























武庚纪 封神记 第二部









内容简介:完结文《后娘》本文文案:卫莱一朝穿成卫子夫,此时卫青还小,霍去病还是婴儿,离太子刘据出生还有十多年,一切都来得及。为了长命百岁卫莱决定健康从娃娃抓起,争取霍去病活到九十九,卫青儿孙满堂 ,发展经济搞基建,然后弄死刘彻。然而,汉武帝刘彻是重生的……—刘彻没想到他能活过来,擦拭着泛着寒光的宝剑:先杀谁好呢?帮太子兴兵的卫子夫?卫莱:……这就是穿越女主和重生的刘彻表面笑嘻嘻,其实都想弄死对方的故事。看文指南:1有私设,请勿代入正史;2文慢热,主走剧情,女主有金手指微博名:元月月半完结文:年代文:《重返1985》《我和我的沙雕老公》清穿:《太子妃很忙》《一条四爷,二饼福晋》1w0-28616 >>


内容简介:亲我可以别咬我行吗娱乐圈txt最新章节免费阅读亲我可以别咬我行吗娱乐圈txt是长松创作的经典女生小说作品,全文讲述了:《亲我可以,别咬我行吗?娱乐圈》简介:【本文日入v,入v当天万字更 ,还有红包掉落哦,希望小天使支持正版,比心!】宋远飞摸爬滚打了十年,才从“小宋”奋斗成“飞哥”,因为经常出演硬汉角色,被誉为娱乐圈最有男人味Top10。本来他星途坦荡,却在被迫换了新东家后,资源一落千丈——男主变男配、正道变反派、40℃高温天给小鲜肉当武替。原因很简单,新东家的老板姓任,是他当年穷追不舍又狠狠甩过的前男友1w0-72426 >>




内容简介:本书又名《我真没嘲讽啊》、《赞美别人使我变强》、《夸死对手的一万种方式》、《原来封神是一场骗局》易天行穿越仙武世界,获得夸夸系统。遇到绝代刀客。易天行:好刀法!虽仅一道刀意,却蕴含武道 奥义,问世上谁能挡此一刀?系统:“刀法记忆剥夺中恭喜宿主获得‘未知刀法残篇’!”刀客:嗯?卧槽我刀法怎么用来着?刀客,卒。遇到天命之子。易天行:天命之子,气运冲天!果然,这才是世间永恒主角!系统:“气运剥夺中气运11111。”天命之子时运不济,惨遭老魔活活捶死。易天行:我绝对没有嘲讽,每句话都是发自灵魂深处的夸赞,你品你细品正经介绍:这世间,有天师巡道,僧王传法。儒门至圣挥鸿篇,一言压天下;武道真仙铸筋骨,双拳镇万军。望四大部洲,茫茫雾霭掩藏仙魔交战;察三十六天,六道众生悲苦缘自何来?看海内神都,上有九婴看守,下有海伯徘徊;见十万阴山,收纳九幽厉鬼,镇压上古神魔。待揭开诸般隐秘易天行:谁说神魔从来高贵?此一刀,斩尽群仙!如果您喜欢我真不是毒奶啊,别忘记分享给朋友作者:怪狐狸所写的《我真不是毒奶啊》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-129729 >>




内容简介:狐族第十三任族长,大妖,貌倾城,妖力强横众妖惧之,见之必尊称尊上,人族见之也奉为大人又言尊上喜酒,嗜杀戮不知何时起,尊上身边多了只妖,众妖敢怒不敢言。虽然这样,但是卿卿不怪他们。1w0 -77081 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:名侦探:不收网,我快组织大佬了】柯南的世界。二阶堂白泽,酒厂代号:白兰地。琴酒:“可恶!到底还有多少卧底!!!!”贝尔摩德:“谁知道呢。”她说完,对着角落一个 安静的男人挑挑眉,嘴角噙笑。男人看了她一眼,默默低着头。然后……他对着手机里的十几个号码发出了最后的通碟――【再不收网,我快组织大佬了!!!】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-106007 >>


内容简介:从修真界回来后我成了学霸是作家缓缓慢慢爬的小说本站提供从修真界回来后我成了学霸全文免费阅读,从修真界回来后我成了学霸最新章节全文免费阅读,全集完整版无弹窗无广告,从修真界回来后我成了学 霸最佳阅读体验就在小兵。1w7907-80575 >>


内容简介:  【爆宠+爽文】  海城傅霈,桀骜暴戾,又痞又狂,人人都不敢靠近他,直到有天他身边多了个小姑娘。  小姑娘生的冰肌玉骨,唇红齿白,乖的要命,成日缠在他身后絮叨,“不许抽烟,不许打架, 不许说脏话!”  众人看到一向凶的要命的人,却跟乖孙子似的低声下气哄着小姑娘,“你他妈别哭,老子听你的就是了!”  一众女生心碎,哭着询问小姑娘如何将百炼钢化为绕指柔的方法。  小姑娘翻了个白眼 :因为他是我亲爹呀!  _  一朝重生,傅听回到了二十年前,这个时候她的影帝父亲还是学校里的少年,还没有因为得上绝症不治而亡。  傅听决定挽回悲剧,让父亲提前走上社会义接班人的道路,早点带领她过上挥金如土的日子。  _  京城新贵岑先生,清风霁月,克制禁欲,大家都以为这位天上仙不会动凡心。  后来,有记者拍到他和傅霈同进同出,顿时轰动了娱乐圈。  #爆!影帝傅霈与岑倦两人虐恋情深,表面捅刀私下恩爱!#  岑倦微博:这是我老丈人@傅霈  傅霈转发:我女婿,了解下@岑倦  傅霈含泪发完微博,转头就揍了岑倦一顿,这狗东西,拐了老子闺女,还要老子给他擦屁股!  全网:???  从社会主义兄弟情过度到父慈子孝画风未免有些过歪?1w0-1336 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大宋:我爹是庞太师】穿越了,成为了大户家族子弟,非常大的大户。老爹是当朝太师,姐姐是皇帝贵妃,他则是非常流弊的当朝国舅。只是他老爹姓庞,单名一个籍。没错,他老 爹就是庞太师,而他就是那位欺男霸女,鱼肉百姓最后被包拯给铡了的当朝国舅安乐侯庞昱飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢大宋:我爹是庞太师,别忘记分享给朋友作者:迷龙01所写的《大宋:我爹是庞太师》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-99226 >>


