内容简介: 唐青重生在2004年,获得银行系统。 于是,他亮了。 他掌握着非洲的经济命脉。 他影响着中东的局势走势。 他是全世界大部分国家的债主。 他是整个世界金融秩序新的制定者。 他是潜藏在这颗星球背后最大的BOSS。 美元,不再是货币的唯一霸主,欧元,让我为你亲自敲响丧钟。 国家破产、债务危机、经济危机,这都是银行家们的游戏。 金权之下,一切皆是渣渣。 这是一个强势崛起,成为最顶级银行家的故事。1w0-880 >>
内容简介:“你见过鬼吗?说出来你可能不信,我见过很多!”“我叫林昭,我的世界发生了巨变,各种厉鬼,各种诡异生物开始复苏。”“人类彻底变得弱势,为了活下去,我只能用鱼竿猎杀鬼来强大自己”这是一个灵 气复苏的世界,也是一个充满诡异的世界!各位书友要是觉得《诡异垂钓》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97374 >>
内容简介:第五家女人代代只能活到28岁,是报应也是命。第五念作为第五家87代传人,以收服厉鬼妖魔为己任,她因为追一只千年的狐狸精,误闯了某个上校的梦境,本着救人一命胜造七级浮屠的理念,在喜丧鬼的 手上救了他一条小命,虽然梦中拜天地不算什么,却是秉承了天地,也算是夫妻了。姑姑哭啼,“第五念,你是蠢货吗?救人就救人,干嘛在梦里与那1w0-60388 >>
内容简介:安利一下自己的新文。【她给我的繁花似锦】。点击专栏就可以看到啦~以下是本文文案:排雷:任何战队和选手都没有原型,不希望大家去代入什么选手和战队,谢谢。我本身LOL打的也很菜所以有些比赛 环节写的哪里不好还请多多担待,如果可以还是希望在评论指正,谢谢以下是一个超不正经的文案:女主她在网游里被针对被三被渣男抛弃。她从神坛跌落成为全服公敌。回了自己最喜欢的联盟打匹配,结果发现…嗯?随随便便打个匹配排到的队友都是职业选手?什么?职业选手要拉她进战队打上单?啊?这个职业选手是她曾经在韩服solo过的?诶?职业选手还要帮她吊打渣男?等等……这个职业选手好像还是她曾经喜欢过的人?直到某天这位职业选手看到了她以前用过的ID:哦?你就是白粥意?女主:有话好好说!——————正经版文案:应如意在网游中被渣男推到风口浪尖上,担了个小三的名声不说,还从女神变成了全服公敌被diss到退游。原本以为会在渣男的影响下很久才能重新去拥抱别人,谁知道猝不及防的被拉进了另一个崭新的世界。她登上了自己曾经最向往的职业选手的舞台。她的艾瑞莉娅成为了英雄联盟世界中的传奇。她从利刃中走来,重新定义了上单这个位置。熙熙攘攘的小吃街,她许了她的队长一个冠军奖杯。她一路跌跌撞撞,走过无数的质疑与嘲讽还有不看好,最终站在了S9的领奖台上。面对着鲜花与掌声,迎着那场金色的雨,应如意目光温柔的回过头看向她一生的温柔。“是苏以白。在我狼狈的时候递过来一把伞。在我的世界里黯淡无光的时候,推开了那扇紧闭的窗,让我的世界里,从此有了光。”男主版文案:是她在他打职业最迷茫的时候重新定义了他的世界。也是她在两年后一手艾瑞莉娅惊艳了他的世界。后来,他们在金色的雨中牵手,耳畔是震耳欲聋的欢呼,身侧是朝夕相处的队友。这是他的奖杯与他的女孩。他此生所有的热爱与赤忱。亦是他的光。——————我:别人写电竞文,一般写下路辅助cp,还有中野联动,上野,上中。我写一个上单和下路cp?隔着整个召唤师峡谷谈啥恋爱?我朋友:为你我用了半年的积蓄,走过整个召唤师峡谷来看你,感人至深。好,我果然不是什么正经写手。1w0-66150 >>
内容简介: 四岁的伊伊:粑粑,我是从哪里来的?杨涵:我们都来自地球。伊伊(歪头):滴球是沈么?唔,可是,彭彭说他是买电视送的。八岁的伊伊:粑粑,我们家是不是很穷啊?杨涵:谁说的,我们家超有钱! 爸爸准备买几十栋楼给你收租!伊伊(嘟嘴):唔~粑粑骗人,我知道,你都不上班!十二岁的伊伊:粑粑,我长大后要当大明星。杨涵:当什么大明星?好好读书考大学,不然要回来继承咱家百亿家产的。伊伊(鬼脸):略略略,爸爸又忽悠人!老师说了,做人要有梦想!十六岁的伊伊:爸爸,我给你报名了《中华好嗓门》!杨涵(泡枸杞的保温杯掉地上,瞠目结舌):啥?穿越后就只想当包租公混日子的咸鱼老爸被迫营业的故事,从杨若伊的十六岁开始说起......1w0-3876 >>
内容简介:大齐国的人都以为瑾王妃只是个寡妇,瑾王府也任人可欺。可有一天,他们发现——神医门的门主喊她老祖宗。天下第一的医馆是她开的。遍布全世界的酒楼也是她的。让各国皇帝都畏惧的势力是她的外祖家。 就连传说中身亡的夜瑾居然都回来了,更是将她疼之入骨,宠入心脏。“天下是你的,本王的钱是你的,儿子也是你的,本王同样是你的。”1w20169-28240 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:枭雄:从救雷洛开始】六七十年代,一个枭雄辈出的时代,一个繁荣又混乱的时代。九龙城寨,王超抓准了时机,一步步走到最高,打造自己的金钱帝国。有着后世的记忆,更有金 手指的辅助,成为跨越世纪的枭雄!超级学习系统,学习一遍等于学习一万遍,即便最差的资质,也能达到宗师。叮咚:宿主练习咏春拳一千遍,成就宗师境界,凝聚暗劲。叮咚:宿主练习枪法一千遍,掌握宗师级枪术,人枪合一。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢枭雄:从救雷洛开始,别忘记分享给朋友枭雄:从救雷洛开始TXT下载1w0-29922 >>
