucy young master?! Includes: Obocchama no Otanoshimi (Young Master's Pleasure) Obocchama no Otawamure (Young Master's Joke) Obocchama no Okiniiri (Young Master's Favorite) Amanogawa Distance (Milky Way Distance) Hibari Shokudou he Irasshai! (Welcome to the Hibari Dining Hall!)
Soda and Sukhee have known each other since they were little. Soda was the 'hero' of the local kids, famous for her flying-chicken attack. While Sukhee was the new kid in town who tried to take over the playground and ended up getting a good beating from Soda. What really is the fate between these two as Sukhee challenge Soda to a fight each and everyday? 'Sensation Scans'
Studies in Logical Theory summary: Studies in Logical Theory summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Studies in Logical Theory. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius? summary:
Arakawa Kouki is reincarnated to a j.a.pan with a different history than the j.a.pan he knows with the memories of his previous life still intact. Kouki was discouraged, “Aren’t reincarnation stories supposed to be at some fantasy world filled with swords, magic and elves?!”
But one day, his random scribbles leads (his mom) to the discovery of a certain formula, which as a result, leads him to be mistaken as a genius by the entire world.
For that achievement he is sent to the school of prodigies, the State Technology Academy, where he meets the Canadian girl, Alice, and the robot engineering genius, Shingo. And even at such a place, he is still mistaken as a genius?! Every time Kouki shows his knowledge from his previous life, he is mistaken as a genius, and everywhere he goes irregularity follows.
This is the comedic life of a genius reincarnation loaded with misunderstandings.
Hilarity Ensues summary: Hilarity Ensues summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hilarity Ensues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Cupid: A Dark Erotic Romance summary: Cupid: A Dark Erotic Romance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cupid: A Dark Erotic Romance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.