内容简介:原名长兄妻不可欺。接档文后宫修罗场,我顶替阿姐后发现她渣了全后宫。顾家龙凤双生,哥哥顾言体弱多病,养在江南无人知晓,妹妹顾阙顶替哥哥进国子监读书,乃至科举高中。顾颜两家自幼定了娃娃亲, 丞相颜各位书友要是觉得《代兄娶了反派丞相后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97772 >>

Karen No Fastener

From JShoujo Scans Imaginary Ocean Doora is always talking about the ocean and claims she's a mermaid. But is she really? Trance's purchase Trance goes to the slave market to buy a slave. His cousin Palfiena wonders if he'll buy a useful slave. She's afraid he might make a wrong decision. When Trance comes across a cute girl who can't speak, he'd like to buy her, much against Palfiena's wishes. She thinks he's being fooled, but Trance buys her anyway... Kianna's Tail Kianna is a mermaid of the northern ocean. She lives a peaceful life there with her friends, until a guy arrives who wishes to kill her. Karen's zippers Ever since Karen was little, she always wore clothes with a zipper. When Karen becomes an adolescent, her parents tell her she shouldn't open her zipper in front of anyone anymore. But when Karen falls in love with Rob, he discovers the zipper on her belly and opens it?? Selma's Jingle After a lot of strict music lessons, her teacher says she's finally a full fledged musician. He tells her to go share her beautiful music with other people. Selma goes to neighbouring Mokumoku kingdom to play for the royal family and their guests. Everyone loves her music and request her to play more but Selma promised her master she'd only play once a week. The prince doesn't like no for an answer though, and says he'll marry her if she plays for him... The Painful Dream of Sand In the desert is an Oasis where it is dream like and only people from Tessa's village can reach. People only cross the desert if they are manly enough and Tessa is the youngest to go. The Oasis is there only to rehydrate and stock up on food before they can continue crossing the desert. But there is only 1 resident there. A young boy whose name is forgotten and takes care of the oasis who is lonely until he meet's Tessa. Just who is this boy and why is he alone?

Joukamachi No Dandelion -Anthology Comic-

A collection of side stories drawn by different artists based on the 4-koma series, Joukamachi no Dandelion.

Houkago Kiss

A collection of oneshots: 1. After School Kiss: “The person who does the worst on the next test must accept a dare… He has to go out with Yamashita Fuyu!” This time its Minato Sakurai to do the dare… the infamous ‘Do and Drop King’! Having heard the dare being made Yamashita still eventually goes along with it, can any good possibly come from this? [summary by MF member Tiku] 2. Making an Angel: Sayaka Sunohara is a highschool student ‘and’ a talent scout. She has spotted ‘Arashi’. After cleaning him up he is just perfect for the new ‘Angel’ campaign. But only Sayaka knows (belatedly) that he is also something of a ‘devil in disguise’. Angel or Devil, Sayaka will have her hands full! [summary by MF member Tiku] 3. Lock on to Mr. Prince!! - Lock on to Mr. Prince is a cute story of a dumb girl and the mean Student Body President that she fell inlove with. Wanting to be close to her prince, she decided to join the student council, ending up being the janitor and was called exhausted by the President himself! find out how Seto Iori managed to 'lock on' her prince ^^ Read this manga from right to left


Yuuichi Tate is overjoyed: He gets to go to a brand new high school. Of course, then he just happens to find out the school he choose is under frequent attack by strange creatures called ''Orphans'', and the school set up a special task force of female members called ''HiME''s, using various elements as their powers, to battle these invaders. That's not all, though. Each member of the HiME task force has their own, unique ''Key'', another person whom, upon being discovered, can team up with the HiME to create a ''Child'', a combative unit specifically needed to effectively battle these Orphans. And with Yuuichi's luck, he just happens to find out he's not just the ''Key'' for one of the HiMEs, but for two... Two highly competitive, rival schoolgirls. And that's only the start of the trouble.

The Forged Note

The Forged Note summary: The Forged Note summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Forged Note. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Mixture of Genius

A Mixture of Genius summary: A Mixture of Genius summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Mixture of Genius. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble

Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble summary: Irene Pareira is a boy who sleeps to run away from reality.
People mocked him, calling him a ‘deadbeat’, but he had no wish to change.
Until one day, he dreamt of a swordsman… It was a dream about a talentless man who had been training by swinging his sword for decades.

Meadow Grass: Tales of New England Life

Meadow Grass: Tales of New England Life summary: Meadow Grass: Tales of New England Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Meadow Grass: Tales of New England Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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