内容简介: 十年笔耕无人问,一朝上架订阅零!扑街十年的网文写手楚天行,痛悟写小说会吃土,决定回家改行,没想到穿越到有着超凡武道存在的平行世界……“恭喜,你的小说射雕登上新书榜首,获得奖励降龙十 八掌。”“恭喜,你的小说射雕获得主编推荐,奖励武功弹指神通。”“恭喜,你的小说登上点击榜首,获得奖励先天功……”嗯,穿越后的楚天行,还是得写小说。不过这一次,他只需要写写小说,就能不断变强……【已有万均完本《欢迎来到boss队》,以及万订精品《儒雅随和的我不是魔头》,敬请品鉴。】1w0-4407 >>
内容简介:第一次见面,她穿着白色蓬蓬裙抱着洋娃娃坐在秋千上,乖巧的喊他魏叔叔。最近一次见面,她穿着他的衬衫从卧室走出来,晃着两条细白的腿,抱着他的腰喊他老魏。这一切是怎么发生的呢,魏淳光竟然有些 想不起来了。妖孽少女VS厚黑学大师每天早上十点更新,欢迎收藏!微博:何甘蓝各位书友要是觉得《她给的假象》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96734 >>
内容简介:他只是一个普通的少年,没有英俊的外表,没有绝世的武功,更没有良好的家世。冥冥中的缘分,一群艳绝天下的女人,造就了一个绝世的男人。他不求争锋武林,但求逍遥江湖。不求扬名天下,但求与美同游 。心爱的女子是他一生的守护,平静的生活是他毕生的追求。1w0-87659 >>
内容简介:天降无上全能系统。地球平凡人类,孤儿陈天,怒暴强大能量,得到系统认可,给予签订。系统:我这里集齐了万千功法和技能,一部吞天诀足以让你纵横万世。其他技能你嫌太贵,没关系,我可以带你游历各 种位面,无条件学习各种技能《倚天屠龙记》、《天龙八部》等等等等。武功太弱?没关系,还有各种仙侠位面,而且在位面中你有无限的时间,你的寿命将不被计算。御剑术,天罡三十六法,地煞七十二术,等等等等。你怕学习不会?没关系,只要有秘籍在手,我可以帮你学习,照样让你融会贯通,身负百法。七情六欲能量,由我掌控,创世混沌与本源给我控制,万千能力,强悍战斗力,一步步解开自身强大身世。1w0-25477 >>
From MangaHelpers: Fate brings two people who live in the same condo together on a typical afternoon. Ozawa (26) has just broken up with her boyfriend of five years and was in the process of trying to rebuild her life when she meets Oyamada who lives a couple floors below her. He is somewhat of a loner although he does have a few friends and his room is cluttered with all the random stuff that his impulse shopper brother sends him. Ozawa takes an interest with all the things in his room and the two start a friendship that slowly turns into something more.
From Impossibility: This is the story of four high school students whose family name happens to be Kobayashi that end up in the same class. No Kobayashi is similar to another Kobayashi and in fact, three of them are considered something similar to the Bermuda triangle. Anybody who gets near, ends up...well...that's better left unsaid. New student Kobayashi Yamato is not afraid however, and already considers them like brothers and sister! Will his naive youthfulness be crushed forever? Will the everlasting power of 'always happy attitude' overpower the famous trio? Will anybody survive the year?
Description of the oneshot Kikai Tonchi Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu One-shot published in Weekly Shounen Jump. Long, long ago, there lived an eccentric spirit. One who ate the souls of humans and loved 'riddles'. He would ask anyone who crossed his path sadistic 'questions', and if they returned a 'stupid answer', they would have their souls eaten without a moment's delay. On the other hand, if they answered with 'wit', the