内容简介:陈扬是一名光荣的小保安,也是最牛的小保安,没有之一!繁华都市里,陈扬以超强的身手和非凡的智慧如鱼得水。敌人强猛,以拳破之。敌人狡诈,以智慧破之。奈何,离异女业主的美丽成熟,冰山总裁妹妹 智慧无双,警花妹妹的英姿飒爽,她们所交织的情网袭杀而来时,陈扬的拳与智慧都失去了作用?万丈红尘,我破不开!各位书友要是觉得《猛男诞生记陈扬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1452-4641 >>
内容简介:生产队的都说余家祖坟冒青烟了,新进门的媳妇突然一改先前的懒馋,不仅做得一手好菜,就是地里的农活也干得有模有样,更让人眼红的是,人家一举考上大学,毕业就成了吃商品粮的教师。眼看余家日子越 过越好,生产队的纷纷开始巴结当家的新媳妇,只有周小满在心底默默流泪,一辈子稳重内敛的自己,怎么就摊上这么个二流子老公1w0-89946 >>
内容简介:【傲娇炸毛X偏执深情】南陌是只兔子精。快化成人形时被许初洵逮住。许初洵本来是想把兔子炖了吃的,结果发现…这兔子喜欢炸毛,喜欢嗷嚎,喜欢看狗血剧,喜欢藏独食,还喜欢窝在角落里啃胡萝卜。许 初洵摸着下巴:有趣。南陌:狗血剧看到一半把我拎走,吃胡萝卜吃到一半把我拎走,好不容易屯起来的食物还给我扔了?!你以为我好欺负?——————南陌是兔王的儿子。和一众妖王的长子厮混多年,威名在外。如今却要在男人面前撒娇打滚就放过。1w0-94090 >>
内容简介:莫名被穿越就算了,到处都是兽什么鬼?动不动就变身白虎的银发帅哥要做她的雄性又是什么鬼?还有,她随随便便生个火,怎么就成牛逼哄哄大巫师了?果然,没有最落后,只有更落后。就算有帅哥养眼,都 挡不住她回家的决心。沐穆仰天长啸:我要回地球!!某只帅老虎板着脸:“崽都生了,你想始乱终弃?”……大哥!这个成语不是这么用的!!不过看在她家崽那么萌的份上,她还是勉为其难留下来吧,顺便带着帅老公发家致富奔小康!1w0-61688 >>
内容简介:【1月4号入v,三更走起】白晓晓一朝穿到了书里,乡野村妇的开局,拿的剧本是反派的恶毒前妻,毒夫杀子又红杏出墙!反派还是重生的未来权臣,表面温润如玉君子,实则心狠手辣到家。面对这样的困局 ,白晓晓保持淡定,好在必死剧情还未展开,她还有救!!!傅玉重活一世,准备继续上一世的轨迹,不过除了成为权臣以外,他还要亲手杀了恶毒前妻。狠狠的折磨她!本来是这么想的,但是,与原计划有着一些出入。不知为何各位书友要是觉得《穿成偏执反派的恶毒前妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84245 >>
内容简介:李梦瑶的热情简介《李梦瑶的热情》是现代言情小说,主角是“李梦瑶、张宗泽”,讲述了李梦瑶是医院的一名护士,身材是非常的好,结婚两年了,因老公出差,她和公公张宗泽产生了这样的情愫……1w0 -86547 >>
内容简介:英雄联盟电竞文团战、Gank、视野、操作、意识、英雄池……全部拉满!顾行用职业生涯诠释着,什么叫六边形打野!……18岁的顾行意外发现了自己的独特天赋,他原本只想利用暑期空闲时间赚点生活 费,缓解一下家里的经济压力,却阴差阳错一头扎进了2016年的LPL。联赛内有横扫一切的EDG,异军突起的RNG,重组版本的WE……联赛外强敌环伺,连续3年夺冠的LCK气势如虹,还在延续自己的宰治,欧美赛区蠢蠢欲动试图翻身,LPL依旧行走在漫无边际的黑暗中。但来都来了。在顾行踏上职业道路的这一刻开始,目标就只有冠军!1w0-71863 >>
内容简介:前世叶非晚被封卿打入冷院郁郁而终,哪想一朝重生,竟重生在赐婚后。叶非晚再不动情,作天作地、“勾三搭四”、为封卿纳妾填房、敬而远之,只求一封和离书。未曾想,那封卿终于被惹恼应下和离,却在 第二日诡异的反悔了,开始漫漫追妻路。她跑他堵,她退他进,她捻酸他便砸了醋坛子,她要红杏出墙……某王爷:乖,前世今生,没人比本王更眼瞎。叶非晚:……后来。“娘子想要睥睨天下还是遍览江湖?”“有何区别?”“你若要天下,便是弑神弑佛,本王也给你夺了来。”“那江湖?”“舍王位,弃功名,此生白首不离!”1w0-4538 >>
内容简介:6月2号决定入V啦ps有存稿的情况下每天12点更新宋简在纯爱文女配部兢兢业业工作了三年,直到患上了严重职业病,认为天底下的男人都该去【消音】。对男人无欲无求后,她佛了。直到她被投入地狱 难度的言情世界中,本以为这一次,她也能面对汹涌巨浪般的爱情破浪而行,结果这一次,她被爱情巨浪直接冲走了。宋简:???Pss1w0-26843 >>
内容简介:前世南宫可晴是特种兵的身份,一次意外穿越时空,竹林里遇冷面战神、一手西医一手中医,在琉璃国大展拳脚,从默默无闻的草民,一路凭着自身的本事升级成县主、郡主、公主、并且有了自己的商业帝国… …可是,她怎么和这个战神成了战场上的敌对关系?两个人的感情何去何从?南宫可晴羞赧、窘迫得脱口而出:“你……还是……快点把衣服穿上吧!男色当前,我怕我把持不住。”亓卿轩挑眉轻笑,暧昧地道:“如果把持不住的话你想怎么样?”“那个……”南宫可晴不知道如何回避,顿了顿道:“毕竟爱美之心人皆有之,再说了谁不喜欢美好的事物呢?呵呵,这叫赏心悦目。”南宫可晴笑得及不自然。丌卿轩脸上缓缓绽开一个魅惑的笑“本王怎么才发现……你竟可以把这么色的事情说得如此义正言辞?”“你……你这叫什么话?那……谁叫你这么好看的。”南宫可晴被戏弄的尴尬不已,有点语无伦次。【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《冷面战神又撩又甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67959 >>
From DokiDoki: BL is such a... rich and uh... varied genre. Don't believe it? Check out this extremely hot compliation celebrating the various shapes and sizes of men in BL... from delicate waifish youths to middle-aged musclemen, you'll find it in here.
During her nightly programming session, Yin Zhu suddenly died and was transmigrated into a world of beastmen. She found out that the original owner of her new body drugged Teng Xiao Her social awkwardness caused everyone to misunderstand her. She claimed to be uninterested in love and only cared about her career. From then on she used the system she created to help her tribe rise to the greatest from the wastelands. Starting from fine food, her covert changes stunned everyone. But why are whiny men coming to Yin Zhu every day telling her to stop doing business, and do them instead??Chun Chng Shurn Jio Q Hu W Hungle,I Became the Beast Girl,I Became the Beast's Girl,Chuan Cheng Shouren Jiao Qi Hou Wo Huangle,Passing Through to Be the Beastman's Pampered Wife After I Get Panicky,mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