spirit would grant a single wish, regardless of what it was. There was a bald, witty genius of a boy who responded magnificently to the spirit's 'question'. His wish was for the spirit to possess him for the rest of his life! Description of the serialization Kikai Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu: There once was an ayakashi called Karma who challenged his victims to a battle of wits. If the subject succeeded, the ayakashi would grant them one wish, but if they lost, he would devour their soul. At the same time, there was a young monk called Hanasaku Ikkyuu, who was famed for his cleverness. He used to eagerly sharpen his mind, solving challenging riddles sent to him, until his mother fell ill. When he found that his cleverness was of no use in helping her, he gave it up. Karma seeks out Ikkyuu, eager to best him in a battle of wits and consume his soul. One day, Ikkyuu rescued a young beggar boy, only to see him fall ill with a mysterious illness. That same day, Karma finally finds Ikkyuu and offers him his dangerous bargain. Thanks to Karma, will Ikkyuu finally have a way to use his cleverness to help the people around him?
The brutish, possessive love story of a super model starved for true love?! I am the amazing, extremely popular model of Karisuma Models, KEI (Toudou Kei). I would like my roommate, and ineloquent cousin, Nanami, to be my lover! He walks around, pretending he’s really badass, but he’s a worrier at heart, and whenever I see him like that, or showing this awkward kindness that he has, I just love him, love him, love him…I’ve tried to seduce him more than once. But there’s a reason he won’t take me seriously?! Includes an extra. *heart**heart**heart*
Sigurd Our Golden Collie and Other Comrades of the Road summary: Sigurd Our Golden Collie and Other Comrades of the Road summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sigurd Our Golden Collie and Other Comrades of the Road. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales summary: The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Literature in the Making summary: Literature in the Making summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Literature in the Making. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Juana summary: Juana summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Juana. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.