This manga consists of oneshots that are loosely connected with each other. Chapters 1 and 3 focus on the new relationship between Shiba, a high-school student, and his teacher Onosaka. Things are not going well -- sensei has an inferiority complex because Shiba likes large-breasted girls. Chapters 2 and 4 are about Inuo (a friend of Shiba's, who's quite the player with girls) and Natsuda, a boy with whom he finds himself in a love hotel the morning after a wild party. Inuo would just like to forget everything because he's definitely not gay, but Natsuda wants to be his friend so badly that he can't turn him down. Natsuda turns out to be a cheerful and engaging companion, and Inuo starts to spend more and more time with him, going to movies and hanging out. But when he finds himself embracing Natsuda again, he pushes him away -- because he's definitely not gay! Chapter 5 introduces Shiba's brother Keisuke and his friend Aki. Aki wants to do more than kiss, but Keisuke only went along with the kissing because it was Aki who asked him. So now that summer break has arrived he avoids Aki. But when Aki stops calling and avoids him in turn, he's not happy at all. Chapter 6 is an unconnected oneshot called Yasashii Kuchibiru (Gentle Lips). Yuki and Kaneda are childhood friends, neighbours, and more, but Yuki never seems to have time for Kaneda. Extra: Secrets of a youth Kei and Aki three years later and now in high-school dealing with some 'growing pains'. (12/13/09)
As a descendent of the famous exorcist, Abe no Seimei, Yuuichirou has always been able to see ghosts. Yuuichirou, as a child, was proud to be a son of the Seimei Shrine and wanted to follow in his father's shoes and become an exorcist until he's bullied by Ishida in elementary school. Now, as a teenager, Yuuichirou has lost his faith in Seimei. Can a visit from Abe no Seimei, himself, restore Yuuichirou's faith and close the rift between father and son?
Practical Boat-Sailing summary: Practical Boat-Sailing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Practical Boat-Sailing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Cowboy Heroes: Always You summary: Cowboy Heroes: Always You summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cowboy Heroes: Always You. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Cousin's Conspiracy summary: A Cousin's Conspiracy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Cousin's Conspiracy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha summary:
“Hey, you said you wanted a little sister, right?”
First year highschool student, Toujo Basara, was suddenly asked this question by his father, and he fell into a state of panic. On top of that, the eccentric father told him that he will be getting remarried. He then departed overseas after bringing Basara two beautiful step-sisters.
But Mio and Maria’s true forms are actually a newbie Demon Lord and a succubus!? Basara was almost forced into a master and servant contract with Mio, but a “reversed” contract was formed by mistake, and Basara is now the master!? Moreover, Basara is being hit by ecchi situations one after another due to the contract, but Mio’s life is being pursued by other demon tribes and hero tribes!!
The most powerful contractor’s desire action drama begins!